@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar



Desperately lonely wannabe activist in #hillsboro near #Portland in the Pacific Northwest. (#PDX))
Always looking for ways to meet with people who live nearby so we can organize our community. Not... succeeding for 20 years is kind of discouraging.

#stories #writer #lonely #adhd #ponies #mlp #cryptography #idk #help

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puppygirlhornypost, to random
@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

ok what the hell is happening with mast can someone tl;dr

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Eugen selling out, again

mircoxi, to random
@mircoxi@corteximplant.com avatar

I'm gonna dig out my old semi-finished spec for an AP alternative. I started it a couple years ago as a portfolio piece before depression hit (and getting mocked for writing it in Python and PHP instead of Rust and Go like the big boys), but I have a sudden urge to finish it

I already have test implementations for full account migration, "lifeboats" for when an instance needs to unexpectedly shut down (so folks can just carry on using it without losing anything on the instance they designated as second choice), and encryption between instances (as well as an E2E DM implementation I'm pretty sure I need to re-work)

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

lifeboats are a matter of:

  1. don't use other people's keys
  2. don't use other people's keys
  3. don't use other people's keys, even if they put your name on it
  4. just switch your friend's instance, if they post from a new instance with the same public key
  5. done!

E2E DMs are the following:

  1. don't use other people's keys
  2. don't use other people's keys
  3. don't use other people's keys
  4. done!

Curious to see how you would manage it though.

cy, to random
@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

select stuff from pending_downloads left outer join a ton of stuff; no wait...

select host,COUNT(*) from pending_downloads etc... group by host order by requested then add the hosts to a may I use host plz request, then send the request. Then get a reply with NxM hosts I can use. and THEN
select stuff from pending_downloads left outer join a ton of stuff except only those hosts somehow wait shit; uhh...

create temporary table those_hosts_somehow (derphost TEXT); insert into those_hosts_somehow etc...; and THEN

select stuff from pending_downloads INNER JOIN those_hosts_somehow ON derphost = host left outer join a ton of stuff

how is this so complicated... I just want to download stuff from a bunch of hosts, and not do more than like 3 downloads per host at a time.

cy, to random
@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Well great, you made your parents proud. But have you made your children proud?

x00001, to random
@x00001@corteximplant.com avatar

Let's try something new! We're opening our cyber lines to hear what you have to say! asks:

Older Adults, Tell Me, What's The Biggest Thing You Wasted Way Too Much Time On When You Were Younger?

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar


dorothyporker, to random
@dorothyporker@mstdn.social avatar

@kavey Can I ask how you set up your own instance? I feel like the one I'm on has been blocked by a lot of other instances while I was away

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

well I'm not @kavey but what I did was pretty much...

  1. get a DNS domain name (costs $$$ but I got a charity one at afraid.org)
  2. get a SSL certificate (costs $$$ but I got a charity one at letsencrypt.org)
  3. run a script now and then to tell afraid.org what my current IP is, if it ever changes
  4. install nginx and configure it to forward queries to some small, cheapass Fediverse software
  5. find said Fediverse software like https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
  6. tell it about my domain name, and then just run ./snac httpd /media/snac/

SNAC also has a "add user" thing I used once months ago I forget, but it isn't complicated.

Honestly I'm trying to make something less janky than SNAC. I can't even look at my favorites with this thing. It works though, which is what I need right now.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

I mean as far as complexity goes, it's pretty much just pay off the Internet mafia, install a program, and edit a config file. But there are a lot of steps involved, unfortunately. It's way more trouble than it has to be.

Also I might not have done it in the simplest way. That's just how I did it, not how it should be done.

codemonkeymike, to random
@codemonkeymike@fosstodon.org avatar

It's the mid 90s and you're at the sitting at the family computer in the living room...

What are you doing?

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Getting supervised by my father to make sure that I don't go on the Web without permission.

cy, to programming
@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

OK so for each database row I check if the IP address is being used too much. If it is, I skip the row. If not I'm considered a user of that address, and can process the row. Every "processing" should eliminate the row it comes from in future queries, so the next time I search, once something is finished, the skipped rows will come up again. I can't LIMIT the query though, since I don't know how many rows will be skipped.

And to check how much an address is in use is a network round trip, so I queue up addresses to query for that, and batch send the queries, to get a reply for how many times I can use that address. So first I go through all rows to see what addresses are needed, then send that address-use query. Once I get a reply, I go through all the rows again to see which I can get rid of based on that reply, until I've started enough parallel requests to different addresses.

Except I can't predict how many rows I can get rid of in the second query, so the first query has to iterate over every single database row every time just in case. Not only can it not have a LIMIT, I can't stop queueing up address-use requests until the first query stops returning rows.

But... this query is in theory... not a lot of rows. It's just supposed to search for database records with holes, missing fields that could only be gotten by requesting a specific webpage from a given address. In theory that could mean 7 million user profiles who all failed to load properly because I tried to view them before downloading the avatar image and profile page, but when am I going to look at 7 million profiles at once? It should be like, 10 profiles per page or something, and the address-use query is over the local network so it should happen faster than I can click the "next" button to add on 10 more rows. But I can't guarantee that. Ugh...

puppygirlhornypost, to random
@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

I don't get the internet's desire to use conflicting technologies. you know ipv6 migration could've been a lot faster had people just straight up stopped using ipv4 in any capacity as a collective. what are you going to do when nobody accepts ipv4? i mean that still happens occasionally but there's never been a wide spread outrage that caused it

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

NAT is a great firewall when the bad actors you're targeting are your own customers, who are daring to have an address and do stuff with it.

They're never gonna adopt v6 though. Artificial restriction of supply lets them charge whatever the hell they want for a v4 IP address. Why would they ever support something that fixed their own scheme for extortion? Driving prices up is the point. That's the goal.

It's like asking why the weasels aren't implementing anti-weasel fencing for the chicken coop.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Oof... I never got it that bad. All they did to me was give me shit bandwidth, block me from sending or receiving email (for my own protection), give me only a v4 IP address for 40 years after IPv6 was a thing, and send my mother a threat letter claiming they'll cut off our Internet if we ever do the file sharing again. (She only uses Amazon Prime to watch movies now.)

That whole commercial/residential thing is bunk too. Companies charging extra for the same thing, depending on if you're making money off it, or not are stealing, and should go to prison, and we should replace them with f-ing public Internet run as a governmental department. I haven't gotten burned yet for all this complete non-commercial lack of money I'm making though.

realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar
@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

There is a political strategy at work here. Biden needs to activate Democratic leaning voters who might not been deeply engaged or committed to following the election.

Well, it's working on me!

stonekettle, to random

Hey, quick question: Anyone know when the last time militarized police mass arresting college students was viewed favorably by history?

Google doesn't seem to have that information.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

People's Par—oh wait you said favorably.

VulcanTourist, to random
@VulcanTourist@mastodon.social avatar

Why can't someone invent cheese where the bacteria in it out-compete molds?

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Because bacteria use the Cori cycle for anaerobic metabolism, discovered by Carl and Gerty Cori, in which lactic acid is produced as a byproduct. Fungi (well, specifically yeast) use a different metabolic pathway which produces carbon dioxide and ethanol as a byproduct. Cheese fermented using bacteria is unpalatably sour, while the ethanol produced by the fungus can be evaporated away in the cheesemaking process. And the carbon dioxide makes the holes.


GhostOnTheHalfShell, to random
@GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar

GOP governors swing into action:
“In America, we respect our workforce and we do not need to pay a third party to tell us who can pick up a box or flip a switch. No one wants to hear this, but it’s the ugly reality. … The experience in our states is when employees have a direct relationship with their employers, that makes for a more positive working environment. They can advocate for themselves and what is important to them without outside influence. …"


@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

Thank you for directly holding my leash, sir! The personal touch really makes the whippings worthwhile. Thank goodness there are none of those dastardly outsiders to y'know save me or anything. We're such a big happy family team, the commies are just jealously trying to ruin our love! What do you mean I'm being let go?

BayesForDays, to random
@BayesForDays@lingo.lol avatar

2024: the year bisexual sitting finally caught up with me

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

There's a reason it's illegal in the USA to work for more 6 hours without a half-hour lunch break. "Six to six" was what the first (and only) general strike in the USA accomplished back in 1835, limiting the hours of workers to less than 24/7 and guaranteeing breaks. And only a large amount of people had to be shot to death by your employer to get that granted. So if you're worked for 8 hours straight without a meal break, that's very illegal, and you can report your company to the government who might even take action against them, and you'll be laid off immediately of course.


Or you could get together with your coworkers to form a union that can get somewhat shielded from strategic layoffs, except your bosses are still in control, so they'll have the power to spy on you, bribe snitches, and try to catch you unionizing, then immediately lay you off, or shoot you. Orrr you could do something other than capitalism. Then they'll definitely shoot at you, but you won't be held down to make it easy for them to aim.

1dalm, to random
@1dalm@deacon.social avatar

All musical instruments are useful for expressing love, hope, anger, fear and a host of other emotions. Only one is used for war. The drum.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

(readies my war clarinet)

CC: @1dalm

x00001, to random
@x00001@corteximplant.com avatar

And in the news, How Long It Would Take A Hacker To Brute Force Your Password In 2024, Ranked: https://digg.com/tech/link/how-long-hack-crack-password-hive-systems-2024 :cch:​

Huh, I don't think my passwords are doing too bad according to this! :cathumbsup:​

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

to brute force your private key in 2024

$ gpg --list-keys 0ac7da56

4096 characters
letters, numbers, symbols, whitespace, control characters, etc
how much is a googolplex again?

rooster, to random
@rooster@chaosfem.tw avatar

We fucked up, the internet was supposed to be a fun weird thing with hamsters dancing and now it’s a thing where you pay bills and your boss spies on you

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar
@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar
mwl, to random
@mwl@io.mwl.io avatar

Why I'm not on Twitter any more.

And why I think less of you if you're still on it.


@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

It's a good article. Only thing I'd point out is that the parable about the Nazi bar is deeply flawed. Twitter didn't become a Nazi bar until the bartender made it that way. That's how Nazis work, by targeting leadership and authority. While you blame the idiots coming through the door and plaintively cry out "why oh why mr bartender did you foolishly allow these nazis in?" all you get is a knowing smirk.

Wellll that and the fact that the vast majority of Twitter accounts are bots or sock puppets, so 75% isn't necessarily 75%.

x00001, to random
@x00001@corteximplant.com avatar

Pirated for alt text

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

No I know I get you I'm just expressing empathetic frustration. Some people you just can't live with, but not from lack of trying!

sec_yote_agenda, to random
@sec_yote_agenda@geekdom.social avatar

Seems legit.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

It's technically not stolen from the black community, since racists are only pretending to hate LGBTQs to disguise their white supremacy. So when they talk about the wokes, every image in their head is as dark as midnight in Nigeria. -_-

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

And thank you for playing “Republicans Eating Their Own”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.):

“She is a horrible leader,” Tillis said of Marj Q Greene. “She is dragging our brand down. She — not the Democrats — are the biggest risk to us getting back to a majority…is “uninformed” and “a total waste of time”

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar
the_anastasia, to random
@the_anastasia@mas.to avatar

If you’re not happy single you won’t be happy married. Happiness comes from eating potatoes, not from relationships.

@cy@fedicy.us.to avatar

I won't fall for your potato propaganda!

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