@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar



She/her :blobcatheartlesbian: former software dev now writing words for money and/or fun and/or survival. Some content may disturb you. I may and may not follow back, follow-backs great but not an expectation, it's fine.

I write long-form on my Federated WordPress blog. You can follow that separately by following @solarbird. And if you want to support me or this instance, I have a patreon. (http://patreon.com/solarbird)


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moira, to Seattle
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

idk what it is, there's just something nice about a physical map to me

gavi, to random

as fedi grows the potential of someone from your city being on fedi increases. how does that make you feel

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@gavi I've noticed the Seattle hashtag picking up a lot lately. There's a little "what if I can't follow this hashtag eventually" to it. (We're nowhere near that yet lol)

gavi, to random

entering my DEVO era

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@gavi @howiecohen I saw them in Woodinville in 2015, when they were touring supporting Something for Everybody, their best new album since New Traditionalists.

They opened for Blondie and wow those were two very different crowds jammed up together. There was one moment in particular when one particular piece of... adventurous... material in their stage visual setup went by and you could see and feel the Blondie audience go "uh" and get knocked back because they were not expecting that. It was wonderful. :D

moira, (edited ) to random French
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

je suis fatiguée du duolingo, alors je suis emprunté cet autre cour de française

aussi c’est mon balade à vélo du jour

(j'ai oublié le photographique)

ktempestbradford, to random
@ktempestbradford@wandering.shop avatar
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@ktempestbradford what.


mapache, to transit
@mapache@hachyderm.io avatar

Out of context Puget Sound - area

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@mapache all we need now is a totoro

moira, to MountainBiking
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

Northshore Connecting Bike Map now on Public Revision 6:


Kirkland's official map - five years out of date - not only fails to show bike lanes that do exist, it shows multiple bike lanes as extant that do not in fact exist. (Or if they do exist, they're invisible on Google Maps, both overhead and streetview.)

NanoRaptor, to random
@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

Macintosh PowerFriend.

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@NanoRaptor @foone It would also be made of that plastic that degrades and turns sticky.

moira, to MountainBiking
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

Hey can anybody give me authoritative on the bike situation in North Kirkland, particularly 100th Ave NE? Because their map is 5 years out of date and Google's street view alternates between dates in ways that means what bike lanes are there (and I'm confident some are there) flicker in and out of existence for me.

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

Also their five years out of date bike map shows bike lanes on NE 132nd Street that are absolutely not fucken there

at least not in 2021 and 2024 google images

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

I'm pretty sure with 132nd somebody went "eh, it has sidewalks, they can use those."

it's also one of the very few ways across 405 so that might be a factor but "bike lanes?" no.

I guess I can mark it as a bike route?

rooster, to random
@rooster@chaosfem.tw avatar

@erl once asked me if Winnie the Pooh is very old or very young and I think the correct answer is that Winnie has been very young for a very long time

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@rooster @erl like the vampire in let the right one in ^_^

alfvaen, to music
@alfvaen@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

Today I was listening to "Pretzel Logic" by Steely Dan (1974)

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@alfvaen this is a very good album for learning how to mic and mix rock drums.

and not bad for jazz drums either. but particularly rock drums.

matt, to overwatch
@matt@mstdn.games avatar

I would happily main Vengeance Mercy in standard games, she’s amazingly busted! https://streamable.com/8uu7or

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@matt yeah she really is

100% murder machine and i love that for her :D

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

That's it for now; thanks for asking, answering, reading and discussing! There a couple of questions in the queue that I will save for next week.

Reply, boost and favorite toots to keep it going. I hope you've enjoyed this and found new friends to follow. (Also, you can follow , if you haven't)

We'll do it again next Friday! Reply if you've got questions for next week (add the BikeNitePQ tag for visibility).

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@ascentale Thanks for hosting!

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

@nsousanis is working on something and would like to hear some comments:

Q8. What are common complaints drivers make about people who cycle/bike lanes/etc?

(Added by me: are they valid? Why or why not?)

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@ascentale @nsousanis A8: Honestly it's that we exist at all and "take space away from" "real" road users, who are of course drivers who drive cars.

As the guy in the pickup who very, very intentionally tried to force me into cross-traffic at an intersection with his truck in order to get me badly hurt or killed screamed at me as he roared by, "GET THAT PIECE OF SHIT OFF THE ROAD!"

(This was when I was in grad school at the University of Kentucky. Why there? That is... a long and stupid story.)

Oh, and it is - obviously - bullshit.

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@edd @ascentale @nsousanis I wear bike helmets into stores specifically to say "I'm a customer and I biked here" without having to use words.

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

We've been having some discussions (this question is from @ai6yr @sam and others) about how batteries and motors are making e-bikes and cycles evolve.

Q7. In your mind, what is the distinction between "e-bike" and "motorcycle/scooter"? Does making a distinction matter?

(I sense that this could be a contentious subject - please keep respectful!)

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@ascentale @ai6yr @sam A7: Does it have (working, real) pedals that are engineered and intended to be used? If so, it's an ebike. If not, it's a scooter (or motorcycle).

(That includes of course hand crank bikes with assist.)

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@ascentale @ai6yr @sam I might be able to be talked into a more broad definition under the right circumstances, e.g., can't go over 15 or maybe 20mph and under a certain weight.

but for me it's about the pedals (and/or cranks et al)

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@MartyCormack @ascentale @ai6yr @sam I hit 50mph on one of those 49cc scooters once. I loved that thing.

(It got stolen, along with huge numbers of bikes and motorcycles and scooters on campus all at the same time, an organised looting by some organisation.)

ascentale, to random
@ascentale@sfba.social avatar

Welcome to the April 26th BikeNite! Thanks for joining, and I hope we all enjoy chatting about cycle stuff! Feel free to answer whenever at your convenience. Anyone can join, now or later. Reply to what you like, and boost for visibility.

We'll start out with our introduction:

Q1. Where are you posting from today? Have you experienced or thought about any cycle-related milestones lately? Past, present, or future. Number of trips, distance, location, type of ride, etc?

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar
moira, to random
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

‘s not one, it’s four

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@jigmedatse baroo?

GrantMeStrength, to random
@GrantMeStrength@hachyderm.io avatar

What a colossal ignorant jerk.

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@GrantMeStrength Old enough to remember when the stated point of Tesla was about conversion to electric because climate change, etc etc etc.

18+ DivineKestrel, to random
@DivineKestrel@chaosfem.tw avatar
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

@DivineKestrel setting a land speed record for transition to smokin', are we? xD

moira, (edited ) to MountainBiking
@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

OKAY. Stopping point on the Northshore Bike Map, connecting the latest Seattle and brand new Eastside map.

I've added everything I know and I've stumbled upon a bunch of things I didn't before. This has been educational.

I've also labelled a bunch of stuff, added replacement labels for certain attractions that had their labels obscured, and made a couple of corrections.

I'm not including the sidewalk/path hybrid along Ballinger because while sometimes it sure does feel like a path most of the time it's just "sidewalk."


Tell me about them! But only if they're public. I've not included a couple of trails here because they are 100% private.

MAP REV 6, 26 Apr 21:45

@moira@mastodon.murkworks.net avatar

This came up in discussion: the bike lockers at Lake Forest Park Town Centre are still there, but are NOT operational. They're sealed shut but for whatever reason haven't been removed.

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