ItsThatDeafGuy, to random avatar
therightarticle, to random avatar

“19 million in the US purged from Medicaid rolls in “post-pandemic” unwinding of expanded coverage”

GeriatricGardener, avatar
AutisticMumTo3, to random avatar
greenaspen, to random avatar

Rachel Reeves wants to give us "inclusive "
She deserves the George Award for double-speak

thoughtsinuserspace, to politics German
remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "Faced with social structures whose foundations have been eaten away by decades of privatisation and austerity, the political response is to pump money into 'frontier AI' while hyping it up as the most awe-inspiring technology since the Manhattan Project. The Prime Minister says he will "harness the incredible potential of AI to transform our hospitals and schools" while ignoring leaking roofs in the NHS and the literally collapsing ceilings in local schools. This focus on the immaterial fantasies of AI is a deliberate diversion. When large language models are touted as passing basic medical exams, it's because they've absorbed answers from across the internet. They are incapable of the embodied understanding and common sense that underpin medicine, education or any other form of care.

One thing that these models definitely do, though, is transfer control to large corporations. The amount of computing power and data required is so incomprehensibly vast that very few companies in the world have the wherewithal to train them."

lukemartell, to random avatar

'It didn’t happen by accident. It was the result of a concerted ideological programme, backed by some of the richest people on Earth, and implemented by the many clever people they hired.' Pretty short pithy statement that neoliberalism and the interests supporting it are behind most of the problems we have. I hated Thatcherism when it arrived but I never thought the consequences would be so far reaching and devastating.

whangdoodler, to random Finnish avatar

the circus that currently performs in finnish government is getting so out of hands that im just waiting for the day it just implodes in on it self like couple billionaires in a submarine.

below some things from the government period so far:

whangdoodler, avatar

Fascists are rejoicing and attempting to cause a scandal because there was one banderol that “encouraged violence” in Sundays antigovernment protests that was attended by 10k - 20k people.

Below published stance from the anarchist group A-ryhmä that made and carried the banner. Screenshots from their Instagram. 1/2

The sign has sparked a debate on social media. How did you comment on your sign and the debate it has generated? The text of the sign has first appeared in Kapinatyöläinen magazine as " If you cut something, you cut Iiro's head", a reference to Iiro Viinanen's and the Coalition's actions during the recession of the 90s. We felt that the Orpo-led government's plans to cut back are so brutal and hostile that they are comparable to the original context of the text, so it is time to dig up the old slogan. We understand that for some the text on the sign is too much, but it does not reflect our agenda, the aim was to satirise the government and provoke a moralist reflection on how far the responsibility of politicians who deliberately miserable the living conditions of the people should extend.
How would you describe the message of the sign? The message drew attention to the amount of human distress and suffering, comparable to violence, that the government's plans for cuts and labour market inequalities will cause, especially for the poor, the sick, the unemployed and low-wage workers, including many supporters of the Finns. If government politicians feel that they have a right to cause all this, those affected by government policies have at least a right to carry protest banners with more than just slogans. We wanted to bring to the streets the discontent on which new demonstrations and eventually a general strike will be built in the autumn.
We also hope, of course, that government politicians sleep very badly at night after seeing popular discontent on the streets. Construction businesses and building factories go bust at the drop of a hat every few days; today the closure of the Sunila paper mill was announced. These workers who have been put to work in the kilometer mills are in for a cold shower when the government programme and its cuts to their livelihoods start to be implemented. At the same time, Orpo and Purr gave themselves a ton of pay rises and are smiling happily as their capitalist friends' accounts swell. This is not acceptable to us and we will at least show it on the signs.

whangdoodler, avatar

Like so often happens, this time too the expectations (or explanations) of right-wing politicians are completely separated from the actual reality.

Idk how in the hell would “you cannot make A DIME without it lowering your benefits” would encourage someone to try and find work. especially part-time.

Elli Aaltonen, former Director General of Kela (Social Pension Institution) and President of SPR, is pessimistic about the government's proposed cuts to social security. In particular, she defends the general housing allowance. "I don't understand why we are so keen on scrapping the general housing allowance." In December 2022, just under 400 000 households claimed the general housing allowance. Aaltonen is worried about what the reduction will mean for many of them. "It takes more people away from job opportunities and towards social security." THL research professor Heikki Hiilamo and Member of Parliament for Children's Affairs Elia Pekkarinen said in Wednesday's A-studio that there is not enough time to assess the impact of social security cuts. Aaltonen agrees.
"I have not seen any proactive impact assessment. Politicians talk about making reforms first and then assessing the impact. It's nonsense. We absolutely must be able to anticipate what the effects will be." Budget chief: let's encourage people to work. Mika Niemelä, the Finance Ministry's budget chief, does not see the impact of the social security changes as dramatic as Aaltonen. According to Niemelä, the housing subsidy is not about to be blown up. The aim of the reforms, he says, is to create a situation where it always makes sense to take on work and where the employment rate is higher than before.
"We are in the process of reforming housing support. Of course, we are trying to make reforms that encourage people to work." Niemelã believes that the cuts and employment measures in the government programme will bring more tax revenue to Finland and people will do better. "I come from a slightly different income angle than Elli." According to Elli Aaltonen, the general housing allowance already has a positive impact on employment, especially the shelter part of the general housing allowance. The purpose of the protection component is to enable people to receive housing benefit, for example, if they work part-time. Almost 40% of people receiving housing benefit are in employment. "This includes families with children, single people, people able to work only part time and a very wide range of people. In 2015, under the Sipilä government, the shelter component increased the share of employed people."

whangdoodler, avatar

“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”

MP Li Andersson (LA).

For example, the government's cut list includes the newly enacted Disability Services Act. It is now being postponed and reopened. Services will be cut back to save €36 million. The government is also cutting child protection by lowering the age limit for aftercare. This will directly hit the most vulnerable young people in this society. On top of this, the social security cuts will hit low-income families with children disproportionately hard, as, in addition to the cuts in housing benefit, the child benefit increases in unemployment benefit will be abolished altogether. On top of all this, the government, which says it wants to balance public finances, is about to make new tax decisions that will reduce state revenue... The biggest tax cut next year will be for Riikka Purra herself, and other high-income earners who enjoy her income level: they will get around €2,000 more in their hands next year. In addition, the government programme specifically states that the government is committed to making no changes to areas such as capital taxation and the taxation of large companies.
The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.

whangdoodler, avatar

Speech held at antigovernment protest in Tampere last week ended with these words.

“At stake is, no more and no less than freedom, life, humanity, democracy, a decent society.

The government must fall, otherwise the fucking screwups will destroy Finland.”

Rest of it is available below.

The country's economic figures are not catastrophic, but they will be when the government implements its cuts in the middle of an economic downturn. The debt scare is the ideological weapon the government uses to promote its vested interests, to subjugate the people, to break down opposition, to break down the trade union movement, to get the income transfers from the poor to the rich and the cuts to privatise public services done. The Orpheus government is putting Finland in order by -normalising racism and fascism. -weakening the status of immigrants and asylum seekers. -restricts the right to strike. -Weakening workers' rights. -mortifying the Constitution, the cornerstone of democracy, by separating social benefits for immigrants and Finnish citizens.
- violates human and fundamental rights by cutting drastically from the poor. -increases child poverty. -increases the income and wealth of the rich and well-off. It is no coincidence that it was the Coalition Party that put the Finns in government. The Finns are an invaluable help to the coalition. They are the antithesis of each other, combining strict economic discipline and fascism to protect capital and the rich. The difference between the Finns and the Coalition dwindles to nothing when the Finns Wille Rydman is worried that Germany will not take care of Nazi memorials, when the Coalition's Atte Kaleva wants the veiled out of Finland or Noora Fagerström's political ideology is the laws of the jungle and thinks it is right to cut the poor. The government's policies reflect the social- Darwinist natural selection of the prevailing capitalism:
The signs have been visible for a long time. More than a decade ago, Saul Schubak, vice-chairman of the Coalition Youth Party, criticised child allowances, saying it was "irrational that we support the reproduction of weaker material. Elina Lepomäki was along the same lines when she wanted to cut social benefits to prevent the poor from multiplying. Now this ideology is in the government programme. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Nazi-murdered priest, said that it is our duty to throw a spanner in the works if the driver is drunk. In other words, we must stand up in a situation where political and economic institutions are morally corrupt. That is the situation now, when the driver, the government, is drunk and is driving us into the abyss. The time for resistance and throwing in the towel is now! The time for confrontation is now! Whether we want it or not. Neutrality is a privilege granted to no one.

whangdoodler, avatar

“Orpo and Purra are trying to pull off a crude economic trick that Reagan and Thatcher did massive damage with.

Income transfers from the poor to the rich are a crude policy, but they are not the invention of Orpo or Purra. The same thing was tried by the 'great economic reformers' of the 1980s, Reagan and Thatcher, with disastrous results, writes Jan Hurri.”

idk, somehow this all reminds me of far-right acceleration theory.

The calculations are preliminary and indicative, for example because the first cuts are being prepared in a hurry and without proper comprehensive impact assessments. In any case, it is noteworthy that the cuts are about the collapse of the monthly disposable income of the target population. For example, a monthly loss of income of EUR 180 is multiplied over the course of a year by a loss of income of EUR 2 200. This is, coincidentally, the same amount that the tax cuts planned by the government at the same time, and which are being implemented as if by themselves, will generate additional income per year for a Finnish citizen with a high income of EUR 14 000 per month.
Perhaps the wisest economist in the nation, veteran economist Sixten Korkman, who has experienced the many ups and downs of the economy, pointed out back in the days of the interest rate crisis that after large deficits, some kind of "pain programme" would sooner or later be necessary to balance public finances. But just as often, he pointed out that fiscal belt-tightening would be best done in a way that would burden all sections of the population equally, by distributing the "pain" to all the people, not just to limited groups. Now the government seems to be dusting itself off with such advice.
The economy is more likely to weaken than to strengthen. Cuts in social and unemployment benefits will take a big chunk out of the incomes of citizens who spend every last euro on everyday living costs. In other words, the cuts will squeeze aggregate demand in the economy - and weaken an already fragile economy. By the same token, the cuts will squeeze the incomes of domestic businesses that sell their products and services to all the people, including those on low incomes. A photo of Petteri Orpo smiling in the direction of Riikka Purra, who has båa look of mischief and derision to say the least.

whangdoodler, avatar

Unions preparing for action in Finland to protest governments reversed Robin Hood-plans.

whangdoodler, avatar

PM Petteri Orpo graciously offers advice to those his nazi-government is pushing further under poverty line.

The advice is fresh “just get a job dummy, no one is forcing you to live in poverty”.

i bet next he says something like “you don’t need to drink expensive wines on every meal, just buy cheaper.”

What will Prime Minister Petteri Orpo say to the children who fall into poverty or deeper poverty because of government measures? He says your parents should go to work. What does the Prime Minister say to all those on the lowest incomes in Finland who are losing hundreds of euros a month because of government measures? He says you don't have to be poor, because you can go to work. What will the Prime Minister say to the students who will see their already inadequate income cut drastically? He says take out more loans. You can easily pay it off when you get a job. Orpo speaks, at least in his latest interview with A-studio, as if he believes from the bottom of his heart that the unemployed do not know that they can go to work and get money from work. As if a student does not know that you can live on debt and then pay it off when you are comfortably and firmly in work. He talks as if he has never heard that there are working poor who simply do not have enough money to live on. As if he did not know that there could be children living in Finland today who cannot be sure whether they will have a hot meal tomorrow.
Who believes that Orpo's speech is sincere? To believe that he is sincere, one would have to believe in his utter stupidity and ignorance. I can believe a lot of things about our Prime Minister, but the shocking stupidity and naivety does not quite pass muster. Orpo is lying when he says he cares. Porvari is lying when he says he has to make painful decisions. The mantra "Finland must be turned around" is so-called bullshit. Yes, the right is going to change Finland's direction, but not in the way it claims. "The 'debt ship' continues to chug along as the government borrows even more than the previous government. And it is not because Finland is currently in any of the crises of the previous government. Finland is heading towards deeper inequality, towards the deterioration of the welfare state, towards increasing misery and poor families with children. There is no point in shouting 'poor people, get to work'. The bourgeoisie, including Petteri Orpo, know this. It is a bluff. It suggests that the bourgeoisie cares whether the poor can afford food and rent. In reality, the bourgeois know that there are not jobs for everyone and that not all jobs pay enough to live on. The bourgeois also knows that the economic outlook is currently poor. There is no sign of more jobs being created - quite the opposite.
So our Prime Minister, stop lying and say it straight. You think the child of the unemployed deserves to go hungry while you, as a well-off person, enjoy your tax cuts. You think students should either have rich parents to pay for their studies or they should burn themselves out and go into debt. You don't care if the unemployed get a job, and if they don't, you don't care if they can no longer afford it or have a chance of survival. Mr Orpo, tell the truth already, because you are being ridiculed for being stupid. The author is the editorial secretary of the Left Hand Rail online magazine.

whangdoodler, avatar

A opinion about nazi-governments austerity policies by a deacon published in HS.

“It is wrong to cut social security for the poorest.

It is unsustainable to cut those who are barely surviving at the moment.”

14.10. 2:00

Even now, we diaconal workers are filling gaps in the social safety net for hundreds of thousands of people. In 2020, for example, we had more than half a million encounters and distributed more than eight million euros in grants across Finland, so many people have not received the support they need through the services and social security of our welfare state. Ministers, the functioning and humanity of the welfare state is measured by how disadvantaged people are treated and how their human rights are taken care of. As Archbishop Tapio Luoma has said, in a welfare society, this is the task of the state.
We diaconal workers have expertise that is important to use when planning services for society. Diaconal work is about walking alongside the marginalised and excluded, speaking up for human dignity and putting human rights at the centre. We act as advocates on behalf of those who are being drained of their remaining strength to cope in everyday life by a government programme. Dear decision-makers, please listen to my concerns. A concern that I know is shared by my colleagues across Finland. Ani Iivanainen Deacon, Vihti

whangdoodler, avatar

“Did you know that, in addition to all the cuts already in the public knowledge, the Orpos government is also cutting from vulnerable young people in particular, those who have a reduced capacity to function due to depression, other mental health problems or physical illness, for example?” - Li Andersson.

They are the very young people we should be doing everything we can to support in their education and later transition to work - now the government is cutting directly from them. The aim has been to encourage young people to undergo rehabilitation to enable them to train and gradually enter the world of work. This will prevent people from ending up on disability pension at a young age. This is why the rehabilitation allowance for young people is set at the same level as the guaranteed pension. It is now estimated that pension decisions will increase as a result of the cuts. In order to avoid a paper war and speed up access to rehabilitation, the requirement of a proven diagnosis or disability has so far been removed for young people. Now the government is adding more bureaucracy and creating barriers to people's rehabilitation. Cuts will also hit adults in vocational rehabilitation who are trying to return to work after, for example, severe depression or injury. Most sadly, the government's own proposal estimates that the cuts may reduce people's desire to rehabilitate and this will ultimately be reflected in a decline in employment, despite the government's strong claims that it wants to improve it.

whangdoodler, avatar

priorities are straightforward with the nazi government.. poor people, were they children, finnish or refugees are not important and it would be much simpler if they could just shut up, lay down and die.

but then again ministers pre-christmas parties, rushing thatcherism thorough and shutting borders while falling for russian operations is very important.

These proposals have been prepared without the necessary impact assessments or an assessment of the impact on fundamental and human rights. This makes the work in Parliament more difficult and slows it down, because now we have to try to carry out these assessments in the context of the parliamentary debate. The government's proposal to reduce income support was considered by a legal expert to be one of the worst of his career in committee since 1972. Since the Constitutional Committee considered that the proposal would lead to disproportionate situations, an attempt was made to make the regulation more sustainable in terms of fundamental rights. The strangest thing about the anonymous accusations of the governing parties is that instead of the amendments proposed by the Constitutional Committee, they spent two days trying to undermine the government's proposal. If anything, this is bullying of the most vulnerable Finns.
The indifference towards vulnerable people that is emerging from the ranks of the governing parties is something quite new in the Finnish Parliament. Cold ideological thundering must not be allowed to overtake the time required for committee work. Apparently, however, for some people the Christmas party is more important than the careful drafting of legislation that will have a drastic impact on the lives of low-income earners. This is about real people, not a political game. Tens of thousands of low-income Finns.

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