@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar



Fledgling trans girl that likes to talk nerdy, perform tech wizardry, do mad science, post occasional anti-capitalist and climate-rage induced rants, and show off her latest Lego builds. There will be selfies.

Swears like a sailor, so you best be okay with that.

My views are my own and are likely wrong.

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shippychaos, to random
@shippychaos@homo.promo avatar

I guess I’ll be adding back that HBO max subscription soon…

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

@shippychaos I can't find any faults in her logic

malcircuit, to astrophotography
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Sombrero Galaxy (M104) in monochrome luminance from my astronomy club's meetup last night.

Only about 1.25 hours worth of data, so not very detailed, but still cool.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Also got some images of the Sunflower Galaxy (M63) last night, partially at the astro club meeting but mostly at my apartment. About 2 hours of monochrome luminance.

This is probably my next project. It's one of my favorites.

malcircuit, to random
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I was contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn about a job at a high-frequency trading firm and was feeling curious so I entertained him and took the call. Not sure if I actually care about the job?

Like, HFT firms are kind of like the economic equivalent of parasitic organisms. But it's not like I think the automotive industry is that great either.

I have no idea where I could work that would actually be fulfilling.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Maybe I should only focus on getting the best paying job I can tolerate. Maybe worrying about whether or not my job is making anything better is a fool's errand. Maybe I should just submit to the nihilism and just be a worker drone that's only concerned about getting a paycheck.

I fucking hate capitalism.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I have no idea what the fuck to do with my life

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I keep coming back to my recently acquired nihilism and deep pessimism about the future. As in, I don't know what to do with my life, because I've got it stuck in my head that everything is fucked and nothing sort of a dramatic revolution will make a difference.

I have this need to make my life matter in some way in some greater context, but I am unable to see a way in which to do that. Everything just seems like it's pissing in the wind.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

With the way my mind works, I find it extremely difficult to stay engaged with a job that isn't interesting or meaningful.

So if nothing is meaningful, then all I have it what's interesting.

But what's interesting to me often isn't profitable, so it's not a good choice for a career if I actually want to be paid well enough to survive.

If that's the case I might as well just get the best paying job I can tolerate, which is probably the job I currently have.

thomasfuchs, to astrophotography
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

This might not look like much but the bright object in the center is the core area of galaxy M87 and the stream of light emanating towards the top is a jet of material ejected from the supermassive black hole that's in the center of the galaxy at almost 85% of the speed of light.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

@thomasfuchs Holy shit, that's awesome

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

@thomasfuchs I still think it's awesome

malcircuit, to random
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

This is a pay-walled (account-walled?) article, but I appreciate the vibe from the first few sentences. Turns out gender affirming care is good for everyone, not just trans people. It's just good healthcare, that's it.


malcircuit, to astrophotography
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

All I want to do right now is take pretty pictures of things in the sky, but it's cloudy 😭

malcircuit, to astrophotography
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

This is why I was complaining about OSC cameras earlier. Monochrome is soooo awesome 😍

The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101)

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar


  • Red Cat 51 w/ 3x focal extender (f/14.7, 750mm)

  • ASI294MM

  • Star Adventurer GTi

  • Uniguide 32mm + ASI178MM

  • ASIair+

  • 262x60s L (4.3 hr Bortle 4/5)

  • 132x60s R (2.2 hr B6/7)

  • 142x60s G (2.4 hr B6/7)

  • 140x60s B (2.3 hr B6/7)

  • Gain 390

  • Bin2, 2x drizzle

  • PixInsight w/ NoiseX and BlurX


@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

For reference, here's my first attempt at M101 with exactly the same hardware (and twice as much scope time).

Between my first and latest attempt I adopted/learned about:

  • BlurX, NoiseX, and StarX
  • Binning
  • Drizzling
  • Sensor gain
  • Background extraction in PI
  • Dark Flats
  • Various other PI things

Don't let the limitations of your hardware stop you. There's always something more to learn.

malcircuit, to astrophotography
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Why go to sleep when I could be sitting outside doing and being cold?

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Trying to get the last bit of starlight before the storms tomorrow

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I thought I'd give my ASI678MC one last try last night and I regret it.

I'm not sure whether I dislike all OSC cameras or just that one lol

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

FWIW, this is what I managed to coax out of the data I got last night of M64.

It's not the worst, but I would have gotten a more detailed pic with just luminance from my ASI294MM.

shippychaos, to random
@shippychaos@homo.promo avatar
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

@shippychaos Holy shit 🥵

malcircuit, to solar
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I feel like I just accidentally invented the perfect gadget for doing daytime polar alignment.

I mean, I guarantee someone has done something like this. I just figured I would have to make a custom 3d printed mount, not literally attach two random things with a screw.

Dovetail rail with a phone clamp attached at a right angle with a screw

malcircuit, to random
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

I realized that the main reason the is stressing me out is just impatience. As in, I want to do it right now, but if my goal is actually to see the eclipse it only benefits me to make a location decision as late as possible, based on the most accurate forecast.

Like, being wrong isn't the concern. It's simply knowing that whatever decision I make now is likely to just be overturned by Future Mallory.

There's so much uncertainty that "making a decision" has no meaning.

MLE_online, to random
@MLE_online@social.afront.org avatar

Last night I saw a dad helping his kid go pee behind a small tree next to the EV charging station. I guess dad's car was taking too long to charge!

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

@MLE_online Most EV chargers are frustratingly devoid of any nearby basic amenities like toilets or even trash cans. It's dumb and makes me sad.

malcircuit, to random
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

"Artificial Intelligence" is intelligence in the same way "artificial flavor" is flavor: a poor substitute for the real thing that's used to make a cheap, low-quality product more palatable.

@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

People like Sam Altman are just glorified salesmen trying to peddle the technological equivalent of junk food to the masses

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