zalasur, to fediverse avatar

Today it's a technology stream! I'll be setting up a Synapse server and will try to get it federated.

Once we get this done, my next stream will be.... drum roll Dwarf Fortress!

BoydStephenSmithJr, to fediverse avatar

So, I finished my first coding and music stream on if you want to watch someone fight type errors around right Kan extensions in enjoy!

I think next time I might not start in the middle of a large project. Needs to be more like Joy of Painting and start with a blank "canvas". Probably just grab a problem from the cyber-dojo and plug at it.

Let me know if the music is too loud or the font to unreadable.

foone, to random avatar

the world needs more recreational programming.
like, was this the most optimal or elegant way to code this?

no, but it was the most fun to write.

BoydStephenSmithJr, avatar

@kevinriggle @foone

I think I'm live:

This is the first time I've streamed with OBS in years, and the first time I've streamed with at all.

FlockOfCats, to fediverse avatar

Here’s a nice bee video

For people that like 🐝

kuketzblog, to Bulgaria German avatar

Die @EU_Commission gibt @Mastodon und @peertube auf, weil @EDPS keine Agentur innerhalb der Kommission finden konnte, die es weiter betreibt.

Ein Kniefall vor den Überwachungsplattformen wie Instagram, Facebook, TikTok und Co. Digitale Souveränität am Arsch. Das ist so frustrierend. 😔

aral, to Bulgaria avatar

EU leaving Fediverse (Mastodon & PeerTube) because no one wants to operate the servers

“In recent years, a total of 40 institutions have opened an account with EU Voice, including the EU Data Protection Supervisor, the European Court of Justice and the EU Commission. The video platform, on the other hand, was used by six institutions … the EU institutions were thus the largest group of public institutions in the Fediverse worldwide.”

larkim, to mastodon avatar

The successful and instances for institutions run by @EDPS will be shut down on May 18th 😥

It seems that the and have no interest in promoting independent, -free and low-surveillance European platforms and thus a free and democratic discourse…

pneutig, to fediverse German avatar

Was für eine Schande. Der erfolgreiche Pilotversuch des @EDPS, für Europäische Institutionen im und Instanzen zu betreiben, wird in weniger als einem Monat enden.

Die Europäische Kommission unter von der Leyen (CDU / EVP) hat offensichtlich kein Interesse daran, überwachungsarme, europäische Plattformen und damit freien demokratischen Diskurs zu fördern. Morgen wird sie sicher wieder irgendwas zu und und so heucheln.

ErikJonker, to Bulgaria avatar

Apparently even the European Data Protection Supervisor , can't find the funds for it's mastodon servers. Which is bizar if you think about all the "talk" about not relying on , a more independent EU, open standards, security, importance of reliable information etc.


@ErikJonker Have they considered using more resource friendly alternatives than ? There's plenty of choices available, and it seems pretty much all of them do a better job of staying relatively cheap.

The article also includes talk about , and hosting video is known to be rather expensive compared to hosting, well, just text and some images. It would be interesting to see more details on the costs and how it is attributed to each service.

attac63, to fediverse French avatar

🚨Le dernier épisode du est disponible sur 🔴

🎙️On démarre un nouveau cycle sur le avec @Solidaires63 et

▶️ ep1: Le statut du travail et des travailleur·euses

dispo en sur @SpectrePodcasts


et depuis notre site:

▶️ (rubrique)
▶️ (cycle "travail")

dannekrose, to fediverse Japanese

[EN/JP] Playing a little Enshrouded or maybe Unrailed on stream. 「Enshrouded」か「Unrailed」を気軽に配信しています。参加型も可能?どうぞ、気楽に起こしてください。

kalisz79, to random Polish avatar

To nie jest trochę to co już mamy dzięki wspólnemu logowaniu do różnych usług na via @ftdl ? :)

m0bi13, (edited ) avatar

@kalisz79 @ftdl

Dobrym podejściem są też web-aplikacje starające się integrować wiele profili z różnych serwisów. Np. , który ostatnio integruje i (jego Media-firt UI jest świetne).

Podobnie na integruje profile z różnych usług: Mastodon, , Pixelfed, , , .

Takie podejście mi się podoba :)

Innym tematem jest uparte trzymanie się przez Mastodona obsługi jedynie typu Note (i ułomne wyświetlanie Article). A ponieważ Mastodon dominuje w , nie rozwija się (tak jak mogłoby) wsparcie dla innych typów treści : image, video, audio, artist, album, track, playlist. De facto obrazki czy filmiki albo audio to po prostu załączniki do typu Note, bo Masto tak ma i nic innego nie wyświetli :/

Więc IMO pole do rozwoju jest ogromne, nie trzymajmy się kurczowo jednego konta (to wymysł marketingowców budujących silosy), zostańmy przy jeden login do wielu usług, jeśli już musimy ;)

ftdl, (edited ) to mastodon Polish avatar

Przyjazna przypominajka, że fundacja non-profit FTdL z Krakowa (tak, to my), zbiera środki na swoją działalność w serwisie tutaj:

Dzięki Waszym dobrowolnym wpłatom możemy finansować wiele projektów oraz utrzymywać serwerownię KRK-DC, w której prowadzimy dla Was paletę usług, by wymienić m. in.:,

Oferujemy tę infrastrukturę również dla takich serwisów jak:,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i kilku innych.

Więc jeśli wygodnie Wam wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność na Patronite, oraz uznacie, że nasza wspólna praca jest warta waszych dotacji, to serdecznie zapraszamy ❤️

deadsuperhero, to fediverse avatar

I’m writing a brief guide for how to set up OBS to livestream with and . What questions do y’all have? What do you want to know about?

fsf, to fediverse avatar

Did you know that the FSF has a PeerTube account? is a decentralized, federated video platform powered by ActivityPub and WebTorrent, and you'll find us on the Framatube instance:

hobbsc, to fediverse avatar

Anybody have #peertube instance or account recommendations to follow?

Rob100, to fediverse avatar

Peertube has more content creators on it then you think. It's harder to find specific content sometimesyou will have to search the samething twice on different servers.

I got a list of anime related channels including independant animation channels like Wolfiechu, korusai,ell cartoons, and more stay tooned for this list of animation channels.

zalasur, to DwarfFortress avatar

Problem: We have a bunch of undead rhinos corpses hanging out and goring visitors in the periphery of our embark area. Solution: Catapults (this might backfire).

Our sinister embark is coming along nicely though we did lose a trading caravan last night and we almost lost a dwarf demanding "bones". We're going to expand our industry and fight back against those pesky zombie creatures. I'm sure nothing bad will happen. I swear.

icg937, to fediverse Spanish avatar

I somehow lost my will or motivation to upload videos on (as well as on ). I don't know how other people do it, but I just can't.

box464, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Owncast and Peertube news on the same day!

mmccue, to fediverse

For the open social web to happen at scale, companies big and small need to adopt ActivityPub. Threads is the largest player to do this and the implications are huge.

On the latest episode of Dot Social I ask @rklambo and @pcottle, two thoughtful and genuine leaders on the Threads team, about why they're doing this and whether federation is a feature or foundational. Check it out on or wherever you get your podcasts.

Tech Threads

mike, to fediverse avatar

In order for the open social web to happen at scale, lots of companies and apps, big and small, need to adopt . Threads is the largest player so far to do this and the implications are huge.

Why is doing this? Is federation just another feature or is it foundational to their entire experience? How is the Threads team thinking about moderation, monetization and privacy in these early days and going forward?

I asked @rklambo and @pcottle, two thoughtful and genuine leaders on the Threads team who joined me on the latest episode of . Check it out on our instance or wherever you get your podcasts.

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