@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar



Graphic designer, father, husband, San Franciscan. Loves music, art, design, and photographing the texture of life.

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exkclamation, to random
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
DemocracySpot, to photography
@DemocracySpot@mstdn.social avatar

📷 "A" like "AIR"


#FediversalPictures #Photography #Abstract #FotoVorschlag

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
gedeonm, to random
@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

The double-brood emergence of cicadas are here and they’re so loud some people are calling the authorities. Their sound is sort of surreal, kinda like something out of a sci-fi movie. Alien invaders just over the horizon. Spooky.

WaPo Gift link - https://wapo.st/3Jz61jq

The sound of cicadas in Newberry county, South Carolina.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm 😳

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm Wild!? …that video makes it sound a bit like the noise of an electric vehicle…

docpop, to random
@docpop@mastodon.social avatar

Hey y'all, it's been a while since I was paying for Adobe and I'm looking for best deals or options when signing up for Premiere Pro and Photoshop. I wouldn't mind paying for a year long subscription if that's the best deal. I'm not a student.

Also, I can't figure out what the difference is between PS Elements and PS Pro. The pricing is listed as "$69" but it doesn't say if that's a one time price or yearly or what. That seems way too cheap for a one time purchase. Any tips?

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@docpop the best deal that I know of is to go register for community college, get your student id and sign up at the student rate. 😉

Other than that, adobe occasionally offers “first timer” discounts here: https://www.adobe.com/products/special-offers.html (doesn’t look like there is much now though).

exkclamation, to random
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
gedeonm, to random
@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

I think my older AirPods v2 are dying. I can barely get any volume out of them any more. When I use my AirPod pros I can hear them loud and clear but I don’t like them as much, they never stay in my ears.

Hate to spend rhe money on a new fresh set of AirPods (non Pros) but i can barely hear what I’m listening to anymore. Boo! 🫠

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm if you’re still covered by AppleCare+ it’s worth calling to see if you can get them fixed or a replacement. Worked for me when I had an issue with my AirPod pro v1…

exkclamation, to Cat
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

Jesse James the wishes a happy to all those that celebrate!

BasicAppleGuy, to random
@BasicAppleGuy@mastodon.social avatar

AirTags were announced 3 years ago!
From bags left behind to keys lost in jacket pockets, these have been a lifesaver.


@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@BasicAppleGuy how have the tags and keychains held up… they always seems as if they would stretch out and loosen over time?

DocPop, to SanFrancisco
@DocPop@pixelfed.social avatar

#BruceHallman is a #SanFrancisco street artist and sculptor most known for making these iconic clay faces. His work can often be found glued under bike racks in the Mission. See much more of his work (not just bike racks and faces) here instagram.com/brucehallman #SFGraffiti #graffiti #sculpture

Another sclupted face under a bike rack. There are brown leaves on the ground around it. The paint is a little faded, but there are also vertical lines running up the character's face with bits of blue and red on them.
A really aged and faded clay face that has been glued underneath a bike rack.
A pink face glued under a bike rack. This one has little fish that have been carved onto the face by the artist. The fish are painted light blue and run in a line going from the face to the forehead.
A pink face glued under a bike rack. This one has a light blue line running along it's eyebrows and another red line along it's jaw.
Another face glued under a bike rack, this one is completely grey. The eyes look a little different than the rest, with maybe a sadder or more tired expression on the face.
Another face glued under a bike rack. The paint on this one has also faded off, but the clay looks darker than the others. Like a brownish color, with a brown leaf on the ground nearby and the pedals of a bike can be seen above it.
Another face glued to the sidewalk under a bike rack. The paint has faded from this one, but the clay has a reddish look to it. The sculpted face also looks more aged than the other pieces, like it's been here a while. There are some scrapes and cracks on one side.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@docpop aw dang, now I wonder how many other 4+ image posts I have been missing from all the pixelfed people I follow…

rileytestut, (edited ) to random
@rileytestut@mastodon.social avatar

After 10 long years, everyone can FINALLY experience my Nintendo emulator @delta!

This is honestly a dream come true, and I hope everyone enjoys replaying their favorite retro games 💜

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@rileytestut beautiful work! Thank you for your perseverance and generosity. The app is delightful!! 👾

docpop, to random
@docpop@mastodon.social avatar

I'm sick of justifying ethical behavior in terms of profit. We use phrases like "adding alt-text brings more customers to your site" or "protected bike lanes increase revenue for local businesses."

You should add alt-text descriptions to images because it helps people.

We need to build bike lanes because it makes cities safer and more accessible.

Reduce carbon emissions because it's the right thing to do! Discussing these things in purely economic terms misses the point.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@docpop 💯💯💯

exkclamation, to random
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
docpop, to fediverse
@docpop@mastodon.social avatar

I can’t tell you how happy I am to get texts like these from friends. I’m so optimistic about the future of the and always excited to talk about it.

The fediverse is still a tricky concept to explain though. I’d love to hear how you like to describe this gestures wildly at ActivityPub/Federation/Mastodon/Threads/AT Protocol/PeerTube to a friend.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@docpop I try not to use words like fediverse or activity pub at first—you can see people’s eyes quickly gloss over as those terms are used.

Instead I try to start broadly “a new protocol that lets people communicate with each other independent of application or service… similar to how email works: such that you can have Gmail and still communicate with someone using Outlook.”

Often this brings up loads more questions… because many people haven’t even thought about this as a concept. LOL

samhenrigold, to random
@samhenrigold@hachyderm.io avatar



@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@samhenrigold which DVR system is it so we know to never to use it?

rafa, to random
@rafa@mastodon.design avatar

I always felt very self conscious about it, but I wish I had asked users for a review in Hand Mirror earlier.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@rafa just updated my review with more details. 5-stars… would buy again 😉

gedeonm, to random
@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

Whatever goober at Adobe decided to make this annoying AI spam popup in Photoshop every 5 minutes should be fired. Sure you can close it, but it comes right back 5 minutes later. 🤬

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm this garbage is super annoying. I wonder if we can turn off Abode notifications systemwide to prevent it?

gedeonm, to random
@gedeonm@mastodon.social avatar

Did you all miss my post about my chiropractor problem? It was about a week back. 😏

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gedeonm 🤣

exkclamation, to music
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

Looking for some great atmospheric to chill out and get some work done?

Check out "Loop Finding Jazz Records" by —one of my all-time favorite compositions—which finds the artist sampling literal pops and clicks from jazz record sources and then reconstructing micro-house rhythms from all the bits. Wonderfully subtle and complex.


docpop, to random
@docpop@mastodon.social avatar

A friend of mine used his Icarus as a pinhole projector during today’s . Folks always ask me why I put so many holes in this yo-yo. Now I finally have a good answer.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@docpop perhaps giving new meaning to the classic Greek mythology too! 😉🪽

charliemchapman, to random
@charliemchapman@mastodon.social avatar

Just landed in Australia to see the eclipse… when does this start again?

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
exkclamation, to random
@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar
gabek, to random

My favorite band in the entire world is Nine Inch Nails. Years ago, they broke up and @andypeters, and I traveled hours to see them for the last time. I was devastated they were over. But luckily, they came back.

Every once in a while over the years, Trent Reznor would make a remark about NIN maybe being over and my reaction was always "NOOO!"

But I've been watching the music landscape change so rapidly over the years. And I hate it. I get saddened when I think about NIN trying to play that game. A version of this band that only releases singles to try to get on top of Spotify playlists and make it big on TikTok would kill me. If Trent Reznor had to update his "IG OMG" every day to please the algorithm, I'd probably literally vomit. Not figuratively. Literally. And because of that, if they were to quietly walk away at this point, I think I'd finally be ok with it. This version of the music world is completely awful, and I don't want them to have to be a part of it if they don't want to be. They've given me so much already.

I know the music industry is an industry, and the marketing business is a business, and maybe I'm just used to what I'm used to. But I can't imagine this is it. It's the worst of the music world and the internet in one.

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gabek 💯

I too love NIN and am so bummed they have dropped off the musical landscape rencently. I totally get it—there is most definitely more money (and better work/life balance for their schedules) doing movie soundtracks, but I keep hope alive that a new album is on the horizon too. 🙏

I am also one of the streaming music holdouts. Still buy all my music and maintain a large local library. It’s such a shame to see what “unlimited ‘free’ music” has done to the industry…

@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@gabek YES! 💯💯💯 So glad you haven’t given up on music!

It’s such a double-edged-sword too—that there is SO MUCH great music still being produced, but it takes so much extra time to sift through to find it. However, I truly believe maintaining a personal library ‘collection’ is so important in that pursuit too! It can be so rewarding to delve in deeper, beyond just letting the streaming algorithms take over.

migurski, to random
@migurski@mastodon.social avatar


@exkclamation@mastodon.social avatar

@migurski crazy, we didn’t even feel it here in SF?

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