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CrimethInc. is a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid.

We believe that you should be free to dispose of your limitless potential on your own terms: that no government, market, or ideology should be able to dictate what your life can be. If you agree, let’s do something about it.


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"On June 18, 1999, thousands of demonstrators converged at the Liverpool Street train station. Organizers distributed masks in four different colors and the participants broke up into four different marches in order to divide and confuse police...

"The marches converged on the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE), where they hung banners, set off a fire hydrant to symbolize the liberation of the river beneath London’s streets, adorned the walls with graffiti, disabled surveillance cameras, and set up sound systems for DJs and punk bands to perform. A raucous afternoon of dancing, exuberance, and street fighting followed, during which participants bricked up the front of the LIFFE building, broke in and trashed its ground floor, and nearly succeeded in destroying the London Stock Exchange itself."



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For the moment, everyone who orders from us will also receive a handful of the sticker version of our new poster.


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British comrades have made an A2 format printing of our new gender poster remix. The proceeds will be divided between the Anarchist Federation's "HRT for all and for free" fundraiser and the Trans Liberation Front, a Bristol-based direct action group in support of trans, intersex, and GNC people.

If you are in the UK, you can order them here:


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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

We've already received both of these posters back from the printers and begun filling orders!

You can order the classic Gender Subversion poster here:


And the new Gender Self-Determination poster here:


For background on the legacy of the original poster, and why we made a new version:


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Wherever we are situated in this society, our future boils down to two options: accept our fate and try to reduce the harm to our bodies and the environment on a piecemeal basis—or actively resist in order to interrupt the disaster and implement our own solutions. If we resign ourselves to the future implied by catastrophic climate change, widespread pollution, and ecological collapse, sooner or later, the disaster will come for us.

If we do not accept the destruction of our lives, our land, our food, and everything that connects us with each other and the biosphere as a whole, we have to fight to regain control over the conditions of our lives and the decisions that determine our survival. In a world of police, prisons, surveillance cameras, we will have to wear masks that conceal who we are so we can fight for what we really want.


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Due to forest fires driven by climate change, the air itself throughout large swaths of northeastern North America has become dangerous to breathe.

The end of the world is not ahead of us—it’s already here. It is the inevitable consequence of our disconnection from the environment and the natural processes that support our lives.

When we talk about climate change and the un-natural disasters it is inflicting on us, remember: for decades, anarchists and other radicals did everything we could to forestall this catastrophe and the authorities did everything they could to force it on us.

Our only hope is to return to a more rooted way of inhabiting the world, in which we identify with the other living things around us and take responsibility for the ways we impact them. Another end of the world is possible.


We're fighting for our lives.

The words "It's already here—another end of the world is possible" over an image of wildfires.

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Just one of the hundreds of people who spoke out against Cop City at the Atlanta City Council meeting yesterday.

Background on the movement:


Update on the most recent round of repression:



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The first secret police organization in fascist Italy—the precursor to the German Gestapo—was the OVRA, the Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism.

Those who fear-monger about "Antifa" are walking directly in Mussolini's footsteps.



Anti-Fascism is self-defense handbill:


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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

At 5:30 am, following almost 15 hours of public comment overwhelmingly against Cop City, the Atlanta City Council has voted to go forward with the police militarization process. The crowd in City Hall is shouting "Cop City will never be built!"

The fight is not over.

For everyone determined to , here is a start-to-finish guide to employing direct action to pursue positive social change:


A photograph of masked activists in the forest.

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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

It's 11:37 pm and people are still in City Hall lambasting the Atlanta City Council about why everyone should resist Cop City.

The most recent speaker was a doctor who began by declaring "If you build it, we will burn it."



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In Atlanta, where the City Council is taking comment before a vote on whether allocate tens of millions of dollars towards a police militarization facility, they've just gotten to the 86th speaker—with over two hundred more scheduled behind them. They are going to be at it all night.

After the first few speakers, some of whom were plants supporting the agenda of the police, every single speaker has argued passionately against Cop City.

Chants of "Stop Cop City!" are resounding within the chamber. Outside the hall, hundreds have been chanting "If you build it, we will burn it."

The power is not in the hands of the police, nor the representatives they extort—it is in the hands of those who organize together in defiance of their oppressors.

More background on the movement:


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In today's bond hearing for the three legal support organizers from the Atlanta Solidarity Fund that Atlanta prosecutors are charging with “money laundering” and “charity fraud,” the defense attorney emphasized that the charges are utterly baseless:

"The allegations include $37.11 to make yard signs... They have receipts for all of these expenses. [One of them] gets reimbursed for her travel expenses, and that is being misrepresented as charity fraud."

Contrary to the demands of the prosecutor, who is trying to make it a crime to provide basic legal support to arrested activists, the judge set bond for the arrestees, saying:

"I'm concerned about some of the same things that the defense attorney mentions about the line between legitimate free speech and crossing into illegal violent acts... Paying for camping supplies and the like—I don't find it very impressive. There's not a lot of meat on the bones of the allegations that thousands of dollars are going to fund illegal activities."

Background on the case:


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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

Seeking to protect their taxpayer-funded cash cow, Cop City, Atlanta police have arrested three legal support organizers, charging them with "money laundering" and "charity fraud."


This marks a new low for Atlanta police and prosecutors in their descent into totalitarian tactics. Since December, they have pressed trumped-up terrorism charges against practically every defendant they have arrested. Now, in order to ensure that defendants in the movement to protect the forest cannot get proper legal support, they are attacking those who organize legal defense and raise bail.

Police and prosecutors pressing trumped-up charges against defendants is nothing new. Hundreds of people arrested at random at Trump's inauguration were charged with eight identical felonies, including two that were not even on the books as a legitimate charge. Ultimately, all of those who went to trial were declared innocent, prosecutors were forced to drop the charges against over a hundred defendants, and a judge threw out the rest. But it might have ended differently if those who coordinated legal support for those arrestees had themselves been subject to trumped-up charges.

Now, Atlanta police want arrestees to be defenseless in the face of their blatant miscarriage of justice.

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Today we observe the birthday of Louise Michel—schoolteacher, poet, fiction author, and popularizer of the black flag as the symbol of anarchism.

In the article "Heroines of the Revolution," the daily paper of the Paris Commune described her thus: "An energetic woman is fighting in the ranks of the 61st battalion. She has killed several police officers."

Nonetheless, a square is named for her in Paris today.

Read about her role in the Paris Commune:


Read about her role popularizing the black flag:


A photograph of Louise Michel in the uniform of the National Guard.

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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

Erdoğan's victory in the Turkish elections is another gain for autocracy in the Mideast and worldwide. We have to study the roots of Turkish fascism, understand how it relates to the steady gains of authoritarians around the world, and strategize as to how to stop them everywhere.


Voting is not enough.

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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

In May 2020, the police discovered that you can only brutalize and murder for so long before people stop putting up with it and take action in response.

Yet in the three years since then, the authorities have continued to rely on brute force to control an increasingly inequitable and volatile society. Democrat politicians have channeled more money towards police; police departments have hired PR firms to try to polish up their veneer of legitimacy.

But the whole situation is unsustainable, and it will surely come to a head again.

In that regard, the text we published in the first few hours of the George Floyd uprising remains relevant today:


A screenshot of a quote tweet, reading @crimethinc - May 30 No conspiracy theory could explain such a huge number of people revolting. The police have killed so many people—for so long, with such impunity—that a critical mass of people are willing to risk getting killed to stand up to them. These are not "paid protesters” or "thugs." @ Mayor Jacob Frey @MayorFrey In the last few days, both our city and state law enforcement capacities have been overwhelmed by simple math — an overwhelming ratio of rioters that even our unified effort has been unable to push back.

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At last, we present a full audio version of "The Forest In The City," covering two years of forest defense in Atlanta, Georgia.


The government of Atlanta is attempting to destroy the Weelaunee Forest in order to build a vast training compound known as Cop City where police will train to suppress social movements. Because Cop City represents a tremendous financial incentive for police and their allies, they have begun to charge everyone who protests against it with domestic terrorism, a clear move towards outright fascism.

Listen here to hear how courageous activists have blocked the construction of the training compound for two years.

The logo of the Ex-Worker podcast.

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Three years ago, protesters in Minneapolis demonstrated the power of direct action, catalyzing a countrywide movement. In this analysis, participants in the siege of the Third Precinct describe the strategy via which they defeated the police that had murdered George Floyd.



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Three years have passed since Minneapolis police murdered George Floyd. While politicians encouraged protesters to seek redress through the "justice" system, nothing could bring back his life, nor the lives of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, or any of the other people murdered by police in a structurally racist system.

The conviction of the officers who murdered George Floyd was an exceptional case aimed chiefly at pacifying an outraged population. Over the past three years, police have continued to murder Black and Brown people at the same pace.

What will it take to stop the police from killing?


This is the question we must all ask today.

A poster reading "It's time to change everything—Minneapolis 2020."

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A year after the Uvalde shooting, neither Republican calls for more guns nor Democrat demands for gun control have served to address the epidemic of mass shootings in the US. The problem runs deeper than either party admits.


Republicans don’t want to hinder gun access—because they see white vigilantes as essential to preserving the prevailing social order. Democrats want the state to have a monopoly on force—because they believe that this is the best way to preserve that same social order. Democrats have done everything they can to rehabilitate the image of police.

But as we saw in Uvalde, the role of police is not to protect—it is to control. Police don't prevent crises—they just determine who suffers in them.

What would the parents in Uvalde have needed to be able to address the shooting themselves, in defiance of the police? What grassroots institutions would need to exist, what resources and skills would need to circulate? How can we build and share those together?

It’s horrifying, but we really have no better option.

A picture of student protesters with their hands up. One holds a sign reading "Stop killing us."

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We've reprinted our classic manual for direct action, Recipes for Disaster.

You can order a copy here:


400 pages of tactics and strategy! 62 chapters! 82 instructional illustrations!

This book covers everything from Affinity Groups to Wheatpasting, including Black Blocs, Blockades, and Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence. The contents range from collective organizing structures and mutual aid projects to skills for confrontational street action.

A photograph of a spread within the book Recipes for Disaster, showing how to make paint bombs.
A photograph of a spread within the book Recipes for Disaster.

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@CrimethInc@todon.eu avatar

"One either writes, paints, composes, or otherwise engages in creative enterprises on behalf of humanity—or against humanity."

-Lorraine Hansberry, born on this day in 1930.

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As everyone watches to see what will happen in the Turkish elections today, we remember the Gezi Park Uprising, ten years ago this month.


deserves better than the autocrat Erdoğan! Elections alone will not suffice to win freedom. Solidarity to all those in struggle.🏴

A photograph of a masked demonstrator flanked by burning barricades in Istanbul, summer 2013.

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Here we see Twitter eagerly making itself the accomplice of autocracy.

Read about the rise of Turkish fascism and the government of Erdoğan:


Turkish fascists marching with tiki torches.

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Don't let the news about Title 42 and the rhetoric about "waves of migrants" confuse you: the largest demographic that is impacted by US border policy is comprised of longtime residents of the United States.

Well over 10 million undocumented people live in the United States. Many of them have lived here for decades. Lacking legal rights, they are especially vulnerable to exploitation and oppression.

Solidarity with workers means solidarity with the undocumented. Solidarity with your neighbors means solidarity with the undocumented. This is why we continue to call for the abolition of borders.

To that end, we've reprinted another 100,000 copies of our classic "Immigrants Welcome" sticker. Please order these and display them in your community!


The design of a sticker reading "immigrants welcome"

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