@anniegreens@social.lol avatar



On “I put pixels in their place” hiatus. Recovering front-end web developer. You might find me in the garden or staring at a bird.
Header alt: Closeup of purple tulips from near ground level, making them look like goblets on green stems against a blue sky with white clouds.

Avatar alt: A stylized avatar illustration of a woman with brown hair with gray streaks in a bun, rounded rectangular turquoise glasses, a laptop adorned with stickers, and a slight smirk.


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

scottjehl, to random
@scottjehl@mstdn.social avatar
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@cferdinandi @scottjehl Sorry to interject, just wanted to add some context. The state of Oregon (where I live) is only like 50% owned by Oregon and the rest is federally owned land, including: national park, national forests, BLM land, and some other stuff. Not only are our states giant out here but most of our land isn't even under our control (at the state level). (Image from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_lands_in_the_United_States). This may or may not be interesting to you!

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

My status.lol entries are going to be fewer and far between because status.log no longer works on my phone.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

I used to wake up almost daily, roll over and pick up my phone, and set a status. No more.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@robb I didn’t think so either but sometime in the last week it just won’t open anymore.

andycarolan, to random
@andycarolan@social.lol avatar

Can you remember when you used to be able to hold your phone in one hand, and teach everything on the screen?

It’s like a damn workout now 😅

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@andycarolan still can, one of the many reasons I haven’t gotten a new phone

sarajw, to cycling
@sarajw@front-end.social avatar

My god, I'm only trying to buy a new helmet and I'm so bewildered.

Virginia Tech helmet ratings, MIPS, the recent German ADAC trials that basically said the Uvex Urban Planet is the only helmet worth having (no MIPS tho) and now that one helmet is out of stock everywhere...

Ugh. What do I doooooo? I didn't want to have to think about this so haaaaaard. I'll accept recommendations. I have a decades old Giro helmet, and it's high time to upgrade.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@sarajw I might be speaking from a privileged bicycle-city-dwelling perspective, so I'm sorry if it comes across that way, but do you have a local bike shop that everyone goes to for repairs and such? They would surely be able to direct you and even if you don't purchase from them, would be a wealth of information.

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@robb 😬

robb, to random
@robb@social.lol avatar

I’ve had to disable posting temporarily while I look into a duplication issue that seems to be affecting a bunch of accounts.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@robb oof, hope you can get back to your BBQ soon!

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

📝 Let's do this!

WeblogPoMo 2024 (https://weblog.anniegreens.lol/weblog-posting-month-2024)

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

Now that I have iPadOS 17 on my iPad and Sonoma on my Mac, I am back to the fact that this makes Noto Emoji not appear in Safari 17. To be clear, Noto Emoji works fine in iOS 16 Safari on my iPhone and worked fine in Safari 17 on Ventura. This is fairly annoying.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

I am not alone! Though this issue pre-dates Sonoma/iOS/iPadOS 17 + Safari 17: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77422583/googles-noto-emoji-font-not-being-used-for-some-emoji-in-some-browsers

And no real answer on the issue.

cc'ing @philgyford as the author of that post

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

I am down a rabbithole!




@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@kev hmm I wonder if it is the same issue, I might take a look out of curiousity; they're on your blog, right?

sophie, to random
@sophie@social.lol avatar

Caved and bought the DMs of my goth dreams

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@sophie I’m still a 90s DM girl at heart

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

🛌 I'm going to bed at 9pm because there's no fucking AI in my bed.

anniegreens, to random
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

I haven't had much energy since I came inside from yard work, I'm actually in a pretty bad pre-crash state, but I'm all of sudden all worked up over the bullshit AI that is now enabled by default for all new Micro.blog users. Fucking hell.

mph, to random
@mph@social.lol avatar

I see that https://eph.emer.al is already being used to produce harmful content.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@mph @maique It is not okay for me, I am allergic!

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@maique @mph 🙃

DavidDarnes, (edited ) to random
@DavidDarnes@mastodon.design avatar

“I work on and I am a…”

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar
sturobson, to random
@sturobson@front-end.social avatar

toying around in CSS … using:

  • css custom properties
  • color-mix
  • color(display-p3 N N N / N)
  • light-dark
  • prefers-color-scheme
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@sarajw @sturobson I was thinking of this exact thing when I was working with accent-color on form elements and wanting the Field/FieldText to pick up a "hue" so to speak!

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@sarajw This is using color-mix() with my accent-color custom property for the style with Field system color on input[type="text"], select, and textarea, in both the light and dark scheme. This is just the level of "hue" I was thinking I wanted. Not using a percentage for either but I might play around with it to get it "just right". Love it!

Screenshot of the light color scheme in Vinca on themes.lol showing the form controls area.

scott, to random
@scott@typetura.social avatar

Had a super dystopian moment walking down the street. All the doorbells started to talk to me to inform me that they were recording.

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar

@scott curious how close you had to be to set this off

andycarolan, to random
@andycarolan@social.lol avatar

My hot take for the day…

Bananas are truly awful

@anniegreens@social.lol avatar
@anniegreens@social.lol avatar
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