aral, avatar

Wow, Bank of Ireland are completely clueless about .

“BOI: We need to speak to you about your credit card application…

Me: Sure…

BOI: First, let’s verify you…full name, date of birth…

Me: …

BOI: Mother’s maiden name?

Me: LjwOtrNGIgpJlJE

BOI: So this is the problem: We need your mother’s maiden name.

Me: I just gave it. This is a security question and I provided you with a password.

BOI: No, that won’t work, we need her name.

Me: Wow… OK… Please cancel my application.”

aral, avatar

I mean, it’s even funnier because their initial response was “Is this really your mother’s maiden name?”



@aral It's clearly Dutch

ainmosni, avatar

@aral I once had to recite a checksum which I inputted as the answer to a security question. That was... fun.


@ainmosni @aral
Reminds me of a signup form where certain characters were not allowed in the answer to the security question.

Like every character not a-zA-z.

Thanks for making it easier to crack my account :blobcat_mlem:

ainmosni, avatar

@wakame @aral That's where the checksum comes in!


@ainmosni @aral
What scared me more was the mindset of whoever designed that form.

KimSJ, avatar

@wakame @ainmosni @aral At least most sites now accept hyphens in names. There was a time when I regularly had to find a work-around for my family name.

ainmosni, avatar

@KimSJ @wakame @aral If you think that's bad, try having a non ASCII letter in your name in forms written by Anglos. :)

chrisod, avatar

@ainmosni @KimSJ @wakame @aral Apostrophes still fail frequently. I've just gotten in the habit of ignoring the apostrophe in my last name when inputting into a web form.

ainmosni, avatar

@wakame @aral Honestly, the moment I see "security questions", my opinion of the security practices at the place goes down quite a bit.



Good Gawd.

I find myself increasingly persuaded that this question needs to be filed in the dustbin. Anyone can go by any name they like, but presuming that a woman changes her name upon marriage is something we can afford to stop doing in a business setting. Harkens to a time when a married woman couldn't open an account without her husband's approval.

And that's "Ms. LjwOtrNGIgpJlJE" to you, BOI!

Andres, avatar

Chilean Banks aren't different, after taking my Id and scanning my fingerprints they asked me the "security questions"... Like yeah, sure I can fake an Id and fingers but boy, I sure can't know where I live.

abosio, avatar
qwazix, avatar

@aral me asking my bank if they control a payment domain that claimed to be theirs.

Bank rep: if it has our logo it's ours



@qwazix @aral

Demoting EV-validated certificates was a misstake

gdinwiddie, avatar

Do they want your mother's permission for you to have a credit card?


@aral The worst is United airlines. They use questions like “what’s the fist car you owned” and “what did you want to be when you grow up”, but the answers are not free text. You’re only allowed to choose from a drop-down of about twenty canned answers! It’s just flabbergastingly insecure.

robstyles, avatar

@aral in case it's not common knowledge…

The reason for this is that your MMN is not only used as a security check between you and the bank, but also forms part of the identity they use to credit score you.

If you were to provide a different MMN to each bank, then you would have several disconnected credit records, one for each bank, and they wouldn't be able to score you.

Having written credit referencing software, that could be both a good thing and a bad thing depending on your finances.

seb321, avatar

@aral I think the best security questions are ones where you come up with both question and answer. It’s fairly easy to come up with ones with answers that just jump into your head but would never occur to anybody else.


@aral now, I think the problem with those kind of names is that they’re only valid in Wales.


@aral For me it was when they asked for my most recent bank statement from my current account with a different bank, which I provided, then they said “no your most recent one” and I said “yes, this is my most recent one, I get them every three months, this is the most recent one, here’s a screenshot of my bank’s website showing that this is my most recent one” and they said “call your bank and ask for the most recent one” and I said, again, “THIS IS MY MOST RECENT ONE”.

I’m pretty sure that BOI do their statments quarterly too so I don’t know why this was such a difficult concept for them.

aral, avatar

@BradRomance They’re not very smart.

tony, avatar


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  • aral, avatar

    @tony Nah, I called them back. The exchange was abridged to fit into a toot ;)


    @aral amazing. I usually do a SHA1 of all the correct answers as input and tell them that if they question my security patterns.

    ottaross, avatar

    @aral Ugh - clueless. All my security questions have nonsense answers, everywhere.
    Surely the last thing one should do is use potentially publicly available info as a security password.

    gergolippai, avatar

    @aral a lot of banks are clueless. once I had a loan application with ING that required a lot of personal info (like passport copy, etc.), and they asked me to send it attached to an email. *narrator voice: I didn't send them attached to an email.


    @aral Ireland and ? Lol not existent

    hllizi, avatar

    @aral this is so painful to read, I'm grateful posting it may be illegal in Ireland very soon.

    aral, avatar

    @hllizi Little mercies, eh? :)

    hllizi, avatar

    @aral definitely

    gastonrampersad, avatar


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  • aral, avatar

    @gastonrampersad Oh gosh, no, please don’t say that. We’re going to start looking for a place to buy (because it’s going to be way cheaper than renting on a monthly basis… because capitalism) and I hope we won’t have to deal with them… argh! :)

    gastonrampersad, avatar


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  • aral, avatar

    @gastonrampersad Wow, that’s… I have no words. How does anything take that long? (Something tells me I’m not going to like this process.)

    intermobility, avatar

    @aral They will never know why exactly you canceled.

    nev, avatar

    @aral I will have you know the LjwOtrNGIgpJlJEs are an old and storied family

    aral, avatar

    @nev Yeah, right? :)

    aral, avatar

    @nev (They were lucky their form only accepted alphabetical characters and had a 15 character limit or it would have been even more fun.)

    hllizi, avatar

    @aral @nev you could've claimed it was a Pringnanoc name and pronounced "Lub" and threatened to sue them because of discrimination, that might have worked.


    @aral Eeyupp - I'd do the same!

    And THIS is why I neither use nor have any :

    Because I won't compromise my for their shitty bs.

    Also my mother's maiden name is none of their business and that's why they legally can't ask for it in Germany!


    @aral Every organization that literally expects people to truthfully answer any of those questions when doing so isn't literally a legal requirement enforced upon said company should not be trusted at all!

    aral, avatar

    @kkarhan Yeah, the only reason I wanted a credit card to begin with is because it makes renting a car easier in some places. No desire to have one. My debit card works perfectly fine for anything I need it for.

    It amazes me, though, that this is a bank and they’re so clueless about security. (I mean, it doesn’t really, but, in a world that worked properly, it would.)


    @aral nodds in agreement

    I wish I could go into detail about how f**ked up finance and payment providers are but that's covered with NDAs...

    Granted most of it is just absurd and shitty tacked-on solutions like and that never solved the core issues whilst bricking enough stuff that a complete redesign would've been more useful and economically...

    FuckElon, avatar

    @aral @kkarhan

    What is the difference? If you have a debit card then the bank already has the same exact information they needed for the CC.

    Plus, CCs are way safer and easier to deal with if you get a fraudulent charge (at least in the US). Actually, in Europe too. N26 only gave us our money back after we threatened to report them to the proper agencies. Before they told us to "borrow money from family" while they investigate for a month or two.


    @FuckElon @aral Well, is the reason why I won't want a .

    not to mention shitty apps for make my blood boil....

    I'd rather want my that just works, or even better !

    Sadly isn't even remotely as much accepted as it should be.

    FuckElon, avatar

    @kkarhan @aral

    Honestly, this is a good reason not to use debit. It is the same bank and the shitty app is the same for credit or debit. But at least with credit they cannot wipe your bank account clean, whatever charges are made they will reverse before you have to pay it, and you can still pay your rent and buy food. I do not understand what you think makes a debit card any superior if the app/ online banking for either is exactly the same.


    @FuckElon @aral I just use no nor - period!

    Most mobile payment apps are just bad and I don't want to be insulted by tech-illiterate cooperations actively preventing me from using a password manager when I still can only set a 4 digit pin in 2023...

    FuckElon, avatar

    @kkarhan @aral

    Oh, I agree on the mobile apps being bad.... but I do not understand why it would be any better for a debit card. The 3 banks we had in Europe all required some kind of mobile app for buying online with the debit card. And CC and debit had the same process for buying in person (chip and pin). So I do not understand how using only debit will help you there.

    chris, avatar


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  • kkarhan,

    @chris @aral Well, in Europe, Chip + Pin is the norm and contactless payments usually don't allow more than € 25 per transaction or €100 per day - whichever is lower...

    Cash is just more normal in Germany and people like myself tend to literally buy cars with it.

    So whilst big grocerers will allow you to check out with almost all CCs and Debit Cards [you may have issues with UnionPay, AliPay, DinersClub, AMEX, ApplePay and GooglePay / SamsungPay acceptance] most small kiosks will nope you.

    FuckElon, avatar

    @kkarhan @chris @aral

    We had our European debit card (chip and pin) skimmed in Europe, and it was a nightmare. The number was used in Russia in rapid succession in 20+ transaction, they wiped our bank account, and the bank was "uh... we do not know if this is fraud". The kick of it is that for US to use the card online an authorization via app was needed. But fuckers in Russia buying with strip readers a few hours after we made a purchase in France???Nah! That sounds legit!

    aral, avatar

    @FuckElon @kkarhan @chris That sucks so bad. I’m so sorry to hear it. And of course the bank does nothing. Because, of course.

    FuckElon, avatar

    @aral @kkarhan @chris

    It was just little stressful because we had other accounts, but I was thinking about people for whom this could be catastrophic... Like not able to pay rent or eating. They said it would take a month or more "to investigate"....

    chris, avatar


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  • kkarhan,

    @chris @FuckElon @aral yeah, that doesn't really happen with most issuers in Europe.

    In fact, they'd rather call one up and ask if one just used a card if it's sus.

    FuckElon, avatar

    @chris @kkarhan @aral

    We did, with the help of Reddit, ironically (RIP). It was about 5k and for us not a big trouble, but for someone with only one account would have been for sure. We asked the bank and they said to "borrow money from family while they"

    Someone on Reddit told us to cite European regulations X and Y and agency Z and surprise! We got the money back.


    @FuckElon @chris @aral Yeah, that shit wouldn't fly in , as banks have to backroll fraudulent charges immediately upon report unless it's like months old...

    Involve the regulators early on!

    FuckElon, avatar

    @kkarhan @chris @aral

    That was Germany, though! N26 is a German bank. And sure, Reddit "solved" our problem but not everybody would know to go ask reddit or someone else knowledgeable of what to do and vulnerable people are the ones that least have this kind of time or resources to fight.


    @FuckElon @chris @aral

    So yeah, banks trying that number would risk being hold in contempt and made liable for damages if they tried that here...

    And that's why the in literally has people that solely deal with and their actions, like holding customers at ransom...

    I sincerely hope will become the predominant casless payment and that people use cash whereever they can't wait 6-8mins for a transaction to finalize...

    chris, avatar


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  • kkarhan,

    @chris @aral The only things you can't do is buy real estate in cash or rent a car with cash, as both don't want to handle cash and car rental will likely prefer to pull the entire rent + deposit and then back-transfer the deposit after returning the car...

    also banks here are extremely stingy in terms of loans and actual credit cards are sparse with low limits at best...

    So if your CC doesn't support , and Chip+Pin it may not work at all...


    @chris @aral granted if someone were to ever snatch my wallet, I could just call 116117 in Germany and just get my cards locked faster than they could type the PIN...

    CaptainMalu, avatar

    @kkarhan @chris @aral I don't think the medical services will help with your cards.
    116116 will better suit your needs.

    *I write this only to make sure that no one tries the wrong nummer.

    chris, avatar


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  • MichalBryxi,

    @chris one more reason to avoid Credit Cards. I have had only Debit Cards for past ~5 years and even before kept one only for the car rentals.

    1. I keep only a minimal amount of money on the card connected to the Debit Card and "top it up" in 5 seconds via app if necessary
    2. Virtually all online payments have to be approved by 2fa

    @kkarhan @aral I mean, isn't every Bank is subject to KYC laws ?


    @penguintech1 @aral Yeah, but those only cover the customer themself:

    • Legal Name
    • D.O.B. & P.O.B.
    • Citizenship*s
    • Legal Adress
    • Means used to verify these

    It doesn't even obligate them to record-keep phone numbers or eMail adresses...

    Also bs security questions like that not only violate the privacy of unaffiliated 3rd parties but also answering them honestly will make them useless as a means of authentification since at least the days of Mitnick...


    @penguintech1 @aral Already gets tricky in all non heteronormative scenarios:

    • What if someone doesn't have a mother?

    • What if someone doesn't know their mothers maiden name??

    • What if one's mother is unknown???

    • What if one's mother never changed their last name????

    • What if one's mother had their last name changed otherwise????

    • What about names in non-latin scripts?????


    @penguintech1 @aral And those are just the scenarios I've seen in person...

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