onrust, to Palestine

Berlin has banned all demonstrations in support of Palestine?? https://www.leftvoice.org/berlin-bans-all-solidarity-with-palestine/

"One Israeli Jewish woman tried to demonstrate all by herself, standing at Hermannplatz with a sign: »As a Jewish person and an Israeli – Stop the Genocide in Gaza!« Police immediately approached her to declare this an »unlawful assembly.« How can one person be an assembly?"


@onrust a single person can't be an assemby.

It would only constitute an assembly if it was at least 3 people which ain't living in the same household...

but I'd recommend to always .

scott, to random
@scott@carfree.city avatar

lazyweb: is there anything like a legal right to be able to enter and exit one's home without being surveilled by a neighbor's camera?

i know there's no expectation of privacy in public, but say you live at the end of a cul-de-sac and can't go anywhere without passing by someone's place, and they're constantly filming and upload it all to the cloud where it's retained forever and AI is trained off the video of you, at some point this seems unjust, right?


@inquiline @scott Needless to say that I'd disrecommend to use or other crap like it and at most use a self-hosted if not onsite DVR setup instead as this allows them to comply with deletion requests.

is pretty nifty.


@scott @inquiline It does have some quirks and exceptions OFC to enshure that "people of social and/or political importamce" can't prevent photos of themselves to exist and be published.

That being said that's also intertwined with ,
and that is also put absolute limits on in order to prevent reactionaries.

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

the most 2023-internet thing is that when you google "public domain icons" you mainly get sites which offer commercial or limited-use icons, but you get their icons that show the idea of "public domain".

lots of copyright symbols with a big NO symbol over it, available to license for limited personal use for 5.99$ a month


@catsalad @foone OFC that's but also @creativecommons does have very clear and granular licensing options for creators amd basically allows everything from "free to use for whatever you want it to" (CC) to "Only for your personal, noncommercial use and no derivates!" (CC-BY-NC-ND) and with a simple license that even in legalese full text isn't absurdly complicated.


@catsalad @foone @creativecommons Also you can even dual-license stuff (i.e. CC-BY-NC-SA + seperate commercial license).
Tho if you're i.e. a Musician and potentially represented by a Collecting Agency for Music Rights (directly like the or via a music label like UMG) then that may be incompatible with CC licenses.
In one case I did have to explicity ask an artist if they were directly or indirectly represented by a label or agency as to avoid a bad situation preemptively.

Lats, to privacy
@Lats@aus.social avatar

@Lats my question is: Is that even legal?

Pretty shure that violates & , but sadly I'm not @maxschrems of @noybeu so it's from my end...

ilumium, to aitools
@ilumium@eupolicy.social avatar

The #CSAM clusterfuck just became even more shitty:

Dutch researcher Danny Mekić has looked at #advertising data from #Twitter & says that the @EU_Commission's #DGHome has used #SurveillanceAds based on prohibited data categories to target people with #disinformation about the #ChatControl proposal.

#YlvaJohansson's department specifically targeted people in member states that had been critical of her proposal but excluded people who are likely to value #privacy.



@ilumium @edri doesn't mean @EU_Commission isn't breaking the laws nor that it's anti-democratic and evil.

Also can we please stop that |ing?

@MOGiS already wiped the floor with almost two decades ago, and she still owes everyone who can change settings an apology for claiming everyone more than her is a "hardened pedo-criminal"...

I want my and back - all of them since 1949 - WITH INTEREST!

toba, to random

I heard belatedly that has retracted their claim that their most popular air purifiers are actually HEPA at all. I'm pissed off. Has anyone in evaluated these to determine their actual filtration efficiency? Seems the whole Levoit CORE line... this is a betrayal of trust. I feel cheated and lied to here, and my life and health have been put at risk. https://bbbprograms.org/media-center/dd/vesync-hepa-air-purifiers


@toba I guess needs to get 'd...

Personally, I'll stick with a full-face mask and P3R-D + biostop filters...

If I had to filter out an entire room, I'd likely choose similarly classified filters tho.

sixtus, (edited ) to random German
@sixtus@mastodon.social avatar

Die EU macht ernst: Musk hat 24 Stunden Zeit, zu erklären, wie er der Flut von Desinformation und Lügen auf Xitter zum Terror gegen Israel beikommen will. Die Drohungen, die im Raum stehen, lauten: "6% vom Umsatz als Strafe" oder "Betriebsverbot in der EU".


@andi_al @sixtus weil @EU_Commission feige ist!

Mehr als 40% geht nicht und auch nicjt mehr als 20% bei Erstverstoß...


usi, to random German

Was kann schon passieren, wenn das Land NRW einen landeseigenen Immobilien-Betrieb an einen Finanzinvestor verhökert, der ganz, ganz doll verspricht, dass er seiner sozialen Aufgabe auch wirklich, wirklich-voll-ich-schwör nachkommen wird?

Siehe LEG, die Ankündigung, die Mieten allgemein massiv zu erhöhen und die Situation in GE:

(WAZ ohne Schränkchen):


@usi DESHALB gehört öffentlicher ausschließlich in wo und damit sind und deren Interessen gesetzlich verplfichtend bedient werden mpssen [§1 GenG]...

linear, to random
@linear@nya.social avatar

it would be nice if it were actually as easy to contribute to free/open source software as the developers and maintainers of such software claim it is

but meritocracy is a lie, and bullshit policies and procedures (see: "real name" policy) scare away minorities who might otherwise do important work


@linear nodds in agreement
One's legal name is noone's business.

They are a FLOSS project and they should be grateful for every issue and every patch anyone submits to them like I am.

In fact one may argue that their policy may not even be legal as they have no "legitimate interest" to demand that "personal data" from you.

That's but a feeling I have as someone who has to comply with , & more often than I'm allowed to say as per NDA...

heafnerj, to random
@heafnerj@mstdn.social avatar

Stupid local school boards need to stop listening to stupid local parents. Too many stupid people letting other stupid people get by with more stupidity.


@heafnerj if they were citizens you may be able to just get citizenship as a formality.

Contact @AuswaertigesAmt to check for eligibility options.

Otherwise if you have citizenship of USA, UK, Canada, South Korea or Japan you can just enter, get the on-arrival 90-of-180 days visa and even apply.to permanent residency post entry.

Please check https://visa.diplo.de/en/ for eligibility.


jasonkoebler, to random
@jasonkoebler@mastodon.social avatar

A repair shop in Germany has invented a tool that breaks Apple's repair DRM on MacBook Pros, allowing independent companies to fix a common issue that Apple charges > $1,000 to repair



@jasonkoebler and the best part:

AFAIK that's legal and can't do shit about it - similar to the conversions...

but I'd rather buy a device from @frameworkcomputer if I can...

stefanmuelller, to random German

@Rudi_ds @stefanmuelller @padeluun Bin mir nichtmals sicher ob dies legal ist...

aber ich bin mir sicher dass dies unzulässig ist...

RitaWerner, (edited ) to random German
@RitaWerner@mastodon.social avatar

Denke ich an in der Nacht. Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.
"Steuerung" der Migration.
Welch harmlos-schöne Worte die Grünen wählen.
*Steuern, korrigieren, das Steuer fest in der Hand halten. Weise und klug.

"Das Boot ist voll. Macht die Grenzen dicht.
Deutschland den deutschen Ausländer raus."
Bis auf die kapitalistisch Verwertbaren mit der richtigen Ausbildung. Aber in billig.
Lasst euch nicht beschwätzen. Achtet auf Worte.


@forthy42 @catflyhigh @RitaWerner @oldperl Juristisch wäre das - genauso wie eine Denaturalisierung - mutmaßlich möglich...

Da mensch aber nicht |werfen darf halte ich das für prinzipiell falsch...

ottocrat, (edited ) to random

Lord grant me the incredible sense of entitlement to ask a democratically elected foreign government whether they’ve checked their humanitarian policies with their voters


@ottocrat TBH, I hope @AuswaertigesAmt will consider pressing charges amidst spreading ...

Cuz I would in their position...

but considering :birdsite: :twitter: :deadbird: 's refusal to comply with chances are he's on the hook for due to refusal to comply anyway...

Would be bad if he'd face some time in the slammer for refusal to pay, or if Tesla's factory gets seized... ^^

alks, to random

We take responsibility for the arson attack on an excavator belonging to Hentschke Bau GmbH on September 26 at a Deutsche Bahn construction site near the Attilastraße S-Bahn station in Berlin-Tempelhof. According to press reports, the excavator burned out.

Fittingly, the second largest single AfD donation in the 2017 Bundestag election campaign came from Hentschke Bau GmbH with €19,500.

Drews and his Hentschke Bau GmbH are a good example of how liberal entrepreneurs with their capital and (regional) influence pave the way for the right-wing movement.


This is already the ninth arson attack on equipment belonging to Hentschke Bau GmbH. This time it hit a construction site in Berlin-Tempelhof, where the company is involved in the construction of a railroad bridge over the Teltow Canal. There, in the night of September 25 to 26, another of the company's excavators, a Liebherr A 918 Compact, went up in flames. And once again, the findings: arson. The property damage amounts to around 190,000 euros. This is according to the company.



@alks if you're convinced of that then either you are a or just too cowardly to actually choose something worth fightng for.

Cuz if you believe that kind of arson will get you positive , they you are mistaken.

Seriously, if you gonna risk felony charges without parole, make it at least worth it.


@alks Yes, but you seem to not understand that your advocacy makes you a useful idiot for your own opression.

also means to never admit anything!


lovinurbanism, to random German
@lovinurbanism@mastodon.social avatar

Ich wünschte ja, Nazis bräuchten viel mehr Zahnersatz. Aber was weiß ich schon.


@lovinurbanism da kann mensch nachheilfen...

Hab' gehört dass Neonazis nicht den eigenen Alu-Basie gut vertragen...

Merke: Immer nur in Nitwehr und Nothilfe agieren...

Ninji, to random
@Ninji@wuffs.org avatar

twitch streamer with 7 viewers: hey guys!! i bought this expensive microphone so you can hear me play minecraft in dolby atmos surround sound

long-distance train manager (speaking into a potato): please listen to the following announcements to find out how you’re going to get home


@LightTheUnicorn @Ninji sadly pulling out a flare gun to make them shut the fuck up doesn't work that great.

muhkilol, to random German

Hatte vor kurzem ein AFD Wahlmagazin im Briefkasten. Wollte eigentlich was draus zitieren, aber es ist einfach nur ekelhaft 🤮


@muhkilol Würde dann vorschlagen dies als Volksverhetzung anzuzeigen...

TwraSun, to random German
@TwraSun@mastodon.social avatar

ITA will von abgelehnten Flüchtlingen künftig eine Kaution von knapp 5000 Euro verlangen, wenn diese während der Prüfung ihres Einspruchs nicht in genommen werden wollen.

Ein Dekret sieht vor, mit der finanziellen Garantie von 4938 Euro die Kosten für die Unterkunft und den Lebensunterhalt eines Menschen für einen Monat, aber auch die Kosten für die Rückführung im Falle einer endgültigen Ablehnung des Antrags abzudecken.
➡️ https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/italien-migranten-sollen-fast-5000-euro-zahlen-um-abschiebehaft-zu-entgehen-a-fee1f3c7-64e8-4987-9d7e-8ea0cdb8240f
Merz & Linnemann in 3, 2, 1...


@geist @TwraSun ist damit ganz offen und I guess...

AnarchoNinaWrites, to random
@AnarchoNinaWrites@jorts.horse avatar

Folks, lemme help you deal with actual nazis, reactionaries, harassers and trolls out here okay?

First, identify the problem - it will usually be in your replies. Then, report the offending toots to YOUR instance; do not bother sending it to THEIR instance unless you KNOW it's not a swirly hive of nazis. In your note, ask your admins to "run it up the pipe if appropriate."

Then, got back onto your timeline, and post about it, while naming the now blocked reactionary; to WARN FRIENDS.


@AnarchoNinaWrites +9001%

Just like one should for doing a Hitler Salute instantly...

Because that's inherently an act of self- and mutial defense.

aruiz, to random

"But Bitcoin is a great way to monetize excess renewables"

No, this was never true. If you make a capital investment in a mining rig, then you want that rig making you money 24hrs, not just when the rest of the grid is not consuming renewables.

You become a baseload leech.

Bitcoin must die.



@sollee @volkris well, even if we believe that is up for negotiations, :monero: does have options to provide for and purposes.

It's called : These do allow one to survey all incoming and/or outgoing transactions whilst not allowing to handle these oneself.

And that is beneficial since we all only want to support businesses and comply with regulations re: and ...

robelix, to random German

Wenn man den User-Agent auf Googlebot stellt wird man neuerdings von geblockt

"Aus Sicherheitsgründen"


@robelix auch bei ?

Letzteres wäre nach Recht in Kaliformien u.U. Diskriminierung Behinderter...

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