

Falling injuries would skyrocket if that door opened outward.


This is what seems to have helped for me on Fedora:

  1. Install free and non-free RPM Fusion repositories: https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration
  2. Then run the following:
    sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin
    sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video
    sudo dnf install mozilla-openh264
    rm ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/registry.x86_64.bin

I was having trouble with many h265 videos until I cleared my gstreamer cache (I only needed to clear the 64-bit cache, this thread suggests clearing both 32 and 64-bit):


Since I don't have more than 10 friends or family that I call, it was more cost effective not to go unlimited.


Did she happen to have the entire interview recorded? Would be nice to see how well she did.


I mean, if she's already dying, what's the issue here? I'm losing money if I have to stop and call 911, when she has a perfectly good phone to do it herself.


In headlines, a comma is often used in place of "and", so it should be read as "GOP Rep sued for falsely claiming man was Chiefs' parade shooter and illegal alien"


You're not really out of the loop, this was more than 20 years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bnetd


Wow, I had no idea VeggieTales covered that song! I didn't think it was even very well known outside Mormonism.


It's probably closer to a strawman or false dichotomy, than it is projection.

Though, providing basic needs to prisoners seems like a relatively small price to pay to keep them off the streets and hopefully deter other crime.


What's scary is that I think the owner of userbenchmark actually believes that statement. Which might explain how he's so out of touch that he thinks his own crap doesn't stink and deserves to be locked behind a subscription. I'm just sad that there might be a not insignificant number of people that pay for it.


My wife and I love to sub beans instead of beef for these. Mmm, so good!


And even if you allowed sqrt(4) = ±2, it would still be invalid to evaluate it to -2 on one side of the equation, but then use +2 on the other side.


The issue is just for 1 on 1 phone calls, meetings seem to work fine.

Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them? (gadgettendency.com)

With support ending for Windows 10, the most popular desktop operating system in the world currently, possibly 240 million pcs may be sent to the landfill. This is mostly due to Windows 11’s exorbitant requirements. This will most likely result in many pcs being immediately outdated, and prone to viruses. GNU/Linux may be...


And even if the 240 million laptops were all 24" ultra wide behemoths, that's still only ~146,304 km; not even half the average distance to the moon.

I wouldn't even call the article hyperbole, but if we take the author in good faith, then they're just terrible at math.

What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?

EDIT: Let’s cool it with the downvotes, dudes. We’re not out to cut funding to your black hole detection chamber or revoke the degrees of chiropractors just because a couple of us don’t believe in it, okay? Chill out, participate with the prompt and continue with having a nice day. I’m sure almost everybody has something...


I clicked that hoping it was Angela Collier! I found her channel just a couple months ago and it's so entertaining.


Monty isn't giving you new information - he's giving you an extra "pick".

If you never change your choice, you can completely ignore anything Monty does, because your first choice is always going to be 1/3 that you picked the right door.

You only have 2 options, but that doesn't mean your odds are 1/2.

Because Monty opened door 3 for you, if you change your choice, that means you have a "pick power" of 2 doors, because you get to choose both doors (2 and 3).

Basically, your two choices are:
Door 1 - odds = 1/3
Doors 2 and 3 together - odds = 2/3


It's a play on an idiom, "there's gold in them there hills." I'm not sure if it's just a really old idiom, or just a rural dialect, or both.



When I was twelve, I woke up convinced that the color yellow was called yellow, because humans had figured out that word was intrinsically linked to that color.

I was devastated my "epiphany" stopped making sense after I fully woke up.


I sync OneDrive to my Synology as well, another reason I'm okay with the "double" traffic is that my and my wife's photos from our smartphones immediately get backed up to our Synology, even when we're away from home.


I've heard conservatives claim that many liberals actually want forced abortions, because it's really about eugenics and population control.


Isn't mother's milk still vegan if she consents?

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