gabek, to fediverse

Super excited that with a handful of minor maintenance releases behind us, can start looking towards big features again. Lots of preparation work is going on now for all of that. Check out the roadmap, and say hi if you'd like to be involved!

hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] with „Tales from the Borderlands“. We meet Fiona and Rhys on the planet Pandora where they're telling their story, each from their own perspective. The events are set between the events in the games Borderlands 2 and 3. In English language, and of course on .

hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] mit „Old World“. Unser Babylonien kommt langsam aber stetig voran. Nach den dramatischen Ereignissen rund um die rechtmäßige Thronfolge hat sich die Lage wieder etwas entspannt und wir können uns auf unsere Regierungsgeschäfte konzentrieren. Jedenfalls bis das nächste innenpolitische oder innerfamiliäre Chaos ausbricht. In deutscher Sprache, und natürlich unter .

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar


No games today. Just some chill talk and some music. Come join me for some fun vibes and tunes.

hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] mit „Face Noir“. Jack del Nero untersucht im Hafen heimlich den Tatort, an dem sein Ex-Partner ermordet wurde. Wird er dort etwas finden, daß ihm bei seinen Ermittlungen weiterhilft? In deutscher Sprache, und natürlich unter .

deadsuperhero, to fediverse avatar

I’m writing a brief guide for how to set up OBS to livestream with and . What questions do y’all have? What do you want to know about?

godotengine, to godot avatar

🔔Livestream announcement!🔔

After you seemed to enjoy the guest appearance of #GodotWildJam last time, we put our heads together and came up with a way to keep collaborating 📝

Join us on ⌚️ Friday, 3pm UTC ⌚️ at to playtest submissions & learn more!

#godot #godotengine #livestream #twitch #gamejam

vintprox, avatar

@godotengine @lertsenem Y'all big time deserve to #OwnCast. :BlobhajTinyHeart:

owncast, to random avatar

Did you see, thanks to @mxks, that there's a new way to browse the Owncast directory, and watch those live streams on Roku devices? It replaces the old, previously removed application.

You can learn more about it in this month's Owncast community newsletter. I always love reading it, and learning something new.

roadriverrail, avatar

@owncast @mxks And hey...this is Kit, the person behind @mxks and the Owncast Newsletter! I'd love to have some friends along for the ride developing the #Owncast #Roku channel! DM me or email me if you're interested in helping!

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar


Join me once again for the thrilling adventures that await us in GTA V!

It'll be a fun time! Come chat with me!!!

ety, to fediverse avatar

There's a new #Owncast newsletter out for April/May. As usual, Gabe and Co. continue to plug away at what is already a fantastic project:

If you're not familiar with the project, Owncast is a project thet lets you host your own single-user streaming service, complete with web player, chat, integrations support, etc.

If you're into streaming on Twitch, Kick, etc, but would like something a little more #OpenSource or #Fediverse friendly, check it out.


hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] with „Civilization VI“. We are getting to the mid-game phase. As of now, possible victory conditions are Diplomacy (of course!), Culture and Science. Let's figure out which path will be the most promising one. In English language, and of course on .

box464, to fediverse avatar

After a short hiatus due to some technical updates made my Roku, Owncast (a federated live streaming service) is available again on the platform.

In addition, a new Owncast channel is now in the app, too!

Also don’t forget Owncast has an iOS app out as well. Lots going on with the platform.


hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] with „Vaporum: Lockdown“. The is the prequel to „Vaporum“, which I successfully finished last week. This will be my first playthrough of this game. In English language, and of course on #Linux. #Owncast #Gaming #DRMfree #Livestream #hatclan

Mrfunkedude, to random avatar


Prowling the streets of Los Santos once more. Playing GTA V and celebrating the holiday. 😉

Come join me! Come chat!
#owncast #live #livestreaming

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar

For those who use OBS to broadcast there's something I learned a year ago that I don't think people take advantage of.

Nested scenes.

Instead of adding a video capture device to a scene and then trying to make it look the same from scene to scene, you can create a scene with your VCD chosen, create the style you want it to look like, and then use that scene in all of the scenes where you want your camera.

It make things SO much easier.

hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] mit „Old World“. Wir setzen unser Spiel mit Babylonien. Aktuell wird unser Reich von einer Regentin geführt, anstelle des noch zu jungen rechtmäßigen Herrschers. Mit viel diplomatischem Hin und Her versuchen wir uns als aufstrebende Macht in der Alten Welt zu behaupten. In deutscher Sprache, und natürlich unter .

operationpuppet, to fediverse avatar

I will likely do another #fediverse-exclusive Frankie Play #vtuber live stream this weekend so be sure to follow either #owncast at or #peertube at Or both if you’re extra cool.

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar


Starting off by playing a little Grand Theft Auto 5 and maybe something else. Depends on how the game goes.

Come join me! Hang out and chat with me. Let me know how your day is going.
#owncast #live #livestream

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar

I've decided that I'm going to stop multi-livestreaming for a while and focus on streaming to the Fedi with

I get more engagement with Owncast and almost none on Twitch and YouTube (aside from trolls) so focusing on broadcasting to the Fedi seems like the right thing to do.

Don't let me down Fedi.

Follow @Funk for live streaming updates and notifications.

Mrfunkedude, to random avatar

There will be a #livestream later #today at 2pm PST.

I'll be playing an as to yet undecided game.

Make sure you follow @Funk to get updates.

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar

🔴🎥I just went LIVE🎥🔴

Come watch as I drive down the streets of Los Santos making my way through the crime infested city just trying to survive.

Join me in the chat! Say hi! Let's have some fun!
#owncast #live #livestreaming

hatnix, to fediverse German avatar

Good morning, #hatclan! Happy Monday!
My streams for this week:

  • Monday: „Civilization VI“ (DE/EN)
  • Tuesday: no stream
  • Wednesday: no stream
  • Thursday: „Face Noir“ (DE)
  • Friday: „Old World“ (DE)
  • Saturday: „The Wolf Among Us“ (DE/EN)
  • Sunday: „Vaporum: Lockdown" (DE/EN)

The streams start at 20 CEST / 18 UTC, and usually finish 5 hours later. I'd be happy to see you around. #Owncast #Linux #Gaming #DRMfree #Livestream

Mrfunkedude, to fediverse avatar



Starting off with 30 minutes of ELO video and then the main attraction.

In between the musical numbers I'll be reacting and reading the chats comments. It'll be a hoot!

So come join the fun!
#owncast #live #livestream

hatnix, to linux German avatar

[LIVE] with „Vaporum“. We return into the Arx Vaporum. Marcus Rike lerns more about the madness that went on there, and how his wife and his daughter were involved. In English language, and of course on .

operationpuppet, to fediverse avatar

As some of you may have (prematurely) seen, I'm looking at live streaming to #peertube soon. Likely some Frankie Play this afternoon, both on and our #owncast server at

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