@skobkin@lor.sh avatar



Back-end developer from Northern Russia.

I like OpenSource, using Linux (work, hobby and home infrastructure), Windows (games and creativity) and Android.

Sometimes I play FPS games (Rainbow Six: Siege), sometimes I play guitar.

98% of my posts are in Russian.

I can be very annoying and sometimes even rude in some discussions so be prepared.

Contacts: https://skobk.in/contacts/
PGP key: https://f.skobk.in/2024-03-18-public_addresses.asc

License: CC-BY if I'm the author.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

freemo, to random
@freemo@qoto.org avatar

/ is a bit of an odd expiernce for me. I figure this is how normal people feel now... very alien compared to my normal relationship with hunger and cravings.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

I'd be glad to hear your experience after a year or two.

skobkin, to fediverse Russian
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Больше освещения федивёрса в прессе:

> Unlike other book-loggers, BookWyrm is decentralized, meaning it’s owned by its users rather than one entity. (The social media platform Mastodon is probably the most popular example of a decentralized online network.)


Congrats to @bookwyrm 🎉

skobkin, to Russia Russian
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Итоги рабочего дня:

Уёбки второй день продолжают блокировать VPN по протоколам.

Я перебираю различные варианты подключения к корпоративным ресурсам.

Остаются два маскирующихся варианта:

  • SSTP
  • OpenVPN через Cloak

Первый работает только на убунтах потому, что требуется настройка, которой просто нет вне убунты в NetworkManager
Второй требует OpenVPN 3, которого нет в Gentoo.

MikroTik (RouterOS) не умеет OpenVPN со статическим ключом, а на сертификат для SSTP ругается.

Пробую ещё пачку промежуточных вариантов разной степени всратости.

В итоге под конец дня результаты:

✅ Доступ к корпоративным ресурсам восстановлен через QEMU-виртуалку с Ubuntu 22.04 где поднят SSTP, включён форвардинг и маскарад, а на хосте я дёргаю написанный шелл-скрипт, который прокидывает маршруты до корпоративных ресурсов через эту виртуалку
⚠️ Поработал по таскам чуть больше часа

2024 год. Россия. Пиздец.

skobkin, to Games Russian
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Спасибо за просмотр стрима, @drq. Было неожиданно тебя встретить.

Кстати, я вспомнил, что в самом начале стрима отвечая на твой коммент отвлекся и не закончил мысль.
Так вот продолжение мысли было в том, что если бы Ubisoft хотя бы как Valve дали бы коммьюнити выделенный сервер - это могло бы разительно повысить качество игры для многих.
В том числе в России, например, могли бы появиться коммьюнити серверы. А то если ты не заметил, играем мы на западной или центральной Европе с пингами 70-100.
Для игры с более низким тикрейтом чем у CS (как минимум в сравнении с 64-тиковыми серверами) это бы заметно улучшило опыт игрока.

Правда, тогда Ubi пришлось бы ДУМАТЬ как встраивать такие серверы в матчмецкинг - возможно как-то сертифицировать.
А как ты на стриме видел - с тем чтобы думать о хорошем сетевом сервисе у них проблемы.

Так что ты прав - игросервисность убивает Siege не в конце жизненного цикла, а прямо во время его активных фаз.


ErikUden, to FediPact
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Hey Fedi Admins, y'all federating with this? :Threads_Burning:

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Are you suggesting to block large instance just because there are some morons or trolls?

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

How exactly are they endorsing users to break their rules?

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

I see.
But still if it's their instance then your rules don't apply there.
Not sure how they can endorse someone to your instance users though.
Also not sure why ban entire instance instead of just suspending or limiting bad actors too.

It lowers an amount of moderation work needed, but degrades the decentralized network.
For me personally instance user's ability to read anyone is more important.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Yes, I did.

We have reports to deal with that. You can say that reports are reactive and not proactive. But then you're becoming biased to a LOT of users just because they've chosen their instance without thorough due diligence.

Not sure how this helps to protect users because bad actor can register on your instance or any other instance you're still federating with 🤷
In the end you'll still be reacting to that after the fact.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@themeowcate @ErikUden
> Federation is a tool, not a duty
> If you think "just report, block them, deal with it", that's X.

Ok, let's suppose that I have my own instance which I don't right now.

The only thing I don't think is that I have right to decide what users CAN read. If I feel that the instance can be malicious, I can LIMIT them, so bad actors from there won't reach my users on their own. But if my users WANT to read someone there, I shouldn't be the one to tell them if they can or not :philosoraptor:

skobkin, to hardware Russian
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Добро пожаловать в стойку, новый свитч от Hasivo.

Теперь WiFi тоже запитан по PoE от ИБП.

Ура 🎉

#rack #hardware #network #home #Hasivo #switch #PoE #WiFi

Hasivo 10Gbps PoE switch in the 19" rack. Connected and turned on.

skobkin, to guitar Russian
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Ковыряю тут.

Если прокатит, то будет песенка в очень низком строе (ниже, чем Drop D тут).

Даже решил попробовать гибридное звукоизвлечение одновременно медиатором и пальцами по такому поводу.

Кто узнал - тот молодец. Но пока ничего не обещаю - нужно чтобы немало факторов сложилось.

#guitar #recording #sound #music #cover #draft #teaser #log

Evv1L, to random Russian
@Evv1L@mastodon.ml avatar

Хочу наконец мигрировать с гугл почты на другого email провайдера - на платного email провайдера :aurie_based:

Да, есть RiseUp но я бы не стал его использовать на постоянке, например для регистрации на сайтах, ибо проект некоммерческий (но интересный)

У Tutanota всё через свой веб клиент, без поддержки стандартных протоколов (напр. в Thunderbird им не попользуешься). А ещё они в РФ под блокировку попали, и даже Microsoft не принимает их письма в своём Outlook. Было много раз такое что мои письма с Tutanota просто не доходили до адресата.

У ProtonMail репутация уже испорчена, он даже хуже Google'а.

Селфхост не вариант, хочу что-то более надежное.

Что ещё осталось... Mailfence?
Пока что глаз ложится на него.
Что думаете?

UPD: Mailfence, оказывается, тоже под блокировкой


@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@Evv1L @rf

А выбирать провайдеров по блокировке - гиблое дело. Их будут блокировать и дальше пока окончательно не замкнут большинство пользователей в границах страны.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@shuro @rf @Evv1L Для госорганов можно почту на Яндексе завести.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@shuro @Evv1L
Сути не меняет 🤷‍♂️

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@shuro @Evv1L
Мы живём в реалиях, где шайки пидарасов ломают одно из лучших изобретений человечества.
Этот факт нужно для начала понять и принять.

Rezard, to random Russian
@Rezard@mastodon.ml avatar
@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Почему мне так больно?

itsjoshbruce, to random
@itsjoshbruce@phpc.social avatar

Researching self-hosting options:

Thoughts on providers?

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@ramsey @itsjoshbruce @ian @pixelfed @mastohost
By the way, do you host phpc yourself or do you use some provider?
I'm just a bit interested how many not-so-small instances are hosted there and I'm too lazy to collect instance data and check DNS records 😒

jerry, (edited ) to random

I have threads silenced on Infosec.exchange, .town, and fedia.social. That means people here won’t see stuff from threads, but you have the option to follow and interact or outright block the threads instance.

There are some, though, that are hyper opposed and not finding that to be sufficient. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to create another instance that did hard block threads (activitypub, DNS, firewall, etc), would what would be the type of instance would you like to see?

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Didn't see "You are dead to me for blocking something before it even supported AP" option, so voted for "Something else" 😆

timbray, to fediverse
@timbray@cosocial.ca avatar

A few annoying problems with the #Fediverse could be solved if there were a new URI scheme with the right semantics. I notice that Bluesky has already provisionally-registered the "at:" URI scheme for similar purposes.

So, I sketched out a design for what a "fedi:" URI scheme might look like and how it’d work: https://github.com/timbray/fedi-uri

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

The idea is very old and very good at the same time.

But as far as I know, some people consider even not ActivityPub projects a part of the Fediverse.
The "Fediverse" term itself sounds somewhat ambiguous, so it's not very illogical for them to do so.

I'd suggest to stick for "ap" or "activitypub" schema unless you're planning to propose something as universal as "magnet" which could work for BitTorrent and other protocols at the same time.

drq, to random Russian
@drq@mastodon.ml avatar

Друзья, ситуация с Hetzner не значит, что XXIV Production куда-то уходит и закрывается.

Это всего-то на всего значит, что мне придется попрыгать через некоторое количество обручей, чтобы сервер продолжал работать.

Только и всего.

Без паники! Мне не привыкать, и подобная акробатика нам давно не чужда.


@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Да, там достаточно, например, сделать трансфер на аккаунт не из России.

admin, to random

I've deactivated the user @freemo for transphobia and trans identity denial

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @admin
As always, in the end it's not about making the world a better place, but about doing something requiring little effort while making them feel better.

Banning people without taking some time to dig into the background for example.
It's somewhat frustrating to watch 😑

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@admin @freemo @realcaseyrollins
How exactly person Y being bad justifies judging person X based on some common attribute?
Isn't that a common in *phobic societies? Shouldn't be every INDIVIDUAL judged separately?

Isn't "I was robbed by some black guy. So this another black guy should be considered criminal as well" considered wrong way of thinking?

garbados, to random
@garbados@friend.camp avatar

open source is a methodology to me, like peer review only shittier because software development is a profoundly disorganized, immature discipline. it's better than the alternative of never showing or sharing your work, but it's not a panacea. it's just a tool.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Ah. This matter is a serious problem I'd say.
But I'm not sure that main reason of that is just a sexism in FOSS itself. I'm more inclined to consider more deep social culture problems. For example I really know examples of mothers saying to their daughters something like "why do you even want to become an engineer, just go study X as every girl does".
It begins far earlier than FOSS itself starts. I personally would like to see more women in the software engineering, but for cultural reasons it's not so popular. And it's sad. We need to reform many institutes starting from the schools before this changes.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

Sorry, but now you're being biased a bit.
No. I didn't say anything about myself.
I regularly read discussions and mail lists. And I didn't see a lot of it there. I'm excluding myself from the equation exactly because I'm not being subject of such behavior. So I'm not trying to extrapolate my own "0 cases" to "0 cases at all"..

And no. I don't think neither women are wrong nor industry is sexist. As I said in adjacent thread reply, I myself see a lot of reasons far from FOSS which greatly reduces the number of women developers even before they could've tried to participate in it.

@skobkin@lor.sh avatar

@garbados What am I doing?
I'm respecting my colleagues of any gender, race or anything and not considering anyone's attributes when working with them on anything.

I'm sorry that you feel that I wasted your time, but there's a principle called "burden of proof". So when I see something strange from my PoV, I ask to provide more information on the subject.

In your case I was surprised by the fact that you were specifically pointing on the FOSS itself while from my PoV sexism (and any other *ism) is not specific to FOSS, but a part of societies culture.

If you think that this for some reason mean that I'm supporting such behavior or deliberately wasting your time then it's sad, but ok. I'm getting used to being seen as an enemy when I'm asking qustions and not just agreeing from the start or proposing more in-depth view on the problem.

Thank you for your answers anyway.

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