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Rottcodd, in Are we gonna make a big difference after this migration?
Rottcodd avatar

I don't care.

I already like this place, so it's done its job as far as I'm concerned.


all we need is the tech for reddit websites to be spread far and wide and easy for anyone to replicate. thus will end fascist censorship and will give rise to the New Internet Age!!! Somewhere along the way Covid26 arrives, tsunamis and geostorms, Elon dies horribly, China invades Taiwan, Putin fires off nukes and humanity's extinction becomes certain. Then the Aliens invade.

avyrla, in Are we gonna make a big difference after this migration?

I’m fucking stoked to see so many people like me (who are pissed at how corporations fuck their own product just to make more money) migrate over here. For once I feel like I actually have a way to “protest” corporations and their greed. I know the vast majority of Reddit users didn’t care, but I know many of us are here to break free from all of that tomfoolery. Just happy to be apart of it. Don’t know how long it will last, but I’m hoping that it does.


I’m just here. Cause Apollo is dead :(


me too, but i think im honestly done with reddit. i miss a lot of my niche communities but I created lemmy versions of some and I’m cross posting some top posts from reddit just to get things going a bit.

i see a lot of possibilities with lemmy, there are already some great apps being made (my fave rn is memmy, not quite native ios like apollo, but has a really polished look and gestures feel natural it’s easy to get the hang of)

Corgikong, (edited )

Yea I’m using Memmy myself. I have never not hated the Reddit app so I’m also done with Reddit as a whole


their app is truly god awful

i downloaded that first after apollo died just to give it a shot, but it felt like a giant ad

sponsored posts everywhere, premium features plastered all over, i felt like there were micro transactions just to use it

the website isn’t too bad with adblocker, but after what they pulled with Christian and Apollo, I’m just done.

DrNeurohax avatar

I thought I used Reddit a lot, but I've been rummaging around here waaaaay more than I ever did there.

It's been driving me nuts for days, but I literally JUST figured it out...

It reminds me of freshman year in college. Everyone is turbo-social and extra considerate. Maybe that's partly from not knowing who is who, or maybe even not remembering if you've met the person you're talking to because you met so many new people. Everything was fresh and new, and there was that feeling of starting a new journey. Lots of confusion and chaos, but everyone was understanding ("Oh, you're a freshman. Let me show you...").

Bendersmember avatar

That's a good way of putting it. It's really refreshing for people to act polite and give benefit of the doubt. I know that the honeymoon period won't last forever. But when the dust settles I hope it stays a happier place than Reddit.

Nonameuser678 avatar

I'm also sick of their bullshit algorithms and the whole engagement strategy of amplifying hate.

bigboismith, in idk why crypto is so hated

From an IT perspective, blockchain technology is a solution in search of a problem. From an environmental perspective, crypto is a disaster. From an economical perspective it’s too unstable to be anything but gambling.

Buying drugs over the internet is the only real reason crypto currencies can be useful. Hell even in person it’s better to use cash.

emmie, (edited )

Maybe that’s the only use case but it is fucking good at it. Amazingly good

Besides cash could be removed by govs to ‘protect us’

And obviously cash cannot be used over distance

Cryptography gives power to the people. US even wanted cryptography banned at some point but it turned out not feasible so they pretended they changed mind

Lemmy is another thing that gives me hope in the future

Candelestine, in What are your thoughts on being called Lemmings if this platform becomes a staple?

I appreciate it as a self-aware jab at the nature of online communities in general, and it amuses me. Every human is a lemming in some way, shape or form, there’s just nothing new under the sun so-to-speak. But by being aware of this tendency we can control our own behavior more consciously and effectively.

Gotta be able to laugh at yourself though, which is a capability that not everybody possesses.

DeadNinja, avatar

Sir, you are a Buddha.


I like self sorting systems. Let the easily offended become offended and go somewhere else. They do have the right to be offended, after all.

netvor, avatar

Which group of easily offended people is going to be the largest?

  • Those who get offended and therefore leave,
  • or those who get offended but stay, because their curiosity won’t let them go,
  • or those who get offended and stay to troll and throw 💩 around and watch the world burn.

Tough to say. But everyone in category 3 would have done it anyway.


It does kind of lack the same embarrassment that comes from self identifying as a Redditor


Just thinking about how at some point in the future the lemmyverse will be replaced over some dumb shit and the tremendous amount of absolutely trash memes about lemmings jumping off a cliff that follow fills me with joy.

The internet is a cycle and it's fun to witness a new cycle now.

zeppo, in "Men are bad at picking up on women's hints." What are your actual thoughts on this sentiment? avatar

One problem is that it’s very socially unacceptable to mistake not-a-hint for a a hint. Maybe people should stop trying to ‘hint’ and be more direct.


It’s worse when they do that shit on purpose like it’s some stupid power move. I catch wind of that and I’m immediately flaccid. All interest is gone. I don’t need that shit in my life.

Crackhappy, avatar

This right here. I do not try to take any hints. If you like me say so.

OtakuAltair, in What are your thoughts on being called Lemmings if this platform becomes a staple?

That definition comes from a false myth; a documentary made a bunch of lemmings fall to their deaths and purposefully misrepresented it iirc, fucked up.

It’s time we reclaim our name and honour!

Loaf-shaped black-orange lemming sitting on shallow water surface


As a resident of Scandinavia I knew it was a myth, but I had to look up a source:…


Lemming loaf!!


plus they are cute af


I feel like there is some analogy to be made over how other social media platform leadership are all too willing to ruin our communities and run us out of them for their short-sighted goals.

Rhaedas avatar

Totally. They are Disney creating a scenario where the logical response ought to be to stop at the cliff (aka play by their rules). Lemmings "choose" to confront the unknown future and go over the cliff, as that's better than obedience to the overbearing corporate entity.

elbucho, (edited ) in Men: shopping with women avatar

I think it’s not so much about the genders of the shoppers, but rather their approach to shopping that is most telling. I take after my mother: I’m a Combat Shopper. When I enter a store, I have a specific plan of action, and my goal is to execute it as swiftly and efficiently as possible and get out. My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper. He would spend hours at the store slowly walking up and down every aisle trying to think if anybody he knew would want whatever bit of tat was on the shelves in front of him. Drove me fucking nuts to shop with him.

I think that combat shoppers can shop with other combat shoppers, and lookie-loo shoppers with others of their ilk, but pairing one with the other is a recipe for hurt feelings.


I love this classification!


I vary between combat and lookeeloo, depending on the shop.


My take away from this is the phrase combat shopper


Totally! You explained it really well.

My partner and I are the lookie-loo shoppers. We often cover stores aisle by aisle. It’s entertaining for us for different reasons. We like to see what people are buying, especially things like books, clothes, etc. We like to talk about the products and the things that follow; for example, we start by noticing the variety of flavors in pets food and end up talking about animals, foods, etc. We like to learn about new products, as we are often out of the loop and it’s nice to find new gadgets or kitchen accessories this way. We try new things, like “try me” lotions or whatever. Overall, it is a fun experience.


This is my experience also. Me and the wife are both combat shoppers. We plan, we go in, cart blazing, we execute the plan, we get out and away. If either of us was the other kind of shopper, it wouldn’t work really.

livus avatar

@Irinir me and my partner are both normally combat shoppers as well. I think @elbucho's right.

There are certain shops (e.g some bookshops) where one or the other of us might want to looky loo and we generally leave each other to it.


Aaah, this describes me too. I particularly hate thrift shopping, because I always want something specific and the likelihood of finding it in a thrift shop is slim to none. I value my time more than a chance of monetary savings, I guess.


I take after my mother: I’m a Combat Shopper.

My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper.

There’s always two types of people, and they usually marry each other.


What mode I’m in depends why I’m at the store. Am I getting specific items and GTFO or am I looking for a solution for a problem. I cook a lot so I know what I want and when I go to the grocery store, it’s fast. If I’m looking for a solution, potentially to fix or remodel something I’ll probably peruse through home Depot for some time.

agent_flounder, avatar

My mode depends on what I’m shopping for and how much time is available, whether I feel like wandering, and whether I know the store at all.

Let’s say I need, idk, a 6TB drive from Microcenter but I have like an hour to get it. Combat mode.

By contrast, this morning I felt like looking for some used blu rays at the thrift store and also felt like being a looky-loo.

If it is something we are both shopping for like garden decor, or we are there to browse like for antiques or furniture, then it’s fun browsing.

I kind of feel like combat shopping is better solo. Unless the person can walk fast and help me find the thing if I don’t have precise Intel on location.

Having another person could be redundant unless you don’t know exactly what you want and need to compare and discuss a few candidate items.

Sharkwellington, in The older I get the more annoyed I am at teenagers

I just imagined a world where for 10 years I told my child I loved them and then for them to within less than a year, stop responding and then actively shame you for doing so.

Whenever I hear a single-sentence story about how a parent did nothing but love their child and the child decided to drop contact out of nowhere, I always wonder what context has been withheld.

The Missing Missing Reasons

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

This was a good read, thanks. I’ve known so many people who have separated from their parents, and every single one of them has a good reason. I’ve often wondered how the parents tell it from their side. I’m sure every single one of them was “loving” and “nurturing” by their own account, even the dad who couldn’t accept that his son was gay, or the parents who perpetually and deliberately misgendered their daughter. I’ve known so many such cases, and sadly some have ended in tragedy.

Me, I’ve had good parents, but I have a brother who’s an abusive asshole who I want nothing to do with, and occassionally I get the “he’s your brother, you’ve got to love him” schtick from third parties. No. I really don’t.

No one is obligated to stay connected with family who are hurtful, especially when it’s the parents who were the ones who chose to bring you into this world. It’s massively unfair for people to expect that we just tolerate, even love, abusive family.

magnetosphere avatar

I remember saying something similar when I was a teenager, only I was complaining about other asshole relatives, not parents. “Why do we have to pretend to love these people, and waste our holidays with them, just because we have some genetic material in common? What does that have to do with anything? And why are we the ones who have to make all the effort? You know those people wouldn’t lift a finger for us.”


I’m sorry about your brother. I more than advocate cutting out abusive family members. I’ve found that those who advocate keeping in contact with said people have never dealt with shitty family members themselves.

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

Thank you. I think you’re right. It must be so nice to be able to have a family one can love.

Redhotkurt, (edited ) in My daughter's public school in Indiana is having "Hawaiian Day" today. That's offensive, isn't it?
Redhotkurt avatar

I am not of indigenous Hawaiian descent, but I feel like I can answer this since I grew up there. FYI you're gonna get a lot of different answers depending on who you ask, when/where they lived there, etc.

While I don't find the "mainland"'s obsession with grass skirts and coconut bras particularly "offensive," I do think people need to know Native Hawaiian women didn't wear tops at all until Protestant missionaries arrived in the 1900s. There are no records of its official origin, but the coconut bra was eventually embraced by natives to an extent and used as an exotic marketing element for tourism. Now it's permanently associated with the islands. Technically you could say coconut bras are traditional now, but they sure weren't traditional before the islands were colonized.

But to answer your question, I personally do not find your typical "Hawaiian day" offensive. A little embarrassing and cringe, to be honest, but not offensive. I do think it's disappointing, though, how most people accept things at face value and aren't interested in learning about other cultures if it doesn't fit the image they have in their head. Because there's so much more to learn, man. I don't think you're "overreacting," and I think it's more than a little disingenuous (this next part is not aimed at you btw OP) to invalidate others' concerns about cultural appropriation and write them off completely simply because the subject makes you uncomfortable. It's a real thing, and it's a discussion worth having. Who knows, you might learn something.

On that note, a fun fact: did you know that the iconic flower-print button-down short-sleeve collared shirts are not called "Hawaiian shirts" in Hawai'i? Yeah, only tourists call them that. They're "Aloha shirts," brah!

FlyingSquid, avatar

I appreciate your response. It’s a lot to think about. Thank you!


American culture is a hodge podge of multiple cultures. We’re a melting pot. I’ve found more often than not, it’s not the culture in question that has issues with the integration of their cultural influences.

cAUzapNEAGLb, in Is FlyingSquid Some Kind of Rage-Bait Account?

It’s a real douche move to question a person’s illness publicly this way.

If you actually care, DM them or respond in the comments. Otherwise just downvote their post, move on, or block them.

Don’t broadcast your drama like a toddler.


User has told me, everybody in the 5+ threads, and god herself that they “aren’t a doctor” so, nah mate

Kolanaki, avatar

Are you a doctor?


I'm a doctor


Yep, I can tell you with 100% certainty he’s got CHS

Kolanaki, avatar

I guess all the other doctors he has seen IRL must suck. I mean, you’re able to diagnose someone without actually seeing them or examining them, and those others can’t figure out what’s wrong with all the tests they’ve performed. /s


He has a 6th post about clowning on the mayo clinic, so yeah, I agree lmao.


Generally I would agree with you, but given Squids efforts at publicizing his ordeal I’d say everything is fair game.

nobleshift, in What's a piece of advice you've received that has stuck with you? avatar


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  • mydude,

    When speaking to anyone in law enforcement, don’t.


    If you don’t speak at all, you must have something to hide, therefore you are resisting. Would you prefer a beating, a sitting on your neck or a couple of bullet holes? You have the liberty of choice.

    shinigamiookamiryuu, in "Men are bad at picking up on women's hints." What are your actual thoughts on this sentiment?

    I’m a woman and not so good at picking up anyone’s “hints”. And when I do try, it rarely ends up being the intended hint.

    Ethalis, in Which warrior would win in a fight?

    Who would win in a fight? A half-naked militiaman with a bronze sword or a soldier in full armor with a steel katana?

    Don’t get me wrong, Greek hoplites were great in formation for their time period, but the individual spartan was basically just a decently fit dude

    Jaysyn, (edited )
    Jaysyn avatar

    soldier in full armor with a steel katana?

    If they also have their yumi (longbow) & any amount of distance, that hoplite or spartan is a dead man.


    Technically we are talking about Spartans not hoplites. The Spartans had bows, javelins, and slings too. But ranged weapons aren’t great against steel armour. And their bronze armour would have caved like butter if hit by basically any of the steel weapons and ammunition the samurai used.


    Samurai also had straight up guns. For centuries. They bought them off of Portuguese traders and developed a local industry

    Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

    So, don't bring a bronze sword to an armored, steel sword/ longbow/ gun fight?

    teft, in Is it justifiable to punch yourself in the eye? avatar

    Stress and lack of sleep will make your eye twitchy. Drink some chamomile tea and eat a chocolate cookie.


    My eye isn’t twitching, but I’m still going to take your advice.

    guyrocket, in I'm glad there's fewer 'comedians' here
    guyrocket avatar

    I went back and forth on this when I was new to Reddit. At first I was frustrated by the humor in the comments but later I appreciated having a laugh so I actually liked it most of the time.

    Laughing is good for you. Questions on social media don't have to be stoic academic discussions. There are other places for that. It is ok to laugh a bit.

    I also think the question should be answered, so I do agree with part.

    magnetosphere, (edited )
    magnetosphere avatar

    Funny is good. The same endlessly recycled puns, references, and predictable comment chains aren’t funny, though.

    I do agree with you, however.


    As an early adopter of Reddit, it always had jokes. What it only recently came into possession of is an inability to be serious. I consider the jokes an enzyme, in that they are a small piece that accelerates the coming of an answer and the proportion of joke and answer should be similar to enzyme and substrate. At least one of the top 3 comments should be an attempt at answering the question or both the jokes and the answers are devalued.


    I agree with this entirely. A joke can be satirical and bookend a thread but the top comments deserve to at least be thoughtful and insightful. It’s much like how comedic timing and actual contribution have to be balanced in real life.

    Try your best to get your voice heard but always ask yourself “Am I really contributing to this conversation?” before submitting.

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