Mega Thread: Trump Fourth Indictment and 18 co conspirators into the 2020 Georgia Election Investigation (Official)

Donald J. Trump is faces felony counts in the State of Georgia regarding Trump and his allies illegally seeking to overturn the state’s election results.

If Trump is charged it will mark his fourth Indictment in five months and the second to arise from his efforts to overturn his loss in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump was charged with 13 counts, including violating the state’s racketeering act, soliciting a public officer to violate their oath, conspiring to impersonate a public officer, conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree and conspiring to file false documents.

Among those named in the sweeping indictment, charged under Georgia’s anti-racketeering law, are Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor who served as Trump’s personal attorney after the election; Trump’s former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows; and several Trump advisers, including attorneys John Eastman and Kenneth Chesebro, architects of a scheme to create slates of alternate Trump electors.

Also indicted were two Georgia-based lawyers advocating on Trump’s behalf, Ray S. Smith II, and Robert Cheeley; a senior campaign adviser, Mike Roman, who helped plan the elector meeting; and two prominent Georgia Republicans who served as electors: former GOP chairman David Shafer and former GOP finance chairman Shawn Still.

Several lesser known players who participated in efforts to reverse Trump’s defeat in Georgia were also indicted, including three people accused of harassing Fulton County election worker Ruby Freeman. They are Stephen Cliffgard Lee, Harrison Floyd and Trevian Kutti. The latter is a former publicist for R. Kelly and associate of Kanye West.

A final group of individuals charged in the indictment allegedly participated in an effort to steal election-equipment data in rural Coffee County, Ga. They are former Coffee County elections supervisor Misty Hampton, former Coffee County GOP chair Cathy Latham and Georgia businessman Scott Hall.

9:30pm EST: Georgia Grand Jury returns 10 Indictments; Awaiting Unsealing

10:54pm EST: Trump indictment is unsealed

10:57pm EST: Former President Trump and 18 co-defendants have been charged altogether with more than 41 counts in Georgia’s 2020 election probe (19 Total Charged)

11:05pmEST: Fulton County DA will be speaking live.

11:05pm EST: Those charged Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, Jeffrey Clark, Jenna Ellis, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, Ray S. Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Mike Roman, David Shafer, Shawn Still, Stephen Cliffgard Lee, Harrison Floyd, Trevian Kutti, Misty Hampton, Cathy Latham, and Scott Hall

11:10pm EST: Read the full indictment

11:30pm EST: Awaiting Fulton County DA to speak

11:38pm EST: Fulton County DA press conference


Reuters: Georgia court website briefly publishes, removes document about potential Trump charges

Rolling Stone: Trump’s ‘Co-Conspirators’ Are Already Starting to Turn on Each Other

NBC News: Fulton County grand jury returns 10 indictments in 2020 election probe for Georgia

The Independent: Trump campaign launches sprawling attack as Georgia grand jury hands down indictments

MSNBC: Hillary Clinton tells Rachel Maddow: Trump indictments mean ‘the system is working’

Washington Post: Trump charged in Georgia 2020 election probe, his fourth indictment

NBC News Now Live Feed

jordanlund, (edited )

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) “elsewhere”. Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 11:15 PM Eastern/8:15 PM Pacific 8/14/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Indictment - <- You Are Here
Of the 10 indictments released today, only 1 involved Trump and the election interference. The others were other criminal cases heard by the grand jury.
Within the one indictment involving Trump, there were 41 separate charges against 19 different people including Trump, Guiliani, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, and Sidney Powell. including a RICO charge that carries a five year MINIMUM on conviction.
The 13 charges against Trump exactly match the document leaked earlier in the day, but that document did not list all 19 defendants or all 41 counts.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
(DOJ lawyer Jack Smith has requested a trial date of 1/2/2024, Trump lawyers have yet to supply a counter date. The judge will announce a final date on 8/28)

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one.


Thanks for these updates on the timelines of the investigations, it’s hard to keep track.


That’s why I do it! ;)


I’ll echo that I also greatly appreciate this breakdown and the time you put into it.




Is it too early to add the witness tampering he was up to today?


Yeah, we have to wait for the indictment to throw to a judge and see what the judge says. It’s possible they could count his statements as threatening a witness and just take him into custody.


I mean, any fair observer would think that.

But judges are political animals who have future luxury trips and golf club memberships to look forward to; they aren’t gonna bite the hand that feeds.


Maybe that’s his plan? Delay and delay until (when he believes) he will win and pardons himself?


Can't pardon these state level Georgia charges.


That’s pretty shocking that the grand jurors will have their names published so every redneck can go harass them.

Wouldn’t be surprised if that really affects their willingness to go ahead. Seems like a major flaw in the process when the person you’re investigating is known to be free to foment violence against everybody involved in the process.

The judges and DAs get security details, these grand jurors are going to be hung out to dry.

Massive, massive respect if they return an indictment recommendation in the face of near-certain risks to their own safety and that of their families. Not to mention having their names dragged through the mud by Fox News etc.


Just dropped… 10 indictments. Waiting on it to be unsealed.


I believe it was announced that all charged individuals have until the 25th to turn themselves in. Might be a good note under the Arrest section of the Georgia case.


It’s there, but it might not have updated for everyone. That’s the next big date on the hit parade!


Thank you! I’m a big fan of your work.


The tastiest part here: Violation of the Georgia RICO Act carries a minimum five year prison term. If you are convicted of racketeering in Georgia, you are going to prison.


They’re about to YSL/Young Thug the shit out of trump? 😂😂😂


And Trump won’t even have sick ass lyrics for the judge to say in court


He’ll be out just in time for his second term to end! /s

YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

Plus two year minimum for today’s public witness tampering so a minimum of seven years.


This dude is so dumb (and fat). No judge in the world is going to allow you to say “witnesses shouldn’t testify”. That’s like the stupidest form of witness tampering.


Very true, but we'll see if there's any actual recourse. So far teflon don has thumbed his nose the law every way possible. I'm not holding my breath


They’ll figure out how to get it appealed up to the bought and paid for supreme court and that’ll save him.


Watch. The judge is going to let him get away with it.

Bet you an upvote to a comment of your choice. No, I’m confident. TWO comments of your choice to one of mine.



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  • KevonLooney,

    But no judge is going to rule that you can just ignore judges requests and make them look like a fool. It’s like asking the cops to admit they made a mistake. They just won’t do it; it goes against everything they believe.


    Unless the Defendant is rich and powerful. Then they shut up and toe the line.


    Lock him up!


    Minimum 5 year term and it’s impossible to be pardoned in Ga. until 5 years after you’ve completed your sentence.


    Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a pardon?


    Afaik a pardon wipes it away completely as if it never happened.

    someguy3, (edited )

    Yes but I think the purpose of a pardon is that there were extenuating circumstances or nuances so that the sentence doesn’t make complete sense. Like a miscarriage of justice. So the governor/president can pardon the person out of the sentence. An executive check on specific judicial cases.


    It can be, and generally is, but it doesn't have to be. Like trump allegedly took bribes in exchange for pardons.


    So Georgia not even allowing pardons until 5 years after the sentence is completed completely eliminates that purpose. What I’d call its main purpose.


    In a case like that, the sentence can be commuted, which reduces or eliminates the sentence, at which point the 5 year clock starts before it can be pardoned, which would wipe the slate clean as if it never happened.


    As much as I’d love to see trump in an orange jumpsuit, I don’t foresee any outcome where he actually serves prison time.


    Damn I think you’re right but I hope to god you are wrong.


    The best we can hope for is he gets so angry he has a heart attack.

    StarServal avatar

    That’s one of the worst outcomes. That would let him, once again, escape Justice. While it wouldn’t matter to him anymore, it would still very much matter to everyone else still alive.

    Some of the other worst outcomes are: he escapes with no punishment yet again, he becomes unalive through nefarious means turning him into a martyr, or and actual Civil War is started over all this resulting in people dying.


    Most likely it gets reduced to home confinement and probation, due to cruel and unusual punishment guidelines. A prison sentence at his age would be a death sentence, which is beyond the punishment for the crime.


    Another tasty little tidbit I just learned after reading the wikipedia for the RICO act: Trump’s team should be very familiar with it because Rudy Guiliani used it in the 80s to bring down a bunch of New York Mafia guys. It’s apparently fairly easy to argue RICO in court because you just have to prove a pattern of behavior.


    But how easy is it to get even a single magat on the jury to not hold out forever?


    That’s indeed the question; so far, it hasn’t happened.


    Giuliani used the federal version of the law, which I gather is weak compared to the Georgia version.

    IF they actually get to a trial with living witnesses who haven’t been intimidated into silence, it could be really bad for him.


    Giuliani used it against the Italian mob so the Russian mob could take their place.

    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

    The rats are turning on each other now. This is precisely why things like the Garcia hearing are necessary. The judge must know whether the Trump-paid attorney(s) can adequately represent multiple parties whose interests compete.


    Another day, another indictment for Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump.

    Riccosuave, avatar

    This is where the rats start bailing off the sinking ship. What is going to happen here is a controlled demolition of every single person that touched Trump politically during the 2020 election. There is going to be a scramble to make deals, and attempt to avoid prison by so many people in this equation that it is going to be complete chaos optically.

    Nobody is going to know exactly what has happened until the dust settles, but mark my words there is no honor amongst thieves. This is going to be Trump’s Julius Caesar moment, and anyone involved in this who doesn’t understand that is going to lose the next 5-10 years of their life to Georgia State Prison.

    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

    Trump sentenced himself to minimum of 2 years in prison in Georgia for witness tampering today alone. TFG is going to prison by his own action and people must understand that by now.

    Riccosuave, (edited ) avatar

    I will certainly be interested to see what the judge has to say about this incident, and if they bench slap the shit out of him. It is about time someone starts handing out these shut your mouth, or I’ll shut it for you level consequences on a regular basis.

    At least in this case we know it will be broadcast to the public, so everything that occurs will be documented and immortalized in the public record for future generations to examine.


    I ANAL but what happens if he goes to jail in Georgia but he has trials in DC?


    They'll transport him. Or they can put him in front of a camera in a room with lawyer(s).


    And what if he’s sentenced to jail for DC as well? Does her serve sentence in GA and then (if he’s still alive) get transported to a different prison? I suppose that depends on concurrent or consecutive sentencing or not?

    Edit: and/or convicted in the other state trials as well. Like, if somehow justice prevails and he is convicted everywhere I’m just curious how that plays out or will probably require some negotiating.

    Riccosuave, avatar

    ****The short answer:****Federal sentencing supercedes State sentencing in almost all cases. So, if you are convicted in both Federal and State Court you will serve the Federal time first.

    ****The more in depth answer:****Let’s use a current example, Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of second degree murder by the State of Minnesota and then convicted of Civil Rights violations in Federal Court after that. In his case the agreement after his Federal conviction was to allow him to serve his State & Federal sentences concurrently while serving his time within the Federal prison system.

    However, there are often stipulations that can preclude you from being able to serve your time concurrently. If, for example, you are convicted of different crimes that are not directly related to one another in both the Federal and State systems or if your State sentence happened to be longer than your Federal sentence then you may not be eligible to serve that time concurrently, in which case you serve the Federal time first before being remanded to State custody upon your release from Federal prison to serve the remainder of your sentence.

    In this specific case it is likely that the crimes would be seen to be related, so if there was a conviction that included both Federal and State prison time then the sentences would likely be served concurrently within the Federal prison system. However, if there was a Federal conviction that had a probationary sentence, and then also a RICO conviction in Georgia then the prison time would be served in the Georgia State Prison system.

    That last option is the absolute hell on earth scenario for everyone involved as the Georgia State Prison system is widely considered to be one of the worst systems in the country. Violence and corruption is rampant, and there are currently multiple investigations into wrongful deaths both in county jails as well as prison complexes. If any of them are convicted, and sentenced to Georgia State Prison they are going to have a rough time to say the least.


    Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to detail out this answer. I couldn’t have asked for more! I


    NOTHING is going to happen to 45 pre-trial, no matter what he does.

    “I will treat this defendant like anyone else” is about as trustworthy as Garland saying “we will follow the trail wherever it leads”. It’s the BS they’re supposed to say.

    StarServal avatar

    I want to disagree, but historical evidence supports this. I’d love to be proven wrong though.


    This is irresponsible speculation, in my opinion. I have not heard any credible legal sources say that what he posted constitutes witness tampering, and judges have given him wide latitude in the past with regards to what he is allowed to say publicly because of his role as a public figure. It is far from a foregone conclusion that he “sentenced himself to minimum of 2 years” considering he has not even been charged with anything at all regarding that incident.


    I hope this at least makes the next people think twice about helping out

    But we need to have real jail time

    The J6 magats who have gone to jail showed other idiots that going to places and committing crimes for dear leader isn’t going to make your life better


    I mean did it really? The Q Shaman is already out of jail and back on Alex Jones talking about crazy shit. These people mostly got slaps on the wrist and I feel like it just encourages them to go harder.



    The protests for his indictment appearances were embarrassingly bad. I guess when there’s no conspiracy and no one paying for the trips, plus the fear of jail, no one shows up


    I want to believe that is true but I will not hold my breath. I don’t think any of our rulers want us to realize that they to can be held accountable for crimes.


    This is the storm q told me about.


    What is going to happen here is a controlled demolition of every single person that touched Trump politically during the 2020 election.

    Yeah it won’t just be Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump going to prison. People like Ghouliani will get prison too.


    Going to have to stock up on popcorn -…/judge-georgia-indictment-will-…

    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

    It will be televised and we will provide the link when that happens.


    And they said the revolution would not be televised.

    m3t00, avatar

    one dumper in town still puts big flags on his porch. 🖕


    Probably the porch he grew up on.

    m3t00, avatar

    right, his mom’s porch


    She probably lives in the basement. He changes her newspaper every other day. Puts down fresh pine shavings. Feeds her hay.



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  • Asymptote,

    I’ll get excited if he gets jailed. Until then this is just another reality show.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    According to some articles I’ve seen (like this one) it’s expected that Trump will be booked at the Fulton County Jail. I’m cautiously optimistic.


    I’d love to see it but I’m not getting my hopes up.


    I’m also cautiously optimistic. I also really want to know how he proceeds with a presidential campaign while in jail lol


    🤔 If he gets a fifth, does he get a free donut?


    I love this part:

    During the meeting, JOHN CHARLES EASTMAN admitted both options violated the Electoral Count Act.

    Act 123. On or about the 4th day of January 2021, DONALD JOHN TRUMP and JOHN CHARLES EASTMAN met with Vice President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff to the Vice President Marc Short, and Counsel to the Vice President Greg Jacob in the Oval Office at the White House. During the meeting, DONALD JOHN TRUMP and JOHN CHARLES EASTMAN argued to Pence that he could either reject electoral votes from certain states or delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, the day prescribed by law for counting votes cast by the duly elected and qualified presidential electors from Georgia and the other states, for the purpose of allowing certain state legislatures to unlawfully appoint presidential electors in favor of DONALD JOHN TRUMP. During the meeting, JOHN CHARLES EASTMAN admitted both options violated the Electoral Count Act. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.


    He knew it was illegal and he did it anyway. Story of his life.

    I love the fact that now there’s proof he knew it was illegal. This eliminates playing the ignorance-card (which shouldn’t have, but still has gotten him off the hook so many times in the past) and also eliminates the ‘advice of counsel’ defense (because if counsel advises you that something is illegal and then also helps you plan and do it anyway, you’re both guilty).


    He’s still going to win the presidency and deport all you commies.

    StarServal avatar

    and deport all you commies.

    Tell me you don’t know how the country works without saying you don’t know how the country works.


    The NSA knows who you are. You’re on the list.

    StarServal avatar

    Okay bro, whatever you say.


    As soon as that wall is built, I’m sure.

    kescusay, avatar

    Right after infrastructure week!

    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar



    Are we finally gona get a mugshot?


    According to the Fulton County Sherrif’s office there will be a mug shot.


    Mugshot + live video…


    11:50pm EST: All 19 will be tried together

    Wait, wait. Is it actually RICO? It’s never RICO


    It was actually leaked and discussed over a month ago that Georgia was considering RICO charges in their indictment and it caused a LOT of argument here and elsewhere. There was a link to an armchair lawyer’s multi-thousand word rant that Georgia couldn’t possibly be considering using RICO. I have desperately tried to find that thread and that link.

    Anyway, yay it’s FINALLY RICO!


    I’ve been waiting 2.5 years to drop that in a thread…

    YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

    Yep, they went there. Let the circus begin.


    It was actually leaked and discussed over a month ago that Georgia was considering RICO charges in their indictment and it caused a LOT of argument here and elsewhere. There was a link to an armchair lawyer’s multi-thousand word rant that Georgia couldn’t possibly be considering using RICO. I have desperately tried to find that thread and that link.

    Anyway, yay it’s FINALLY RICO!


    My heckin’ indicterinos!


    Trump finally got a majority of voters in Georgia to vote for him!

    (a grand jury needs a majority of votes to indict.)

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    They found the votes! I’m sure Trump will be thrilled.

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