@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar



I like to make complicated things simple for others & simple things complicated for myself --

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📍Granada, Spain

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AdamBishop, to ukteachers
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

Today, I'm translating an academic essay on the opportunities and risks of technology, and how to approach them in the field of education, from Italian to English.

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Being interested in photography means I don't have a lot of images of myself. That's normal eh? Here's a brilliant one of yours truly though, taken a few days ago by expert @chriswright. Thanks Chris.

I did get a touch of vertigo stood there as the drop the other side was immense 😱

#mountains #landscape #landscapephotography #snow

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
sylvia_ritter, to ubuntu
@sylvia_ritter@mastodon.social avatar

24.04 LTS Noble Numbat is out now 👑 😎 ! -> https://ubuntu.com. Many thanks to the whole #ubuntu team 🧡. #art #mastoart #fediart

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@sylvia_ritter 😍👏

elperronegro, to hiking
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@elperronegro Wow! 😍

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

The raw power of nature. Spectacular waterfalls in the valley of Lavaderos de la Reina in Spain's Sierra Nevada mountains

#mountains #waterfall #waterfallwednesday #Spain #Hiking #landscape #landscapephotography

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@elperronegro So bummed I missed this one! 😍

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Today's trailhead was just a 20 minute drive from Granada city. 4 kilometers and 300 meters of ascent later we reached the delectable and very well named summit of "Cerro Buenavista". We ate our lunch in the warm sunshine, on the soft grassy summit slopes with the snows of the Sierra Nevada stretched out before us. The dulcet tones of Lou Reeds "Perfect Day" played gently in the background. Yup, about right!

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
Glencoe, to random
@Glencoe@mastodon.scot avatar

It appears that the BrewDog Lost Forest has in fact been largely lost. To date Scottish Forestry had paid BrewDog £690,986.90 for planting, but seemingly large numbers of the planted trees are now dead.


@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@Glencoe Ach, greenwashing 😔

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Overnight Camp - post 2/3

As the sun went slowly down to the west of Granada we were left with a brief but beautiful sunset over the peaks of the Sierra Nevada. We watched the sun dip below the horizon and then the clouds illuminated with color, before the cold had us hurrying towards our tent.

Evening light stretching across hills towards some snow covered mountains that them selves have cloud around their summits
The Sierra Nevada peaks from Picon de Jerez on the left to Alcazaba on the right. Evening light turns everything burnt orange and the hills and valleys in between have lenthening shadows
Just after sunset to the west of Granada the clouds light up with the setting sun

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
jchelary, to random French
@jchelary@emacs.ch avatar

Bon, ça y est. J’ai rendu la traduction de Kohei Saito.

En même temps, je travaille avec des collègues sur la traduction de l’Avenir en Commun en japonais. On a réussi à obtenir une préface de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, et je travaille donc sur la traduction française de la postface pour validation par l’éditeur français… Dans la préface, Mélenchon cite justement Saito. Une petite boucle de bouclée.

La semaine prochaine, j’enclenche sur un document de présentation des problématiques de l’aide publique au développement pour un groupement d’ONG. Et après, je me pose 10 minutes.

Et puis c’est, préparation d’une communication en juin, écriture du projet de thèse, écriture du livre sur OmegaT (tant attendu ?!?), écriture d’un premier article pour communiquer sur mon master, restitution des contenus au niveau local, recherche de traductions pour vivre aussi, et tout le tralala.

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@jchelary 👏👏

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Wow, what a wild night. Total calm until 2am and then the strong winds hit our exposed perch on the mountainside. Not much sleep after that. Winds were more suited to Patagonia than southern Spain.

Good job we had a good tent. If we had a festival tent we would have woken up in Morocco 😀 😂

With @khusky @chriswright

A red/orange head torch beam light up the roof of a tent which is blowing wildly in the strong winds..

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Camp erected ready for the night. Beyond are the snows of the Sierra Nevada. Hoping we get a good sunset and sunrise.

With @chriswright @khusky @chriswright

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@khusky @elperronegro @chriswright If I didn't have such a busy schedule this morning, I'd come up and have breakfast with you! 😅 Nice spot 📍

elperronegro, to HikingPics
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Heading up into the Sierra Nevada this afternoon for an impromptu wild camp. Second time out for the very lightweight (but expensive!) Samaya tent.

Hopefully I will be able to capture a nice sunset and sunrise over the high mountains. We shall see.

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@elperronegro Enjoy! ⛺❤️

elperronegro, to hiking
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Spring is in the air and so starts our Andalucia river walking season. Yesterday, we found a 6 km long stretch of river, a bit overgrown after the winter, but full of color, challenges and interest. Glorious scenery with 20+ enforced crossings of the river with rock pools galore to cool off in. A fabulous day!

A group of hikers cross a small river using stepping stones
A group of hikers walk along a faint track on the left hand side of a small river. The area is covered in green trees and shrub
A person jumps across a small stream hoping not to get his feet wet! Two other stand watching with anticipation!

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
jchelary, to random French
@jchelary@emacs.ch avatar

Encore 10 phrases et je finis la traduction française de 「人新世の『資本論』」. Merci à Kohei Saito pour ce beau texte qui nous remplit d’énergie et d’espoir. Parution en France à la fin de l’été, si tout se passe bien.

Chouette dimanche en perspective. On ne lâche rien.

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@jchelary 👏

AdamBishop, to ai
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

🐕 We're barking up the wrong tree. Will not pay 😏:

"Google considering charge for internet searches with AI, reports say"


AdamBishop, to ai
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

Spot the pattern?:

10 Modern ‘Mechanical Turks’: When Automation Is Just Humans in Disguise


#AI #automationFail #Amazon #VirtualAssistants

AdamBishop, to ai
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

👀 The humans behind AI:

"Amazon Ditches Just Walk Out Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores

Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts.

700 out of 1,000 Just Walk Out sales required human reviewers as of 2022.

'The primary role of our Machine Learning data associates is to annotate video images, which is necessary for continuously improving the underlying machine learning model powering'"


@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

It ain't intelligent, and it ain't artificial

elperronegro, to hiking
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Wonderful circular hike today starting at the Collado del Muerto above Monachil (Granada) and taking in Cerro de Cuesta Bermejo and the Rio Monachil. Lovely mix of valleys and mountainsides and at every turn backed by the snow covered Sierra Nevada and Cumbres Verdes mountains.

A forest track leads into some woods. At the back rise the snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains of Spain
Beautiful green alpine meadows with a track running through them into the distance. Behind rise a series of interesting mountains covered by snow
A group of hikers walks along a broad path. Lots of greenery to the right. At the back rise the snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains of Spain

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
AdamBishop, to random
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

Happy Easter to all in the Fediverse! 🥚🐥🐤🐇🐣

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@globcoco Oh yes, when the bells start to ring 🔔😃🍫

elperronegro, to Synology
@elperronegro@shmg.online avatar

Although I've been using linux and hosting websites on external servers for many years I'm a late comer to the home server network. Probably a good solution for storing and backup of images amongst many other things. My Synology NAS drive arrives in the next few days and I then can start "messing" :sablobsmilehappy: Any starter tips?

@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

@elperronegro 👏👏😃

AdamBishop, to random
@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar

Proud of @CoralieNeuville, who managed to get out another personal blog post, this time on the passion of Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Granada - in French!


@AdamBishop@floss.social avatar
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