
From a Tech University drop-out (Otaniemi #Finland, surveying, cartography) to library assistant, now retired. On the move to the left politically.
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(Picture #HannaNevantausta: "It's enough!" , background graffiti #KuopioArtMuseum exhibition 2023)

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doomscroller, (edited ) to climate avatar

EIA projects global energy consumption will outpace efficiency gains in most cases
"we project that global energy-related CO2 emissions will increase by 2050 in a number of IEO2023 cases as global population growth and higher living standards push growth in energy consumption beyond advances in energy efficiency."



"The Middle East and North America increase natural gas production and exports to meet growing demand, and Western Europe and Asia remain natural gas importers in all IEO2023 cases. Energy demand from China, India, Southeast Asia, and Africa will motivate major crude oil and natural gas producers to keep producing."
Michelle Bowman

rahmstorf, to random German

Warum es jetzt immer mehr Extremregen gibt - und gleichzeitig mehr Dürren. Es sind zwei Gesichter desselben physikalischen Gesetzes.



Stefan Rahmstorf erklärt Clausius-Clapeyron-Gesetz in Spiegel

"Dieses CC-Gesetz zeigt, wie viel Wasserdampf in einen Kubikmeter passt. Die maximale Wasserdampfmenge nimmt exponentiell mit der Temperatur zu. Das hat erstaunliche und teils sogar verheerende Konsequenzen, von denen wir in diesem Sommer mehr gesehen haben, als uns lieb ist."

Die Häufigkeit von neuen Rekorden ist signifikant erhöht und steigt immer weiter.

tagesschau, to random German avatar

Afrika und der Klimawandel: Mit voller Wucht

Die Menschen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent verursachen einen Bruchteil der klimaschädlichen Treibhausgase - bekommen die Folgen der Erderwärmung aber mit voller Härte zu spüren. Das zeigt ein Bericht der Weltwetterorganisation. Von S. Biegger.




"...besonders in Afrika, herrsche und das könne zu Konflikten in den Ländern führen. "Wir beobachten zunehmend Konflikte um Ressourcenknappheiten - nicht nur Lebensmittel, auch ."

"Auch wenn sich die nicht politisch äußern will. Aus ihrem Bericht geht hervor, dass bei der Bewältigung der Folgen des Klimawandels weltweite Unterstützung braucht - Geld, technische Ausrüstung und Wissenstransfer."

tagesschau, to random German avatar

Antisemitismus-Experte: "Erleben erinnerungspolitischen Klimawandel"

Der Stiftungsdirektor der Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora warnt vor einem "erinnerungspolitischen Klimawandel". Das zeige sich auch am Auftreten der AfD, an Aussagen von Maaßen und der Diskussion um Aiwanger, sagte Wagner.




Jens-Christian Wagner:
Es ist allen AfD-Funktionären verboten, an Veranstaltungen der Stiftung teilzunehmen

Unsere parteipolitische Neutralität hört da auf, wo NS-Opfer verhöhnt werden oder unser gesetzlich formulierter Stiftungszweck infrage gestellt wird

Die Negativfolie des war immer grundlegend für das demokratische Selbstverständnis der . Das gilt heutzutage nicht mehr.

KevinCarson1, to random

"If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming."



"...airline flight tickets could have a warning label: “Whereas smoking a cigarette takes 10 min off your life, an intercontinental return flight takes 13 days off the life of a future person”.
"Since it can be presumed there is no motive or intent to kill, this is not murder in a legal sense. If the polluter causes future deaths, they are guilty of manslaughter."

axbom, to random Swedish avatar

Vikten av att offentlig sektor och nationelll media återuppbygger förmågan att informera medborgare via egna plattformar illustreras kanske bäst av situationen i Kanada just nu, där Meta strypt alla kanadensiska nyhetskällor på Facebook.



Meta’s news ban in
Ali Harb in Al Jazeera
29 Aug 2023

The company has refused to back down in a standoff that raises challenging questions about whether social media platforms have responsibilities to society, what role governments have in regulating them, and what the future is for journalism in the digital age.

News outlets should rethink their reliance on social media to reach audiences and propel policymakers to find ways to support local

PKarPsto75, to climate Finnish

Mosquera & Jylhä:

Negative feelings arising from the inappropriateness of one’s emotions may hinder motivation for action and negatively impact self-esteem.

Emotional disagreement and judgment (e.g. public shaming, gossiping etc.) can potentially hinder our already fragile trust that others be appropriately motivated to act. This is problematic, given the role of trust in cooperation and collective action, much needed to solve the

immersfer, to random Finnish


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  • PKarPsto75,


    "Hanna-Riikka Roine johtaa demokratiaa eri tavoin kuvittelevaan kertomakirjallisuuteen keskittyvää Kuvittele, demokratia! -hanketta.

    – Kuvittelun rooli on noussut demokratian ja politiikan tutkimuksessa esiin oikeastaan vasta viimeisen 10–20 vuoden aikana."

    Hyvä. Seuraavaksi pitää kuvitella vaihtoehtoista taloustiedettä! Utopia on toivon horisontti jota tarvitaan.

    ZDF, to random German avatar

    Wer bei Mayonnaise bestellt, bekommt "Pommes-Sauce". Ein Trick, der sich für die Kette rechnet, denn die Sauce besteht vor allem aus Wasser.

    Sebastian Lege deckt auf, wie auch , Subway & Ditsch sparen, tricksen & strecken.



    Käytkö vielä sellaisissa "ruoka"paikoissa kuin , , ?
    Sinua huijataan.
    Sebastian Lege kertoo ohjelmassa
    ZDFbesseresser: Die Tricks von McDonald’s & Co.
    millaista kuraa ne lautasellesi työntävät.

    PKarPsto75, to Finland Finnish

    The All Points North podcast reviews the political turbulence in as racism and far-right scandals rock the coalition government.

    Non-Discrimination Ombudsman Kristina Stenman:

    "We get messages from people who have been living in Finland for a long time, saying that is becoming more of an everyday thing, and that these kinds of slurs and problematic behavior are something that people encounter more frequently today."

    davidho, to random avatar

    Scientists are accustomed to gradual change.

    But for a large part of Wally Broecker's career — based on paleoclimate evidence — he was obsessed with the idea of abrupt climate change that arrives suddenly and dramatically.

    Looks like Wally was right.



    Wallace S Broecker in the Nature 1987

    "What these records indicate is that Earth's climate does not respond to forcing in a smooth and gradual way. Rather, it responds in sharp jumps which involve large-scale reorganization of Earth's system.
    If this reading of the natural record is correct, then we must consider the possibility that the main responses of the system to our provocation of the atmosphere will come in jumps whose timing and magnitude are unpredictable."

    tagesschau, to random German avatar

    Länder wollen Kommunen und Bürger stärker an Windkraft beteiligen

    Anwohner könnten künftig an den Gewinnen aus Windstrom beteiligt werden. Mehrere Bundesländer arbeiten an entsprechenden Gesetzen. Erhöht das die Akzeptanz von Windrädern vor der eigenen Haustür?




    18.7.2023 kirjoittaa saksalaisista maanviljelijöistä jotka pystyttää omia tuulivoimaloita. , Bäuerlichen Bürgerwind auttaa

    Ongelmiakin on. Pitkä prosessi, vastustajia, isojen osien maantiekuljetukset ruuhkautuvat. Kuljetuslupia haetaan Autobahn GmbH:lta jossa jonossa jo 15.000 hakemusta

    Yleisesti Saksassa ei rakentaminen voimaloiden osalta etene niin reippaasti kuin toivotaan

    tagesschau, to random German avatar

    Wieder mehr Großspenden an Parteien im Bundestag

    Die Parteien im Bundestag haben im ersten Halbjahr mehr als doppelt so viel Geld aus Großspenden erhalten wie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Spitzenreiter ist die AfD, gefolgt von der CDU. CSU und Linke gingen leer aus.




    Oikeisto löytää suuria rahoittajia Saksassa

    "Die Parteien im Bundestag haben im ersten Halbjahr mehr als doppelt so viel Geld aus Großspenden erhalten wie im Vorjahreszeitraum."

    Kärjessä ja . Liberaalit voimat seuraavina. CSU ja Linke jäivät tässä jaossa kokonaan ilman.

    Kriitikot haluaisivat katon lahjuksille sekä myös pienempien summien ilmoittamista. Nyt alaraja on 10 000 euroa.

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    Net Zero is a scam

    "Collectively we three authors of this article must have spent more than 80 years thinking about climate change. Why has it taken us so long to speak out about the obvious dangers of the concept of net zero? In our defence, the premise of net zero is deceptively simple – and we admit that it deceived us."



    The Conversation, April 22, 2021

    Hybrid climate-economic models (Integrated Assessment Models) link economic activity to the climate by, e.g. exploring how changes in investments and technology could lead to changes in greenhouse gas emissions.

    They also removed the need for deep critical thinking. Their implicit promise is that market-based approaches will always work.

    "How did we get this so wrong?"

    PKarPsto75, to random Finnish

    We need to change our approach to the climate problem.

    ex-CSIRO scientist Graham Turner :
    “Vested interests and corrupt politicians combined with a population happy to deny problems overwhelm those that are trying to promulgate truth and facts."

    Hans Joachim Schellnhuber:
    "there is a very big risk that we will just end our civilisation. The human species will survive somehow but we will destroy almost everything we have built up over the last two thousand years.”

    thisismissem, to random avatar

    Boosting for the folks that were asleep when I posted this:

    “The Fediverse has a Problem. A Mental Health Problem.”



    Emelia Smith:
    The has a Mental Health Problem

    In the past nine months, we’ve seen more than a dozen instances just go dark and shutdown, often in response to inter-instance fights and disagreements.

    Instances disappeared because the administrators and moderators of these instances burn out or face a personal emotional toll and abuse so great that they need to step away.

    s_lundsteen, to random

    Danish journalists have taken up the task of addressing climate change (other than “my vacation is ruined” or “ more tourists are visiting Denmark=new business opportunities”). However, the doomer narrative, which Rebecca Solnit touched upon recently, is still the predominant discourse. I have offered some perspectives, however, they have asked me for examples. I am calling for the fediverse to ask for stuff that is neither overtly optimistic or alarmist, but can spark action. Any suggestions?


    @Loukas @s_lundsteen @bethsawin

    Alex Steffen

    2016 The Yale Program on Climate Communication found 19% of American voters were already what they term “alarmed” about climate change. These people already have basic understanding of climate change as an issue, are scared.

    Needed: New climate journalism covering

    • conflicts & choices around how we act, how we prepare
    • speed of change
    • questions we have about that change
    • planetary thinking & systems

    breadandcircuses, (edited ) to environment

    A beautiful, sad, and justifiably angry essay from Jessica Wildfire (@jessicawildfire) about people continuing to ignore the climate crisis...

    Today I watched a math professor and climate activist named Eliot Jacobson talk to CNN about global temperature records and arctic sea ice. He sums it up in the simplest terms. Climate scientists are shocked at what’s happening. None of their models predicted any of this. A mass extinction usually takes millions of years. As he said, “We’re going to do it in a hundred.”

    For Jacobson, the collapse of global industrial civilization has become a certainty. A recent column in The Guardian says the same. We’re already breaking through the 1.5C limit set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Scientists are telling us to brace for 2C or even 3C of warming. All of the books I’ve read make it very clear: That kind of warming will turn the planet into something humans have never seen. Large parts of the earth will become uninhabitable for us.

    Even the gloomiest climate scientists are left speechless by the disasters unfolding this summer. Climate activists who’ve been urging for an emergency declaration are saying: “I thought we had more time.”

    The scenarios scientists were predicting for 2050 are happening now, and they don’t know how much worse it’s going to get. They’re starting to admit, they can’t predict anything anymore.

    It’s hard to plan for a future when not even the climate scientists know what’s going to happen next.

    Best not to think about it, right?

    Nobody wants to talk about reality. They want to talk about Barbenheimer. They want to pretend we’ve still got time. If you face the truth of what’s happening, then suddenly the vast majority of what we’re forced to do makes no sense anymore.

    Maybe that’s why people get so angry now when we talk about climate change. They know, but they want to spend however long they’ve got left chasing and consuming whatever pleasure they can. Part of them knows their time is growing short, and they don’t want to spend it angry or depressed, or even trying to stop it.

    When you understand the full scope and gravity of what’s happening, most jobs don’t make any sense. It doesn’t make sense to plan a vacation when half the world is burning. It doesn’t make sense to save up money to send your kid to college in ten years.

    But it’s easier to ignore it all.

    It’s easier to keep working and going to movies while you wait for the wildfire, the flood, or the heat wave that kills you. It’s easier to delay the realization of your climate death as long as possible.



    @breadandcircuses @jessicawildfire

    Why people get so angry now when we talk about climate change?

    "They know, but they want to spend however long they’ve got left chasing and consuming whatever pleasure they can. Part of them knows their time is growing short, and they don’t want to spend it angry or depressed, or even trying to stop it."

    "When you understand the full scope and gravity of what’s happening, most jobs don’t make any sense."

    rahmstorf, to random German

    Weitere Studien zum Atlantik-Kipppunkt erläutere ich bei den Wissenslogs bei Spektrum! Wenn mehrere Studien mit unterschiedlichen Daten und Methoden auf einen bereits recht nahen Kipppunkt hinweisen, sollte man dieses Risiko m.E. sehr ernst nehmen.



    Prof Stefan Rahmstorf Universität Potsdam writes in two great articles (in German) about Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, one of the most important tipping elements in Earth’s climate system. can slow down much sooner as excepted.

    Collapse of the AMOC can occur already around mid-century under the current scenario of future emissions.

    PKarPsto75, to Filosofia Finnish

    -lehden kesäteatteriarviosta (Slutopia !!) sunnuntaipohdittavaa:

    Perinteisten utopioiden tulevaisuuteen sijoittuvien jättirakennelmien sijaan nykyutopioissa tunnustetaan paikallisuuden tarve.

    Utopian voi löytää arkisista ja jokapäiväisistä käytänteistä, joiden avulla haastetaan totuttu ja tavoitellaan jotain parempaa, uudenlaista tapaa olla.

    Halkeamia, disruptiota ja ruoho tunkee kyllä läpi asfaltin!

    Keijo Lakkalan engl. väikkäri

    rahmstorf, to random German

    'Big-time bad news':
    "This is the evidence that Greenland can vanish. It's not a model. It's not a hypothetical. We know that the ice sheet vanished and it vanished under much less extreme conditions than we're forcing the climate to right now."



    Ice core from secret US Army base reveals dramatic historical Greenland ice-sheet melting

    USA suunnitteli 1960-luvulla Grönlantiin tunneleita jään sisään. Jäätä koeporattiin ja mukaan tuli muutama metri maata jään alta. Näytteessä oli lehtiä, sammalta, siemeniä ym.

    Se on nyt ajoitettu tiettyyn ilmastojaksoon ja arvioitu jäätilanne. Lämpötila on nyt lähellä vastaavaa, jolloin jäät sulavat. Meren pinta nousee 1,5, ehkä 5 metriä.

    PKarPsto75, to Suomi Finnish

    Suomessa (osa 1/2)

    Laura Saarikoski Hesarin pääkirjoituksessa 20.7. "Miksi rasismi vetoaa osaan äänestäjistä?"

    "Toisaalta on naiivia kuvitella, että vaalitulos olisi muuttunut, jos rasistiset kirjoitukset olisivat olleet äänestäjien tiedossa. Jo HS:n saaman palautteen perusteella osa suomalaisista kannattaa perussuomalaisia rasismin takia, ei siitä huolimatta."


    Suomessa (osa 2/2)

    Sanna Ryynäsen (PhD researcher in journalism, Jyväskylän yliopisto) kommentti ovatko rasistit syrjään työnnettyjä uhreja, joita ei kuunnella.

    "Niin kauan kuin rasistien mielestä heidän rasisminsa on oikeutettua, he eivät pysy tuottamaan tietoa siitä, miksi ovat rasisteja. He pystyvät vain toistamaan rasistisia näkemyksiään. Eli tuottamaan lisää rasismia. Kärsijöiksi jäävät jälleen rasismin uhrit."


    breadandcircuses, (edited ) to environment

    Andrew Dessler (@andrewdessler) has a timely reminder for us about non-linearity, especially as it relates to the climate crisis...

    If you’re struggling to understand why the impacts of climate change suddenly seem so awful, it’s time we discuss a key scientific term: non-linearity.

    In a linear system, changes occur in a straight line. If climate impacts were linear, each 0.1°C increase in temperature would produce the same increment of damage. In that world, things slowly get worse over decades until, later this century, the accumulations of slow impacts becomes truly terrible.

    But impacts of climate change are different — they are non-linear. In a rain event, for example, the first few inches of rain typically produce no damage because existing infrastructure (e.g., storm drains) were designed to handle that much rain.

    As rainfall continues to intensify, however, it eventually exceeds the capacity of the storm runoff infrastructure and the neighborhood floods. You go from zero damage if the water stops half an inch below the front door of your house to tens of thousands of dollars of damage if the water rises one additional inch and flows into your house.

    Thus, the correct mental model is not one of impacts slowly getting worse over decades. Rather, the correct way to understand climate change is that things are fine until they’re not, at which point they’re really terrible. And the system can go from “fine” to “terrible” in the blink of an eye.

    The speed of us passing limits is mind-bending. People who are impacted are often shocked and we frequently see people bemoaning the fact that some impact never happened before — this is the calling card of non-linear effects.

    So when we see all of the climate impacts of the last few years suddenly appearing, it shouldn’t surprise us. The very rapid warming we are experiencing is pushing us past many thresholds in our human and natural systems.



    @breadandcircuses @andrewdessler

    Andrew Dessler:
    "...correct way to understand climate change is that things are fine until they’re not, at which point they’re really terrible."

    "The speed of us passing limits is mind bending. People who are impacted are often shocked and we frequently see people bemoaning the fact that some impact never happened before — this is the calling card of non-linear effects."

    EevaXTiina, to random Finnish

    Viikonlopun Iltalehden toimittajat ansaitsevat rohkeusmitalin. Meillä ei ole keskusteltu perussuomalaisten olemuksesta kuunaan näin kriittisesti, lähteet mainiten, tiiviisti ja kohkaamatta kirjoittaen. Edit: taidanpa laittaa positiivista sähköpostia sen sijaan että odottelisin mitalitoimikuntaa.


    Call to action written by Yotam Marom

    "What to Do When the World Is Ending"

    Rather than pretend we know how it all ends, we should do the things we know have worked before: nurture and join powerful social movements, and build institutions that provide masses of people with a vehicle for belonging, meaning, and long-term struggle.
    Our lives will be infinitely richer in that struggle than outside of it.

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