TheBreadmonkey, avatar

Anyway - enough of all that. I've just realised I know / have met 3 people who claim not only to have met Elton John, but are friends with him. And the funny thing is that I don't believe any of them. I'm prepared to accept I might be wrong, but I do wonder if Elton John is in that sweet spot for people fond of telling porkies, where he's super famous but also seems accessible. Like would anyone here believe me if I said I know Elton (didn't even use his last name, just like I don't when we hang out)?

qurlyjoe, avatar

I’ve always been horrible at remembering names. There were people I worked in the same office with for 10 or 20 years whose name I never remembered. When I passed them in a hallway I’d just call them sir, or ma’am. There were neighbors we’d lived near for 40 years and I got away with the same trick.

TheBreadmonkey, avatar


Love this. I used to call everyone 'man', but that's difficult to get away now I'm older

qurlyjoe, avatar

I lucked out and married when we were 20, 50 years ago. The first time I saw her after we’d met, I couldn’t remember her name. I’d have been abysmal at dating. (Not that I didn’t have other issues too.)

Alice, avatar

@TheBreadmonkey Elton John could be like me where I never remember anyone's name so, when they approach and say "Hi Alice!" and I respond with my typical cop out of "Hi, friend!" it probably makes everyone think we're friends even though I don’t even care enough to try to remember their name.

TheBreadmonkey, avatar

@Alice LOL

TheBreadmonkey, avatar


I've taken to doing this thing where I just tell people I can't remember their name or if we've met before. I did it at a party recently and the person said we've met like three times. I don't think it's fair to ambush people in that way. I think if someone is honest enough to say they don't remember you, you should be gracious enough to pretend it's the first time meeting. Even in a workplace environment. Or do something that makes you immediately memorable. Like a special jig or placing both hands on my shoulders, staring directly into my eyes and chanting your name over and over again at steadily increasing volume.

Alice, avatar

@TheBreadmonkey Poor @KevBot and I have different stories about the first time we met because I TOTALLY forgot about the actual first time.

blueorangeblue, avatar

@TheBreadmonkey @Alice "Do I know you from mastodon?"

Alice, avatar

@blueorangeblue @TheBreadmonkey I was at a brewery and someone came up to me and this conversation transpired:

Them: Is your name Alice?
Me: Yes...?
Them: Alice from Mastodon?
Me: I’m on Mastodon, but there are a lot of Alices on Mastodon.
Them: I follow you!
Me: Oh, cool! What's your name on there?
Them: [some name I already forgot because I’m terrified of people and was half-blacking out from the interaction alone]
Me: Nice to meet you, [forgotten name], I'll see you on Mastodon!

And then I pretty much ran away.

Alice, avatar

@blueorangeblue @TheBreadmonkey Also, if this was you and you are seeing this, I'm sorry. I would tell you that it's because I am a very awkward person, but I’m pretty sure you already figured that out during our IRL encounter.

TheBreadmonkey, avatar

@Alice @blueorangeblue

I will tell you all now, if you ever meet me in real life, I do not understand how normal people are supposed to behave and just do whatever pops into my head at the time. I was in a pub and a man dropped his scarf. I picked it up and as I handed it back to him he leant in to say thanks and I hugged him. I have TWICE panicked at women doing double face kiss and done four face kisses. Imagine that.... Left, right, left again, right again, panicked look in eyes. I've done that twice. Which leads me to believe it might not be the last time and it could happen again. I don't know how to shake hands and people seem to do it for far too long so I do a firm one-pump and out, but as I withdraw my hand, theirs continues to hold onto mine as I pull it towards me. I don't like being touched by strangers and everyone hugs now so I just hug to get it over with, but I recently did that in a situation with someone I didn't know, to say HELLO, and it was weird and uncomfortable.

Alice, avatar

@TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue Okay, now I legitimately want to have a mastodon meetup just so we can film how weird the entire thing is and then release it on some bullshit streaming service like Tubi or Crackle.

rooster, avatar


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  • Alice, avatar

    @rooster @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue is going to show up in some creepy beige bodysuits.

    rooster, avatar


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  • Alice, avatar
    TheBreadmonkey, avatar

    @Alice @rooster @blueorangeblue

    <muffled voice>

    i said ipth nithe to meeethyou

    ColesStreetPothole, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @rooster @blueorangeblue
    😂 I so want to do this now, the awkward Mastodon meet-up film. We already have tee shirts over here! :WIH: :REPENT:

    glasspusher, avatar

    @ColesStreetPothole @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @rooster @blueorangeblue

    always the overachievers, CSP!

    Ben, that pic is nightmare fuel, thanks.

    rooster, avatar


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  • ColesStreetPothole, avatar

    @rooster @glasspusher @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue
    Pull it off, as in wear it with style?
    Or, pull it off as in "I really need to pee but this gottdam thing means I have to take all my clothes off first!"????

    rooster, avatar


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  • qurlyjoe, avatar

    @rooster @ColesStreetPothole @glasspusher @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue
    That picture looks like the individual already peed in it. Maybe it’s just a shadow.

    ColesStreetPothole, avatar
    qurlyjoe, avatar

    @ColesStreetPothole @rooster @glasspusher @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue
    Honestly, as an elder gentleman who has spent time attending to even elder-er gentlemen in an assisted living environment who have incontinence issues, it is something I am sensitive to. So, yeah, I guess it might.
    But it’s my fault for looking closer at the image, inspecting for camel-toe.

    ColesStreetPothole, avatar

    @qurlyjoe @rooster @glasspusher @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue
    I'm sure garb is all fully washable!

    qurlyjoe, avatar

    I’m sure it’s all washable. But, tbh, and I really don’t want to harp on it, if it’s polyester or some other synthetic fabric, urine stains are really hard to remove. I suppose a proper life goal would be to reach an age and a sensibility where one doesn’t care about it any more. My FiL had reached that plateau by age 96. A sort of zen thing, maybe.
    @rooster @glasspusher @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue

    mentallyalex, avatar

    sighs inwardly and reaches for his therapist phone number

    @Alice @rooster @blueorangeblue

    TheBreadmonkey, avatar
    Alice, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue I'd also like to do little private interview sessions leading up to the meetup. Like, Ben in his running club and making vegan food for his family. Charming and charismatic as ever.

    Then an immediate cut to the meetup where he meets @LRRRonEarth and panics and starts climbing him like he's a mechanical bull.

    farah, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue @LRRRonEarth I’ll pay good money to watch this

    LRRRonEarth, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue


    mentallyalex, avatar

    @LRRRonEarth :ablobcateyesflip: please don't eat me. I am best served unconsumed.

    @Alice I literally worry so much about meeting someone real. I imagine the meeting would go, Them: "Alex?!"
    Me: pee's a little "Perhaps?"
    Them: "From Mastodon?"

    Me: :blobcat0_0: :blobcatghost:
    Them: "Oh God! Does anyone know CPR! Someone call 999!" (in this scenario, the person is from the UK which makes things more complicated)

    @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue

    TheBreadmonkey, avatar

    @mentallyalex @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    Might start introducing myself to people as 'Ben... from Mastodon'

    mentallyalex, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey Oh, that could work! Perhaps, "Hello - AtTheBreadmonkey but people call me Ben, from Mastodon?"

    If you are trying for a more formal approach? :blobcatgiggle:

    @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    TwoClownsEating, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey @mentallyalex @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    Ben of Mastodon has a more biblical ring to it

    gnate, avatar


    Yes, when I want to make a good impression, the question I ask myself is, "what seems more biblical?"

    @TheBreadmonkey @mentallyalex @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    TwoClownsEating, avatar

    @gnate @TheBreadmonkey @mentallyalex @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    I know right. Adds a certain gravitas.

    Also suggests you'd possibly be open to sacrificing your own child unless a shrubbery goes up in flames or something. I've not read it all.

    mentallyalex, avatar

    @TwoClownsEating I think the bush catches fire if you're a very specific guy with a very specific entourage.

    The sacrifices happen a few times... mainly animals, cows, sheep, things like that.

    I believe you should also become just NOT OK with Bankers. Just... really not okay with them... at all.

    @gnate @TheBreadmonkey @LRRRonEarth @Alice @blueorangeblue

    TwoClownsEating, avatar
    glasspusher, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue @LRRRonEarth

    we know the pod people have gotten to Slice when she talks about a meetup

    LinuxAndYarn, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue

    If Crackle is still a Sony thing that would be hilarious, given Sony's hostility to a federated internet.

    My memory, especially for faces and names, is so terrible that I have thought I was meeting second cousins for the first time.

    juanejot, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue I’ll be the guy, at arrival, or any unveiling or other communally tense moment, belting out “Happy Birthday!” or “Merry Christmas!” or some such. I know WHY we’re there, I’ve just in my anticipation, momentarily spaced on the title of the event.
    I’m a barrel of monkeys at surprise parties.

    Kierkegaanks, avatar

    @Alice @TheBreadmonkey @blueorangeblue half of everyone backs out into the shadows

    owelleopard, avatar

    @Alice How dare you talk about my trashy beloved Tubi like that

    Alice, avatar

    @owelleopard Never. I love Tubi so much I have already sent them a letter proposing they make Tubi tops.

    Alice, avatar
    TheBreadmonkey, avatar

    @Alice @blueorangeblue

    Actual tears (eyes not paper) at this, it's so funny

    ColesStreetPothole, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue I once used my left hand to shake because my right was still wet from washing something and the guy was so impressed saying "How did you know I was a lefty? And that I have a thing about using the right hand to shake?" I didn't, obviously but I took the credit of being a mind reader. 😂

    nyquildotorg, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey @Alice @blueorangeblue next time work up/up/down/down in there to get some extra lives

    Kierkegaanks, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey unless you work at his football club he doesn’t seem accessible to me

    TheBreadmonkey, avatar


    You know he famously bloody loves flowers. I've heard if you wear a top with flowers on he comes at you like a bee.

    Kierkegaanks, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey well he IS a wasp after all

    TheBreadmonkey, avatar


    What is a wasp? I've always thought it sounds faintly racisty but have never thought to look it up. As you're saying it I assume it can't be, but I just don't know. Is it an acronym for something? Wrecked And Shitting Pennies. Wonderful Angler, Salmon Pond. Weasel Ant Scorpion Pony. I could go on.

    Kierkegaanks, avatar

    @TheBreadmonkey white anglosaxon person. I assume it’s a neutral description

    tayfonay, avatar

    @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey I thought the P was for Protestant? To me WASP is used in a derogatory way to imply the person is an asshole from a long line of assholes

    BlippyTheWonderSlug, avatar

    @tayfonay @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey
    This. I've always heard it as "protestant," and used as a derogatory term. (In USA & Canada, I've never heard it here.) I see it as the "yankee" equivalent of "inbred redneck fuck" or "cast of Deliverance."

    tayfonay, avatar
    the_etrain, avatar
    tayfonay, avatar
    BlippyTheWonderSlug, avatar

    @the_etrain @tayfonay @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey
    Dunno. I've met poor WASPs. Can we say "usually/most likely wealthy?"

    the_etrain, avatar

    @BlippyTheWonderSlug @tayfonay @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey
    One last point. Judge Smails' boat was christened "The Flying WASP".

    tayfonay, avatar

    @the_etrain @BlippyTheWonderSlug @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey I think I’ve just realized the origin of my conceptualization of WASP

    amiserabilist, avatar


    they are only wasps if they come from the Boston region of Massachusetts otherwise they are nouveau riche.

    @the_etrain @tayfonay @Kierkegaanks @TheBreadmonkey

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