darnell, to wordpress
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

Former #WordPress Employee Is Trying To Recreate #Tumblr In The #Fediverse (#Goblin): (via @darnell) 👉🏾 https://darnell.day/former-wordpress-employee-is-trying-to-recreate-tumblr-in-the-fediverse-goblin

🥱 Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 Goblin appears to be based upon #Firefish, a fork of #Misskey

👉🏾 Goblin may cross post to Tumblr in the future

👉🏾 Yes, there is an #Overlord video in post (I could not resist!)

👉🏾 Follow @javi for more details

noellemitchell, to fediverse
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

Decided to remove all my followers from firefish.social since the instance isn't working anymore, and it removed 60 followers. I love organizing. 😄

box464, to random
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

An interesting feature of the Misskey forks (#Forkeys) is Pages, long form posts with a CMS editor. I wrote about it, and the changes you can expect over the next year! Check it out.


#Firefish #Sharkey #IceShrimp #Missskey

drakonic, to Furry
@drakonic@wetdry.world avatar

I propose a fursona for #fireFish: Flare the betta fish

#myart #furry #furryArt

chikorita157, to random
@chikorita157@sakurajima.moe avatar

A month later, stop.voring.me is starting to show up in the errored instances job queue.


panos, to random
@panos@catodon.social avatar

This development makes me very happy. #Iceshrimp is a project that involves many people who were important in #firefish development but were unhappy with how things were handled there, so at some level it feels like righting a wrong and bringing the broader community closer together - even if we've ended up with two projects, both of which I feel that cover different needs though. This is also an answer to everyone who thought that our corner in the fediverse was falling apart. We have a healthy ecosystem, we have ways to communicate and stay on good terms - let's build bridges, not walls! I like the place we are right now. Nature is healing =)

RE: https://catodon.social/notes/9oed3uchq5t76dbu

catodon, to random
@catodon@catodon.social avatar

Important announcement, everyone! 🎉

After giving this a lot of thought and discussing with the wonderful people that build Iceshrimp, #Catodon will rebase to #Iceshrimp. We feel that it's the right decision for the road ahead, as Iceshrimp is another #firefish fork that focuses in improving performance and they have already done some amazing improvements, like full Mastodon API support. With Firefish's future uncertain, we think it's better to stay closer to an actively maintained project. The two projects will stay distinct, as we have different design goals, but we have a common codebase so we feel this makes sense.

Just to be clear on all fronts and to answer the obvious question in advance, yes, Iceshrimp is also currently doing a full rewrite in C#, which is a few months away, and we haven't decided if we'll adopt this yet - it's a strong possibility, but we're keeping our options open. We're confident they're doing a great job, still, we'll weigh what the best decision for Catodon is on this when it's ready and the time comes.

Just wanted to let you know that this might push Catodon's development back a little, as it's sort of a structural change, but we feel that it's worth it, and that it might be better for the broader community. Catodon development will resume once rebasing to Iceshrimp is finished, and then we'll have better foundations to build this on.

panos, to random
@panos@catodon.social avatar

There's a vision behind : To build a software that will be as self-explanatory as it gets, so that you can invite your (irl or from other platforms) friends to your community and they will instantly feel familiar. People tend to not like change; they like sticking with what's familiar. So when they enter a fedi server and they see all the confusing terminology and buttons they don't understand what they do, it's just one more reason for them to give up and go back to facebook or wherever. Not everyone will want to come to your fedi community, but for those who are willing to try something different, let's at least not put unnecessary obstacles in their path. They're attempting to feel at home here - let's make them feel at home.


@panos I'm on currently. What would you say is the biggest contrast between and , besides the obvious lack of updates and abandonment issues?

@panos@catodon.social avatar

@NumbersCanBeFun Catodon is trying to change UX into something that makes more sense, and also we're gonna change some features, like Channels will be more like federated Forums and Pages more like federated Blog posts - we feel these are features that would be more useful to people than the current set. So we are trying to be bold with some changes in order to achieve those goals, so not everyone that comes from firefish will be happy with all of the changes. We're doing our best to offer a smooth transition, but you just can't please everybody.

However, if you like Firefish's UX but just want to use something that performs better and is actively maintained by a team of very cool people, you can't go wrong with #Iceshrimp, as that's exactly what they do.

So I think that the situation in the #firefish camp is not as tragic as it seems. You basically have two options, depending on which direction you'd prefer the software you use to go. Of course you can also wait and see what happens with firefish, I mean if your server is running smoothly, there's no rush. But tbh I think that trust in firefish has been broken, and that sooner or later most people will jump to another platform.

Oh and of course there is another obvious option which is #sharkey, which is great if you like misskey's current direction. Firefish was a hard fork of misskey, based on v12, sharkey is a soft fork based on the current v13. Personally I'm not very fond of some of the design choices of misskey, or how they seem to add and remove half-baked features, so I prefer where we are with Catodon (same applies to Iceshrimp).

crazy2bike, to fediverse German

Ich werde der ein oder andere Person einen auf meinen ermöglichen und habe dazu eine allgemeinere als meine eigene crazy-to-bike.de registriert.

Nun stellt sich noch die Frage nach der richtgen für die .

Gut wäre natürlich etwas, was möglichst und eine verspricht. Da fällt einem natürlich als Erstes ein.

Das gefällt mir aber im Vergleich zu anderen Möglichkeiten weder optisch, noch finde ich die gut.

Derzeit bin ich ja auf unterwegs, aber das scheint den letzen Prognosen zu Folge ein höchstwahrscheinlich totes Pferd zu sein.

als weiteren -Nachfolger teste ich gerade auch, was für mich eine mögliche Alternative zu Firefish ist. Aber auch dieses Projekt ist ja noch sehr frisch und in meinen Augen einfach nicht absehbar, wie dauerhaft das Ganze fortbesteht.

Auf war ich ja auch schon eine Zeit lang unterwegs, aber das ist optisch auch sehr angestaubt und hat bei mir auf dem Server auch datenbanktechnisch rebelliert.

Ich weiß, dass es noch eine ganze Reihe Alternativen gibt, will und kann aber nicht alles durchprobieren.

Daher hoffe ich auf gute Tipps.

Wichtig ist

  • kein, hohes oder einstellbares Zeichenlimit
  • gute Strukturierung und Kategoriesierung von Lesezeichen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Clips)
  • Folgen von und / oder Begriffen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Newspickern / Antennen)
  • gutes, ansprechendes und leicht bedienbares responsive Design für die Nutzung auf dem Smartphone (oder volle Unterstützung durch eine App wie bei Mastodon)

Schön wäre

  • Konfigurierbarkeit des Speicherverbrauchs durch die Föderation (was wird wie lange auf dem eigenen Server vorgehalten) wie bei Mastodon
  • automatische Löschung von Beiträgen konfigurierbar wie bei Mastodon
  • hohe Wahscheinlichkeit einer nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung
  • Moderierte Kontoerstellung wie bei Mastodon

Je länger ich hier schreibe, denke ich, dass Mastodon für sehr vieles davon wohl die richtige Software wäre - will ich aber eigentlich aus Gründen nicht.

Amelia, to fediverse

How did we go from way too many semi popular english Misskey forks to literally only having one soon (Sharkey)

Firefish kinda had its moment but currently doesn't seem that much will happen

Foundkey while still maintained is not really meant for more than one user instances

Iceshrimp is currently doing an full C# or well rather they are doing their own thing not using the MisskeyAPI and also rewriting the frontend, which means when thats done they aren't really part of the Misskey Family of forks anymore

Catodon, from the start is not trying to be anything like misskey and more like a user friendly mastodon-key mix, but they are also interested in using Iceshrimp as a kinda upstream meaning they would also not be part of the Misskey Family of Forks

how did we go from #Sharkey being hated on for being another #misskey fork, to it being the only major true english misskey fork left, if #firefish doesn't comeback to life and if iceshrimp continues its rewrite

stefano, to fediverse
@stefano@bsd.cafe avatar

I've just updated my article about the Fediverse software, including a description of snac2:

Deploying a piece of the Fediverse


#Fediverse #Mastodon #Akkoma #Pleroma #GoToSocial #snac2 #snac #Pixelfed #Misskey #Firefish #Friendica #Mangane #Enafore #Elk #Tusky #tooot

irfan, to random

Lol this must be the best way to describe the experience of late. I'm trying to migrate over my partner's account from ff.social to sakurajima.social. The way to do it is:

  • On sakurajima.social, update that you'll be migrating FROM your account on ff.social.
  • On ff.social, update that you'll be migrating TO your account on sakurajima.social.

I did just that and on ff.social, it showed that it was successful yet nothing was happening on sakurajima.social (her followers of 1, me, should've migrated to her new account). I refreshed the same migrations page on ff.social and it showed that my partner's new account was trying to migrate over to ff.social instead of AWAY from ff.social. Repeated attempts would just do the same thing over and over 😩 On my own ff.social account, the migration attempt just fails and rate limits me to 1 day+ to retry.

I've always supported Firefish, and it's the only project I've actually been financially contributing to (till this day even, albeit not much), but honestly F*ck you ff, you're such a goddamn pain in the butt.

cc: @kainoa

mp, to fediverse

To EVERYONE using a fork - soft or not ​:breadpeek:​

Which one did you choose and why?

Thanks! ​:yayblob:​

Amelia, to random

3 Months ago: Sharkey is shit, it will die, is just better, why the fuck are u making another fork that's just gonna die,

These are comments we had to deal with sometimes daily

Now: Firefish is burning, Sharkey is doing better than ever, and we have a user base so fucking shilly u can't even imagine

I much prefere people making comments about being shilly than having to deal with dumb comments about why sharkey even exists every day

shoq, to random
@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

So, as you may have heard, development seems to be in limbo. But the good folks at @catodon.social and @iceshrimp.social have picked up the ball and run with it. So if you’re looking for an ActivityPub-based solution for your community ambitions, do take a look.

fediforum, to fediverse
@fediforum@mastodon.social avatar

What are some cool #fediverse applications that were created recently?

We'd like to reach out to them and see whether they want to demo at the next #FediForum in March.

You can find previous recorded demos on https://fediforum.org/

@fediforum@mastodon.social avatar
mima, to fediverse

​:MokouWha:​ what's with related developers doing shit in the that can only be dreamed by the absolutely deranged ​:suwawawa:​

first we have someone trying to make migrating a instance to possible, now we have to some lookalike called ​:TenshMelt:​

pls keep coming up with this shit, the fedi needs more of this ​:RumiaPray:​

RE: https://app.wafrn.net/fediverse/post/3d7a9a70-8f1e-41f5-8106-5eb303a4cc39

mima, to CSharp

is doing whaaaaa..? ​:wriggle_what:​

rewrite and ditching the API... It feels to me like they took one of the factors that led to 's downfall and said "hey we can do worse than that!" ​:SanaeConfuzzled:​

RE: https://shonk.social/notes/9o9x9ip5n6350fnj

box464, to random

I've collected all my work on and into one place! It should be useful to anyone using and (for now) as well.

If anyone has questions about AiScript or any of the features I've examined in blogs, happy to share what I've learned.


dominic, to fediverse

I've just discovered that the project seems dead. I tried it last summer (built my own server with this platform). It had real potential. It seems now that it is replaced by a new project called .

Good luck !


xavi, to Pixelfed

The host that serves this ​:devnamic:​ and also a personal ​:ladragonera:​ died this morning and I didn't notice until an hour ago.

I had to reset it physically, manually. I need to find a way to do so remotely. There has to be a way to reset a ​:rpi:​ physically with another one.

beoz, to fediverse German

Was für einen Server des würdet ihr empfehlen, um selbst zu betreiben. Ich hatte eigentlich bei ein gutes Gefühl. Offensichtlich lag ich komplett falsch. Welcher fork bleibt uns länger erhalten? Oder doch ?

user8e8f87c, to fediversenews
@user8e8f87c@berlin.social avatar
ArtBear, to fediverse
@ArtBear@catodon.social avatar

Where am I?
Is this the #Fediverse? What is the #Mastodon? How do I #Firefish? Am I #Pixelfed? Do I #Lemmy? Deja-vu with the #Catodon?

Hi there👋
This is a good place to be!
My thread here condenses the key learning I've made so far about Fediverse, in case it helps others.

Click this post if needed, scroll down, to read more below.👇
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