
@orbitalmartian@alpha.polymaths.social avatar

Finally finished rewriting my about my first impressions of Wolf 359.


Post 58/100 for .

Wolf 359 was recommended to me by @sotolf and I’m so glad it was.

@joel@fosstodon.org avatar

@orbitalmartian @sotolf I recommended it to everyone multiple times you evil

@bbbhltz@framapiaf.org avatar

Anyone have any good for sleeping?

@joel@fosstodon.org avatar

@bbbhltz my favorites to sleep to are these

Phoebe Reads a Mystery (public domain stories)
Relatos de la Noche (Horror in Spanish lol but still good)
SAYER (Scifi story that might keep you awake cuz it's good but still nice to sleep to)
Casefile (True crime but the voice is good too)
Already Gone (another true crime, female voice, very epic)
Welcome to Night Vale (very epic stuff)

Reka, French
@Reka@framapiaf.org avatar

Avez-vous d'autres recommandations de svp ?

@lamecarlate@pouet.it avatar

@Yahiko Hiiii je suis citée sur ton wiki, le début de la glouare, enfin !

@danslerush@framapiaf.org avatar

@Reka Coucou ! J'allais poser exactement la même question, pour le coup je vais suivre les réponses ici 🤗

@GreatestTrek@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

On today's , the Enterprise crew discovers that the magnitude of their boredom is nothing compared to the vastness of space. They hastily scramble to visit a ship that would give Event Horizon a run for its money.

Listen to the full episode at https://gagh.biz/greatestgen


strypey, (edited )
@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

Despite decades of rumours of a reboot of the cult classic BBC TV series Blake's 7, I don't think it will ever happen. Listening to a podcast called Star Fall;


... reminds me of why. All the things that made B7 great entertainment are the most difficult to replicate.


@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

The cast added their own layers of flavour, and not only the quality of their portrayals. Decisions to leave the show shaped the story in ways neither Nation, nor any of the other writers - could have predicted. As with Star Trek TNG, the ways fan connected with each of the regular and recurring characters - or didn't - also had some influence on how long the characters stuck around. The last minute change of heart that led to Series D had similar effects.

It truly was a group creation.


@bigblen@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

@strypey Thanks for this link. I started rewatching B7 on youtube a while back, this reminds me I must complete it...

@SteveThompson@mastodon.social avatar

Poking around podcasts and this is out there...

The Tucker Carlson Show. In description: "The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what."

On SiriusXM, The Megyn Kelley Show. In description: "No BS. No agenda."

That's just those two. Both promoted as "Top Podcasts In News." As long as truth remains relative, lies will prevail. Both Apple and SiriusXM contribute in their own profit-driven ways.

@podhome@podcastindex.social avatar

We just rolled out some small but useful analytics updates:

  • Analytics performance improvement for large

  • More filter options to drill down

  • Analytics trends for downloads and audience. This enables you to see how your podcast is doing compared to a previous period

@GreatestTrek@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

On today's , the Discovery crew is about to get the party started when Moll steals the Progenitor keg right from under them. Then an away team goes undercover to see if they can pull one over on the Breen.

Listen to the full episode at gagh.biz/greatesttrek



pleursdejoie, French
@pleursdejoie@eldritch.cafe avatar

Coucou Masto ! Je cherche des drôles à écouter. J'en ai plein d'hyper intéressants mais des fois je veux juste un truc qu'on peut écouter d'une oreille, avec une bonne ambiance.
Malheureusement les podcasts estampillés humour souvent c'est mood Rires et Chansons, j'aimerais éviter...
Balancez vos !

strypey, (edited )
@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"Mayors sign letter opposing changes to Māori wards"

Go NZ mayors!

"A Hawke's Bay mayor says the government's proposed changes to Māori wards are racist, because councils can create other wards without requiring a referendum."


This is a good example of how networked activity by local government politicians can serve as a decentralised upper house.

@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

NatACT First's cancellation of 3 Waters has forced councils across the country into massive rates hikes and service cuts, so they can absorb the rising costs of bringing neglected water infrastructure up to standard. The local government elections in 2025 will be a chance for citizens to reject councillors who bought into the anti-3 waters propaganda.

@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

Political ShowerThought; if central govt sets a standard for something, it ought to fund local government to bring their infrastructure and services up to that level. If a local govt body sets a standard for themselves, it's reasonable for its ratepayers to foot the bill in full.

For example, if it's up to councils to decide whether to supply water and in what condition, they pay. But if the govt mandates they supply drinkable water, they ought to subsidise the cost of doing so.

@AndyScott@fosstodon.org avatar

Continuing my trend of living under a rock, I just found out there's a Nextcloud plugin that replicates gpodder.net for syncing podcast playback. It works with AntennaPod too (among others).


@joel@fosstodon.org avatar

@AndyScott yes I have it

@GreatestTrek@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

On today's , it's been a long road getting from TNG to here! Captain Archer heads out on Earth's first Uber mission but when the Enterprise's passenger is abducted they may not earn a 5 star rating.

Listen to the full episode at gagh.biz/greatestgen


@Cassandra@autistics.life avatar

Really great ep, @GreatestTrek! The theme song sounds so professional, especially the harmonies. I love that B&A have already identified Archer as a nepo baby and Trip as Dubya, I'm glad to hear them calling out Berman and Braga for grossness towards female characters / cast, and I'm very much looking forward to hearing the Jeffrey Combs slashfic.

@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"A plan to update the system for regulating our media content has been running under the radar for years. Some of the agencies that do it now backed the move to one single body, but this week the government dumped it over fears it could cramp free expression online."


Thoughts on this? My knee-jerk anarchist response is that democratic governance has no place in decisions about citizens' expression, online or otherwise. But...

@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

... I'm aware that in a highly unequal capitalist society, the expressions of different people and organisations have very different scales of "reach". So maybe there is a place for regulation to create and maintain pro-democracy media environments. As always, the devil is in the details.

@GreatestTrek@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

On today's , Book is long overdue for some action and tags along to the library with Burnham to find the final clue. Burnham is sucked into a mind maze and is left to puzzle it out.

Listen to the full episode at http://gagh.biz/greatesttrek



@Radgryd@mstdn.games avatar

I'm in the mood to listen to podcasts again! 🥰

Are there any fedi-specific podcasts that talk about different software, maybe? I couldn't find anything under . 🤔

Other than that, please feel free to recommend your favourite podcasts to me! :boost_ok: Topics I'm usually interested in:

Queer/LGBTQ+, BDSM/Kink, latest movies/shows/games talk from a feminist POV, nostalgia trips re: old franchises: shows/games. Sometimes even true crime.

Open to try out something new! 🔥

@Radgryd@mstdn.games avatar

@janl Oooh, this looks very promising!

@janl@narrativ.es avatar

@Radgryd oh and also, the Handsome podcast is good fun.

tinderness, German
@tinderness@swiss.social avatar


Bei Bücher - sei man, wie auch bei Anderen, im Übrigen sehr vorsichtig: die launigen und intellektuell beschränkten Kommentare sind oftmals nervig, der Content eher limitiert. Viel Grossprecherei im Schnitt, viel sich brüstender Grosssprech. Ich nenne hier keine, aber ihr wisst wohl, was ich meine: "... die Themen, der der Roman verhandelt ..." und sich dabei mit seinem Englisch und seinem Wissen vokal brüsten. Nein, ich will keine Bonusfolge, bitte nicht.

@musicguynphoenix@mastodon.online avatar

Do you MAKE or GUEST on ? If so, sign up for a free CREATOR account over at Podchaser!
I am so glad you asked. Here's why in 3 mins.


@musicguynphoenix@mastodon.online avatar

Do you make or listen to ? If so, sign up for a free user account over at Podchaser!
I am so glad you asked. Here's why in 3 mins.


@storiedSF@sfba.social avatar



  • his evolution from teacher to dad to business owner
  • how he met his wife, Erin Feher of REPCO
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  • making vegan donuts and more!

Up now at the link in our bio. Also available wherever you get your . Thanks!

📸 Jeff Hunt

Butterfly Joint and Café
Tools hang on the wall at Butterfly Joint and Café
Tools hang on the wall at Butterfly Joint and Café

@findthatpod@mastodon.social avatar

Anyone have this problem? No? Just me? Ok.

@GreatestTrek@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

On today's , Ben and Adam reminisce about their time in the D-Quad on a Star Trek: Voyager retrospective episode!

Listen to the full episode at http://gagh.biz/greatgen


@Cassandra@autistics.life avatar

@GreatestTrek Surely Picardo lobbied for episodes that gave him an excuse to sing.

Bundesregierung, German
@Bundesregierung@social.bund.de avatar

Wie können wir die Wachstumsbremse lösen und zugleich die gut ausgebildeter Menschen beschleunigen? Das diskutieren Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil und Daniel Terzenbach, Vorstandsmitglied der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, in der aktuellen Folge von – dem Podcast der Bundesregierung. Jetzt überall dort, wo es gibt: https://bpaq.de/AusRegierungskreisen_Heil_Terzenbach

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@Bundesregierung Bitte auch mehr Automatisierung wagen, verbunden mit einer Abkehr sowohl vom Fokus auf Reiche als auch dem Mantra "Mehr Job = Mehr gut".

Unser Ziel sollte Wohlstand für alle bei maximaler Arbeitszeitreduktion sein, nicht was auch immer wir jetzt gerade machen.

Und mit Wohlstand ist selbstverständlich der MEDIAN gemeint, nicht der Durchschnitt! Der "eines der reichsten Länder…" Bullshit ist nicht mehr auszuhalten!



Wie können wir die Wachstumsbremse lösen und zugleich die gut ausgebildeter Menschen beschleunigen?

Irgendwie wird seit einiger Zeit so getan, als ob Zuwanderung das einzige Mittel wäre. Das man auch Ausbilden könnte (also jenseits des klassischen Auszubildenden-Verhältnisses) scheint unbekannt zu sein.

Firmen suchen beispielsweise Webdevs? Schön ... aber welche Firma, die sucht, bietet einen Kurs über Typescript, Frameworks etc an? Blend Unternehmer unternehmen nichts, andere sollen es richten --- scheint mir.

Außerdem: die Wohnungsnot ist hoch, die Preise schießen durch die Decke. Wann kommt Zuwanderung NUR dann, wenn die Zuwandernden eine NEUE Wohnung nachweisen können? Sie also nicht noch mehr Nachfrage erzeugen? Zumindest in Ballungsgebieten.

Ihr (Unternehmen, Regierung) wollt Zuwanderung des Mammons wegen und ignoriert alle Probleme, die daraus entstehen. Seit Jahren leider. Und alles wg. "Wachstum". Schaut Mal im Kalender, wann Earth-Day ist. Braucht die Welt wirklich noch mehr Wachstum?

@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"I think the defining economic reality of the modern platform media world is that all the platforms realized that an infinite supply of teenage creators are cheaper to deal with than media companies or groups of media individuals or powerful creators."

, 2024


@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"Whereas, I think if you were able to build a company or a brand or an institution, at the end of that, you’re like, “Well, I made this.” And maybe I could sell it. Maybe I could just let some other people run it. Maybe it stands for something. Maybe we could shut it down and everyone could talk about how much they missed it, but it’s more than you. And I think the platforms are not organized economically to ever allow that to happen..."

, 2024


@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"My team is happier. We did not know that the Twitter thing would happen, but the Twitter thing happened, and our desire to publish in the boxes we controlled went up as a group. And then, on top of it, our audience saw that we were having fun. And once you are having fun anywhere on the internet, people sort of gravitate to you. So traffic has gone up."

, 2024


strypey, (edited )
@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

"We're also competing against a lot of people in politics who come along and say... it's those rich people's fault, we'll just take even more money off them and give it to you."

, 2024

This is the fundamental lie of neoliberal politics. A total inversion of the truth, which is that neoliberal parties say 'it's those poor people's fault, we'll just take the money off them and give it to you', and they do.

strypey, (edited )
@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

What social democratic parties like the Greens, TPM and TOP say is that people only get obscenely rich because the state allows them to plunder - or does it for them - from funds that could be used to fund public infrastructure and services. They propose that we stop doing this, so the real wealth created by the workers and professionals of this country can be shared fairly across the population, instead of hoarded by a few hundred neo-feudalist families.


@strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

A classic example is the food situation. According to a recent article on food rescue projects in the NZ Listener magazine (May 11-17), enough food is produced in Aotearoa to feed 40 million people. Yet every week 7% of kiwis - a population of roughly 5 million - go hungry.

Yet what does the new government Seymour is part want to do? Cut funding for school lunches, while giving a tax cut to landlords, who are - compared to those struggling to get enough to eat - comfortably wealthy.


@rafal06@fosstodon.org avatar

Can you recommend a good open source podcasts app for Android? Google Podcasts is shutting down soon, and I don't think I want listen to podcasts on YT Music

@rafal06@fosstodon.org avatar

@bestest @JVNardulli @djghettoredneck @noujoum The Material 3 implementation isn't.. great.., but otherwise looks like it'll work, thanks!

@AntennaPod@fosstodon.org avatar

If you have concrete suggestions for areas where we can improve, don't hesitate to let us & our community know via our forum: https://forum.antrnnapod.org
@bestest @JVNardulli @djghettoredneck @noujoum

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