s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


1️⃣ Jump-over-bar burpee x10
2️⃣ Australian pull-up x9
3️⃣ Banded backward lunge & knee drive x10/side
4️⃣ Bench dip x10
5️⃣ Sumo deadlift @ 42kg x8
6️⃣ Over-head squat @ 5kg x8

It's been more than a year since I quit following a CrossFit program and today I wanted to test my performance on exercises I haven't been doing.

Before I couldn't do 6️⃣ and now I can! 🎉
I'm more confident in 1️⃣ too.
Squat mobility has played a big role within the past year.

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#workoutoftheday #running

I knew that running the morning after circuit training wasn't such a good idea.

This week brought a lot more NEET than usual. As a result my training involved fewer sessions too, though I didn't skip circuit training yesterday evening.

So I set out for a long run, because I didn't run on Tuesday and I won't have time on Sunday either, but I couldn't even reach 8 km before my legs and my mind gave up.

#fitodon #fitness

Splits [km, pace, elevation] 1 6:24 2 6:31 3 6:38 4 6:23 5 6:28 6 6:22 7 6:22 8 6:35
Graffiti wall and benches to sit
Boats and historical buildings on the opposite side of the river

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar
s1m0n4, to juggling
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

🤹‍♀️ 1h of

I've been trying the mills mess with 3 balls for what feels like a godzillion years and now I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel🕯️😁. I'm close!
The same goes for alternating 2-1 doubles with the clubs

Then it was time for my session.

2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ High knees
2️⃣ Floor ladder (cardio)
3️⃣ Side plank
4️⃣ Bulgarian split squat
5️⃣ Scissors
6️⃣ Squat jump
7️⃣ Wall chair
8️⃣ Hollow hold
9️⃣ Russian twists @ 3kg
🔟 Adductors

Me struggling with mills mess 3 balls
Me struggling with clubs double 2-1 sequence
Me doing a 180° rotation while juggling with clubs. Ending the sequence by passing a club under my leg

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#workoutoftheday #running

🏃‍♀️#fartlek: 45s slow + 15s fast (x30)

It was raining cats & dogs 🌧️ and I came back home completely drenched 💦

Afterwards I will help coaching my son's pre-school swimming lesson. It's not exactly an intense effort, but it's 30' floating and moving in the pool, so it isn't light exercise either.

Basically a day in water! 😂

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar
s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


I went #running today after an 11 day break. Knees were more or less ok. I applied a heating patch which gave me a burning sensation halfway through the run until the end.
The weather was hot, sunny and 22°C. An abrupt change of 15°C in just a couple of days.

I gave up after 8,3 km, as the sun and the burning knees won over my resolution. I walked for 10 min and then I ran again for another 1,8 km.

#fitodon #fitness

Run map by km from Saint-André-lez-Lille ti Les Trois Louches (6 km) and then back for another 2,3 km
Second run map & stats: 1,87 km 120 calories burned 6:26 pace 00:12:01 duration

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


🚴‍♀️ 7 km

1️⃣ fitball moguls x8/side
2️⃣ TRX pull-up x8
3️⃣ fitball hamstring curl x12
4️⃣ push-up x4
5️⃣ side plank & opening x8/side
6️⃣ TRX deep squat narrow stance x8

Notes: 4️⃣ I could keep good form touching the floor for 3 laps 💪
6️⃣ feels easier. I'm relying less on my arms but I still can't do it without the TRX assistance

I'm planning on resuming #running on Sunday after 10 days break. I'm hoping that my knee will feel ok before and after 🥹

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


🚴‍♀️ 8 km (4 km with groceries)

Strength (x5):
1️⃣ TRX pull-up x8
2️⃣ X mountain climbers x30/side
3️⃣ Push-up x4
4️⃣ #animalflow 🐒 swing practice x2/side
5️⃣ TRX dips X8
6️⃣ Static lunge + heel raise @ 8kg x8/side

Avoiding high impact exercises at the moment because of knee pain. I hope I can go back to normal within a few days, otherwise I'm stuck with mountain climbers as high intensity exercise with no jumping 😭.
I might try plank jacks too.

#fitness #fitodon

Me doing TRX pull-ups
Me doing X mountain climbers
Me practicing the monkey 🐒 swing
Me doing static lunge + heel raises

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


I'm a slow runner and I don't care.

My priorities are:
1️⃣ Slowly increasing the distance
2️⃣ Maintaining a good #running form that allows me to keep doing it consistently "for as long as I breath" (quote from the awesome"Dune - Part 2" movie 😉).

My aim in #fitness is functional. I want to be able to do things no matter how long it takes me. And what I can't afford at all is injury.

Also they finally opened the river path in the other direction 🎉. I saw a 🐎 too!


Running stats
Docked boats and a church in the opposite side of the river
The horse

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


🚴‍♀️ 12 km bike-ride
🐒 Animal flow with an Avengers/impossible move called "ape swing" 🙀


No, I can't do it yet. Yes, I'm going to practice it because I'm a masochist who likes pure torture 😂

#fitness #fitodon

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#workoutoftheday #fartlek

➡️ 45' slow + 15' fast (x30)

I was afraid because yesterday my knees hurt during circuit training. I don't know why and it never happened before. We trained outside and there was a chilly wind, so maybe that's a possible cause.

Anyway I could run pain free today, so nothing to worry about 😅

#running #fitodon #fitness

Running map
Running stats Active time 30' 32" Distance 4,86 km Energy expended 379 cal Move minutes 31 Pace 6:15/km 1 06:19 2 06:32 3 06:15 4 06:01 5 06:14

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#workoutoftheday #running

Wind was at 25-30 km/h. After 6 km I wanted to give up. At km 8 I was convinced I could get to 9 and then stop. Then it got weirdly easier because I thought that I could continue until 10 km and once at 10 I convinced myself that the 11 km I planned were attainable.

It was a fight against the wind and my mental will 😂.

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#circuittraining #workoutoftheday

2x45s, 2x30s:
1️⃣ High knees
2️⃣ Lateral shoulder raise @ 4 kg & 6 kg
3️⃣ Wall chair
4️⃣ Hollow hold
5️⃣ Dips
6️⃣ Step touch
7️⃣ Adductor leg raises
8️⃣ Frontal shoulder raise @ 4 kg & 6 kg
9️⃣ Bulgarian split squat
🔟 Side plank

#fitness #fitodon

s1m0n4, to kpop
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#workoutoftheday #kpop #dance

1️⃣ #IVE - Love Dive + #NCT - Dive Into You [07:50]
2️⃣ #LeSserafim - Easy, Smart & Perfect Night [09:54]
3️⃣ #Ateez - Bouncy, Halazia, Guerrillla [10:41]
4️⃣ #Blackpink - Shutdown & Pink Venom [06:33]
5️⃣ #Aespa - Next Level [06:26]
6️⃣ Ateez - Fireworks & Answer [08:31]

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


1️⃣ rope skipping: (3 SU + 1 DU) x8
2️⃣ Australian pull-up x8
3️⃣ side plank & leg lift x8/side
4️⃣ push-up x4
5️⃣ static lunge + calf raise @ 10kg x8/side
6️⃣ hollow hold 30s

Though I haven't tried DUs in months, I was able to do 4 consecutive reps of 3 single-unders + 1 double-under. I thought I would have lost it all!

I'm struggling big time with side planks instead!

#fitness #fitodon

Me doing Australian pull-ups at the gym
Me doing push-ups at the gym. Cartoon filtered.
Me skipping rope at the gym
Me doing side plank & leg lift at the gym

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


There were tons of people and I had to slalom and preemptly visualize the change of direction to make my way through them.

On top of that my respiration is still stuffy, even if I feel good now, so I had to keep an easy pace even when the path was clear.

It's a sunny and warm day. The first one of the year I thought it would be good to have water with me.

Next time I'll wear my new #running belt with many large pockets!

#fitodon #fitness

Running belt with pockets all around it

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


1️⃣ #animalflow ➡️ loaded beast, beast reach, loaded beast, beast, side kick through, under switch, 🦀, 🦀 reach & repeat on the other side
2️⃣ Hanging scapular contraction x8
3️⃣ Calf raise @ 8kg x8
4️⃣ Turkish get up @ 3kg x3/side
5️⃣ Band hip abductor @ 9-15kg x8/side
6️⃣ Band inverted leg extension @ 9-15kg x8

I went too light on the legs exercises, both for the KB and the elastic band. I'll keep that in mind for next time.

#fitodon #fitness

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


Last week it was intermittent headaches and a sore throat, this week it's a runny nose, a sore throat and, as I unfortunately found out during my #running session, diarrhea.
No, I didn't 💩 in my pants!
Since I've started taking #creatine its effects have been gut regulation and sphincter strengthening. I can now hold it in even in such extreme conditions (if I walk instead of running)! 😂

➡️ 0,8 km warm-up walk
🏃‍♀️ 3,53 km run
🚶‍♀️2,9 km walk back home


A boat crossing the river

DesRoin, to transit German
s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

Today I did something unprecedented: I ran without music and notifications.

As soon as I finished my warm-up walk I realised that I forgot my earbuds at home 😱. It came to either delaying my run of 15-20' to walk back and take them or #running without them.

So I turned this catastrophe into an opportunity: listening to my breath and making no noise with my feet. As soon as it got noisier I would correct my stride and my pace.

Bird tweets are a calming sound too!

#fitness #fitodon #parkrun

Running stats & splits Distance 11,6 km Energy expended 907 cal Move minutes 76 Pace 6:30/km (average) Then stats by splits

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar


As you can see I am a bit scared of single leg jumps 😁, particularly with my left leg. Unilateral exercises are very important to highlight muscle and joints imbalances so my workouts are often integrating them

1️⃣ Hanging scapular contractions x8
2️⃣ Single-leg jump @ 20cm x8
3️⃣ Hollow hold 30s
4️⃣ Push-up X3
5️⃣ Cyclist squat x8 @ 12 kg
6️⃣ Fitball glutes bridge x8

#fitness #fitodon

Me doing single leg jumps
Me doing hanging scapular contractions
Me doing glute bridges on a fitball
Me doing cyclist squats

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

#running #workoutoftheday

I don't feel well. I have a sore throat with light coughing and eye bacterial infection.
Still I decided to go for a run but when I started having abnormal heat waves after 8 km I stopped. I hope I can feel better tomorrow.

#fitness #fitodon

The entrance to the Citadel within the park
Another section of the running path with walls
Running map & stats 8,17 km 523 cal burned 6:51 pa e 00:55:58 duration

s1m0n4, to Fitness
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

Today I tried a free class offered by a nearby shop.
They meet on Mondays and Tuesdays inside the shop after it closes.

➡️ Squat jump x50

Pyramid x(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1):
1️⃣ Knee push-up
2️⃣ Lunge [left & right]

➡️ Abs exercises (10')

The pyramid counts a total of 100 reps 😭 and the abs part was torture!

It's a good session and it's totally free. Too bad it's on the same days of my free gym + circuit training.

s1m0n4, to running
@s1m0n4@ohai.social avatar

🏃‍♀️ 4:1 intervals (x6)

I felt tired today. I was very motivated before, but as soon as I started running my legs felt heavier than usual.

This afternoon I'm going to assist pre-school kids at the swimming pool . I'll be spending 30 min moving and standing while helping the kids complete their exercises.

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