@daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar



Hello all! I'm an autistic furry from Texas. I post about pretty random things. Might be lewd. Please don't follow if you're under 18.

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volpeon, to random

Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing

Is there a name for malware that's also an OS?

@daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

@volpeon Microsoft really do be out there making literally every other OS look as appealing as possible.

LeftistLawyer, to random

This space is open for discussion on factors influencing elevated #Christizan ratios.

@daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

@LeftistLawyer Ex-Chrisitan here! Born and raised in Texas.

The biggest factor by far, as someone else mentioned, is the Bible Belt. That stretch of states from Texas to Florida for those unfamiliar, or non-Americans.

But as for the Midwest? There's a hidden factor a lot of people don't know about. Radio. While Leftwing programs were adopting television, this wasn't catching on in the more rural parts of America. Radio was more accessible for them. And Rightwing programs caught on with radio. Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Christoph Salsado, etc.

Couple this with the Charismatic movement in Christianity, which, over time, managed to marry Christianity to the Republican party. So many of said talk show hosts were also Christians, and you get your recipe for Christian nationalism!

There's also a fantastic documentary called "Jesus Camp" that takes a look at some of the efforts to radicalize children. If you're interested in knowing more about this phenomenon, I recommend it. Just be ready to be sick watching.

scott, to random
@scott@typetura.social avatar


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  • daedalousilios,
    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @scott Though it's unproven if it was actually said or not, I like the spirit behind the quote "the first sign of civilization is a femur that had been broken and then healed." And I think accessibility is in that exact, same spirit. We as people don't leave those with complications behind, we uncomplicate the situation. Got a broken bone? We got a cast! Got poor eye sight? We got glasses! Can't see? We'll read to you! Heck, it's even easier now a days because now we got computers that can read to you, on your own time, whenever you want! But it's a bit sad to me that more people don't find such notions exciting.

    molly0xfff, to Wikipedia
    @molly0xfff@hachyderm.io avatar

    Have you ever wanted to start editing , but got overwhelmed or felt like you didn't know where to start? Every time I encourage people to start editing, I hear that, so I'm trying to help.


    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @molly0xfff Another thing that can be done: copy the contents of pages that you care about, this way there's a reliable fall back if someone tries to use AI to fuck it up. Web archival is more important than ever before.

    theautisticcoach, to actuallyautistic

    When adults begin their journey of unmasking and honoring their autistic selves there will often by those pushing back and trying to keep us down.

    Don’t let them. Keep going.


    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic This very thing ruined one of my relationships when I learned that I was autistic. I made every effort to salvage it, but it was very clear that they didn't like the change in my behavior. I am fortunate that I had the wisdom to know that it was not me who ruined the relationship, but their inability to see that I am still me, only that I am now a more authentic me. It hurt greatly to let them go, but I knew in my core that it had to be done.

    It will hurt to face this kind of opposition from people that were your friends, but being true to yourself is worth it. I promise you, it's worth it!

    e_urq, to trans
    @e_urq@journa.host avatar

    In Indiana, conservative Christian parents are asking the U. S. Supreme Court to force the state to return their trans daughter to them so they can continue trying to force her to be a boy.

    The girl developed a severe eating disorder that stemmed in part from conflicts over gender with her non-affirming parents. The courts have agreed with CPS that returning the child to her family would cause an unacceptable risk of her eating disorder returning.


    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @shekinahcancook @e_urq I have the vaguest memory of my dad telling me that I was technically his property until I was 18. Being autistic that sat very literally with me, but looking back, I think even he was rather uncomfortable with that notion, and so I think he meant "legally."

    However, I always rejected this notion in my mind, even as a child. I believe it was the first time I began to realize, if only subconsciously, how religion seems to have a way of convincing otherwise good people of absolutely horrendous ideas, and that makes it even more tragic to me.

    dancinyogi, (edited ) to random
    @dancinyogi@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    Do you know how to read and write cursive?

    *Read all options before voting, as I have broken them down.

    Please boost for a wider demographic.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @dancinyogi I actually write in cursive by default.

    futurebird, to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    My cousin is a pharmacist. I remember about 25 years ago when she graduated from college how proud her family was. Becoming a pharmacist is almost as annoying as becoming a doctor.

    Everyone was saying how she was going to have a good job after that hard studying.

    Things have not gone as expected. Chain pharmacies have basically ruined the profession. But pharmacists are mad and doing a walkout. I'm cheering them on.

    $19 an hour ain't it chief! Not for that kind of work. Hell no.

    daedalousilios, (edited )
    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @futurebird My mother is a pharmacist! I absolutely agree! Pharmacists are the unspoken heros of the medical field. I can't even count how many lives my mother has probably saved catching doctor's mistakes or making sure her coworkers aren't lazy. She's straight up had to call doctors and argue with them over stupid prescriptions like "are you trying to fucking kill them!?" $19/hr isn't even funny, it's downright fucking insulting!

    Edit: didn't expect this post to pop off, so, let me just say, appreciate your local pharmacists!

    StevenSaus, to actuallyaudhd
    @StevenSaus@faithcollapsing.com avatar

    How do you tell the difference between reactions you have because you're neurospicy and the reactions you have from past trauma? (Let alone where they overlap!)

    (I'm talking more behavioral than sensory here, things akin to rejection sensitivity, etc)

    @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @StevenSaus @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd Personally, I've come to accept that being autistic means that literally everything about me is affected. Every reaction I have comes from an autistic perspective.

    Though I'm loathe to do so, I will have to use the word "normal" here. In this particular case, "normal" is defined as "what is average to me, personally." Once I've identified what my "normal" heads pace and thought processes are, from there I can then identify if a specific reaction is happening due to trauma. However, it can take a lot of introspection to identify all of these variables. And when it comes to trauma in particular, one has to continue to look, even when it hurts, so it can take longer to identify a trauma response.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic Why you gotta @ me like that, man?

    hrefna, to random
    @hrefna@hachyderm.io avatar

    Yes, reports from bad actors are often "legit." They lie about context or they exaggerate the effect or frequency. They'll find something at a "background noise" level to hone in on that escaped previous notice, or they'll bring undue weight on a marginalized group.

    It's an extremely common tactic. Expressing surprise that they were feeding you "legit reports" is not remotely surprising and if you find that to be surprising then I don't know what to tell you.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @hrefna This! So much this! I've spent the last few years studying Portuguese of the Brazilian dialect, and I can point out how much more muddy this is than even just that! What about dialect? You can have a lot of variety just within a single country! But between them? And especially when those countries have history together, it gets even more muddled!

    For instance, in Brasil, they use the word "menina" to refer to a girl. In Portugal, they commonly say "rapariga." But in Brasil, "rapariga" is very offensive.

    Using English as an example, just think about the infamous C-word. In America and the UK, this is a wildly offensive word to use, but in Australia, you're practically not friends until you've been called by that word at least once!

    A L W A Y S do your own goddamn research as a mod! Especially if your instance is multicultural! If you have to make a judgement call on the matters of another culture that you are not famiar with, then find someone who's trustworthy that is!

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @hrefna And as this thread shows, being a mod is very complicated and very stressful. People aren't perfect. Especially not mods. I think another perspective to consider is that of the mods of any given instance and to have some mercy when they fuck up. I've seen a lot of people mercilessly roasting some mods for not having the best responses to some sensitive issues recently.

    But if any mod team is willing to admit they were in the wrong, reverse course and take tangible steps to be better and educate themselves, we should applaud that humility and encourage them to keep being better! As long as they show they mean it. That's really not easy to do, especially when every mistep can not only cause harm they were entirely unaware of, but is an act of public humiliation on themselves, their team and their instance.

    rolle, to mastodon
    @rolle@mementomori.social avatar

    ”Mastodon failed.”

    No, it did not. Tired of hearing this. According to who? In what?

    I’ve seen platforms that ceased to exist over the years. I’ve seen social media companies getting acquired or going bankrupt. I’ve seen entire portals losing their users. The Fediverse keeps growing. How is this failing?

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @rolle It's hard to find a more credible source for how many users bsky has, but from what I could find, they've only got one (1) million users with another million waiting to join, compared to Mastodon's ten (10) million users, according to the most recent stats a quick search turned up! Now somebody tell me: who, exactly, is "failing?"

    Search showing Bluesky has 1.5 million users, with 1 million more in waiting.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic

    Taking the time to understand why this thing is the way it is helps me to cope with disappointment. If I'm in an emotional state due to it, I usually have to work through those emotions first, but understanding and getting answers usually helps resolve my disappointment.

    Usually, for me, disappointment comes from not having a correct expectation of something. So when I'm met with it, I remind myself that this thing is not in my sphere of control, and so I adjust my expectation, or, better yet, drop expectation altogether.

    To me, it's best to let people and things be as they are and make the best of them. If they can be improved, great! But if they can't, then not having expectations for how it should be free energy to affect the things I can control.

    I hope this answer was helpful!

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I've stopped dealing with this. I make it very clear to people that there are no fucking lines. Stop reading between them. And if they keep reading between them and I can, I stop talking to those people.

    But, so many in NT society operate under so many layers of irony, it's like many of them can't conceive that anybody actually means what they say with no hidden meaning.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @dramypsyd @actuallyautistic This is a barrel of nutter-buttary that I have yet to encounter! If that's actually happening, yeah, sue their asses!

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I absolutely do this! I accidentally knocked a glass over in the dark while getting water one night, and I was just upset over this for like, the entire next day like I had accidentally knocked my friend over.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic God, this! This is so fucking painful! I'm normally a very patient person, but this is the fastest way to piss me off. The first time it happens, I warn the person that I do not speak between the lines. I may use metaphor or allegory, but I am very speicifc with my words.

    Accidents do happen. Miscommunication happens. If I feel like I didn't word myself clearly enough, I'll own it. But when people consistently take my words in bad faith, eventually I cut ties. Because I just don't have the time or the energy to deal with people like that.

    I feel like many NT people just operate under so many layers of irony that they just break whenever someone's direct and they just can't fathom that words actually have direct meaning, that there must be some coded message, there must be something between the lines! It's exhausting and frustrating.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @wilbr @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic I'm aware of that. Idioms aren't the problem. The problem is people are always looking for lines to read between! For example: I was once playing League with somebody, and saw they were in top lane against a Fiora. I said "I'm so sorry, Fiora is really fucking annoying," and I meant exactly that. This person went off on me and put words in my mouth that I was saying they suck at the game and couldn't handle playing against that champ.

    That's what I mean. That's the kind of thing I, and I belive the original poster, were talking about with people creating completely different meanings than what we said, and not only getting an entirely different meaning than what we meant, but taking us in the absolute worst possible faith they could.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @wilbr @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic No comment.

    But that said, they're not the only one to do this to me. It's not an infrequent occurance. A hallmark of Autism is being misunderstood, not only in our behavior but in our words.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @joshsusser @actuallyautistic I think a better way to put it is: autistic people have their own culture. This is largely due to the fact that we see things differently than allistic people do. We see the world in a relentlessly systematic way; a bottom, up perspective, compared to the more casual top down sort of view.

    Now imagine that you're talking to someone else from another English speaking country. You're speaking the same language, the words make sense, but they're not making sense. Not to mention a difference in sensitivities. Either of you would be totally lost in the other's culture unless you spend a significant amount of time around people of that culture, and, in some cases, if those differences are accommodated by the host. This sums up both the Double Empathy Problem and the Social Model of Disability. Our "culture" isn't understood by most allistics, and so for that reason our differences aren't accommodated.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @joshsusser @actuallyautistic To illustrate the differences in perspective: imagine you go to an art museum, and you see a sculpture that is a bunch of fragments hanging in such a way that they make the shape of a face when you view it from a distance and at a certain angle.

    Allistic people would see this as a sort of "face sculpture." Taking the whole and filtering out the smaller, unimportant details.

    Autistic people see as fragments that look like a face when you look at it right, focusing more on the smaller details, seeing it not as just one, whole thing but as every, little detail that makes a whole picture.

    Now imagine what an entire world view would look like when you view every, little thing in this rigorously, systematic way, and that can help people understand why there's often things lost in translation when autistic and allistic people interact.

    llamasoft_ox, to random
    @llamasoft_ox@toot.wales avatar

    I honestly don't see the point of buying a phone with super powerful stuff for gaming when your choice for gaming is... mobile games.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @llamasoft_ox You're just not the target demographic then. But, this is good for the future of mobile gaming. I'm not a mobile gamer either, but I can see this as an important step, because nobody is going to develop a game for higher end phones until somebody starts making higher end phones. That would be like developing for an Nvidia 60 series when we don't even have the 50 yet.

    Radical_EgoCom, to random

    The truth behind "nobody wants to work"

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @Radical_EgoCom Literally, right wing arguments never change. They're using the same, dusty, archaic playbook that they have since time immemorial.

    @daedalousilios@pawb.fun avatar

    @Heinzenstein @Radical_EgoCom

    It's almost like they don't actually give a shit about employment, they just want control.

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