@DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @DrALJONES Israel Supported the lawfare actions that put Lula on Jail and Bolsonaro on Power... And now he's going back and have the courage to say what the European Powers and US has not the courage to say...

    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @DrALJONES the superpowers has not the guts to say...

    Lula came from the Poor, travel from Brazilian Nothreast to the Southeast to work, lost two wives, saw his brother being arrested and released after tortured durting Brazilian Dictatorship for the "crime" of asking better work conditions and wage raises for workers...

    He got and fought and won during the 80s with lots of strikes. He founded the biggest Worker's Union and Brazilian Worker's party.

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • fabiocosta0305,
    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @DrALJONES yeah... They gave a coup on Goulart... Gave another with Operation Carwash...

    US need to learn that Brazil is no more their Banana Republic

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • fabiocosta0305,
    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @DrALJONES yeah... Those that prayed for a tire and asked for Ashtar Sheran to help Bolsonaro give a coup.

    But yeah, there's lots of fascists here

    As Gramsci said (AFAIK) the fascism's bitch is always on heat

    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @DrALJONES He proved you can...

    And this is his sin under the world elites.

    He hadn't Harvard

    He hadn't Stanford

    He hadn't Sourbonne

    He hadn't a father with mine on Tanzania

    All he had was a common name (Silva, the most common family name in Brazil)

    @markhburton@mstdn.social avatar

    As others have pointed out, the Nazi holocaust was not the only one, but most were in the majority world, where the people don't matter (as people) to the modern European world system. They were all the consequence of accumulation and it's crises, together with the ideological assumption of superiority over nature and the non-European(/-ised).
    The Nakba and the Zionist state's final solution in Gaza are part of the same overall game.

    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @DrALJONES I'd add, the PA can be compared to the Judenrat.

    That aside, Lula's comment, as he said it, was a bit extreme. But some comparison's are valid, I think.

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • Miro_Collas,
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @DrALJONES Yes I read. Just that bit missing about the PA being an instrument of the Israeli gvt - which all evidence suggests it is.

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • Miro_Collas,
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @DrALJONES Not off-hand, sorry. It has come up several times within articles discussing the current situation. Paraphrasing, the PA not actually doing anything to advance the cause of Palestinian self determination, down to PA police arresting Palestinian demonstrators, and similar.
    In other words, I haven't seen anything devoted to that issue specifically.

    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • Miro_Collas,
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @DrALJONES I understand, and agree. I am learning all the time here, there is a lot to take in. ;-)

    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @DrALJONES related: funny how the US seems so very eager to have the PA rule Palestine, once the two state solution comes into being (at least, this per what the US has said several times). That boils down to an Israel puppet regime.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    " is not completely in error if we consider more qualitative aspects of history & look to European fascism as a whole and not just the German National Socialists (who were peculiar in many ways)."


    , on the other hand, stands for the systematic destruction of a people on an industrial level including its culture. Even, , as I, too, have started calling him, falls a bit short by this measure.


    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas

    #WarInGaza #Palestine #History


    ...IMHO, can only be compared to very few people in recent history. Among them are only #JosephStalin, #MaoZedong, and possibly #KingLeopoldII, as well as #Cambodia's #PolPot.

    Many years ago, the late German Chancellor Dr. #HelmutKohl hat a PR disaster when he compared a #Sowjet minister to the infamous #Nazi Propaganda Minister, #JosrphGoebbels.

    Thus, #Lula's #Hitler comparison is very much out of...


    @fabiocosta0305@ursal.zone avatar

    @HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas didn't saw King Leopold II pic on this!

    Oh, wait... White, European... He's not a genocide, but a freedom fighter

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    You are interpreting a racial bias that simple isn't there in the article:

    Both, and would be "White"--an invention of early 20th century US right-wingers.
    Hitler was by birth , Stalin .
    Being from eastern (Gori) you could argue, that he was Asian, however, as Georgia belonged to the at that time, this distinction would be anachronistic, and thus irrelevant, in my view.

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas

    #WarInGaza #Palestine #History


    ...place, from a valid historical point of view.

    More importantly, it indirectly "normalizes" #Hitler's crimes against humanity by diminishing them, relatively speaking.

    Even if the #Netanyahu Government really did plan the mass flight of the #Palestinians and even their eventual resettlement in #Africa, it simply would still be (fortunately) way below the atrocities committed by the big slayers of the Modern Age.


    @DrALJONES@mastodon.social avatar


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  • HistoPol,
    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar



    I beg to disagree.
    Literally, it means the killing of a "gens", more broadly, a people.

    The has defined it as:

    "Article II

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed 👉with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,👈 as such:

    Killing members of the group;
    Causing serious bodily or mental harm...



    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ...to members of the group;
    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

    Now, whether "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in...

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ...whole or in part;" will apply, depends on what happens on 03/10/23. If the refugees have no (real) escape route and a great numer are "sqeezed" to death, being cornered I'd see a serious reason to charge the Government with .

    Just by children, the regime really IS committing .

    In my view, IF were not to be allowed back into en...

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ...real soon, I'd argue that the regime COULD be charged with :

    "...As ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law, there is no precise definition of this concept or the exact acts to be qualified as ethnic cleansing. A United Nations Commission of Experts mandated to look into violations of international humanitarian...

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ....law committed in the territory of the former defined ethnic cleansing in its interim report S/25274 as "… 👉rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.👈" In its final report S/1994/674, the same Commission described ethnic cleansing as “… 👉a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by...

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ...violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”👈

    This could constitute the following crimes:

    "The Commission of Experts added that these practices can “… constitute 👉crimes against humanity👈 and can be assimilated to specific 👉war crimes.👈 Furthermore, such acts could also fall within the meaning of the Genocide Convention.”

    I agree,...

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    ...though, that the legal definition should have been codified ages ago to be more unambiguous.



    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @HistoPol @DrALJONES

    Well, numerous legal scholars have defined Israel's current actions as genocide. Nor being a lawyer, I'm not in a position to debate it either way. :-)

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    I prefer waiting for the UN tribunals at the for similar reasons. This is highly technical.
    I've just read this now, and I agree:

    "The court said "at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza 👉appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the [Genocide] Convention👈".[21]"


    I can see stronger evidence for the charge:




    @HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas So Russians kidnapping Ukrainian children “really is genocide” but Israeli snipers killing Palestinian children for sport is not, got it.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    This is a slippery slope, as discussed.
    It would, in my non-professional view, be cold-blooded 1st degree murder and quite likely constitute a war crime. For it to be considered "genocide," it would need to happen methodolically on a significantly massive scale. Otherwise, the "gens" part of the word would not be fulfilled.

    The soldiers should be tried

    I have not seen reports of this happening from reliable sources, so this was theoretically speaking.

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas


    @HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas The point is the obvious contradiction implied by your position, namely that doing something less bad (abduction instead of killing) somehow adds up to something worse. If you don't accept live video capture or testimony from foreign doctors as reliable, that's on you.

    Also, your basic premise is false. First of all, the scale is very much sufficient. Killing going on 2% of the population directly is a significant part by any comparison to “legitimate war”, and moreover, a continuation of CURRENT CONDITIONS leads to a trajectory of several hundreds of thousands dead from starvation and disease. As you already conceded, creating those conditions by itself is sufficient to meet the definition of genocide. In any case, there is absolutely no "minimum number" of deaths required by the genocide definition. That is simply not a criterion. So much so that in their intervention to the ICJ in the Myanmar case, Germany, the UK, and friends have urged to the court to take the position that genocide can occur even absent ANY direct deaths.

    You're also vastly overstating the need for it to be "systematic". There is literally no such criterion stated in the convention. Sure, if you send out killer squads with lists of named members of the group to kill that makes it easy to establish intent, but it's not a necessary part of the definition. Just because the killing is arbitrary and haphazard does not in any way stand in the way of it constituting genocide. You are simply making up conditions out of thin air. And then you don't even apply your fantasy criteria consistently. Leopold II didn't give a fuck how many millions of Africans died to make him rich, but where was his GOAL to "systematically exterminate" them?

    Moreover, you conflate the question of whether it IS genocide with whether it can be PROVEN to be genocide, by saying you'll only accept that it is if the court rules so, which it only will if it is proven. This allows you to just casually dismiss all other expert assessment as "some scholars”. I don't know if you read the charge against Biden for complicity in the US court. It was supported by William Shabas, former President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, who literally wrote the book on the topic, “Genocide in International Law”. Moreover, who adopts a conservative position and doesn't consider the Holodomor to have constituted genocide in a strict legal sense, for instance. Yet he fully endorsed the view that Israel's actions in Gaza are prima facie genocidal, while fully aware of the numbers and scale.

    Compared to that you're just some totally unqualified rando making up the definition as he goes along and fabricating legal criteria out of thin air. Don't bother replying, I'm muting both you and this thread as a waste of time.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    That insult earns you an immediate block.
    Too bad that you just want to state your opinion.

    "Compared to that, you're just some totally unqualified rando making up the definition as he goes along and fabricating legal criteria out of thin air. Don't bother replying, I'm muting both you and this thread as a waste of time."

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas

    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @HistoPol @DrALJONES

    Valid points - yet I do think there are some parallels, even if the overall comparison fails.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    Oh, I agree very much with that statement.

    My gut feeling about , legally speaking, is "very uneasy."

    However, only (?) countries following the UK tradition of case law rely so heavily on "pararallels" aka "precedence."
    Other jurisdictions operate quite differently (the laws, supported by court decisions.)
    Even extremely similar cases might be decided quite differently (e.g. tax law.)
    To make inferences would be treading on thin ice.


    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @HistoPol @DrALJONES

    OK except that thread wasn't about law and legal definitions. It was rather whether comparisons could be made - on any level.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    I was solely referring to this post of yours where you talk about numerous "scholars" and "genocide."
    I had assumed you were talking about scholars of international (criminal) law, was I mistaken in that assumption?


    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    @HistoPol @DrALJONES I did say that - but it was in a different and separate conversation. We have been chatting in two threads. :-)

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    Ah, sorry, my app is not very good at threading.
    I night move the post later on then.


    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    No worries, all good. :-)


    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @Miro_Collas @DrALJONES


    We know; others might enjoy reading the other thread, too.

    @HistoPol@mastodon.social avatar

    @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas

    And yes, I am aware that at least 50% of the ca. 6mn. could have been rescued, had the and the party, , not highjacked the and lied to about the real situation in .--Or if other nations had accepted more refugees in the beginning. Originally, the Regime would have been content with a resettlement.


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