chikim, to llm avatar

VOLlama v0.1.0, an open-source, accessible chat client for OLlama
Unfortunately, many user interfaces for open source large language models are either inaccessible or annoying to use with screen readers, so I decided to make one for myself and others. Non screen reder users are welcome to use it as well.
I hope that ML UI libraries like Streamlit and Gradio will become more friendly with screen readers in the future, so making apps like this is not necessary!

chikim, to llm avatar

Wow, Private LLM locally runs Llama-3-8B on iOS. No idea how accessible with VoiceOver though.

cassidy, (edited ) to ai avatar

I really like the convention of using ✨ sparkle iconography as an “automagic” motif, e.g. to smart-adjust a photo or to automatically handle some setting. I hate that it has become the defacto iconography for generative AI. 🙁

metin, to ai avatar
hermeticlibrary, to ai avatar
cigitalgem, to ai avatar
remixtures, to ML Portuguese avatar

: "A recent innovation in the field of machine learning has been the creation of very large pre-trained models, also referred to as ‘foundation models’, that draw on much larger and broader sets of data than typical deep learning systems and can be applied to a wide variety of tasks. Underpinning text-based systems such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and image generators such as Midjourney, these models have received extraordinary amounts of public attention, in part due to their reliance on prompting as the main technique to direct and apply them. This paper thus uses prompting as an entry point into the critical study of foundation models and their implications. The paper proceeds as follows: In the first section, we introduce foundation models in more detail, outline some of the main critiques, and present our general approach. We then discuss prompting as an algorithmic technique, show how it makes foundation models programmable, and explain how it enables different audiences to use these models as (computational) platforms. In the third section, we link the material properties of the technologies under scrutiny to questions of political economy, discussing, in turn, deep user interactions, reordered cost structures, and centralization and lock-in. We conclude by arguing that foundation models and prompting further strengthen Big Tech's dominance over the field of computing and, through their broad applicability, many other economic sectors, challenging our capacities for critical appraisal and regulatory response."

vascorsd, to programming avatar

CakeML - A verified implementation of ML -

CakeML is a functional programming language and an ecosystem of proofs and tools built around the language. The ecosystem includes a proven-correct compiler that can bootstrap itself.

cigitalgem, to ML avatar

Bergen Machine Learning Security talk in ten minutes. See you there?


chikim, to llm avatar

Tired of neutral responses from LLMs? Llama-3 seems great at following system prompts, so try this system prompt for an opinionated chatbot.
"You are a helpful, opinionated, decisive assistant. When asked a yes/no question, begin your respond with one word answer: yes or no. For open-ended or complex questions, adopt a firm stance. Justify your views with well-reasoned arguments, robust evidence, and succinct explanations, ensuring clarity and confidence in every response."

veronica, to ai avatar

I've noticed they've started adding ML in anti-virus software, because it is significantly increasing the number of false positives on my Python-based app. 🙄

All of the red entries on Virus Total lately have all been ML detections. Of course, it's always been a problem with anti-virus mistakenly flagging Python apps as malware, but after I stopped using the common packaging tools, this went away. Now it's back.

chikim, to llm avatar

Mark Zuckerberg on Llama 3: Apparently Meta stopped training Llama-3-70b before convergence and decided to move onto Llama-4. Meaning they could have kept training and made it smarter! Also llama3-70b multimodal as well as multilingual and bigger context window are coming.

cigitalgem, to ML avatar

Re-up in preparation for Monday's talk in Bergen, Norway.

Have a listen to the episode of the Google Cloud Security Podcast, featuring me.

EP150 Taming the AI Beast: Threat Modeling for Modern AI Systems with Gary McGraw

chikim, to llm avatar

Start saving money for that M4 Ultra with 500GB! Maybe this could be the first open source that could surpass GPT-4! AIatMeta: "Llama 3 8B & 70B models are just the beginning of what we’re working to release for Llama 3. Our largest models currently in the works are 400B+ parameters and while they’re still in active development, we’re excited about how this work is trending."

chikim, to llm avatar
cigitalgem, (edited ) to llm avatar

I am giving a Machine Learning Security talk in Bergen, Norway Monday 22.4. The scandanavian tour's last and final stop.

I will be discussing security risks and the new BIML results. Please join us.

Thanks for your help spreading the word.

hermeticlibrary, to ai avatar
cigitalgem, to infosec avatar

Software Security Seminar in Stockholm TOMORROW 17.4

Please join me for an early morning breakfast seminar on (with some thrown in for good measure). Build security in.

Register here

Thank you in advance for passing this on to dev types you know in Sweden. Please boost for reach.

chikim, to ML avatar

Earlier today, Microsoft released new WizardLM-2 7b, 8x22b, 70b with great benchmark result, (of course, they say as good or almost same as GPT-4), but they removed weights on Huggingface, repo on Github, and their whitepaper. Someone on Reddit joked maybe they released GPT-4 by mistake! lol Quantized. weights from other people are still around on Huggingface!

chikim, to macos avatar

Cool tip for running LLMs on Apple Silicon! By default, MacOS allows GPU to use up to 2/3 of RAM on machines with <=36GB and 3/4 on machines with >36GB. I used the command sudo sysctl iogpu.wired_limit_mb=57344 to override and allocate 56GB/64GB for GPU. This allowed me to load all layers of larger models for a faster speed!

metin, to ai avatar

When generative AI is trained with AI-generated data, it becomes degenerat(iv)e AI.

datasciencejobsusa, to datascience avatar
cigitalgem, to ML avatar

BIML back in the saddle this week via video. Discussing the combination of GAs and LLMs.

pydatamadrid, to python Spanish avatar

Ya está abierto el registro para nuestra reunión de abril: 🐲 LLMOps & ML para Drilling Performance y Python & Mazmorras, este mes en las oficinas de Repsol

¡Nos vemos el jueves 18 a las 19:00! Y después, networking 🍻

chikim, to llm avatar

Thanks to all the recent large LLMs, "Apple is considering support for up to half a terabyte of RAM" for the highest-end m4 Mac configurations. I'm sure the price won't be cheap, but I bet it will be cheaper than getting 500GB in vram from NVidia. lol

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