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qbi, to Marathon German avatar

Der ist vermutlich der härteste Marathon der Welt. Der Orientierungslauf geht über 161 km und muss in 60 Stunden beendet werden.

Jasmin ist die erste Frau, die den Wettbewerb zu Ende lief. Zeit: 59:58:21

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Finisher!


@qbi Die 161 km alleine sind kein Problem, dazu kommen die akkumuliert 16'500 Höhenmeter querfeldein, also von den Höhenmetern ist das wie zwei mal den Mount Everest zu erklimmen. Dazu noch, sich bei Schlafmangel orientieren zu müssen. Es gab viele Jahre ganz ohne Finisher. Dieses Jahr gab es einen Rekord mit 5 Leuten, was aber an der Qualität der Teilnehmer liegt, nicht daran dass der Lauf dieses Jahr einfacher sei.

pkw, to emacs avatar

Anybody use with and ?


It is not clear which of these are choices and which are intended to work together.

I'd love some recommendations or pointers to howtos.


@pkw @e11bits @peter_sc @galdor @thuna_cing @nlovsund @mdk

That's a good start! However, you can activate virtual environments from Emacs using pyvenv (, which allows using M-x pyvenv-activate`. You can also add a dir-local entry to activate the environment automatically when you enter a project, via a line like

(pyvenv-activate . "/path/to/venv")  

on the same level as eglot-workspace-configuration.

I usually never restart my session, just keep one Emacs server open for all my projects, so it's good we can manage environments from within Emacs.

Btw, if you want a pretty dropdown menu for completion, and possibly auto-completion (no tab-pressing), you can try ( or the older company-mode ( latter has some historical baggage, but is more batteries-included, while corfu is a bit more modular.

vicgrinberg, to random avatar

Oh mastodon, will you ever change? Ask for help on issue A, get lectured about how bad twitter was... 🙄


@jjdavis @vicgrinberg To be fair, the whole point of that account is to explain mastodon to newcomers and to "give lectures", and the only reason that account got involved was because they were explicitly tagged by someone to help answering the question. And they provided some context why certain design decisions were originally made by mastodon developers in an attempt to be different from twitter. I don't agree with these decisions, but it helps understanding mastodon, especially for newcomers who don't know about the "controversy" of full-text-search here. You are not a newcomer, but not sure if the tagged account knew, as they probably don't follow you, knew.

But from your post it seems this is not the first time this happened to you, and I totally understand that this can be annoying.


I didn't intend to judge you on tagging feditips, they were actually able to answer the questions. Sorry that it sounded like that, I understand you just tried to be helpful 🙂 . I just wanted explain which context the feditips account had when they joined the conversation. That they were not actively seeking out people to give lectures to and that they probably didn't know the experience level of the people they were replying to, so I would not suspect mansplaining or something like that (though as a guy myself I'm not in position to decide).

Btw, in some self-reflection, I'm worried that with my reply I also was giving a lecture stating the obvious 🙈. This is something that I'm prone to and I realize that I should be cautious to make this a better place for everyone.

@jjdavis @vicgrinberg

kuketzblog, (edited ) to keyboard German avatar

Hat jemand das Ergodox EZ oder das Moonlander Keyboard und kann seine Erfahrungen/Eindrücke dazu schreiben?


@kuketzblog Habe seit einem Jahr ein Iris-Tastatur von Keebio, die ein split-ortho Layout hat das von Ergodox inspiriert wurde. Vielleicht lassen sich manche Erfahrungen übertragen? Ich empfand vor allem die Daumentasten als Gamechanger, sehr bequem mehr als nur Space unterm Daumen zu haben, braucht aber etwas Eingewöhnung. An Split und Ortho gewöhnte ich mich schnell. Was ein paar Wochen brauchte, war aber die ganzen Tasten zu lernen, die in Ebenen liegen, die man per Modifier erreichen kann, dann wird das aber irgendwann sehr intuitiv. Habe ab und zu die Layout-Konfiguration in QMK verändert, wenn mir Tasten fehlten oder ich z.B. eine Ebene wollte, in welcher die Pfeiltasten anders angeordnet sind. Aber Konfiguration per QMK ist genial, will keine Tastatur mehr die ich nicht selbst flashen kann. Am Ende des Tages ist aber das Ergonomischste alle 30 Minuten Tipppausen zu machen, keine Tastatur kann das Ersetzen. 1/2

vicgrinberg, to books avatar

Bought some books - mostly again with Daunt Books Marylebone (@DauntBooksPub) 📚

(And yes, asking about whether I read out the ones I bought before would be extremely impolite 🙃)


@vicgrinberg @DauntBooksPub Big like! Currently also reading "Entangled Life". Loved the Culture Series and didn't know there is an art book about it, curious if it can hold up to the images that I had in my mind, Iain M Bank was excellent with describing landscapes after all. Also as a Koraen learner who is interested in the culture I should put the Tteokbokki book on my list (tteokbokki as a food are very yummy by the way).

publicvoit, to python avatar

I'm coding on an amateur level for more than a decade but it was not until now that I learned that

print(f"The value of variable foo is {foo}.")

is a thing. 😯


@publicvoit For debugging you can use


which prints both the variable name and value, so that you don't need to type the variable name twice. This is even newer, arrived in one of the more recent versions.


@diji @publicvoit Yep from 3.12 not just a subset of Python is allowed in the f-string but all proper Python, including quotes, comments and nested f-strings. Though probably I would avoid that, I prefer to just use simple variable expansion and have the logic in the variable definition, or using str.format. Thought that might have some use-cases, e.g. in multi-line f-strings where you might want to add comments or something...


@orsinium @publicvoit Should use that more often, knew of locals() but rarely use if for debugging. If you want to add some debug output and print "evolution" of a a couple of important variables throughout the runtime of program you don't necessarily want to print the entire locals every time, so there is some value in debug-fstrings. Of course you can filter locals etc, of just launch PDB/ipdb for tracing variables...

b0rk, (edited ) to random avatar

been thinking about this very common git workflow and how git doesn't do much to help you ensure that if you're using this workflow:

a) you never commit to your local main branch directly
b) you regularly pull from origin/main to keep your local main branch up to date

you just need to be careful

branch protection on github/gitlab helps with this, but I don't think there's much in git itself

meliache, (edited )

@b0rk @petes_bread_eqn_xls I don't worry too much with , usually it allows you to recover from mistakes. There's always reflog, cherrypick, rebase and friends to move commits around. So I think the "I need to be careful" mindset is counterproductive, though I understand it when you are not confident with the above tools. Of course upstream main should be protected, don't want to be messing with that.

Btw, for has a "spin-off" command which creates a new branch from the current branch and resets the current branch to upstream. Found that super useful when I made a few commits on main, forgetting to create a feature branch. Could have solved this otherwise but a dedicated command saved some time. I think git doesn't optimize its CLI for UX because it expects third parties to build better porcelains for it.


@Elendol @b0rk To be pedantic they are not Linux-exclusive. It's rare nowadays but some other open source projects still use mailinglists and built even a UI around the mailinglist workflow. And patch files can be quite useful sometimes. The low-level git CLI should not be opinionated, for that we have other tools which built upon it.

meliache, (edited )

@b0rk I'm afraid I went a bit into that direction, but I think I might have been parroting opinions without much thought and in a too simplified way. I enjoy well-designed CLIs interface, with good abstractions and I really enjoyed some of the improvements the git CLI had in recent years, like "restore" or "did you mean" messages. This is a clear indication that at least some git dev's see CLI usability as important and they don't view it as just plumbing. The problem is probably just that git supports many workflows and has a lot of flexibility and any UX improvements should not restrict its power, not on that level at least. Plus all the backwards-compatibility. One should recognize popular workflows and try to simplify them within the limits of possibility. To me that seems easier as a third party UI with less baggage to worry about, but that should not be an excuse for everything. Also deeply apologize if I made you mad, I am quite stupid sometimes plus internet-communication sucks.

drewdevault, to random avatar


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  • meliache,

    @IvanGubkin @drewdevault Sadly opinions on the internet seem very extreme and polarized. There has been a planned and coordinated attack on Israel and its civilians and the security of the state of Israel is under existential threat. I agree that Israel has the right to defend itself. Right now Israel is under shock. Yet, there are rules to law, there's the Geneva convention and there are human rights and they are not under debate no matter how barbaric the actions of you adversary may seem. I think we need voices that call out for moderation and to try to maintain those rules and rights to the largest possible extent. Because the solution to this conflict will not be achieved purely militarily, and it will need to deescalate eventually.

    But there will NOT be genocide, I have no reason to believe that this will be the case, there is no reason to believe that. I agree on calling out human right violations but you can't throw this word around lightly. 1/2


    @IvanGubkin @drewdevault Israel's attacks are precise and deliberate, despite accepting some "collateral" civilian losses, which militarily is difficult to avoid but can be rightfully to criticized. It's designating some safe spaces and giving some time to flee. That's by far not enough but it's not the same as a military that is intending genocide. And it would not be the first time for Israel to have ground troops in Gaza, still 2M people live there, so obviously last time had not been a genocide. Some parts of Israel's society wouldn't mind, but it also has a large liberal population (see the recent protests) which would oppose genocidal measures and Israel knows that they rely on their public image in the West. It's important that the West creates pressure for for humanitarian measures to protect civilians. Again, I expect to see human rights violations and don't excuse that, but it doesn't make it a genocide. That word creates a story in people's minds which is simplified and not true. 2/2

    christianschwaegerl, (edited ) to Israel German avatar

    In der Bildsprache wichtiger westlicher Medien ist meinem Eindruck nach der Horror des Angriffs der #Hamas auf #Israel unterrepräsentiert. Ob es daran liegt, dass man 900 an Bushaltestellen, in Autos oder in Wohnungen getötete Menschen nicht direkt zeigen will oder Explosionen in Gaza visuell „eindrucksvoller“ sind: Es entsteht ein Ungleichgewicht.
    Dieses Video wurde in der NYT immerhin gebracht, aber eher beiläufig, während am prominentesten Bilder aus Gaza erscheinen.


    @christianschwaegerl Ja und ja, ich kann die Berichterstattung verstehen und bin mit den Schlussfolgerungen einverstanden. Es ist Grundsatz seriöser westlicher Medien nicht direkt Leichen und Gräueltaten zu zeigen, wie es auch bei Katastrophen der Fall ist. Einerseits kann man das nicht jedem zumuten, öffentliche Medien haben kein contentwarning, andererseits schützt man die Würde der Betroffenen. Explosionen sind distanzierter. Aber Journalisten sollten sich der Geschichten die ihre Bilder erzählen bewusst sein. Die Bilder der Gräueltaten zeigen die Menschenverachtung der Terroristen und dass es sich nicht um "Selbstverteidigung" der Palästinenser handelt. Die Ziele der IDF in Israel sind militärisch und die Bewohner werden gewarnt, aber in einem der Dichtbesiedelsten Gebiete der Welt sind "Kollateralschäden", Opfer unter unschuldigen Zivilisten, schwer zu vermeiden. Darüber sollte in Rechtsstaaten berichtet werden, aber mit Kontext. Dennoch werden viele Leute die Bilder "cherrypicken".

    kuketzblog, to Fitness German avatar

    Smart-/Fitness-Watches gibt es viele. Wer nutzt eine und wie macht ihr das mit dem Datenschutz? Ich werde mal die HUAWEI WATCH D einem Praxistest unterziehen. Natürlich auch die App.

    #fitness #smartwatch #datenschutz #tracking


    @kuketzblog Als Läufer muss ich gestehen eine Laufuhr zu benutzen. Die ganzen Metriken und Analysen, die sie bietet, sind schon interessant [1]. Und bei den großen Anbietern hat man den "Vorteil", sie mit vielen Drittdiensten verknüpfen zu können, wie z.B. zum Teilen der Läufe oder [2], welches die Garmin-Daten zum Kalorienverbrauch bei Aktivitäten und Schritten berücksichtigt, oder auch Apps zum Erstellen von Laufplänen. Das ist alles bequem wenn auch bestimmt ein Datenschleuder-Ökosystem.


    [1]: Für Analyse von Trainingsdaten benutze ich mittlerweile das in Deutschland ansässige, was auch mit source app RunnerUp funktioniert. Runalyze selbst ist nicht FOSS aber vertraue dem etwas mehr als anderen Anbietern.

    [2]: Zum Kalorienzählen hatte ich auch mal die FOSS app ausprobiert, nicht schlecht aber die kleinere Datenbank und fehlende Garmin-Intergration waren etwas nervig.

    meliache, to Germany

    Short re- after moving accoungs: I'm a former PhD student in high-energy-physics based in () who is finishing his thesis and starting to get a foothold in the tech industry. I'm interested in , and . Besides techie interests like , and , I might post a lot about my non-tech hobbies, such as , , , , (, ), and /.


    Und jetzt nochmal eine auf : Ich bin ein in ansässiger Doktorand in der , aber gerade im Prozess meine Doktorarbeit fertigzuschreiben und in die IT-Industrie umzusteigen. Ich bin etwas technisch orientiert und programmiere gerne, aber mag auch Datenanalyse und alles dazwischen. Technische Interessen sind u.a. , , , , aber habe auch viele nichttechnische Interessen, über die ich schreibe, wie , , (, ), , , und das Spiel (). Obwohl ich in Deutschland bin schreibe ich meist auf englisch, werde meine Posts auch entsprechend markieren. Ehemals war ich als @meliache, bin aber heute hierher umgezogen.


    @adamsdesk Thanks, though I'm not new to the , I just changed instances. Previously I was on the small high-energy-physics specific instance But it had a single admin (with only the best intention) and the server seemed to struggle with the demand (long loading times for posts and especially media) and it was running on an outdated mastodon version. Plus, I will likely HEP soon. Therefore, I decided to switch to a larger and more actively-maintained instance. I immediately noticed a better responsiveness and experience with a more populated timeline. Not sure how much of that is due to the better server performance and how much is due to being a bigger server with more "connections" to other servers.

    publicvoit, to music avatar

    Sunday recommendation:

    For starters, I'd recommend his songs "The Moss" and "Come Along"

    I've seen him live in and it was more or less love on first sight for his great art.

    meliache, (edited )

    @publicvoit I'm currently reading his brother's (Merlin Sheldrake's) about , "The Entangled Life", also very recommendable. Out of curiosity I searched for Merlin Sheldrake on Youtube a couple of days ago and just by accident stumbled upon his brother's music and also fell in love with it. I'm not very music-oriented to be honest and feel out of touch with much of modern music, but I love nature and Cosmo's music seems to be inspired by it. Today I searched for the hashtag and was surprised that you had just recently recommended him. I follow you, but had somehow skipped over this recommendation. Still, feels like a small world.

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