rasterweb avatar



I moved to fedia.io (which runs mbin) because it seems to work without constant errors.

You can find me at: https://fedia.io/u/rasterweb

rasterweb avatar

I ended up moving from kbin.social to fedia.io which runs mbin and has a team, not just one person. (kbin.social kept breaking all the time for me.)

rasterweb avatar

Is this about letting Nazis speak on UW campuses?

rasterweb avatar

The design for this one was a digital drawing (though sometimes it's just analog/paper) and I then 3D printed a plate and did a relief print using a Provisional Press. (I'm also really into rainbow rolls lately!) I make my own paper and this is from a recent batch. (I recycle our shredded paper at home.) The frame is 3D printed and I designed that as well.

rasterweb avatar

Thanks! Yeah, I really had fun making paper last month so now it's time to print on all of it. (And then I'll make some more!)

rasterweb avatar

Here's a post (and some photos) about the paper I make: https://rasterweb.net/raster/2023/12/19/handmade-paper/

rasterweb avatar

The frame is 6" x 6" and the print is just a bit smaller than that.

rasterweb avatar

Thanks! I've though about doing more... I started working on a trash can icon yesterday and I'll see where it takes me.

Made an enclosure for my beepy. I think enclosures are my favourite part of printing (lemmy.world)

I grabbed a beepy a little while back (if interested BE ADVISED: they’ve since gone dark and left a bunch of people holding out for one, I got really lucky and ordered super early) so I could work on some python stuff on the go. I didn’t like having all the parts exposed, and the cases available seemed too flimsy for my...

rasterweb avatar

Looks good! I'd guess 80% of my printing is enclosures. ;)

rasterweb avatar

If you want it to get worse just change it from a hobby to a business!

rasterweb avatar

Sweet! I'd like to have my lead pipes replace at some point.

rasterweb avatar

OpenSCAD is great for programmers because you write code to generate 3D objects. If you love Python there are ways to write Python that then generates OpenSCAD code, so that may be worth looking into.

Artemis app broken - is the project still alive?

I've enjoyed using Artemis even though I can't login through it (I'm on kbin). It's been interesting to be a pure lurker instead of an avid commenter like I was on the former site. In the past couple of days, though, Artemis has failed to fetch any new content. Deleting the iOS app and reinstalling through Testflight does...

rasterweb avatar

My iOS app won't work anymore but I'm trying to be patient and understand that it's an open source project led by one person so there may be delays or issues that prevent progress or even things running smoothly. Hopefully it will return and improve with time.

rasterweb avatar

Well, I hate Microsoft but yay for business in our state I guess?

rasterweb avatar

Well that's, uh.. interesting. So hugh project, money, but not really many new jobs. Oh well.

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