




Great news. Fuck this guy.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Certified redneck gun nut here: I also say fuck that guy.


Where does one get this certification and does it require building things out of beer cans?


I’ve known a lot of gun nuts and none of them were psychopathic, no matter their politics. This guy isn’t a gun nut, he’s a monster.


I was literally thinking about this case when turning around in someone’s driveway this week. Great precedent for conservatives who believe minorities are around every corner trying to take their homes.


Yank the handbrake and do a 180 in the street. It’s for your own safety, after all!


You can’t ticket me officer! I was just trying not to get shot!


acorn falls

“I’m in danger :)”


I was just trying not to get shot!

I worry this is a valid excuse for missing school, sneaking out of a concert, doing doughnuts on a lawn, etc.

Pistols are lethal a mile out from where they were fired. Can you imagine how many guns are within a mile radius in many parts of America ?

It seems taking a trip to Mexico is also a valid way to escape gun violence.

icydefiance, (edited )

Canada would be. Mexico’s homicide rate is almost 5x higher than the USA.

TheBat, avatar



Google “us homicide rate” and then “mexico homicide rate”. It’ll take you 5 seconds.


Apparently it’s only bad for Mexicans:

Using those figures, the murder rate of U.S. citizens in Mexico was around 0.26 per 100,000 visitors, significantly lower than the rate in the United States.


Tourists choose the safest areas of the country to visit, and they don’t stay very long, so yeah that makes sense. You’re not really escaping gun violence in the USA if you only leave the country for a few days, though.

Mac, (edited )

Macrotrends whose source is World Bank

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

And it’ll get you pussy! Chicks love handbrake turns.


Please tell me this a TopGear reference.

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, (edited ) avatar

Yessir hahaha. Good eye.


That bit was so funny. Especially since the handbrake turns were awful. Lmao


They’re hot for James May right now!


While shooting someone for turning around in your driveway is absolutely ridiculous, I’d also say turning around in some rando’s driveway to be on the rude side.


It happens all the time and only takes 5 seconds tops. It has probably happened to you multiple times and you never noticed.

bobs_monkey, (edited )

I also have a downslope driveway that ices up in the winter, and have had someone hit my car and take off doing it, so yeah I’d rather they didn’t. I also respect people’s private property.


I also respect people’s private property.

That’s about the most asinine way you possibly could have ended that sentence. You almost had my sympathy for why you feel the way you do until said that.


I respect people. If a person I respect has property, by the transitive property, the property gets a sort of respect.


To an extent I agree to respect people’s property, but I think community takes precedent here. People shouldn’t fear for their lives if they need to turn around. If you’re that fearful of people you need to live somewhere without roads


Things might be different in the US, but here in NZ the first meter or two off the road is usually road reserve, which is council property. That’s where footpaths/sidewalks, street trees, and utilities are run.

The bit of your driveway that is actually yours doesn’t start until about where your front fence is, if you have one.


Nope - absolutely the same here. There’s typically a stretch of property facing the street and potentially in an adjacent alley where the homeowner is responsible for basic maintenance (mowing the grass) but it’s used for utility access and may be taken off they decide to widen the roads. I’m sure exceptions exist, but less commonly.


Hell, one of the houses I looked at when I moved had an easement about farmers taking cows across the yard (probably leftover from the 1700s, but still).

AA5B, (edited )

Arguably your driveway, front walk, and front step/porch is s there expressly for other people to use. Sure, wandering around the front yard of someone you don’t know is rude/disrespectful, as is hitting their car, but you’re providing a well defined way for anyone to approach your house, so really can’t object to them using it


Big city guy right here.


I live in the mountains but ok

TheBat, avatar

Go deeper in caves and stay there.


How intellectual of you


It’s turning around, not seeing the end of the driveway. Only uses the public part of the driveway anyway. Get your head out of your ass.


♪ I’m… trigger-happy! Trigger-happy every day! (Every day!) ♪


Fucking good. Rot slowly, psycho.




Now taxpayers get to pay for his food and housing for the rest of his life, neat!

starman2112, (edited ) avatar

And he gets to sit in a shitty box surrounded by other murderers for the short remainder of his pathetic life. I’m fine with that


So you don’t want him in prison and maybe kill another one that turns up in his driveway?


What you’re doing right now is called projection.


It’s not.


When you assume someone else’s ideas for solutions must be as limited as your own, yes, that’s what projection is.

ZeroCool, (edited )

That’s not even remotely close to what they did. Try again.


I did just fine the first time. Thread full of fascists gonna fascist.

mriormro, avatar

You genuinely sound dumb. I’m sorry you’re like this.


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


Nah. Just objectification when he uses ‘that’ in place of ‘who’. Different entirely.


It's probably closer to a strawman or false dichotomy, than it is projection.

Though, providing basic needs to prisoners seems like a relatively small price to pay to keep them off the streets and hopefully deter other crime.


It’s absolutely a false dichotomy, but when they suggested I must want the other half of the dichotomy, that is projection.


I mean, what would you rather happen?


Release all the inmates that are there on nonviolent drug crimes, so the cost of prisons goes way down?

But that’s too hard of course.


Taxes get spent on all sorts of stuff you don’t want or need - that’s the purpose of tax, so the country can spend money on things it needs but individuals don’t necessarily want. You might as well complain about tax being spent to build roads you’re never going to drive on, or social services you don’t partake in. It’s all the same pool of money.


The US has a for-profit prison problem. 25-year sentences are a symptom of that problem.

AbidanYre, (edited )

Ok. What does that have to do with this murder case?

Edit: Since you’re so fond of identifying things (even though you have yet to get one right) your answer there was a non sequitur.

ZeroCool, (edited )

Absolutely nothing, but I get the impression they think it’s a compelling point.


25 year sentences would not even be considered if rehabilitation was the intention. It is a sign of a sick system when we applaud 25 year sentences. The guy is not going to get better help for his mental illness after year 24 than he will get in the first year.


Are you suggesting that a 1 year sentence is appropriate for murder?


Why is this thread so full of projection? Why do the people here find it so hard to accept that our prison system is broken?

AbidanYre, (edited )

You really don’t know what that word means, but dagnabbit you’re not going to let that stop you from using it.

I’ll make it simple. What do you think is an appropriate response to 2nd degree murder?


The shooter is 65. That means at the end of a 25-year sentence he will be 90. Do you think he’ll still be a danger to the public at 80? 85?

I think 15 years would be plenty.

ZeroCool, (edited )

Yeah, that’s how prison works. Most people consider it a small price to pay to keep murderers off the streets.

ki77erb, (edited )

Is the government able to take possession of his house/land and personal property, sell it and use that to help fund his incarceration? Is that a thing?

Before I get downvoted to oblivion, I’m not saying they SHOULD. I’m just asking if that’s something they do. Maybe I should have worded it better.

hemko, (edited )

I don’t know the rules in USA but I’d assume only in case of debt they are not able to pay after some time (years, likely). This could be fines or legal fees

NatakuNox, avatar

His assets will be sold off to pay the victims family and to cover the trauma the other passengers received from the crime.

ptz, (edited ) avatar

Is the government able to take possession of his house/land and personal property, sell it and use that to help fund his incarceration? Is that a thing?

Yeah, a gateway to even more corruption. We already have Civil Asset Forfeiture, and it’s abused exactly how you think it would be. In all but a few cases, the money goes to law enforcement (local or otherwise). It’s basically legalized theft, though some states have higher thresholds than others.

Emphases mine:

In the United States, civil forfeiture (also called civil asset forfeiture or civil judicial forfeiture)[1] is a process in which law enforcement officers take assets from people who are suspected of involvement with crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing.

corsicanguppy, (edited )

Like good healthcare. Even good prison food is cheaper due to economies of scale.

We could feed way more homeless with some properly consolidated soup kitchens attached to gov bed-spaces.


Wish I hadn’t read this headline, it validates the anxiety I’ve had before about being confronted for turning around in a stranger’s driveway.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

Dude, people get unreasonably pissy about that. I don’t know why. For instance, there are several houses around here with big “No U Turns In Driveway!” or similar signage to the same effect, which all have like 4 foot long driveways in locations where I can’t imagine anyone would be looking for a spot to turn around anyway.

Motherfuckers must be paranoid. It’s got to be exhausting, being so spooked all the time.

ptz, avatar

Devil’s avocado: People used to turn around in my driveway all the time at my old house. If they stayed on the pavement, that’d be one thing. But half of them cut into the grass, and it turned it into and stayed a rutted, muddy mess.

Granted, I would never start taking pot shots at people turning, but I did put up a sign.


Thus the giant rocks I see on either side of the end of some driveways. Possible car damage seems to be a helpful deterrent to driving through the grass.

bryan, avatar

I have big boulders for inflicting car damage if someone goes off the driveway.

Otherwise I don’t care if someone turns around in my driveway.

ptz, avatar

That works too. lol I just didn’t have any handy, and I thought cinder blocks would either look trashy or get stolen.

AbidanYre, (edited )

They only look trashy until they get stolen.

Win/win? Lose/lose? That’s for you to decide.

dual_sport_dork, avatar

To prevent people from parking in front of and blocking my driveway, which happens often due to the location, I cast some traffic cones out of concrete and spaced them so parallel parking anything larger than a motorcycle is impossible but you can pull in between them nose first or in reverse. They weigh 180 pounds each, and look squishy… until you strike them with a vehicle.

Watching morons clonk into them is hilarious. But they seldom do it twice.

ThisIsNotHim, avatar

Boulders are the best kind of decorative bollard


Yeah that sucks but a couple large rocks or simple fence would take care of it.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

There is some legitimate reasons for it, but not likely to ever be the case. Larger vehicles may damage their driveway if it’s older or not as well built. So it works for their sedan, but an f-150 or a EV could irreparably damage it. People wouldn’t ever think of that, it’s like driving on their grass basically. Who does that?

It’s their private property, they do have a right to protect from damage from people entering it, but not to death.


Lol if a F150 or EV damages your “driveway” it was never an actual driveway to begin with. As in, no it won’t damage a driveway. You’re thinking of a lawn.


I mean that’s just plain fucking false

Brooks said. The extra weight will affect everything from faster wear on residential streets and driveways to vehicle tires and infrastructure like parking garages.


Michael Brooks, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Auto Safety

How does this even make him qualified to be making such statements? Furthermore, my residential neighborhood is full of 25 year old driveways and big ass trucks like F350 diesels and nobody has damaged driveways.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

You understand that some people cut corners and may not have the same quality of products yeah? That’s for them to decide, not you. Some people make their driveway out of paving stones FFS LMFAO.

And some counties have different codes and standards, maybe where you live it’s 6” slabs and it’s fine, but lots of places are 3.5” driveways dude. And lots of places cut corners dropping it to even 3” or less. Without engineers verifying, it’s a crapshoot. And no one wants to pay for that for a resi driveway.

Not everyone is going to have the same experiences as you lmfao.

someguy3, (edited )

Wear on road goes up by the fourth power. Do you have any idea what a fully loaded tractor trailer weighs? Consumer vehicles are not even a rounding error.


Residential roads are built vastly different than interstate roads. Sorry to inform you.

someguy3, (edited )

To, you know, build those houses you have those tractor trailers. And concrete trucks. In addition to transit buses, garbage trucks, moving and furniture trucks. Consumer vehicles are a rounding error.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

Those are weight limited to feeder roads, only smaller versions of those can do down the actual residential roads. They aren’t built the same, no matter how much you want to claim and argue they are. Roads are built differently, and some have weight limits since the weight will absolutely destroy them.

When you order concrete, they can’t always send the large trucks, it can cost more to do work on residential streets since they need to batch more vehicles and more drivers. If you aren’t in the industry, you probably wouldn’t know this, but the road construction differences are all over the NHTSA website if you want to learn something.

someguy3, (edited )

Oh yeah no concrete trucks lol. Do you think they are weight limited to residential vehicles? Fucking lol. Doubt they could even do that empty. And you didn’t even touch all my other examples.

Dude at a certain point you have to admit you’re wrong and stop digging your hole. Seems you can’t here so cheers.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

There’s more than one type of concert truck dude… there’s tractor trailer (won’t send on residential roads) and a bodyjob. Which are legal for residential roads. One can hold more, so it weighs more, and would damage those roads, so they get fined if they send large vehicles down them. This isn’t a lie, this is a fact lmfao. And you want to claim it’s not? Read the NHTSA legislation, it’s all right there for you in ways to digest format.

They have more tires that have a larger footprint so its weight is distributed more, that’s what matters, not the weight, the psi it exerts onto the ground. You would be surprised to find they exert less force overall than other vehicles, but I know you won’t ever believe this lmfao.

Theres is also weight limited roads. Did you not learn about these during drivers ed…?


See you have to keep drifting from EVs and F150s, fucking lol. Remember that was your first hole. Besides trying to effectively ignore, well, all my examples (because yes I am familiar with the concrete trucks used in residential construction). And driveways were covered with moving trucks and furniture trucks (fully loaded of course). Ok I really can’t keep correcting you all day. Cheers.


You can’t correct me since you are entirely mistaken and wrong lmfao.

Its weight distribution, the overall weight is a portion of the calculation. Theres a reason why larger vehicles have more larger tires dude…

It’s okay to be wrong, the NHTSA has some wonderful information for you.

someguy3, (edited )

FYI it’s actually axle weight (that’s taken to the 4th power), that you don’t even know that while trying to present yourself as an authority says it all. Feel free to look it up. But you can’t spread it out enough over 3 to 4 to 5 axles to equal consumer vehicles. Not even close, and then the 4th power. That’s why consumer vehicles are not even a rounding error. Ok that’s it, really. Cheers.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

For asphalt… for concrete it’s psi, which changes on the amount of tires per axle….

Driveways are typically concrete and roads are typically asphalt. You’re arguing different angles and points:

You’re conflating the two. It happens. This is why you should stick to one argument instead of trying to bring others in to make your point. You just conflate shit lol, there’s a reason why it’s considered a fallacy to do it.


Protect as in “put up a sign”, sure. But I can’t justify any amount of force to protect someone’s driveway.

If your driveway is damaged by using it as a driveway, then it’s already too late and you need a new one. You have no control over what delivery people are driving, or any number or legitimate public service workers who might need to stop at your house.

SchmidtGenetics, (edited )

No delivery driver pulls up on driveways anywhere I have been, and you can request them not too as well. Lots will damage driveways due their weight (see below), so policy is to avoid for liability reasons.

And same as above for public service workers as well, you can request stuff too.

And that’s actually not true, lots of driveways aren’t able to handle EV weight, the standard 3.5-4” isn’t strong enough. It’ll damage very quickly. It’s not brought up enough to be honest.

limelight79, (edited )

Really? Our delivery drivers pull into the driveway all the time. Just had a FedEx truck in our driveway a few hours ago, in fact. Now that I think about it, Amazon trucks often stay at the street, but not always; my wife had to wait for one to leave the other day when she got home as Amazon was making a delivery.

troyunrau, avatar

Everyone but Amazon pulls into my driveway. I share a double wide driveway with the neighbours and the deliver drivers love it. Only time it’s been an issue was when a ambulance parked there for someone across the street and we couldn’t exit. Woe is me – someone is literally dying and I had a minor inconvenience. All in all, pretty happy with it.


you can request them not too as well.

Not too what? Request them not too heavy…?


EVs aren’t uniformly heavier than ice vehicles. Median weight is 2145kg vs 1768kg for ice. Your driveway should be able to hold around 8000 lbs, or 3600 kg. Basically the only ev you need to worry about is an electric Hummer.

And, again, if you feel your driveway can’t be used as a driveway, it’s already broken. The point of the thing is for people to put cars on it.
You’re welcome to put signs up on your own property for whatever you like, but you look silly getting upset for something like that.

It’s like putting up a sign demanding that people don’t knock on your door because if they do it’ll fall off the hinges. It’s your right, but don’t be surprised if people don’t look for the sign, and maybe just get something that isn’t broken.


That 8000lbs is for 3” of asphalt, not concrete.

You are entirely misinformed.


Concrete is stronger than asphalt though.


I was going to point that out. It’s significantly stronger. What a boob.

ricecake, (edited )

Weird, because “googling it” shows that every source says otherwise.

Maybe you should check your recollection before spouting off about stuff so confidently.

If 300kg makes that big a difference, your driveway is broken. Do you think your driveway is permanently damaged by something as extreme as “two cars” being parked on it?


This is what happens when you have a libertarian rural populace. They believe that you entering their property is an invasion of their sanctity.

tim-clark avatar

I have one of those signs along with beware of dogs. Living in the country there has been a ton of theft here, stopped once i got 2 dogs. People were pulling in grabbing stuff often the first few years here. Other issue is I have a narrow driveway and road, it a pain to back out and not go in the ditch or hit the mailbox. 500ft down the road is a turn around for the school bus, they can turn around there.

Side note, due to the unruly angry people that live in the country. Was taught as a kid to not use people's driveways for turning around, don't want to get shot.


Living life in fear.

tim-clark avatar

I'm American, grew up being aware of the nuts with guns that live thier life in fear. Have had guns in my face so many times, it's no fear but frustration with theft. Living in the country you get shot at often for no reason


If someone is using a driveway to turn around, I’d put money on them being lost and not knowing about the bus turn around farther down the road.


Here’s hoping for life.


Yeah, it’s stuff like this that’s made me afraid to pull into driveways to turn around. I’m afraid to even pull up and stop next to a house in a neighborhood I don’t know. There have been so many stories like this going around lately.

ganksy, avatar

A-1 Quality judge up there in NY.

PoliticallyIncorrect, avatar

Good. Fucking nut bastard.

GlassHalfHopeful, avatar

I was waiting for some news on this and I’m so grateful to hear that he’s actually gonna be punished.

Absolutely nothing can make up for what he did, but I pray to the cosmos that this deters other fools.

starman2112, avatar

Judge Adam Michelini slammed Monahan in court, saying

NO HE DIDN’T. He SLAMMED Monahan by giving a calm milquetoast “what you did is awful and you should feel ashamed” statement? I wanna see a judge suplex a motherfucker before I see the word SLAM used in this context again

Olhonestjim, (edited )

Reporter SLAMMED for overuse of the word SLAM in clickbait titles.

Probably not even written by a human though, really.


I don’t know what it is but I love it when the word slam is casually thrown into headlines and articles. Some weird fetish I guess. I don’t like clickbait but the use of that word is hilarious to me, especially when describing casual arguments like this instance.


What the fuck?

AbidanYre, (edited )

He’s now governor of that state. Fuck Montana


Holy shit. Why are people the way that they are!?

InEnduringGrowStrong, (edited ) avatar

Why do judges have hammers if not to SLAM.

elephantium, avatar

From the hammer to the slammer. Fear the judge.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I had the fun of explaining the Castle Doctrine, Stand-Your-Ground laws and Trayvon Martin’s murder to my 13-year-old today.

So at least I got to read some good news regarding someone who murdered in “self-defense.”

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

It’s a good thing she wasn’t black. Well, as good as can be under the circumstances of still having been killed.

mp3, avatar

Wow, the judge did the right thing. Great video.

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