
Anarchist writer, translator, and educator. De vez en cuando, tooteo en español.

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susurros, to Mexico


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Call for solidarity with Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel, anarcho-punk political prisoner in Mexico

Jorge has now been held in prison for over a year without a trial, and urgently needs funds to cover legal fees and prison costs (food, water, phone calls, visits, administration fees, service costs, etc).

Jorge "Yorch" Esquivel is a beloved compañero of the punk community, and a long-time participant of the Okupa Che. He was arrested on December 8, 2022 by plainclothes police as he was leaving the campus of the Ciudad Universitaria (of the UNAM university) in Mexico City as part of a campaign of criminalization against the Okupa.


On February 24, 2016, an operative was carried out in which plainclothes policemen detained him, "planting" drugs on him in order to fabricate crimes, and accusing him of drug trafficking, as part of a campaign of repression on the squatted auditorium Okupa Che in UNAM (still existing). The whole case was plagued with irregularities. He was transferred to Oaxaca and then to a maximum-security prison in Hermosillo as a strategy to hinder his legal defense by taking him far away from his support networks. Thanks to the solidarity and legal work, he was reclassified from the crime of drug dealing to simple possession of narcotics, and was released on bail in March 2016.

Even though he was no longer in prison, he was not out of danger. Constant threats and journalistic reports did not cease; the press even reported his death and accused him of participating in organized crime. Meanwhile, steps were being taken to frame him once again and re-arrest him for the same fabricated crime.

On December 8, 2022 he was arrested in exactly the same place - a few steps outside Ciudad Universitaria, where the Okupa is located, once again by plainclothes police - with the grounds for this illegal detention being that the Attorney General's Office appealed the decision to reclassify the crime.

The compañero's health is fragile due to an extended hospitalization a couple years back and the toll the prison conditions have taken on him.


Jorge is currently incarcerated in the Reclusorio Oriente prison in Mexico City. The legal process is still in the evidence stage. Several hearings have been postponed and Jorge’s process is being delayed and prolonged to keep him in what is called “preventative imprisonment” with no sentence, which is common for cases of political prisoners in Mexico. Despite the fact that there is no evidence to keep him in prison, the strategy of the State is clearly to drag it out as long as possible, which is a tortuous level of uncertainty for all of us close to Jorge.

Thanks to the solidarity of individuals, collectives and networks, it has been possible to cover Jorge's expenses inside the prison, which have been very high due to the corruption that reigns in Mexican prisons. We are raising funds to support his legal costs and basic needs to be able to survive in this unjust incarceration, and to re-join the community on the outside as soon as possible. We call upon the solidarity of our friends and compañerxs around the world to help us in supporting our compañero Yorch.

For updates and news:
Instagram: @yorchlibre

(blog with letters from Jorge)

susurros, to Palestine

"Seven people working with World Central Kitchen, a charity spearheading efforts to alleviate looming famine in Gaza, have been killed in an Israeli airstrike, the charity said, throwing humanitarian relief efforts in the Palestinian territory into chaos as the organisation said it would suspend operations.

"The charity said: 'Despite coordinating movements with the [Israeli army], the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza on the maritime route.'"


susurros, to Palestine

"President Joe Biden's administration is weighing whether to go ahead with an $18 billion arms transfer package to Israel that would include dozens of F-15 aircraft, five sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.

"This sale is separate from the $14 billion in aid for Israel that Biden has asked Congress to approve as part of a sweeping $95 billion national security supplemental spending package that also includes aid for Ukraine and Taiwan."


susurros, to Palestine

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to 'act immediately to stop' Al Jazeera’s operations in the country after the Israeli parliament approved a law that grants senior ministers powers to shut down foreign news networks deemed a security risk.

"'Al Jazeera will no longer be broadcast from Israel,' Netanyahu wrote in a post on X after the law was approved in its final readings on Monday. 'I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel’s activity.'"


susurros, to Mexico

Yesterday, hundreds marched in Mexico City for Trans Day of Visibility/Vengeance from the Chamber of Deputies to the Zócalo, where they were teargassed by police.

susurros, to Palestine

"Israeli forces announced their withdrawal from al-Shifa hospital in Gaza on Monday after a two-week raid, amid claims from Hamas that the Israel Defense Forces killed 400 people in the compound and allegations from the Palestinian Red Crescent of torture and 'executions'.

"[T]he UN health agency said several hospital patients had died and dozens were put at risk during the raid. Palestinians who fled the facility described days of heavy fighting, mass arrests and forced marches past dead people."


susurros, to Palestine

Israel Created 'Kill Zones' in Gaza. Anyone Who Crosses Into Them Is Shot

"The Israeli army says 9,000 terrorists have been killed since the Gaza war began. Defense officials and soldiers, however, tell Haaretz that these are often civilians whose only crime was to cross an invisible line drawn by the IDF"


susurros, to Palestine

"The US in recent days authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel, two sources familiar with the effort said on Friday, even as Washington publicly expresses concerns about an anticipated Israeli military offensive in Rafah.

"The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000lb bombs and 500 MK-82 500lb bombs, said the sources, who confirmed a report in the Washington Post.

"Washington gives $3.8bn in annual military assistance to Israel, its longtime ally."


susurros, to Palestine

Moving towards Home
By June Jordan

“Where is Abu Fadi,” she wailed.
“Who will bring me my loved one?”
—The New York Times, 9/20/1982

I do not wish to speak about the bulldozer and the
red dirt
not quite covering all of the arms and legs
Nor do I wish to speak about the nightlong screams
that reached
the observation posts where soldiers lounged about
Nor do I wish to speak about the woman who shoved
her baby
into the stranger’s hands before she was led away
Nor do I wish to speak about the father whose sons
were shot
through the head while they slit his own throat before
the eyes
of his wife
Nor do I wish to speak about the army that lit continuous
flares into the darkness so that the others could see
the backs of their victims lined against the wall
Nor do I wish to speak about the piled up bodies and
the stench
that will not float
Nor do I wish to speak about the nurse again and
again raped
before they murdered her on the hospital floor
Nor do I wish to speak about the rattling bullets that
did not
halt on that keening trajectory
Nor do I wish to speak about the pounding on the
doors and
the breaking of windows and the hauling of families into
the world of the dead
I do not wish to speak about the bulldozer and the
red dirt
not quite covering all of the arms and legs
because I do not wish to speak about unspeakable events
that must follow from those who dare
“to purify” a people
those who dare
“to exterminate” a people
those who dare
to describe human beings as “beasts with two legs”
those who dare
“to mop up”
“to tighten the noose”
“to step up the military pressure”
“to ring around” civilian streets with tanks
those who dare
to close the universities
to abolish the press
to kill the elected representatives
of the people who refuse to be purified
those are the ones from whom we must redeem
the words of our beginning

because I need to speak about home
I need to speak about living room
where the land is not bullied and beaten to
a tombstone
I need to speak about living room
where the talk will take place in my language
I need to speak about living room
where my children will grow without horror
I need to speak about living room where the men
of my family between the ages of six and sixty-five
are not
marched into a roundup that leads to the grave
I need to talk about living room
where I can sit without grief without wailing aloud
for my loved ones
where I must not ask where is Abu Fadi
because he will be there beside me
I need to talk about living room
because I need to talk about home

I was born a Black woman
and now
I am become a Palestinian
against the relentless laughter of evil
there is less and less living room
and where are my loved ones?

It is time to make our way home.


susurros, to random

"One year after the start of the war in Sudan, children are dying of hunger and sick people are not buying medicine so that they can afford food as the population slips towards famine.

"Nearly five million people are one step away from famine, according to the World Food Programme (WFP). Another 18 million people face acute food insecurity, a threefold increase since 2019, WFP data shows."

susurros, to Palestine
susurros, to Palestine

"Genocide begins with the idea of genocide. So narrating genocide demands some attention to the history of ideas. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, at Haifa’s Technion, at Tel Aviv University, life goes on, flourishes. Not because Israeli society hasn’t been affected by current events, but because it is a society predicated on the elimination of the native. Its institutions are embedded in the practices of genocide."


susurros, to Palestine

While the the U.S.'s abstention at the UN is the topic of conversation, as it should be, the U.S. today has also "deemed Israel in compliance with U.S. President Joe Biden's national security memorandum stipulating that recipients of U.S. weapons must be in compliance with international law, nor may they block the provision of humanitarian assistance."

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller: "We've had ongoing assessments of Israel's compliance with international humanitarian law. We have not found them to be in violation, either when it comes to the conduct of the war or the provision of humanitarian assistance. We view those assurances through that ongoing work we have done."


susurros, to Palestine

While the U.S. is trying to spin its abstention, rather than veto, of the UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza as not representing a shift in policy, it most certainly is.

Of course, this is not the result of some change of heart by the U.S. regime, but rather due to the relentless efforts of innumerable folks around the country to lift up the Palestinian cause, to demand an immediate ceasefire, and to demonstrate the political cost to those in charge of continuing with the status quo.

It is disheartening beyond belief that the notion of opposing genocide should require such mobilization, but such are the fascistic times we live in. And while a victory, it is not time to let up the pressure. Nonetheless, much love to those organizing and mobilizing and acting for Palestinian liberation in whatever ways you are able.


susurros, to Palestine

"The medical situation in Gaza’s hospitals has reached an 'unimaginable' state of crisis in which large open wounds are being left untreated and medical staff are facing chronic shortages of the most basic medical items, including surgical gauze and material to pin fractures."


susurros, to Palestine

"At least 19 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli attack targeting civilians who were waiting for aid southeast of Gaza City, Gaza’s Ministry of Health and its Media Office said."


susurros, to Mexico

Chío has spent the last 11 months in prison for defending herself against a lesbophobic attack.

We call for solidarity with Chío’s cause so that she can return to the streets and enjoy what she loves.

susurros, to colombia

In the real world, FARC dissident groups are murdering and kidnapping Indigenous people in so-called Colombia. Meanwhile, in anarchyland, some with a particularly uncritical fetish for "armed struggle" continue to lift up said groups for reasons that remain unclear and unexplained.

susurros, to Mexico

Yesterday, around 200 students from Ayotzinapa blockaded a major highway in Guerrero to demand justice following the police murder of fellow student Yanqui Kothan Gómez Peralta on March 7.

"We will continue in the struggle for truth and justice for our fallen and disappeared comrades, for public education and for a better world, no government will succeed in silencing our critical voice."

susurros, to anarchism

Coming out next month, "Constellations of Care: Anarcha-Feminism in Practice" is available for pre-order at a discount for the rest of March!

Edited by @cbmilstein, and to which I contributed a translation and an interview, the anthology is a heartfelt and powerful collection of texts and images examining forms of relations outside of the state, capitalism, and patriarchy. International in scope, it offers examples and insights of anarcha-feminist initiatives, theories, and practices that provide glimmers of hope during this horrific times.

Please check it out and share!


susurros, to Palestine

"Israeli forces have shot dead at least six Palestinians and wounded 83 in Gaza City as they were waiting for food and humanitarian supplies at the Kuwait Roundabout, an area where large groups of people gather for arriving aid trucks.

"More than 400 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on aid deliveries in recent weeks, according to authorities in Gaza."


susurros, to Mexico

"The serious human rights violations committed against the students of the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Normal School in Ayotzinapa go back more than three decades. And none of these crimes involving the military and state, ministerial, and federal police have been punished.

"From 1988 to now, 11 students have been murdered and 43 are disappeared. People have been detained, prosecuted or sentenced for these crimes; but in general, up til now, the Mexican state has remained silent on the matter.

"In response to these aggressions, normalistas and social organizations in Guerrero resort to burning public buildings as a strategy of struggle and survival. It is no surprise that their actions include the burning of government buildings, prosecutors' offices and city halls.

"This is the only way they listen to us," said a normalista during a protest against the disappearance of the 43 students in Iguala, Guerrero, on September 26, 2014.

"And they are right."

susurros, to Palestine

Good job, anarchists.

"So much unnecessary verbiage has been uttered in the past about 'settler violence,' but people have not yet dealt here, in [the Knesset], with those who truly create a great deal of severe violence in Judea and Samaria – radical, anarchist left-wing activists who harass the IDF soldiers and heroic settlers."

  • Tzvi Succot, Religious Zionism party


susurros, to Mexico

Today in Mexico City, riot police attacked a march of blind and visually impaired people who were demanding dignified working spaces in the city's metro stations.

susurros, to Mexico

According to the federal government, the cop who killed Ayotzinapa student Yanqui Kothan Gómez Peralta last Thursday "escaped" while being transferred yesterday. According to the Guerrero state government, he was never in custody.

Either way, a couple hundred students from Ayotzinapa protested at the State Prosecutor's Office demanding justice for Yanqui. At least 11 vehicles were set on fire. Later the protest moved to the state capitol building, which was the recipient of rocks and fireworks.

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