FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists

A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide”* links common protest symbols to “terrorism” — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center have raised warnings about such documents, citing inadequate protections for people’s constitutional rights.


I refuse to believe those groups are terrorist organizations because the CIA has never armed them.


Yet…have yet to arm them you mean…or they have and we won’t know for 50 years.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

All I know is I'm still waiting on my check


According to highly credible german far right Qanon followers german antifascists get paid 600€ (656,15$) per demo they visit. They also get 20€ (21,87$) per sticker they spread. I demand the same payment for any antifascist worldwide! International Solidarity!


Somehow I feel like selling the future short is a bad idea


Wait. Why the fuck am I still paying for my own guns and ammo?


Someone at the Pentagon just had PTSD flashbacks to that time they armed Castro because of this comment


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there were syops to radicalize anti-fascist groups to make them less appealing to the masses.


This is essentially my pet conspiracy theory about Alex Jones. He was a plant by the CIA, to make all conspiracy theorists look absolutely batshit crazy. By having him peddle the extreme theories right alongside the “these are a little too close to reality, and the people are getting dangerously close to figuring it out” theories, they’re able to discredit those accurate theories. Because now they don’t need to attack the individual theory; They can just attack the face of conspiracy theories.


Anti-fascists aren't conspiracy theorists, though, they're just people who oppose fascism.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

What utter monsters. /s


I prefer udder monsters.

@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar



Only if they get bent at too sharp an angle.


Which is funny

I’m now a violent extremist because I am anti-facism.


But are you willing to fight for it? Maybe take up arms, defend your friends and neighbors, or even travel the world to resist fascism wherever it arises?

Labeling antifascism as violent extremism isn’t new, it’s a way that Americans were punished for fighting fascists in other countries before we went to war with them like in Spain.


You better believe it. If I don’t defend my friends and neighbors when they need it, who will defend me when I need it?


Anti-fascists aren’t a single thing.


Oooh, I’ve noticed this, too. That there are some ‘conspiracies’ that are / could be true, but if you talk about them to anyone you are instantly one of the crazies. They have weponised the stupid.


I feel like that conspiracy is too smart for the CIA. Remember this is the same organization that regularly had employees secretly drugging each others coffee with LSD so much that it became common place around the office. And also tried to convince communists in the Philippines that vampires where real despite Philippine culture/mythology not having vampires.


I feel like that conspiracy is too smart for the CIA

That’s exactly what they want you to think!


Alex Jones says the same thing the FBI does about antifascists. He edges for violence daily, and is using radical christianity to do so. He is absolutely not a plant; he is the face of radical christofascist terrorism. It doesnt matter if he’s serious or not; it doesnt matter that he’s just bilking listeners for money… The fact is that he is a terrorist leader and agitator and should be arrested or executed. If the FBI hasnt done so then we know where their allegiances lie.


Umm , why’s it gotta be execution tho?

Putting him in prison and taking away his business/ dissolving it and taking away his assets should be enough. There’s no reason for two wrongs when You’re trying to go for justice ⚖️ / just society.

Eye for an eye never got us no where ( xept sometimes)


I did say either/or. I am fine with taking all his assetts and doing both.

@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

This is literally on one of those declassified 3-letter agency docs. Dunno about Alex Jones but they do shit like this.


See I believe that for 20th century conspiracy theorists. I fully suspect there was an effort to combine aliens, government mind control (and what would eventually be revealed as MK ULTRA), the remnants of the protocols of the elders of Zion and other similar conspiracy theories, COINTELPRO, and other things all together by the FBI. It’s part of COINTELPRO style tactics. Make them sound ridiculous and drive them so far to the extreme they’re hard to listen to.

That said Alex Jones seems pretty much an unintended consequence of all the conspiratorial milieu

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

The alien thing is especially bad.

This guy - Paul Bennewitz - was a radio operator in WWII and opened a radio repair shop near an Air Force base. He picked up some encrypted signals from the base and went public with them, claiming they were from aliens.

The Air Force decided this was a great cover story, and teased him with information including sending "Men in Black" to look for him, until he was convinced. He got so convinced he became a paranoid schizophrenic, and died in a mental institution not tool long ago.

All of that alien sci fi stuff has its origin with this poor man. The X Files, two Will Smith movies, and everything in that oeuvre including the excellent Resident Alien, all have their roots in the mental abuse my government perpetrated on this poor, curious man.

@YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

So, being pro-democracy means you are a Violent Extremist?


It does to the people trying to burn that democracy to the ground.

@cuck4mai@lemmynsfw.com avatar

Who are also employed all throughout our government and police forces.


Bbbbbbbut the REAL Americans only vote for OUR people. -Corpratists that don’t realize that’s what they are.


I have no idea what point you’re trying to prove, but I’m certain you’re mistaken.


Sometimes yes. Authoritarians sometimes refuse to cede without violence. The FBI appears to have taken that position


Being violent doesn't mean being an extremist, though. Especially if they are opposing authoritarians.


It depends on what the culture defines as acceptable politics. It’s so extreme that it’s an executable offense in some countries and has been so in our culture too. We have to fight to keep it from that




The document lists symbols that violent extremists use, but explicitly calls out that not everyone who uses those symbols is a violent extremist.

The punisher skull is also in there, but that doesn’t mean they’re claiming every asshole with a punisher skull on their truck is a terrorist. Just that if someone with a punisher skull on their truck shoots up a mosque, that the punisher iconography is evidence that it was an act of right-wing militia terrorism.


Republicans, at CPAC, loud and clear: “We are all domestic terrorists”

The FBI: “But whatabout antifa?”


The traitors are on the inside, prepare accordingly


Excuses to label you as a criminal so their overreach is justified.

Talk about double speak, being against fascists and racists means you’re terrorist now, LMAO.

FBI has long since been relabeled as the face of the cia, nsa and are the gen pop wranglers.

Call this shit the fuck out for what it is, an attack against Americans of ALL political backgrounds. This is a unified issue, they might only be banging on your neighbors door but you are next.


Unfortunately, the face-eating leopard party is not generally concerned with their own faces, so long as people-they-hate’s faces are being eaten too.


Yup, it’s setting up a legal framework that allows them to designate anyone that ruffles feathers or speaks out as a violent extremist, and haul them off without much recourse (it’s worth noting that if you’re arrested on terrorism charges, your rights are automatically suspended).


Isn’t that unconstitutional to take away human rights for any reason?


I too am curious on the legal basis for the rights forfeiture.

@NutWrench@lemmy.world avatar

“Anti-fa” literally means anti-fascist. The allies storming the beaches of Normandy were “anti-fa.” The only thing “anti-fa” wants these days is for cops to stop murdering them. Needless to say, I support that position.

Some idiot put that in the list for purely political reasons.


It’s easy to hate antifa if you’re fa.


No, it’s important to separate ideology from actions. Most, and all reasonable, would agree that fascism is bad. Most people are anti-fascist as is morally right and just.

The novel group of activists that call themselves Antifa have performed inexcusable, terrorist actions in the name of the movement and perverted it’s noble goals. Fascism is bad, as are those that make misguided and foolish mistakes that harm innocents in the name of righteousness.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The novel group of activists that call themselves Antifa

Can you name any members of this group or share a news story of any action they have been a part of?


Antifa have performed inexcusable, terrorist actions in the name of the movement

Name one. And before you say it, no, looting after a protest goes south isn’t an act of terror.


Your first half was good, but impugning terrorist actions on them wasn’t the way to go.

I do agree though: setting fire to courthouses, or creating an environment of lawlessness that guarantees small mom and pop businesses get looted is also not a winning cause. Protesting and counter-protesting where normal operations can continue is essential. The moment you start fucking with people’s day-to-day is where you lost.


Isn’t protest supposed to make things inconvenient for people and to make them uncomfortable? I agree that local small businesses should not be wrecked because that just makes you the bad guy, but if people are able to go about their day without having to make any adjustments, then is the message being properly conveyed?


Make who uncomfortable though? Those you are protesting against? Ok sure maybe.

Other citizens that don’t have an interest/stake in the matter? Getting them involved isn’t wise.


Everybody. Getting the general populace that has no interest/stake in the matter involved is literally the point of protesting. The oppressor doesn’t care if you make a racket about the boot on your neck, they’re not going to lift their foot because you asked nicely.

But if you make enough noise that everybody has an opinion on it/gets involved, now they can’t just sweep it under the rug and wait until the oppressed run out of resources to keep up the protests.

Civil Rights didn’t get passed because a bunch of people handed out pamphlets or something, they got passed because a million people ground the entire city of Washington D.C. to a halt. They got passed because a black WW2 vet trained a militia in the Bible Belt to protect black kids and their families using sandbag emplacements and machine guns to keep them from getting killed by the KKK for daring to go to white kids’ schools. They got passed because several billions worth of property was burnt to the ground across the entire nation after MLK was assassinated. Years of protests got politicians to wring their hands. A week of burning cop cars and city districts had the bills drafted, voted on, and passed.


If you can’t get the attention of the people who don’t have an interest and at least attempt to change their minds, then you’ve failed. You may end up turning people against you, but I guess that’s a risk you need to take. Part of the point of protest is to bring injustice into light so people who haven’t been paying attention may finally do so.


Other citizens that don’t have an interest/stake in the matter?

You mean the people who don’t mind fascism?


Exactly, that’s literally the point of protesting. To inconvenience people and make them aware of the issues. And to show those in power that you’re not just going to go away if they ignore you. “Peaceful” protests are the show of force in the same way that worker strikes are the compromise workers and bosses agreed to to voice issues instead of going straight to dragging the bosses out of the factory and beating them to death in the streets.

The same things they’re saying today about protesters are the exact same things they said about MLK and the Civil Rights Movement. The hand-wringing about protesting “the right way” has always been about making it easy to sweep the issues under the rug. And that’s not even getting into the number of times stuff like undercover cops were found attempting to instigate violence during Anti-Fa protests so they could justify using violence against the protesters.

The Million Man March on Washington wasn’t a “peaceful protest,” it was a statement. It disrupted the entire city and made white people across the country afraid. Because if black people could assemble a million people to “peacefully” march across the city, disrupting the entire life of the city, what would they be willing and capable of doing if things got worse?



If there is something fascists really hate are peaceful protests, in fact peaceful protests have better impact into society than violent protests and they don’t give any reason to the fascists in turn to use violence and backup behind that pretext. Fascists love to push “legal” use of the force.


they don’t give any reason to the fascists in turn to use violence

Lol! You think fascists need an excuse to use violence?


They don’t but when it’s a matter of being better equiped in a protest usually the state have better chances.


Even Gandhi has been misunderstood on this subject. I see people cite him very vaguely as a way of trying to get people to “quiet down and be peaceful (obedient and subservient)” but Gandhi, while non-violent, didn’t avoid confrontation. He just didn’t use violence to achieve it. He absolutely had an end goal of change, and did not accept the law as a barrier to achieve it.

We don’t have to accept war for change, but we often have to accept some form of confrontation.


This is just another reason why the left continues to lose the working class. Poor working people are not going to react well when you are fucking with their livelihoods. I’ve seen it first hand as a union organizer.


There are ways to be smart about how you do it. I live in Portland and the way Antifa did it here was singularly successful at turning a majority of the city’s population against them and their cause.

And keep in mind that Portland is very much a left-leaning city who’s voters would otherwise have been quite sympathetic to the cause of police reform.


Oh look… a confused fascist!


No, it’s important to separate ideology from actions.

Which is something the FBI has chosen not to do by calling the symbols of the ideology terrorist symbols instead of calling out any particular organizations that are doing anything actually criminal.

Antifa is not an organization, so if someone is labeling protest symbols as terrorism, we know where their loyalties lie. (hint: they don’t want freedom of speech, they want to suppress the ideology).


There are actual terrorist organizations operating in the United States that the FBI is actually choosing to turn a blind eye to because they’re afraid of the political ramifications of actually enforcing the law. Donald Trump is public enemy number one and protected only because the federal judiciary is too scared, the legislature too stupid and the executive too lazy to do anything about it.


LOL at this both sides copypasta.


Names are meaningless. The allies were fighting the “National Socialists”, who weren’t Socialists. Likewise, “Defund the Police” movement members need not actually support defunding the police - supporting lowering their funding without lowering it to zero still qualifies.


“Defund the Police” movement members need not actually support defunding the police - supporting lowering their funding without lowering it to zero still qualifies.

I swear this was the worst slogan in the history of all of slogans, and it did irreparable harm to the reform movement.


and it did irreparable harm to the reform movement.

No. The reform movement did it all by themselves.


You are both correct.


LOL at all the downvotes for saying that fascism is bad. The Western world is totally screwed.


Part of me loves that they kept the title, because it’s so easy to ask very brief questions to get the word’s user to start blubbering.

“Anti-what? They’re against ‘fa’? Oh, what is that short for? What idea are these people opposing? Tell me.”


Yet when the Gadsen flag was put in the same leaflet there wasn’t any commenting on political reasons


Radical Centrism wins again


Oh no, what will we do if the FBI targets left-wing activists for insane reasons? They might give the J. Edgar Hoover Building a bad name.


And this is why we need to break the current command chain in domestic and foreign intelligence, we never actually banished the ghosts of the Kissinger days, just let them pick less noticeable successors that still hold the same basic world view.


I suggest getting into the world of OSINT. There’s a lot that can be learned there, and many sources are independent of any government.


Any beginner’s guides you’d recommend?


I don’t really have a guide anywhere, but there are a number of them on the web. One of the OSINT powerhouses is BellingCat. They make finished products. There’s liveuamap.com/en for a map on the RU/UA war. Oryx is a good estimate for equipment losses there (I bet you can tell where my interests lie) I’d recommend getting to know some of these finished products first. That, and reading about the history of where you are looking at. Learning about the politics of Coal? Read some books about it. Get some perspectives. Want to know about the Isreal/Palestine conflict? Get to know the last 100 years of conflict since the Ottoman Empire fell

There’s a real big difference in bits and bites investigating and actual finished products. A lot of the tools out there are for getting these bits and bites like osintframework.com. One can buy commercial satellite photos, but those are expensive. They’re usually already bought by people on Twitter anyway. Putting together products is the hard part though, and there are quite a few pitfalls that one can fall into between unreliable sources and deceptive imagery persuasion or DIP. Ryan McBeth is a great source to look at to help you spot this sort of thing.


The American public have no say this stuff either, by design, because “America’s security interests” as determined by the military industrial complex are what really drive the nation’s politics and foreign policy. Obviously antifascism is antiAmerican, because fascist governments enable private American companies to extract their resources, and antiracism is a threat under an economic system that invented the very notion of race and is inherently racist.


Just wait for them to finally admit workers rights is finally anti capitalist.


Workers rights?! But that’s completely fascist / terrorist like type of thing ain’t it?

No Ma’am! what’s next human rights? We’d be communist over night, I tell ya!



“Eat the Rich” is now a symbol of extremism…

That is extremely funny and extremely stupid at the same time. Honestly, after both of those conflicting feelings wore off, I am left in a state of confusion.

I mean, I get it. Just because phrases or symbols are used in extremist movements doesn’t make the phrase or symbol exclusively extreme, with some exceptions. (Idiots will look at that “guidebook” and just leverage the FBI classification as a means to reinforce a bias, regardless of the context.)

For example, the Gadsden flag is a part of American history. However, it has also been hijacked for different causes. (I sarcastically see it in its original context as people still holding a grudge against the British, TBH.)

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

I have nothing against the British, but I have a Gadsden flag sticker on the back of one of my bikes because it says “no step on snek.” I dunno, I thought not stepping on the snek was always a pretty wise strategy.


That’s what the sneks want you to think.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

Here we go, Big Snek got us again.


I am wearing my “no step on snek” tee-shirt right now, actually. It’s a great strategy to prevent a trip to the hospital, and I just wear the shirt for “snake awareness” reasons.

However, the “no step on snek” stickers and such are awesome. I see it as a clear jab at how some people grossly misunderstand history and any associated symbols. Meh. You can’t always fix “stupid” but you can always make fun of it.


This is my favorite take on that flag.


I’m sad this isn’t the “please step on me” variant


Now all of a sudden Aerosmith has gone woke!!


However, it has also been hijacked for different causes.

Another example is an American flag off the back of a pickup truck, usually a sign that the driver is a bigoted douchebag

PhlubbaDubba, (edited )

Part of why I like redesigning the US flag, I feel like the left needs their own banner that can read patriotic while still sending a strong message.

Latest direction I’ve gone has been switching the stars and stripes to represent the 7 original articles of the constitution and the 27 amendments that have since passed.

The old flag represents America’s growth via manifest destiny, its growth as an empire via conquest, while this represents America’s growth as a democracy via reform and the expansion of rights.

For reference:



IMO any redesign will carry the same manifest destiny, imperialism/douchebag energy as the existing one.


Oh… so the secret police of a fundamentally white supremacist empire that funds and enables fascist terrorism all over the damn planet doesn’t like anti-fascists and anti-racists?

Gee… who coulda thunk it?

@TwoGems@lemmy.world avatar

Explains why they coddle white Trump terrorists


it explains a whole lot.

I mean we shouldn’t be surprised, FBI never has had an interest in these so called “civil-rights”


Hmm aljazeera.com/…/proud-boys-member-gets-10-years-f…

What would non-coddling look like? Straight up executions?

@TwoGems@lemmy.world avatar

Hm, I wonder where in my sentence I suggested a sentence exactly like that.

On average, most have received under the recommended sentencing time with rare exceptions. Often, people spend more time in prison (5 years) for merely possessing weed considering this was an attempt to overthrow an entire country’s democracy.


“Judges have gone below prosecutors’ recommendations three-quarters of time, and below federal sentencing guidelines a little less than 40 percent.”

"Judges have been left to determine whether jail time is appropriate; in many instances, they are issuing combo-platter sentences with a variety of punishments, ranging from fines to home confinement to counseling. Nevertheless, there are some emerging themes: More than half of those charged with misdemeanors have, according to Tillman, “received sentences that were lighter than what the government recommended as far as loss of liberty.”


Because they are on their side.


“Stop resisting!”

Often repeated by terrorists appealing to their body cameras.

@BassaForte@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds like something fascists would do.


So starwars is now considered terrorism propaganda, ok

@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

The OKC bomber said nobody cared about the innocent people on the Death Star when Luke Skywalker blew it up, ergo, bombing a federal building is okay.


There has always been a big disconnect between the USA’s fantasies of its values and its actual values.


I said it back in 2001 when the war on terror started.

First it will be the “terrorist”, then the “extremists”, then it will be the “dissidents” and then finally the “undesirables”.

Seems we are at the dissidents stage.

The idiots behind this shit really should have paid more attention in history class.


Except the FBI also labels the entirety of MAGA as the same, so no, this isn’t what’s happening.

What’s happening is some of these groups are radicalizing and yes, that is indeed a bad thing.

@brawleryukon@lemmy.world avatar

The idiots behind this shit really should have paid more attention in history class.

Oh, they paid plenty of attention. That’s the problem - they’re using it as an instruction manual.


Yes, the radical right is a problem but that doesn’t mean that the radical left isn’t one. Yes, right may be a bigger problem than left but that isn’t the point

The point is that radicalism is the bad thing here, whether it’s left or right. I’m tired of having discussions about why it’s actually ba bad thing to “kick a Nazi” as some people just don’t understand the obvious.


It’s not a bad thing to kick a Nazi


Some people just don’t understand the obvious

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