@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar



“You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you!” Part time escapee to La Isla Nena. Realist, nearly-retired with respect for the Earth. He/him. Sometimes a bit of my impatient attitude with the world is apparent as sarcasm. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦 “If you want to change the future, start living as if you’re already there” -Lynn Conway “In a world of chaos, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists” - Eric Hoffer

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flexghost, to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

14th amendment 3rd clause

“No person shall be… elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath..shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…”

Nowhere does it say

oh, also butthurt republicans in failing states can block whomever to get back at democrats

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Let them. Better any other Democrat as a candidate than the GOP dictator from hell.

augieray, to random
@augieray@mastodon.social avatar

DAMMIT! We had plans to see some of our most COVID-cautious friends between Xmas and NYE. They don't do much, wear masks, and won't see their grandkids' Xmas concerts for safety. Then she tells us she's going to the salon that week--in what will probably be one of the most dangerous, high-transmission weeks in 2 years!? So, we've canceled with them.

Why is it so hard to make sane, appropriate decisions on elective activities during a surge?! Risk your long-term health over a haircut?!

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@augieray What’s their last vaccine booster date?
Gotta keep current. It might not be 100% effective but likely will result in a less severe case if infected, probably with lower chance of long COVID.

flexghost, to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

Trump vows the “largest deportation in American history" of minorities if elected

Which group is undesirable?

That’s not how fascism works. It’s whoever they want whenever they want

First, brown folks

Then? It’s the Muslims, they gotta go—they’re why the economy is bad

Then? Those gays. It’s why your kids are all gay—they gotta go

Then who knows

All while some minority groups in swing states are throwing a tantrum saying they won’t vote for Biden. Ruining us head-first into fascism.

bouriquet, (edited )
@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Twenty five years ago, if the political events of today were made into a TV miniseries, no network would touch it, no one would watch it because it would be totally unrealistic. America just doesn’t behave like that. We don’t support fascists.
It couldn’t ever happen here.
We have a democracy.
WTF happened?
It IS happening here unless we stop it now.

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture…

bouriquet, to random
@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar
Teri_Kanefield, (edited ) to random
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

I'll address the comments about Liz Cheney by telling you what Harvard Professors Ziblatt and Levitsky say about how democracies die and how they are saved.

(The book is fabulous and was quite timely when it came out in 2018)

Basically, they said this (page 299):

When one of the candidates (in this case, Trump) goes off the deep end and embraces autocratic methods, what will save the nation is Republicans to switch and vote Democratic . . .


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield But first we need to find the antidote to the kool-aid they’ve been drinking for about 6-7 years.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

🤦🏻‍♀️Every House Republican approved a resolution to formalize an inquiry into President Biden. 221-212


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Our government is now officially dysfunctional.
The two-party democratic system is broken

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Unanimous votes from the GOP. Sounds more like a vote from the North Korean parliament rather than a democracy made up of free-thinking representatives from a US political party.
What have we become?

skinnylatte, (edited ) to random
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io avatar

I was reading a book by a food writer that starts in Paris and preparing myself for yet another boring ‘French food is magical’ American food writer, but she actually started with ‘I’m in an apartment in the 13e and I now like France’, which is exactly how I feel about Paris.

My Parisian wife and I would frequently giggle at American tourists running around ‘this is so magical and wonderful!’ And she’d say, ‘well the Seine is really smelly to me, not romantic’

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@skinnylatte My experience is that if you want to enjoy food in France that is true to the lifestyle and culture, go out into the countryside and visit smaller towns off the beaten path, eat with the locals, not the tourists and critics. Spend a long lunch on a Friday afternoon in a small restaurant and get the true local flavors. You might have to ask around where best to go or trust a friend to take you to their favorite place.

gerrymcgovern, to random
@gerrymcgovern@mastodon.green avatar

"Half of all the oil consumed since the dawn of the modern oil age in 1859 has been consumed from 1998 through 2021."

That's 23 years in which we consumed half of all the oil ever produced.

Between 1970 and 2020, 75% of all human-caused CO2 was produced.

The astonishing acceleration of the devouring of our environment is almost beyond comprehension


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@gerrymcgovern But under capitalism, growth is imperative.
If we are to stabilize the Earth, we need to change a dominant economic system that originates from the 19th century.
Mine our landfills for resources: they are not renewable.

skykiss, (edited ) to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

I used to believe all Americans would come together. Remember, Wolverines!

There was a movie about guerrillas in the 1984 film Red Dawn. The film depicts a fictional World War III in which the United States is invaded by an alliance of dirty, filty russians/Soviet. The Wolverines resist the occupation by conducting guerrilla warfare against the enemy forces in Colorado.

You probably know my answer.

If Russia invaded USA you would:

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@skykiss Russia has already invaded the US. To be more accurate, they have infiltrated our political system and control a major part of the legislative branch, having lost control over the executive branch in 2020 after an attempted coup following the loss in a legitimate election. Subsequent efforts now focused on restricting the electoral process and controlling the courts.
Khrushchev predicted that they would defeat us from within,without firing a shot. Don’t let him be correct.

skykiss, (edited ) to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

BREAKING: POTUS finds Plan B to arm Ukraine where congressional republicans fail.

#PresidentBiden announces $200m extra Ukraine aid and called out failed republicans when he highlighted praise by a Russian TV host and said: “If you’re being celebrated by Russian propagandists, it might be time to rethink what you’re doing. History … will judge harshly.”


#StandWithUkraine #supportUkraine #ArmUkraineNow

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@skydog @davidpmaurer @skykiss One of the problems is a media outlet (Fox), that will spin this in a way that will hide the insanity of it all. The demographics of their viewers then translates to voting to keep these GOP pawns in office.
We’re in big trouble. This may not be fixable by normal procedures

GottaLaff, to Ukraine
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

The Heritage Foundation is determined to destroy America/democracy. They’ve aided and abetted Trump at every turn, and so much more.👇🏼

Doug Klain:

🚨The guardianhas learned a major anti- conference will be held in Washington, DC tomorrow.

Heritage Foundation will bring together Hungarian President Viktor Orbán’s team & Republican congressmen to strategize how to end US support for Ukraine.

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff If you don’t support Ukraine, then you support Putin and his expansionist policies.
There is no middle ground.

kcarruthers, to random
@kcarruthers@mastodon.social avatar

The “Hunt for Hamas” Narrative Is Obscuring Israel’s Real Plans for Gaza

Israel has targeted courthouses, universities, and legislative halls. It has razed orchards, farmland, and greenhouses. Adam Johnson asks: Does any of this sound like a “hunt for Hamas?"


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@kcarruthers Scorched earth policy.

Mary625, to random
@Mary625@mstdn.social avatar

What the hell is going on with this country? How do we vote against a cease fire? How do we arrest people for being homeless? Why do we continually subsidized billion dollar corporations? How do we cry poor mouth and claim we can't help people who need assistance while sending billions and billions for one foreign nation to blow up another country?

What the hell is wrong with the USA?

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@Mary625 The answer is plain and simple. Corporate power and greed runs our nation, just as it did in much of the 19th and 20th century also.
It’s all about profits, big pharma, big oil, sugar, bananas, and the banking/insurance firms.
Central and South America,southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa. No area was untouched by greed.
On the surface, the USA has an idealistic candy coating that covers a bitter, dark core. Sad. We should stand for our principles, not profits.

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@Mary625 The candy coating has two flavors: Republican and Democrat. Both surround and support the core, siphoning taxpayer dollars, providing basic govt services to some degree so that we all keep the machinery of the system working. It’s a big distraction that has worked for a long time. No one will revolt because we all have too much to lose: cars, loans, health insurance payments, mortgages on houses that are way bigger than we need.
If we lose those, the mob turns angry…

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@mupAus @saltesc That’s the issue: every continent has rednecks or whatever you call them who think it’s “fun” to get in a 4-wheel vehicle, burn up gasoline, spread fumes, tear up habitat, leave refuse and call themselves “outdoor folk”. Wheee-ha!
Stopping them requires re-education, legislation and perhaps barbed wire. Yet the people that Trump appeals to call this “freedom”.

GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Do tell.

“One of 's current attorneys told 's team that, within days of DOJ issuing a subpoena last year for all classified at Mar-a-Lago, she "very clearly" warned Trump that if he failed to fully comply -- but then swore he did -- "it's going to be a crime”..

Sources said the lawyer, Jennifer Little, told investigators Trump "absolutely" understood the warning”


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Almost like he’s schizophrenic. Hears and understands what he’s being told, then does whatever he wants anyway.
Should be an interesting patient for the prison psychologist.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Aww, it's hard being a vile, racist traitor who incites violence.

Via Acyn:

Liz Cheney says claimed he went to Mar-a-Lago after because was depressed and was not eating.

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Stages of grief???
Ask the families of those killed and injured on Jan 6.

Did Trump offer any condolences?

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@AllNewTypeFace @Tau A similar problem with US northeast corridor rail: old track design, curves, lack of funding or availability of right of way to build modern infrastructure with gentle curves supporting higher speeds. Geography combined with buildings and 100 year old development that can’t be easily changed.

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@lntl Considering how big corporations (including airlines) lobby in Washington…true. Amtrak can’t get any adequate funding, compare that to the FAA budget that provides air traffic control services in the US (as shaky as that is even).

flexghost, to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

By refusing to schedule a routine CIPA section 5 hearing, Aileen Cannon proves—once again—she is the best player on Trump’s legal defense team

Her pretrial rulings favored Trump, who appointed her

These were reversed by the conservative 11th Circuit with extreme language

She made constant errors on the 4 cases she presided over:
Closing jury selection to a defendant’s family
Forgetting to swear in the prospective jury pool

She won’t recuse herself. Remove her. 🇺🇸

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Audit her bank accounts. Full disclosure, given the sensitivity of the case.

bouriquet, (edited )
@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@Adori @ray Agree. But most Euro cities that have excellent metro and bus services built their infrastructure decades ago.
Other than US cities like NY, Chicago, Boston, SFO and Wash DC, metro systems would cost a fortune and be built at a snail’s pace…look up Seattle light rail … an excellent system but has taken a long time to evolve, fund and build

arstechnica, to random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

SpaceX can celebrate three big wins after second Starship test flight

Starship reached a speed of 15,000 mph, then self-destructed over the Gulf of Mexico.


@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica We already did this in the 1950s and learned from it. Why again, just to cut corners?

skykiss, (edited ) to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Israeli pro-fascist Benjamin Netanyahu, left, close ties to Russian wanted war criminal despot, former public toilet robber Vladimir Putin.



@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@Willow @skykiss These are likely Putin chess moves. Bibi has been played by Putin and is performing as anticipated, doing exactly what was expected…diverting attention and maybe US funding away from Ukraine (with help from GOP pawns).

DoomsdaysCW, to random
@DoomsdaysCW@kolektiva.social avatar

Lights Out

Failure to harden electrical structures and spent nuclear fuel storage leaves US, global population vulnerable to solar or terrorist induced apocalypse

by Michael Collins, October 14, 2014

"Should a serpentine hit Earth head-on, the consequences would be catastrophic."

Read more:

@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@DoomsdaysCW The US electrical infrastructure won’t even bury power lines, making it vulnerable to severe storms, trees and ice accumulation. Protection against solar events is definitely a secondary threat comparatively. Power companies spend billions every year to fix storm damage, shuffling crews across the country and even from Canada. Yet we can’t “afford” to redo the installation underground in critical areas or even add enough capacity where needed sometimes.

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