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Spacebar, in Official Reddit announcement posts now follow a well-defined archetype. The latest accessibility announcement is just the latest example. avatar

Dude, you two broke up two months ago. Why are you still thinking about them?

MonsieurHedge avatar

All of the good Google results point at Reddit. You know how hard it is to get anything done without Reddit comments?

zecg, avatar

I for one love downfall drama


You realize it’s possible to use multiple social media sites right?

Frog-Brawler avatar

I agree with the idea, but this is the /m/reddit, right?

BuckRowdy, avatar

I’m still in the transition phase. I was pretty intertwined with the site so it takes a little time to unwind all of that.


Also, I still visit oldreddit and use narwhal although nowhere near the same level of participation and engagement.

We broke up but we still see each other socially.

Alto avatar

Dude comes into c/reddit and then bitches people are talking about reddit.



Reads more like a joke than bitching imo


I understand when most people have this thought on lemmy. But you know you’re on a reddit community, right? This place is dedicated to talking about reddit.


Why are you in c/reddit?


Well, it’s a community about Reddit. It’s a collective help group to move on from Reddit.


Presumably the three of us are subscribed to this community because we want to hear about and discuss reddit-centric topics. If you aren’t, I suggest unsubscribing/filtering this community

lowleveldata, in Aaron is no longer considered as cofounder by reddit. He fought for free speech.

You can’t consider a cofounder to no longer be one. Unless you travel back in time to change history.


Musk considers himself a founder of Tesla.

Anything is possible if you're a cunt.


When Musk bought “Tesla” it was two guys and an idea. It’s bigger now.


You can consider anyone to be anything. Consideration doesn’t have to be based in reality.


aaronsw was not involved in the creation of reddit. When his company was acquired by reddit, he was granted a “cofounder” title as part of the deal.

while it’s a dick move to erase him, “you can’t change history” is a poor argument when the only reason he’s considered a cofounder in the first place is because history was changed.

squiblet avatar

Yeah, I got downvoted to -25 for pointing this out on a Lemmy recently. He was in early enough to be considered a cofounder, and did a ton of work on it before anyone had really heard of reddit (rewriting their lisp codebase to Python around 2006) but he wasn't one of the two people who actually started it. So... the pic in this post is accurate, and it's kind of funny how it says "not considered a cofounder!" and the pic literally has him listed as 'founder'.

stuck_in_the_shell, in Aaron is no longer considered as cofounder by reddit. He fought for free speech.

Ah I see, fuck speX is using the old muskAROO tactics to claim somebody else works as he’s own. What a pathetic simulation we are in lmao

squiblet avatar

It’s actually the opposite. People are trying to posthumously Musk Swartz.

Reddit was absolutely originally founded by Ohianian and Huffman. Swartz joined later because he was also working with Y Combinator, and Paul Graham suggested they merge to consolidate things. So Swartz joined reddit 1-2 years in. He did do a ton for them - as a talented Python programmer and author of early framework, he saved them from their Lisp code base by rewriting it in Python.

Very early employees/co-owners can be considered founders, but he did not literally found reddit. He was a pretty fact-based and fair person and I don’t think he would be super happy that people are fighting this non-factual fight for him.

Not to mention, this post title is fairly insane since he is specifically listed as “Founder” in the pic. But he wasn’t one of the two people who actually started reddit in the first place, so the lower portion is accurate too.

TheSpookiestUser, in r/place 2023 in a nutshell avatar

How many of those people are still gonna be using the site though?

It doesn’t matter how loud you scream if you won’t actually do anything about it.


Best view I can take on that is that I can’t stop others from continuing to use the site, but I can stop myself from using it.

Lemmy has proven to be a satisfactory replacement that successfully keeps me from going back.


Everyone clapping their own backs by helping to write fuck spez in a Reddit game sure is something. Just childish.

I'm thinking about going back, at least as a site to visit between all these new 'reddit-likes', but I'm not going to be yelling like a goddamn child like I'd be above it. Sure, criticism I'll give if warranted but that goes with everything.

TheSpookiestUser, avatar

If only this effort was used to make a giant banner of some Reddit alternatives - Lemmy, yes, but even something else like Kbin, Tildes, Squabbles, etc., just anything to get people to actually move somewhere else and put a tiny crack in the face of Reddit’s titanic forum almost-monopoly.


Too hard and not everyone would’ve agreed. Nonetheless, they did put a banner for Lemmy at the exact center of the canvas, and while not huge it’s still better than nothing.


I’ve seen this same sentiment dozens of times, so why did none of you do it?

TheSpookiestUser, avatar

Because I deleted my account.

Dark_Blade, avatar

I was too busy not using Reddit


So you’re one of those complaining about people being on Reddit and simultaneously complaining that those that are aren’t being on Reddit the right way. OK.

TheSpookiestUser, avatar

It is my opinion that no one should continue to be on Reddit at all. Accordingly, I deleted my account.

The people who think Reddit is still fine and hasn’t done anything wrong - well, I think they’re wrong, but it makes sense that they continue to use the site.

But the people who are upset with the site and think they’re acting shiftily and that things are getting worse - why do they stay? It seems hypocritical to me, past a point. It makes sense that they’d want to try and get the site to reverse course, but i don’t think writing FUCK SPEZ was ever intended to do that. So why stick around?


Cathartic rage would be my guess, Spez wants to sell the house so they’re happy to help smash the windows, paint the walls, and swear at the prospective buyers.


Yeah, that would've been at least interesting.


It's the same with people shitting on twitter and elon, and then spend the next 3 hours on twitter


After the api changes I noticed many of the subs were mere shells of their former selves, even ones with no c/ counterparts yet

CileTheSane avatar

I noticed r/all has changed drastically and showing less popular subs.

some_guy avatar

I noticed you’re still giving them views.

How’s that protest going?


No need to give them crap for checking on Reddit, not every community has moved here yet, and it’s not that bad to use both.

CileTheSane avatar

Still dealing with weirdos on Lemmy who have nothing better to do than stalk my profile and try to pick fights with me elsewhere if I dare to disagree with them on a post, so not much has changed...


IMHO reddit's been declining for quite a while. The only reason it was less noticeable was repost/comment bots.

I mean, a subreddit like /r/videos which claimed to have 30 millions subscribers, but the top post would often have no more than 200 upvotes.

Very little original content either. Askreddit is mostly reposts, elsewhere it's reposts from facebook, twitter and snapchat. You notice the decline less when you're on reddit daily. Take a longer break, and it becomes more noticeable.

Sure there are less people here, but at least you know you're likely interacting with a human. On reddit I'd often see people interacting with comment bots who'd copy pasted the top comment.

Pretty depressing if interacting with a bot is what you do to fulfill the human need for social connection and validation.


And on lemmy, a few weeks ago they went and deleted so many bot accounts to prevent vote manipulation that the total number of accounts actually decreased sharply for a few seconds and then continued growing as usual


It’s insane that it’s been some weeks since the API changes and axing of the third party apps. Yet r place has shown people are still willing to use Reddit after all this time and proclaiming “fuck spez”


Time and time again, redditors have proved they have no self-control and their actions are as deep as a puddle. They think that by making a silly banner on reddit they are actually making a difference instead of quitting reddit outright. Addiction is a powerful thing, even to social media.

JohnnyLX91, in Current state of Place 2023 avatar

The whole thing should just be “fuck spez” but people are so desperate to get their same designs on this like the last time.

Imo having a place so recent after the last one is super dumb. Completely kills the hype for it.


Yeah this basically looks like it did last time.

KbinItTogether avatar

Last time was way more detailed. It was sprawling with mass participation from so many communities that the more you zoomed in and looked, the more cool, creative and diverse stuff you'd find.

This time looks like a completely bare bones shell of the handful of communities that even thought it was worth spending time on. It's not even close to the same glorious effort that it was before.


I miss the amongus

genoxidedev1 avatar

Having r/place be more than a one-time event is dumb enough already especially now that streamers are trying to capitalize off of it as well.

It's always same shit different day as long as people can't find other things that represent their country and interests other than flags and the logo of whatever they're interested in.

Not that I would want that, now after all that happened. Maybe a boring non-variant r/place is the best we can do aside of writing fuck spez on everything that lets us?

Would love to see more nudity and profane messages though since they would NEVER be able to use that to advertise Reddit.

deweydecibel, (edited ) in What is Reddit’s CEO Steve Huffman doing?

Some of the communities that closed down in response to the API changes explicitly shifted to Discord


Legitimately one of the most annoying things out of all of this is how so many tech writers have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to explaining the feelings and behavior of reddit communities. Like they don’t ever seem to interview anyone or ask direct questions to understand what is happening, they just take a cursory glance at comment threads and pinned posts, and assume they understand what’s going on. I can’t count how many articles I have read that get the facts about this whole situation right but still seem to completely misunderstand it.

They did not “shift” to Discord, they used already established Discord channels in lieu of the subreddit, until the subreddit came back.

Many subs already had parallel discord channels, but users don’t use one or the other, they use both. Because Discord is a fundamentally different kind of platform. It’s exactly the same way that many forums back in the day would also have chat rooms attached. Same community, using two different methods of online communication, at the same time, for different purposes. No one would ever have suggested IRC was equatable to a forum.

All that happened was when the subs closed, users congregated in the Discord to stay connected. It was never going to be a new permanent home. They were not seeking a new home, that’s the critical part. I’ve seen very, very few people suggest Discord as a permanent replacement and if they are it gets shot down. They were simply waiting out the protest on Discord until they could go back to Reddit or, if an alternative showed up, go there. It was a bomb shelter.


Reddit was way better than discord. This is a step backwards for humanity. Thanks, spez.


Like they don’t ever seem to interview anyone or ask direct questions to understand what is happening, they just take a cursory glance at comment threads and pinned posts, and assume they understand what’s going on.

Being a staff writer with deadlines will do that to you.


@deweydecibel Is that how Ruqqus started? Because new /m/ruqqus discussion started here


HeartyBeast avatar

"They didn't shift to Discord, they just moved temporarily to discord. How can writers get it so wrong"

Lots of mods posted a note saying "see you on Discord" when they shut down. This is not exactly an egregious error.

Anomander avatar

Yeah. Rather a decent number of communities have actually moved to Discord, or are trying to, including a decent sampling of larger communities like MFA.

There's been some kind of wonky takes in Fediverse about some of those moves that seem to reject the validity of migrations that aren't coming to our spaces. Mods will post "going to Discord, fuck this place" and they're like "it's temporary, Discord isn't a forum".


I really hope they don’t replace Reddit with Discord, it’s a closed-source software with data not being indexable by a search engine. Even if they did find a solution to index all that data into a search engine, it would be awful to have to install a software to actually see/interact with it.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Not to mention it's almost impossible to keep up with a very active Discord server


Yeah, I’m too old for that pace of information. Would have loved it in my younger days though.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

I ran up a $300 bill on AOL chat rooms when I was 12


Even more impressive once you consider inflation


Well the good news is if you actually go to the Discords who attempted to move over from subreddits, they’re all unnavigable messes with zero way to actually find new information or posts, so the whole thing has been a failure. Why people thought a cringy closed source gamer chat platform was a good replacement is beyond me. They were wrong and the results show this. Discord is not for that use case and is not remotely a Reddit replacement.


Didn’t /r/malefashionadvice explicitly close the subreddit and recommend everyone go to their Discord? I can’t check it now since I’m at work, but if I remember right, it is still closed with the mods saying they expect to be removed at any point.


Yes, they left a message with a link to their Diacord.


You are absolutely correct about this.


And ironically enough I just saw a story where Reddit followed through on its threats to remove the mods. So they removed them all and the sub is back open, but locked so no one can post.

takeda, (edited )

You sure it wasn't "let's go to discord to get updates where we will move"? Discord won't work well unless it's a very small community.

Edit: I just joined and they created many smaller channels, I guess that helps them scale to larger number of users. So yeah I was wrong, but I still insist for majority of subreddits discord isn't a matching platform and more like a compliment, when you want to talk live with somebody.

JBloodthorn avatar

Discord is great to hang out in large or small groups, but it is nearly useless for sharing information beyond a few pinned comments per channel. Their search is extremely "fuzzy". Searching for anything and what you want is likely to be buried in results containing common words that look kinda sorta similar to the word you searched.


I’m pretty unfamilar with Discord, was after my time. But for the little I do know, I think you’re probably right. MFA might be a different kind of community where smaller more real time chats like Discord can work, but for the majority it doesn’t seem like it would be a good forum/reddit replacement.

It’s certainly not for me at any rate.


Might I suggest using Discord as an alternative to Reddit?


Idk I have heard people talk about something called Lemmy? And kbin? Anyone know anything?


Lennvor, in Current state of Place 2023

Hi, I seem to be reposting this comment everywhere there is discussion of r/place on Kbin and now Lemmy. I just haven't really seen those points being made so I thought they were worth highlighting. Sorry for the spam, this is the last one I promise. I need to go to work.

After giving it some thought, I think you should indeed do that. For Lemmy AND Kbin and more.
tl;dr: Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms

The major objection is that going to r/place gives Reddit the engagement and numbers they want for the IPO, and I think that's a compelling point but I don't think it's as obvious as the people making that point seem to think. The idea of "don't go on Reddit to protest Reddit, that's just helping Reddit" has some "But you live in a society, curious" vibes to it; I think the question of whether to protest vs abstain and how to best protest is always going to depend on the details of what you're protesting or abstaining from.

In this case I think Kbin and Lemmy users should put their names on the r/place board according to the following reasoning:

  • The argument that you shouldn't go on r/places is essentially saying that the best protest against Reddit is people leaving Reddit, which I agree with

  • Like all protests however it's not that impactful if it's a few isolated people doing it, you need to find a way to have users do it en masse. Coordination is key.

  • Same thing for going on Kbin and Lemmy and others - these platforms become good if they have enough users to sustain vibrant communities, they rely on network effects.

  • r/place as an event is a showcase of a community's coordination. It both requires a community to be large and well-communicated and it gives a very practical, visible way of advertising that coordination to both rivals and random observers (there's a paper out there proposing that this is why music evolved btw, hmmm that's pretty cool)

  • what ultimately made me decide to post this is going on the thread for r/place's first day. Look at the conversations, this is exactly what they're doing: discussing the communities participating, commenting on what they draw and explicitly talking about what it means for those communities' size and coordination

  • These comments also included people asking "why fuck u/spez ?" and "the only reason I'm still on Reddit is that there aren't any alternatives"

  • This means there is a pool of normie users who aren't aware of the protest, but are following r/places, and the "fuck u/spez" movement is effective in bringing their attention to it

  • By the same token there are tons of users who aren't aware of existing potential Reddit alternatives (one of those comments got "Lemmy" as a recommendation in replies and said "interesting I'll check it out" - they legit hadn't heard about it).

In conclusion:
Advertising the existence of kbin and lemmy to random Reddit users is exactly what you want to do if you want to go against Reddit, and r/place is an excellent way of 1) telling people who don't know about it that these platforms exist, and 2) showcasing the vitality and size of the communities on these platforms.

Now in practice I don't know that these platforms actually have the size and coordination to showcase that on r/places and that's fine, clearly a huge percentage of people here believe that boycotting Reddit entirely is more effective or more convenient. But if the question is "which hurts Reddit more, promoting Lemmy/Kbin on r/places or avoiding r/places", I've come to believe the answer is the first.

EDIT: oh right another objection I saw was "but the admins will just erase it", and there again look at the comments on r/place. Clear streisand effect on the guillotine, if there's stuff for lemmy/kbin/squabble that's visible enough and admins erase it it still works fine from a comms perspective.

xedrak avatar

Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about finding an alternative is already aware of kbin/Lemmy. By trying to “advertise”, you’re only opening up the platform to brigading. Anybody who actually cares has already made the switch.

Oh, and on top of that, you’re giving Reddit additional traffic, which is exactly what they want right now. Just leave it alone!!


Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about finding an alternative is already aware of kbin/Lemmy.

you exist in a filter for people who know about kbin/lemmy. I only ever heard about them because of hackernews, which is a strong filter.

xedrak avatar

So you had at least enough desire to read anti-Reddit news which lead you to the alternative? That just proves my point…


I had no idea lemmy existed until r/DnDmemes posted about it, and now I’m here. So for at least some of us advertising would help

xedrak avatar

It’s diminishing returns. Reddit benefits more from the traffic in this scenario than the Fediverse ever could in terms of user gain from this kind of advertisement.


There are definitely diminishing returns to increasing the discoverability of something (if we hate the word "advertise") once enough people know about it. What are your reasons for thinking we are now at this point of diminishing returns and not still in the expansion phase?

Like, if it were actually the case that everybody who had an interest in being on Lemmy or kbin knew about Lemmy and kbin and understood exactly how much it was in their interest to be there... The only conclusion I can come to is that Lemmy and kbin kind of suck, given the activity in the subs I'm interested in. Or are inherently niche products that intrinsically interest few people compared to a platform like Reddit. I can definitely see an argument that this is true of Mastodon given the graveyard of "here is my new home away from Twitter" accounts that haven't posted since 2022 (I don't think Mastodon sucks but I can definitely buy that it has features that made it an unsatisfactory replacement for Twitter for most people in 2022), but whether that argument is correct or not I don't think you can make the same one for kbin or Lemmy at this point in time.


How though? An investor would look at place. See how that traffic isn’t normal and see the protest on it then put 2 and 2 together and realize it’s reddit trying to look good. It’s not a secret


Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about finding an alternative is already aware of kbin/Lemmy.

That's just empirically not true and it's not how people and internet communities work. But I guess a more important question is, are you saying this because you believe it to be true or because you are happy with the size Kbin and Lemmy currently are and would prefer not to have a mass migration from Reddit that would change the vibes ? Because that's absolutely a valid concern. If that's not where you're coming from and you really do just think that sentence is true, at what point in time would you say we reached the point where everyone who needs to be aware of kbin/Lemmy became aware of kbin/Lemmy?

By trying to “advertise”, you’re only opening up the platform to brigading.

You WISH kbin or Lemmy were big and well-known enough to be worth brigading. Or maybe you don't, which would be valid as I said above and is a different conversation. And it's possible that by "brigading" you mean "an influx of newbies who ruin the vibe", in which case I agree that this is a possible effect of what I suggest. In fact it's the desired effect. However if this does in fact result in a mass of people going onto the platform with the intention of ruining conversations who would not have gone on it instead, that would suck but I'm not sure it couldn't also be leveraged as a streisand effect. Kind of like how for a nobody like Rocky Balboa just being in the ring with Apollo Creed was a win.

Oh, and on top of that, you’re giving Reddit additional traffic, which is exactly what they want right now. Just leave it alone!!

Yes, giving Reddit additional traffic sucks and is what they want. If there were a way of participating in r/places without doing so I'd recommend that as a no-brainer. However it doesn't just give Reddit additional traffic and "what Reddit wants" isn't necessarily what's actually best for Reddit. I made an argument for why I think it would also cause a certain amount of migration from Reddit and we can get more into it once I better understand whether that's something you want to avoid or not. The question then becomes what the net effect will be, and I don't think that's easy for anyone to know, including Reddit. But numbers-wise, given the number of people in these threads compared to the audience of r/places and the percentage of that audience who would be nudged towards checking out/contributing more to kbin or lemmy from seeing them on r/places, I really feel the net effect is more likely to be on our side.


I’d be on board with this, but as you say it’s a show of a community’s coordination. Are there any lemmy communities coordinating anything? I couldn’t see any in a brief search, but I very well might have missed something.


I don't think there currently are but I haven't searched either. I will say there were two separate "how about we do this" on (where I first posted this comment), and given most replies seems to agree on shunning r/place I'd guess that nobody has started anything at this time. This comment isn't me volunteering to do it either, I wouldn't even know how to start, I just decided I disagreed with people's arguments and wanted to throw my thoughts out there. I might participate if something did get coordinated though; I don't have the app but when I was checking out r/place on my browser I seemed to hit a page where it looked like I could participate. Dunno if they changed things or if I misunderstood.

Anyway ISTM (is this where this is?) and would be the logical places for such coordination if it were to happen. They're the places I've seen people talk about it.

Fitik, in The /r/ShittyLifeProTips moderation team has been destroyed. Reddit admins publicly solicit the community for replacements.
Fitik avatar

There's a screenshot for those who don't want to give traffic to Reddit
(Or go to replies and say to switch to Lemmy)

VelociCatTurd, in The /r/ShittyLifeProTips moderation team has been destroyed. Reddit admins publicly solicit the community for replacements.

For those who don’t want to have to open Reddit:

**New moderators needed - comment on this post to volunteer to become a moderator of this community.**Hello everyone - this community is in need of a few new mods and you can use the comments on this post to volunteer and let us know why you’d like to be a mod.

Please use at least 3 sentences to explain why you’d like to be a mod and what moderation experience you have (it’s okay if you don’t have any! But do tell us why you believe you’d be able to help here)


“Please use at least 3 sentences”. I can’t even.

SmarfDurden, (edited )

I also just took this screenshot of the page:

(edit: updated link)


I cannot read that


imgur makes you open it in their app otherwise it’s blurry, unfortunately. If you have another image hosting site you recommend, I don’t mind uploading it again


I have seen used a lot, you could try that.

skulblaka avatar

Pixelfed is the federated image hosting service. I wouldn't spam it full of stuff unless you're hosting your own instance, but it's good for small things like this that don't necessarily need to have permanent availability.

tal avatar

Kbin does image-hosting when you attach an image to a comment, and I assume that Lemmy does too. I don't know if either has size restrictions (though if they don't, I assume that they're going to have to have some level of constraints to avoid abuse).


Request the desktop site to find the nearly full resolution picture.


That worked, thanks!

LUHG_HANI, avatar

Apps used to be good and helped the web. Now it’s just an advertising nightmare for us. I know this is drastic for just this comment but the Web was a big part of my life growing up, building a career in it and meeting loads of great people but recently with everything going on I feel like we’ve lost it to the corporations very very quickly.

I’m definitely going to de corporate as much as possibly can.

p03locke, avatar

Needs moar artifacts!

HeartyBeast avatar

Looking forward to them getting a bunch of people who immediately take it NSFW again


They’re definitely going to look at comment history


Delete all historical comments.

Darkassassin07, avatar

You honestly believe reddits admins can’t see your deleted comments…?


Good point. I’d then just create a new account and if having a new account precludes anyone from being an Admin, then the talent pool just becomes shallower.


“This 1 hour old account seems like the perfect mod.”

samus12345, avatar

I don’t think there’s a single serious response. Good.


There are sadly a few scabs down towards the bottom. A couple of mega-mods who only care about how many subreddits they have under their belts.

gridleaf, in One of Reddit’s biggest communities is suggesting users move to Discord

Discord is a black hole of information. Unindexable, unscrapable, borderline unsearchable.

Kolanaki, avatar

It also sucks you in and spaghettifis you.


Mmmm.... spaghetti...

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

In my language spaghettifis would literally mean “spaghetti fart”.

More news at 11.

SulaymanF, in Reddit kills awards and coins

I don’t want to give Reddit any traffic so I’m reposting the content here:

Hi all,

I’m u/venkman01 from the Reddit product team, and I’m here to give everyone an early look at the future of how redditors award (and reward) each other.

TL;DR: We are reworking how great content and contributions are rewarded on Reddit. As part of this, we made a decision to sunset coins (including Community coins for moderators) and awards (including Medals, Premium Awards, and Community Awards), which also impacts some existing Reddit Premium perks. Starting today, you will no longer be able to purchase new coins, but all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.

Many eons ago, Reddit introduced something called Reddit Gold. Gold then evolved, and we introduced new awards including Reddit Silver, Platinum, Ternium, and Argentium. And the evolution continued from there. While we saw many of the awards used as a fun way to recognize contributions from your fellow redditors, looking back at those eons, we also saw consistent feedback on awards as a whole. First, many don’t appreciate the clutter from awards (50+ awards right now, but who’s counting?) and all the steps that go into actually awarding content. Second, redditors want awarded content to be more valuable to the recipient.

It’s become clear that awards and coins as they exist today need to be re-thought, and the existing system sunsetted. Rewarding content and contribution (as well as something golden) will still be a core part of Reddit. We’ll share more in the coming months as to what this new future looks like.

On a personal note: in my several years at Reddit, I’ve been focused on how to help redditors be able to express themselves in fun ways and feel joy when their content is celebrated. I led the product launch on awards – if you happen to recognize the username – so this is a particularly tough moment for me as we wind these products down. At the same time, I’m excited for us to evolve our thinking on rewarding contributions to make it more valuable to the community.

Why are we making these changes?

We mentioned early this year that we want to both make Reddit simpler and a place where the community empowers the community more directly.

With simplification in mind, we’re moving away from the 50+ awards available today. Though the breadth of awards have had mixed reception, we’ve also seen them - be it a local subreddit meme or the “Press F” award - be embraced. And we know that many redditors want to be able to recognize high quality content.

Which is why rewarding good content will still be part of Reddit. Though we’d love to reveal more to you all now, we’re in the process of early testing and feedback, so aren’t ready to share official details just yet. Stay tuned for future posts on this!

What’s changing exactly?

Awards - Awards (including Medals, Premium Awards, and Community Awards) will no longer be available after September 12.

Reddit Coins - Coins will be deprecated, since Awards will be going away. Starting today, you’ll no longer be able to purchase coins, but you can use your remaining coins to gift awards by September 12.

Reddit Premium - Reddit Premium is not going away. However, after September 12, we will discontinue the monthly coin drip and Premium Awards. Other current Premium perks will still exist, including the ad-free experience.

Note: As indicated in our User Agreement past purchases are non-refundable. If you’re a Premium user and would like to cancel your subscription before these changes go into effect, you can find instructions here.

What comes next?

In the coming months, we’ll be sharing more about a new direction for awarding that allows redditors to empower one another and create more meaningful ways to reward high-quality contributions on Reddit.

I’ll be around for a while to answer any questions you may have and hear any feedback!


thanks for posting here. I have no idea who the venkman01 is but the way they worded that post is borderline cringe


Official reddit posts are always cringey. They unironically call people “Snoos”.



Anyways, who has time and energy to read such a dumb, way too long post?



BuckRowdy, avatar

I will say one thing. At least he didn’t use a cringe gif in the post.

Paradox, avatar

What, you don’t like 3 gifs per line?

BuckRowdy, avatar

It feels forced and inauthentic. For a little while posts seemed like they followed a template and to be honest many of them were just embarrassing that an adult posted them.

I am pretty upset that they are removing awards from past posts because I’ve given out 455 golds, 125 platinum, and 200 community awards and now those posts won’t carry those badges anymore. I just don’t understand that.

Also, are you the same person that created the Fast Report Userscript for reddit? It was a godsend for the 9 months or so that I was aware of it. I created a ban bot for which that tool was an essential part of the workflow. Anyway, that’s all over now. Lemmy’s API looks to be much , much easier to work with than reddit’s so I haven’t found any roadblocks whatsoever to moving my entire presence here so that is my current plan.


How can you see how many awards youve given out on Reddit?

BuckRowdy, avatar

It’s on your profile page on old reddit.

Paradox, avatar

Yup, that’s me. I’ve got some lemmy scripts in the works too. Here’s one that sets your language automatically when posting, and let’s you use command enter to post on a Mac

Fast report has been updated, removing the botdefense 1 click submit. Funny thing is, I wrote fast reports to make using a bot on rAndroid easier

BuckRowdy, avatar

I’m an 11 year user, but I don’t see myself using the site much longer, or if I do, continuing in the same way that I used to. I’ve modded probably 150 or more different subs in my time. All good things must end.


Of course it’s cringe. Wankman can’t even spell his own username correctly.


Yeah, “sunsetting” is such trash corporate speak.


That means it’ll come back soon, right?


Right, Anakin?


This made me realize I spend too much of my life reading and writing trash corporate speak because I breezed past most of this as yup, seems normal lol.


I’m so sorry. You should spend more time here, where everyone uses language in a completely classy, sublime, and not-at-all-ungrammatical-ever way.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Yeah, next they’ll say it’s time to ‘say goodbye’ to awards. thanks, I’m 6

Nitrate55, avatar

Corpo scum are allergic to saying exactly what they mean, so they insist on hiding their intent behind flowery words that sound “good” to them. I guess they think that if they use weasel words, it’ll soften the blow when they decide to strip out features and further destroy their platforms.

Tak, avatar

The best way to exploit people is with a silver tongue.


It’s not an allergy, it’s hiding punches. It’s concealing the fact that they’re fucking you in the ass by telling you it’s just a penis-based prostate exam, and that you’re the one being weird. It’s gaslighting.

It’s one of the things I hate most in our capitalist dystopia.


Also he is using it wrong because “sunsetting” means a slow winding down. You know, because the sun doesn’t instantly turn off.

But they basically literally just suddenly turned off gold today, without any pre warning.

They have basically sent a message to everyone telling them they’ve already done it.


– if you happen to recognize the username –.

Lol no one knows or cares who you are


Sunsetting? Winding down? What are they? Dolores Ambridge? It sounds like they are sugarcoating a syrup.

morrowind, avatar

It’s just bog standard corporate speak. Just disrespect everyone by sugarcoating it instead of being direct.

SomeoneElse, (edited )

Here’s the top comment and a few replies. There’s a lot like this:

You’re just taking coins, that we’ve paid cash for, with no consideration? Not even going to give us the equivalent value in premium time for our existing coins and coins we are going to end up not getting?

What a shit way to do things. It’s like they want to alienate the users who gave them money in the past

Exactly, this genuinely is the worst way I have EVER been scammed in my entire life.


Which is why rewarding good content will still be part of Reddit. Though we’d love to reveal more to you all now, we’re in the process of early testing and feedback, so aren’t ready to share official details just yet. Stay tuned for future posts on this!

“Super-upvotes” will cost real money. There will still be normal upvotes of course, but content creators (and Reddit, of course) will be able to get real money. It’ll be like YouTube or Twitch and people will make Reddit a full-time gig.

It’ll start a commercialization wave that just results in clickbait and celebrities controlling the culture.

It’ll make them money though, and that’s all they care about.

bricks, in Reddit kills awards and coins

If I was a VC, I would want a glut of ad-sensitive, lowest common denominator users. Think your Aunt on Facebook, or your sister on VSCO, or your young nephew on TikTok. I don’t think those people are necessarily attracted to the overall community attitude(s) currently on Reddit.

I would never call the ex-Hacker News/Digg Redditors smart. But.

Those users do have certain proclivities that make them EXTREMELY unattractive to investment dollars. Strong interest in anti-mainstream topics, including the 3Ps (Privacy, Piracy, and Pornography) doth not good ROI make. This exodus of users and elimination of features, outside looking in, seems like a misstep. I’d be skeptical.


I’d have a hard time believing that anybody still on reddit isn’t like that.


Very true. It seems like a solid plan to flush the current users and replace with more gullible ones.

kingthrillgore avatar

With the collapse of social media, there's not going to be many new users to claim.

Justas, avatar

Very often in such schemes the old users leave and the new ones never come.


That 3P hits too hard haha

GeekFTW, in LOL, I was just permantly banned from /r/metalmemes for referring to transphobes as "cunts".
GeekFTW avatar

Sounds pretty cunty of em.



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  • LazaroFilm, avatar

    Can mods act upon this comment here?



    LazaroFilm, avatar

    🏆 here’s my Lemmy Gold for you!


    I feel honored. Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

    Obi, avatar

    What was it?


    To prevent possibly upsetting even more people, I’d recommend reading the deleted comment from our modlog instead. :)


    For anyone who doesn’t know where the modlog is, if you’re on PC you can click the green “Modlog” button on the right sidebar, which can be found alongside other community stats like users / day. Warning: Do this at your own risk.


    Out of curiosity, what is the line for content that would be censored from there? Being able to go and see the post and poster, in some cases, won’t be enough for moderation.


    I don’t think there’s a line. While you can still see the deleted content in text format there, an user must do so at their own discretion. It’s not the mod team’s responsibility at that point, as long as there’s proper reasons provided for the deletion of said content.


    What about a link to CP? Or other illegal or abusive content? Or instructions on how to access content like that, or engage in human trafficking, or plans to commit a terrorist attack?

    I think there are some lines that need to be considered both to protect the instance and admins and for the general good.


    i mean, plans for terrorist attacks should rather be documentend and reported to the police, and people being informed about those is not really bad, but CP? Yeah, idk, that should be possible to be properly deleted from the site, yeah.


    Yea, I’m just tossing shit out the most extreme shit I can think of. If Lemmy is gonna grow, this shit needs to be considered.

    cypherpunks, avatar

    it has been. besides the normal “remove” function, there is also a “purge” function which does not record the content in the modlog.


    Haha yeah, also this shows up as a “remove content” checkmark while banning an user. In the modlog, for example, there’s only one comment by the banned user here, and that’s because it was manually deleted. The rest of their content here then received a goodbye from us, along with the user themselves.


    If a user deletes their own account, Lemmy will federate an edit and deletion event to remove the content from other servers’ databases. ~~If banning a user had a similar option for purging then that would address this I think.

    However if the modlog holds a discrete copy of the removed content then that’s an issue if the removed content is illegal~~

    Edit: Just noticed another thread confirming Lemmy does have this option 👌


    It’s also possible to read it in the Liftoff app by accessing the so-called “Nerd stuff” of the comment


    Using the Jerboa app you can apparently use the “View Source” option on the comment to view it as well. Just figured that out myself out of curiosity.


    May be worth flagging that user to the lemmyworld instance admins, they show up in the modlog quite a bit

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    I did that. And it looks like they took care of it.

    atlhart, in If I go on the reddit website and scroll through posts without doing anything else, would that affect Reddit's ad revenue, or is it insignificant to Reddit?
    atlhart avatar

    I can understand the interest in watching the drama unfold. It’s like reality tv.

    But you should also ask yourself, deep down, why do you care?

    Reddit will never go back. It was going downhill long before the 3PA-crisis. Spez will never back down. Even if Spez gets fired it’ll be an Ellen Pao situation all over again. The new CEO will say nice things and then not undo anything Spez did.

    At this point the most anyone left on Reddit can do is damage Reddit’s valuation. It’s retribution for destroying the community we all enjoyed.

    The mods can do this by impacting what subs can be monetized. Users can do this by decreasing traffic. Even being on the site is traffic.


    It’s not about watching the drama unfold. It’s about watching the tiger die.

    Imagine a movie with a powerful villain. Now, imagine that the movie just ends without us seeing the death scene. We just know about it due to the directors confirming it. Imagine Scar running away from the hyenas and the movie just ending with the text ‘Scar was killed by the hyenas later on.’ It would be mich better to see Scar getting killed, right?

    That’s why I want to go on Reddit. Not for hopes for Reddit’s redemption, but to watch Reddit die in a blaze of stupidity.


    Your comment is spot on, and it’s what led me to ultimately cutting bait entirely, after 12 years of heavy daily use: it’s never coming back to what I remember it as.

    Reddit is certainly not going to die anything – the website itself will likely be around 10 years from now – but it won’t be the reddit I remember or loved. So I moved on. I toyed around with Squabbles for awhile but this feels much more like the reddit experience I’m looking for.

    god_is_love, in r/BotDefense is shutting down - I hope Reddit likes spam and malicious actors


    Honestly it will obviously be up to you guys but I think you should pull your support right away. The faster Reddit goes downhill the faster apathetic users will think about alternatives. But either way thank you for the work you did and for joining us on Lemmy!!

    DocMcStuffin, avatar

    I’m not associated with r/BotDefense, but I’m sure they appreciate your sentiment.

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