tripplehelix, to wallpapers avatar

I love the bing daily wallpapers, I especially love that they seem to always have a related wallpaper if it's a UN recognised 'day'. For example, today is Bee Day!

I have a script that can automatically download and set the bing daily wallpaper on my gitlab

#bing #wallpaper #daily #bee #linux #i3 #mate #xfce #gnome #cinnamon #unity

JLW_the_Jobber, to linux avatar

It looks like I might be a bit of a #GTK fan boy. Looking at my #linux devices that run a DE, all of them are GTK based (#Gnome, #Cinnamon, and #XFCE).

NaClKnight, to random avatar

Alright, this is like the 4th consecutive #deodorant I've had get discontinued.

I'm a man. But I don't wanna smell like wood or smoke or the ocean.

I want to smell good. I want scents that women appreciate.
I want a #scent my wife likes.

I want to smell like a buff tangerine. Like a mandarin orange in a skintight T-shirt.

I wanna smell like a very dangerous stick of vanilla. Or like a #cinnamon roll getting into a fight to protect your honor. Or an oatmeal cookie MMA fighter

Make it happen!

angedestenebres, to linux French avatar
srueegger, to linux German avatar

Ich habe im @LinuxGuides Forum über die Probleme und Herausforderungen von @linuxmint in der näheren und fernen Zukunft gebloggt.

caiocgo, to random avatar


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  • RockyC, avatar

    @caiocgo I feel you on Cinnamon. It’s not flashy and doesn’t overwhelm you with options. It’s simple, easy to use, and predictable.

    Now that I’ve gotten deeper into Linux and understand things a lot better, I’ve switched to KDE for its deeper customization options, but I still recommend #Cinnamon for ANYONE who just wants OOTB simplicity and ease of use.

    GNOME is GNOME, and lots of people like it, but it’s not for me anymore. Not sure where they are going withth their desktop.

    angedestenebres, to linux French avatar
    iamdtms, avatar
    eugenialoli, to debian avatar

    On 11, the whole system along with was taking 500 MB of RAM. On Debian 12, the system takes 850 MB of RAM. On Trixie/Sid-unstable, it takes 1.3 GB. I honestly don't know what they're shoving in it.

    With and , it takes 1.6 GB on idle. Since when Cinnamon, a gnome2/gtk3 fork takes (or should take) as much RAM as Gnome4/gtk4? Something's amiss.

    gamerchick02, to random avatar

    Quite enjoying Ubuntu Budgie. Seems to be a little lighter than stock Ubuntu and with fewer issues? I don't know. I did a full install instead of upgrading in place. Luckily the laptop doesn't hold a lot of files.

    RL_Dane, avatar


    I've spent time in tiling window managers ( and later ), , , , , , and .

    I have settled in nicely to Plasma for my work machine. The project has matured a LOT in the last couple of years, and I can't help but shake my imaginary rhetorical pom-poms at their success.

    On my home machine, it's almost always tiling window managers. I just love the clean, pseudo sci-fi look and incredible efficiency.

    angedestenebres, to linux French avatar
    minioctt, (edited ) to UI Italian

    Avete mai la strana #sensazione che qualcuno viva abusivamente nelle vostre mura? E non so, ogni tanto vi sembra come se le mura diventino sempre più spesse, momento dopo momento stringendosi di sempre qualche ulteriore micrometro attorno a voi, come se la creatura che ci vive dentro cerchi sempre più di espandersi e mettersi comoda a discapito vostro? So che ad un ritmo come quello non è facile notarlo da un giorno all’altro, ma dopo qualche anno il perimetro sarà diventato inevitabilmente più stretto… e a quel punto sarà ormai troppo tardi. Voi non avete agito in tempo, ignorando il vostro intuito e credendo che il percepire la presenza di Lui fosse solo un ennesimo #pensiero intrusivo senza base logica. “He comes“, dicevano coloro che voi avete chiamato pazzi e deriso, e quindi ormai H̵̨̒e̴͙͆ ̶͓͂c̵̢͌a̴͔̐m̴̬͐é̷͖. È troppo tardi, non potete scappare. Il vostro luogo di vita è ormai Suo. H̸̞́̓e̵̠͛ ̸̤͛̊l̶͖̎̅ḭ̸̡͒̅v̴̞̒͛e̴͚̱̊̍s̸̗͆. Le conseguenze si stanno già manifestando, î̵̙n̴͖̈́ ̶̢̂y̷̺̌ò̶̯u̵̙͆ř̷̨ ̷̡̾w̵̳͊a̴̩̎l̸̬͛l̴̘͐s̵͔̈́. Y̴͍̬̽̊͊́̈́ͅƠ̷̬͋Û̶̲̙͋͜͝ ̴͈̳̱͎̄̏̀͂C̷̲͖̑̎͊̿̽Ä̴̖͉́̒N̷̨͖̑͘N̵̬̳̽͑̕O̴̢̅͌̿Ṯ̶̦̆̀̿̀-̶̮͔̫̞͚̄͊̈́͠—

    Ciò è esattamente come mi sento quando penso a come il design #UI si incammina sempre di più sulla via dello spreco di #spazio, inefficienza d’uso, ed enormi padding. Succede ovunque, e per qualche motivo ancora non si ferma, tra qualche decennio saremo condannati ad avere titlebar alte 1/4 di schemo e poter vedere appena 4-5 righe di vero contenuto in ogni dato momento. But I digress. Fortunatamente, quando queste invasioni di #demoni accadono nel #software, ossia quando il danno è causato da codice scritto da umani un po’ fuori di testa, essendo a propria volta abbastanza fuori dalla ragione si può aggiustare il tutto con ulteriori incantesimi di testo, e quindi… ✨️

    …oggi mi andava di sfrattare le entità dal mio #desktop #Cinnamon (perché ieri ho reinstallato il sistema) e riprendermi tutto quello spazio che è mio. Non ero mai riuscita nemmeno a ridurre le a mio parere enormi (e su GNOME sono anche peggio!) barre del titolo di #GTK3, almeno non senza installare temi speciali che comunque non fanno granché il lavoro, Però ora ho trovato questo thread con alcuni consigli di CSS, e… in effetti ha funzionato (per decorazioni in gergo sia lato client che server!). Solo che a questo punto mi stava piacendo e, un po’ andando a caso, un po’ facendo riferimento alla documentazione di #GTK (che non è affatto creata per questo, mannaggia, non c’è roba in giro adatta ai power user, solo cose per sviluppatori), mi metto anche a striminzire bottoni, menu, liste… ne traggo proprio soddisfazione. Anche se non ho raggiunto proprio la perfezione, altrimenti vado totalmente mentale. 💕️ quindi vedete il mio ambiente attuale, comparatelo con il mezzo screenshot che si vede di sfondo con il desktop originale della cannella. La taskbar è alta il minimo che si può settare dalle impostazioni (20px), quella non ha subito modifiche, ma alle finestre ho cambiato (quasi) tutto via #CSS (tutto quello che entra in foto, nulla di più): bottoni, menu, etichette, barre, la spaziatura verticale di quasi ogni cosa è stata portata a 0 o 1 pixel, e cavolo se ora ho più spazio a schermo. Il #padding orizzontale non l’ho toccato, mi piace come sta e non spreca area, ma è quello verticale che è sempre inappropriato.. specialmente su sistemi desktop, dove in genere è quello il lato meno spazioso, e dove in ogni caso si usano spesso dispositivi di puntamento precisi (mouse o touchpad), che non giustificano il rendere giganti le aree di click. Se vi sembra troppo stretto, boh, per me per ora è #comfy. 🙃️

    #Cinnamon #comfy #CSS #demoni #desktop #GTK #GTK3 #padding #pensiero #sensazione #software #spazio #UI

    matthew, to linuxmint avatar

    I'm getting two computers ready for an older couple to replace their aging macOS installs.

    The guy will be replacing his iMac with a refurbished HP ProDesk 600 G3 SFF with LinuxMint.

    His wife is getting a fresh installation of LinuxMint on her Mac Mini - which I sold to her years ago.

    Changed up the windows controls to be on the left, like macOS and installed the Plank dock and added it to the Startup Applications.

    toxy, to debian avatar

    Just resurrected an old box and tried #Debian 12 with #Cinnamon DE. What a lovely #Linux distro.

    canaimagnulinux, to GNOME Spanish avatar

    Canaima GNU/Linux te ofrece 6 entornos de escritorio que se adaptan a las características de tu equipo 💻

    Descarga #GNOME #Plasma #Cinnamon si posees una máquina con al menos 2GB de RAM (óptimo 4GB).

    Descarga #XFCE #Lxde #Mate si tu equipo es de bajos recursos.


    joostruis, to linux avatar
    angedestenebres, to linux French avatar
    matthew, to linux avatar

    If you are coming from Windows, I do highly recommend the Cinnamon desktop.

    With Linux, you get more choices... which can bring confusion because you aren't used to that with Windows.

    The Cinnamon desktop environment is one of perhaps six major desktop environment options, with many more less used options available, too.

    Cinnamon is the desktop environment developed by Linux Mint, so is default with that, but you can install and use it easily on many Linux "distos" (distributions of software that are bundled together).

    Linux Mint Debian Edition is a good place to get started.

    #Linux #Cinnamon #choice #freedom #LinuxMint #Debian

    matthew, to microsoft avatar

    It would be great if regular people cared and stopped using #Microsoft... but most don't seem to care or have any curiosity about alternatives.

    I do sell quite a few refurbished computers with #Linux, but it is tiny numbers compared to the Windows computers I sell and work on.


    matthew, avatar

    We almost have this with the Cinnamon desktop, as the start menu, window controls and shortcut keys are pretty much the same as what regular people loved and were familiar with on Windows XP and Windows 7.

    I really do think it is a mindset issue and that no matter how hard you try, people go with what everyone else is using. If that's Windows, then that is what they use.

    It is an unthinking mentality.

    I do believe that independent video creators have done immense service in challenging this mentality as now it is somewhat likely that people have seen at least some tech videos of people using or recommending alternatives to Microsoft Windows, most prominently Linux.

    So the tide is changing... just frustrating slow for me as I have been using Linux for 20 years now.

    #Linux #Microsoft #Windows #tech #Cinnamon

    matthew, avatar

    If you are coming from Windows, I do highly recommend the Cinnamon desktop.

    With Linux, you get more choices... which can bring confusion because you aren't used to that with Windows.

    The Cinnamon desktop environment is one of perhaps six major desktop environment options, with many more less used options available, too.

    Cinnamon is the desktop environment developed by Linux Mint, so is default with that, but you can install and use it easily on many Linux "distos" (distributions of software that are bundled together).

    Linux Mint Debian Edition is a good place to get started.

    #Linux #Cinnamon #choice #freedom #LinuxMint #Debian

    formidableinc, to windows French avatar

    Note pour moi même : pour une fois, un raccourci clavier intéressant de #windows c'est Pomme+Tab.

    1. Oui j'appelle la touche Pomme la touche Super ou Windows. La première machine où j'ai vu ça était un MAC sous MAC OS 8 :-D

    2. ça permet sous #cinnamon d'afficher un aperçu de toutes les fenêtres du bureau (un mode exposé non?)

    Du coup c'est plus rapide que le défaut CTRL ALT BAS et ne nécessite qu'une main.

    Je love #linux et #linuxmint pour sa simplicité de paramétrage.

    yazilim, to GNOME avatar
    DoomsdaysCW, to srilanka avatar

    -tainted pouches sailed through gaps in system

    Hundreds of American children were poisoned last year. Records show how, time and again, the contamination went unnoticed across borders.

    by Will FitzgibbonandChristina Jewett
    February 27, 2024

    "Cinnamon-flavored applesauce pouches sold in grocery and dollar stores last year poisoned hundreds of American children with extremely high doses of lead, leaving anxious parents to watch for signs of brain damage, developmental delays and seizures.

    "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, citing Ecuadorian investigators, said a spice grinder was likely responsible for the contamination and said the quick recall of three million applesauce pouches protected the food supply.

    "But hundreds of pages of documents obtained by The Examination, in collaborations with The New York Times and El Universo, along with interviews with government and company officials in multiple countries, show that in the weeks and months before the recall, the tainted applesauce sailed through a series of checkpoints in a food safety system meant to protect American consumers.

    "The documents and interviews offer the clearest accounting to date of the most widespread toxic exposure in food marketed to young children in decades. Children in 44 states ate the tainted applesauce, some of which contained lead at extraordinarily high levels.

    "Time and again, the tainted went untested and undiscovered, the result of an overstretched FDA and a food safety law that gives companies, at home and abroad, wide latitude on what toxins to look for and whether to test.

    "'It’s amazing in a bad sense what a catastrophic failure this was,' said Neal Fortin, director of the Institute for Food Laws and Regulations at Michigan State University. 'Largely, the food supply regulatory system is based on an honor system.'

    "The cinnamon originated in and was shipped to , where it was ground into a powder. It was probably there, the FDA has said, that the cinnamon was likely contaminated with , a powder that is sometimes illegally used to tint or bulk up spices.

    "The ground cinnamon was then sold, bagged and sold again to a company called , which blended it into applesauce and shipped pouches to the United States. It was sold under the brand name and various generic store labels.

    "Austrofood never tested the cinnamon or its tainted applesauce before shipping it to the United States. The company said it relied on a certificate from a supplier saying the cinnamon was virtually lead free, records show. In a statement, the supplier, Negasmart, did not discuss that certification but said it had complied with all regulations and quality standards.

    "The FDA can inspect overseas food companies that ship to the United States, but even as food imports soared to record levels in 2022, international inspections fell far short of targets set by law.

    "American inspectors had not visited Austrofood in five years, records show.

    "'Companies have the responsibility to take steps to assure that the products they manufacture are not contaminated with unsafe levels of heavy metals,' Jim Jones, the top FDA food official, said in a statement. 'The agency’s job is to help the industry comply and hold those who evade these requirements accountable, as appropriate.'

    "The FDA says it has no authority to investigate far down the international supply chain. Records show that the Ecuadorian government had the authority but not the capacity. Ecuadorian regulators had never before tested cinnamon for toxins and, when the FDA called looking for help, nearly half of the government’s lab equipment was out of service, said Daniel Sánchez, the head of Ecuador’s food safety agency.

    "Private safety audits commissioned by American importers are supposed to provide another layer of protection. But audits typically look only for the hazards that the importers themselves have identified.

    "None of the importers would say whether they considered lead a risk or tested for it and it is unclear what, if any, steps they took. But none blocked the applesauce. Records show one auditor gave the applesauce maker an A+ safety rating in December, as American children were being poisoned.

    "The FDA has the power to test food arriving at the border. There is no indication that anyone tested the applesauce when it arrived at ports in Miami and Baltimore. Inspectors conduct about half as many such tests as they did a decade ago.

    "The FDA said it planned to analyze the incident and whether it needs to seek new powers from Congress to prevent future outbreaks."

    LinuxGuides, to blender German avatar

    Habe heute morgen eine Idee gehabt und wollte mal ein bisschen herumexperimentieren. Linux Mint kann glaube ich ein bisschen Marketing nicht schaden.

    Wollte meinen kläglichen Versuch mit euch teilen.
    (Ich bin in solchen Sachen Anfänger)

    #blender #linux #linuxmint #cinnamon #animation

    Simple Animation über den Linux Mint Desktop

    RockyC, to manjaro avatar

    Fives is back, only he's traded #Manjaro GNOME for Ultramarine Linux KDE!

    Installing #Ultramarine was the simplest and easiest time I've EVER had installing Fedora. All of the proprietary stuff, extra repos, and drivers are already installed, making setup a breeze.

    When I first dove into using #Linux full-time, #KDE was my desktop of choice. Now I've come back to a MUCH improved KDE after trying out #Cinnamon, #Xfce, and #GNOME, and I'm excited for #Plasma 6!


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