@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar



Cultural historian of modern Europe, Hampshire College, Amherst MA
Allied faculty, UMass Public History

Revolutionary era, World Wars, Nazism, antisemitism.
Book history, German literature, material culture, historic preservation.

Co-editor, Routledge History of Antisemitism

• Past posts
-Chair of Board, Massachusetts Center for the Book
-Treasurer, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, & Publishing
-Chair, Amherst Historical Commission
-Amherst Select Board

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CitizenWald, to Jewish
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Perils of internet & social media research:

I'm always on the lookout for stories about , regarding either the empire (in what was today's Ukraine & southern Russia) or contemporary

But because the late Bob Lee unwisely chose to hook up with Khazar Elyassnia, the murder case has been flooding my timeline

Fortunately (for my research, at least) the haters & nutjobs are still out there, if one is but patient & knows where to loo.

Here goes 1/n

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

The idea that Eastern European (Ashkenazim) were descended from remnants of the Turkic Khaganate, which adopted Judaism in the course of the 8th and 9th centuries, arose in the later 19th century as a plausible hypothesis to account for (1) the demographic surge of Ashkenazic Jewry, which, by the end of the early modern era, outstripped the once more numerous Sephardic (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern) Jewish population, and (2) the physical differences between them 2/n

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

By the mid-C20, the idea that Eastern European were the descendants of converts had become the province of cranks & (usually both). Although the states tried to invoke this canard in the 1947 Partition debate, they made relatively little global use of it afterward. It is thus very disturbing that this canard is again popular--among the racist lunatic right, but also in some Arab and pseudo-left discourse on and 3/n

Gulf News Opinion Israel is not a Jewish state The people who call themselves Israeli Jews are not Jews By Fawaz Turki, Special to Gulf News October 23, 2010 Image of sinister figure in profile: black hooded robe with blue Star of David on the hood
AL-AHRAM Weekly Published in Cairo by Al-Ahram established in 1875 Issue No 1212, 4 September, 2014 03-09-2014 07:51 PM ET Meet the Khazars Lubna Abdel Aziz How many among us have heard of the ancient civilisation of Khazar or ‘Chazaria’? ‘We have heard of the Huns, Magyars, Mongols and other races that are no more, but the Khazars? Author Benjamin H Freedman in his book, “Facts are Facts” asks: “What secret and ‘mysterious power has been able for centuries to keep the origin and the history of the Khazars and the Khazar kingdom out of history texts, books and classroom courses in history throughout the world?” It certainly has been history’s best kept secret, well concealed for many centuries. Arthur Koestler, author of “The Thirteenth Tribe” calls it “the most cruel hoax which History has ever perpetrated”! The question is why such a formidable civilisation which flourished during the Dark Ages, became so obscured until wide publicity in recent years. Now it is an incontestable
VT [Veterans Today] Alternartive Foreign Policy Age Old Battle Between Khazarian Mafia and True Christianity Crashing Into Finality Is there an age old battle between Khazarian Mafia and the Russians? By Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor - May 24, 2023 According to an unconfirmed report yesterday, Israel sent troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians for Zelensky’s army, and they were soundly defeated in short order. This kind of action seems to be a hopeless endeavor as the Russian Federation’s apparent complete weapons superiority (so far) seems to assure RF victory in Ukraine.

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

The use of the myth by Jamal Kanj shows the pattern.

Zionist Myths: Israeli Invention of Artificial Reality https://www.palestinechronicle.com/zionist-myths-israeli-invention-of-artificial-reality/

The term appears only in only 2 places: the subtitle & penultimate line

"75 years following the , I stand as the son of two 'invisible' parents who were 'spirited' from their homes to make 'room' for European Khazar converts"

Tellingly: So ubiquitous has the canard become that the author has no need to explain


CitizenWald, to ai
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@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

@johnwehrle @bookhistodons

Me, too, which is among the reasons I shared that piece: important to provide alternative views, and I especially appreciated the fact that he did not reject new methods out of hand, and rather, offered a nuanced assessment of pros and cons--the way both scholarship and journalism should work

CitizenWald, to Ukraine
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

: Cultural sites damaged after dam burst:

Churches, monuments & museums are submerged....Archaeological sites dating back to the Scythians—a nomadic people...in the 8th century BC—& a Greek settlement from around 400 BC have been damaged or irretrievably destroyed
"The damage affects culturally & historically significant properties from different centuries. In terms of archaeological sites, Ukraine is one of the first places of discovery in the world"


CitizenWald, to history
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

A few and outings in Concord before a meeting tonight. I began with the Ralph Waldo Emerson house, which I somehow had never managed to visit before. An excellent tour, made better by the fact that I was the only guest at that hour @histodon 1/n

CitizenWald, to worldwarshistory
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

As you enjoy a lovely spring day, think of the villagers of who never saw another day

murdered by the Nazis 9-10 June 1942 in reprisal for the assassination of Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich by Czechoslovak paratroopers

173 adult males & several women were shot, & c. 200 women were deported to concentration camps (143 survived). A handful of the c. 100 children were given to Aryan families to be Germanized; the rest were gassed at Chełmno

@histodons @worldwarshistory

postcard of pre-war Lidice from the same pamphlet Top: panorMA bottom, divided in half, showing two buildings
dead bodies on the ground in front of damaged building

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

"this most savage single act of repression":
Washington Post
accords the massacre of villagers at (9-10 June 1942) almost equal status with the great US victory at --a very good way to put these disparate events in perspective

@histodons @worldwarshistory 2/n

[partial transcription] London. June 10.--German vengeance squads utterly wiped out Lidice, a Czech village of 1200 persons today, killing all the men and deporting the women and children on the ground that the population harbored the two assassins of Reinhard Heydrich, the late German ruler of Bohemia-Moravia. Completing this most savage single act of repression in the history of the German occupation of continental Europe, Gestapo and German soldiery razed the village, leaving nothing but rubble: the German-controlled radio announced from Prague. Then the Nazis removed the name of the village from their records. .... Shortly after Prague and Berlin radios had announced the fate of Lidice "as the hiding place of the Heydrich murderers," German authorities in Prague disclosed that 25 more Czechs had been executed today in the capital and 6 in Brunn for a total of 306--exclusive of the Lidice dead--to be slain since the attack on Heydrich. .... Only yesterday, during Heydrich's elaborate funeral rites in Berlin, Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler vowed complete revenge on his killers. The slaughter of Lidice was his macabre sequel. The Prague broadcasts did not give the number of men of the village who were shot. It said the women had been sent to a concentration camp and the children to "educational centers." .... Meanwhile, it was apparent from German advices received today in Switzerland that a new wave of
punitive measures was on the way, not only in Czecho-Slovakia but in other occupied countries Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, all Poland and Yugoslavia probably will be the first to feel the chill of this new terror campaign, it was indicated Of the approximately half-million Europeans already believed dead by the hand of the Nazi executioner, approximately 5 per cent were wiped out in mass "reprisal” killings of hostages. The remainder, including many women, were executed on various charges, such as sabotage, plotting, and aiding the enemy Increased Resistance Seen .... The governments, in estimating the number killed, did not consider "the countless thousands who have died in concentration camps or from ill treatment and hunger as a result of the 'New Order" The Yugoslav government estimated 350,000 killed in Yugoslavia, alone, and the Polish government said 90,000 Poles had been executed. They attributed the stupendous totals to German massacres of "entire villages in their attempts to wipe out guerilla [sic] activity" ... Germans Don't Tell All "A vast number of those killed was never made public at all, but we hear of them eventually via underground routes. ... In Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Czecho-Slovakia, and lately in France, the list of those shot reveals the Gestapo is following a definite pattern of wiping out "intellectual” leaders. Teachers are frequent victims in Norway, while professors, students and "liberal" officials have fallen in other countries

CitizenWald, to food
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

I've been too busy, so: time to catch up on some June historical anniversaries and the like.

But first, our June calendar page

Festive of the season from:

Calendrier Gastronomique: Histories de cuisine et cuisine de l’histoire par Marius Dutrey, dessins par Pierre Camin (Londres: Frederick Muller, 1938) /250 copies

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

So, to start catching up on June anniversaries, the birthdays of some of literature.

1 June 1756: birth of Elisa von der Recke, Baltic aristocrat, poet, former devotee of Cagliostro.

Two poems characteristic of her sentimental-moralizing stance--Song for our Times & The Death's Heads--appeared in a twilight issue of Friedrich Schiller's failed but now canonical literary journal Die Horen (1795-97)

German text of Song for Our Times, Die Horen. 1797, no. 10, pp. 96-97 https://www.friedrich-schiller-archiv.de/die-horen/die-horen-1797-stueck-10/vii-lied-fuer-unsre-zeiten/
German text of The Death's Heads, Die Horen. 1797, no. 10, p. 105 https://www.friedrich-schiller-archiv.de/die-horen/die-horen-1797-stueck-10/xii-todtenkoepfe/
German text of Song for Our Times, Die Horen. 1797, no. 10, p. 106 https://www.friedrich-schiller-archiv.de/die-horen/die-horen-1797-stueck-10/xii-todtenkoepfe/

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

catching up on June anniversaries: of literature.

2 June 1765: birth of (Sophie Christiane) Friederike Brun (d. 1835). Raised in literary circles, she joined the circle of the Weimar Classicists. Her own favored genres of literary production were poetry and travel writing.
Herder conveyed the manuscript of "Ich denke Dein" to Friedrich Schiller for his failing but now canonical literary journal, Die Horen (1795-97).

Brun, Ich denke Dein, Die Horen 1796 no. 11, p. 106 https://www.friedrich-schiller-archiv.de/die-horen/die-horen-1796-stueck-11/v-ich-denke/
At the time, there was virtually not a man or a woman of any relevance in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland or ltaly whom she did not know, with whom she had not had friendly relations, whose character, with imagination and understanding, she was not more or less able to determine and describe in the finest detail. Adam Oehlenschliger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friederike_Brun

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Part of the rediscovery of of literature in the late 20th century:

The correspondence of Friederike Brun (PT 1765-1835) and Caroline von Humboldt (1766-1829) from the manuscripts in the state archives of Copenhagen and Schloß Tegel, Berlin.

Astoundingly, the editor, Ilse Foerst-Crato, explains that, because no commercial firm would accept the book, she is self-publishing it (1975).

How much can change in half a century.

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar


3 June 1924, death of Franz

Here is the family grave marker in the New Cemetery, , for the author and his parents:

Dr. Franz Kafka

Hermann Kafka

Julie Kafka

A bronze plaque in Czech honors family members who died during the "fascist occupation in the years1942-43" and have no grave:

Kafka's sister Gabriela Herrmanová (b. 1889)
Valerie Pollaková (b. 1890)
Otilie Davidová (b. 1892)

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Literary anniversaries for the first week of June:

5 June 1851:
First serial installment of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin appears in the Washington abolitionist weekly The National Era


It appeared in book form in Boston in March 1852--but oddly, the otherwise commendable Mass Humanities MassMoments story --after all, about Massachusetts!--omits the name of the publisher: John P. Jewett

, people!


@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

The MassMoments story on Uncle Tom's Cabin (PT) may have failed to mention the book publisher (Jewett of ), but fortunately, as we @bookhistodons say: There's a BOOK for that!

Our @sharporg colleague Barbara Hochman (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, ) won the organization's
2012 DeLong prize


for her Uncle Tom's Cabin" and the Reading Revolution
, Literacy, Childhood, & , 1851-1911

published by UMass Press:



@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

When I last visited the Harriet Beecher Stowe Center in , , I was pleased to see a copy of Barbara Hochman's @sharporg
prizewinning study of the reception history of Uncle Tom's Cabin (PT) in the store.


Her other residences included Brunswick, ME, where she wrote the novel (https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/underground/me1.htm#:~:text=Harriet%20Beecher%20Stowe%20was%20encouraged,upon%20her%20arrival%20in%20Brunswick.), and Andover, MA. @paigeroberts has designed a great on-site and virtual tour https://www.theclio.com/tour/1001/27

@bookhistodons 3/3

jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

Well, this is sobering: Germany's far-right AfD is now as popular as the liberal SPD, both polling at 19%.

AfD ist so beliebt wie die SPD https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2023-06/afd-umfrage-sonntagstrend-hoch-spd?wt_zmc=sm.ext.zonaudev.twitter.ref.zeitde.share.link.x via @zeitonline

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

@jeffjarvis Yup. Saw that. The collapse of left-of-center once-dominant parties that are then (in part because of their own actions, in part for larger societal-structural reasons) surpassed by right-extremist newcomers is, sadly, not confined to this one example

CitizenWald, to random
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Scientists at UMass Amherst have created a device that can harvest electricity from humidity in the air

an Air-gen...is a fingernail-sized harvester made from thin material with holes < 1/1000 the width of a human hair—called nanopores—that makes electricity by allowing electrically charged water molecules in the air 2 pass thru. Harnessing the same forces that make lightning, that movement thru the membrane creates an electrical imbalance that produces current


jeffjarvis, to random
@jeffjarvis@mastodon.social avatar

@Sivavaid: "But he will receive the imprimatur of respectability for warranting this platform in the first place. CNN and all journalists must concede that they perform that work, despite wishing and pretending they did not. They have just been too lazy to question doing things the way they had always done things."

Dear CNN, giving Trump a town-hall platform is the height of irresponsibility | Siva Vaidhyanathan https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/10/cnn-trump-town-hall-election-media-coverage?CMP=share_btn_tw

@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

@jeffjarvis @Sivavaid

  • 💯 And very few people have called out CNN for helping to create the monster in the first place by cutting away from regular programming to cover him live every time his plane landed at some airport in the boondocks during the 2016 primary
CitizenWald, to random
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Bumblebee enjoying ajuga, miniature bleeding heart enjoying time with friends


CitizenWald, to histodons
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Delighted to say that I taught Tad Baker's @EmersonWBaker Storm of
(https://global.oup.com/academic/product/a-storm-of-witchcraft-9780199890347?cc=us&lang=en&) for the first time, to mostly first-year students, and it went over very well.

It was in addition very satisfying to be able to explain recent developments, e.g. the way he and an interdisciplinary team discovered the execution site, now suitably memorialized--which he was kind enough to show me when giving a personal tour a few years ago


@histodon @histodons

CitizenWald, to histodons
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

Alan Taylor on: ‘The Rediscovery of America,’ by Ned Blackhawk

'How can a nation founded on the homelands of dispossessed peoples be the world’s most exemplary democracy?'....A historian at Yale & a member of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone, Blackhawk rejects the myth that fell quick & easy victims to European invaders. Instead, he asserts that 'American Indians were central to every century of U.S. historical development'

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/23/books/review/the-rediscovery-of-america-ned-blackhawk.html?campaign_id=69&emc=edit_bk_20230428&instance_id=91335&nl=books&regi_id=10184009&segment_id=131645&te=1&user_id=f496eccf27e473bef8d28351750886d4 @histodons

CitizenWald, to random
@CitizenWald@historians.social avatar

rare surviving ballot from the run-off election for German president, 26 April 1925.

The choice was between Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, representing the right, former Chancellor Wilhelm Marx of the Catholic Center Party, & Communist Ernst Thälmann.

The center-left were willing to support Marx in order to defeat Hindenburg, but Thälmann's supporters split the left, & Hindenburg won. In 1933, he appointed Hitler as chancellor.



29 March 1925 (first round) April 1925 (second round) Turnout 68.87% (first round) 77.56% (second round) Candidate Paul von Hindenburg 48.29% Wilhelm Marx 45.31% Ernst Thalmann 6.36% Map showing Marx winning west of the country, Hindenburg taking almost all other areas

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