How has ur lemmy experience been so far?

Im joining in on the reddit ditching thing, and was kinda worried at first that i wouldnt be able to like use it the way i did reddit as it feels like a whole new place, but after engaging with posts and people and actually being a part of lemmy rather than being lurk mode all the time i was pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to become a member of the community, theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is) that fit my interests, enough linux content and shitposting for my liking, and the overall random posts made by people equally fed up with Leddit. (also i admit i used reddit a little cus there was this post on the fedora sub showing how to fix a sound issue i been having after a recent update)

this, avatar

It was a bit rough getting an account I'm happy with set up, but beyond that I'm really enjoying the experience so far.

Kory, avatar

But now you got the best possible name and instance :D


yoo i just noticed it xD

this, avatar

Ikr? Imagine the shinannigans I can accomplish with it!

Kory, avatar

I'll keep an eye out, haha.

pushka, (edited ) avatar

I like it ~ I joined mastodon but I think it was way too slow to load images - probably joined some dodgy overloaded server (though I like the Reddit format and community better rather than Twitter)

It's giving me Reddit 15 years ago vibes - smaller tech-savvy and agile community - my Reddit use was on and off through the years; but I like the idea that each community in the Extended Lemmiverse can all have their own vibes and cultures and implementations of the platform and we can all chat and follow topics together 🕊️

I've only been here a short while; but maybe one thing I'd love is not to see reposts in the /all section ; I know the communities are small and growing and can cross post for more stuff , but I'm sure there could be a way for the system to know that the title and url are the same - so only show one , or auto-merge the comments and prioritise posting your comment to your local community instance's post Edit - I might try install an instance on my website and try to make a merge function ~

NoTime, avatar

Regarding your last paragraph, I agree. I'm subscribed to gaming in and beehaw so see the same content twice regularly. Duplicate communities raise other concerns for me though:

Which one is the defacto community to join? Using the Gaming community as an example, maybe one leans more to images and the other has more meaty discussion threads just by way of who has joined those communities - nothing to do with the rules. But if you subscribe to both, the majority of the content may be duplicate posts instead? It's not clear from the community title alone.

Is the potential squandered as communities are potentially splintered? Maybe people just stick to one community without joining the other. It'll take time for a certain community to establish itself as the main community with the highest quality posts, but due to the volume of users on the main instances maybe there won't be a main community? Or maybe people won't even be aware of multiple communities for the same topic as the names are different, e.g. football Vs soccer.


All this fragmentation will reduce the adoption for sure. No one wants to write to a sub filled with 5 people while another is filled with 5k people. We should adopt one new fresh instance and make it our main, and point people coming from reddit to this new instance.


That would defeat the point of decentralization. Nothing is stopping you from going to searching for a community you want, and only subscribing to the biggest. In time the choice will be more obvious.


I might try install an instance on my website and try to make a merge function

Awesome! I'm trying to get my feet wet with contributing as well. I don't know Rust or Psql very well (although I am an experienced MySQL/MariaDB admin) so it's gonna take a while for me to catch up enough to be useful. I'm trying though :P

pushka, avatar

The hardest part is learning /something / and then it's just transferring over right ?

Heheheh - I dunno how crazy it'll be , but no harm in dabbling ~ also it's cool to have a closed community page just for testing , also wanna test maybe only allowing one lemmy domain to post but allow others to comment , etc


yea i think one huge advantage is that theres no specific tos for lemmy as a whole and each instance can just do whatever they want which helps loads when it comes to censorship and moderation, and theres no 1 entity that can just skeet yo off the entire platform if u break some rule (great example is how reddit seems to be silencing ppl promoting lemmy and discussions ab it)


theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is)

I believe here its simply called "communities".

I made a account 5 days ago and have a good time so far. Like you, I was mostly a lurker on Reddit but here I started posting memes and opened discussions. I'm actually positive about the growth and longevity of the platform. There's enough content to keep people interested. I think Lemmy will be healthy stable around 10k active users. Should be possible.


shoutout lemmy all my homies love the fediverse

Akhuyan, avatar

While not every community is on Lemmy yet that I visit on Reddit, by people migrating from Reddit to here, hopefully that issue will be solved soon. The community here seems way more welcoming than the Reddit community is too


Much nicer than StackExchange too:

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lol, first time I've been rickrolled in a long time.


dude helll yes i also just remembered theres that stupid barried of entry on many subs which ask u to meet really weird requirements to participate.. the other day i prompted gpt to say smt funny and wholesome (it was praise towards the aur(arch user repository)) and tried to post it on some linux/arch sub but the first 3 that came to mind wouldnt allow it, one didnt accept memes, the other had a bot which took it down automatically and the third asked me to comment and participate in the sub before posting.. like come on man.

Andreas, avatar

The barrier for entry for some subreddits is too high but to be fair, ChatGPT "funny responses" are low-quality content and should be removed.


I’m sorry - we had to remove your post because you didn’t choose the correct flair out of a possible 3,000 esoteric choices, you didn’t format your post title according to the instructions located on a stone carving in the British Museum, your image had an even number of pixels, and/or you haven’t provided verification pics, a notarized letter, and three character references to our mod team. Please do not try again and have a good day [this action was performed by a bot]



TeaHands, avatar

Pretty great tbh. The tricky thing with being an early adopter is you kind of have to be the change you want to see, but I'm old enough to feel no shame about just barging into places and starting new threads as needed.

So far started two accounts on two different instances (I like to keep different subjects somewhat separate) and had really cool interactions on both.

Obviously there are a few UX issues, trying to sub to remote communities is kind of a nightmare, but hopefully I've subbed to enough that other people on my instance will find it a bit easier to find them through search.

Kory, avatar

Really good, there's so much positive energy and people asking all kinds of questions without being called names, it's very enjoyable overall.

pushka, avatar

Yeah ~ it's nice that it's nice ~ ✨


the only names spouted here are bro, comrade, and dude. chad face

TeaHands, avatar

Not to be That Person but if we could maybe as a community try and avoid the very Reddit assumption that everyone is male, that would be awesome ;)


That'd be nice. Also, let's ditch the Reddit generalisation that everyone is American!


I think you mean "generalization".

Golly gee don'cha speak 'Murican? :P

TeaHands, avatar

Hear, hear!

Kory, avatar

Yes, please.


Comrade is gender neutral!


Dude is has become also, in the UK at least.


Sorry, I must have missed this one. Was it a question that you discovered was answered in one of the sources?


I'd assume that those words are generally meant in a gender neutral way. Maaaybe no bro, but Dude and Comrade are definitely gender neutral. I used to refer to Dudes and Chicks, but chicks got upset at that so now I just go for the Good Burger definition:

sillypuddy, avatar

I'm loving it!

As an aside, I know a lot of people are using Jerboa for their mobile browsing app of choice, but I've discovered that you can just use the Lemmy progressive web app (PWA) instead and get the same experience as desktop. In Chrome, login to whatever Lemmy instance you're registered with, click the triple dot menu, and click "install app". You'll get a "Lemmy" app downloaded and added to your homescreen that looks and functions just like the website.


On iPhone you can do similar with Safari. "Add to Home Screen" on the share menu.

There's also the native app, Mlem. But it's really still in an alpha stage. The website is much more usable right now.


I’ve been using Mlem and am enjoying it, and the dev is fairly responsive and updates frequently. I hope to see it grow and improve. The Lemmy PWA on both my phone and on windows doesn’t have any navigation so I couldn’t figure out how to go back once I opened a thread. Unless I am missing something!


Good to hear about the dev. I'm hopeful for the app don't get me wrong, it's just not finished yet.

For me just swiping from the left edge goes back.


Swiping lol I didn’t think to try that! Lol thank you!


personally i dont like apps especially on mobile as ive had negative experiences with them (my wifi is shit) but thats cool to know (yo i just noticed i said apps instead of web apps xD)


What's the benefit over visiting the website, is it just less steps to open?

sillypuddy, avatar

Update: I just like having the app sitting in my homescreen


Awesome tip! Just tried to install with Firefox on mobile and it works too.

Ignacio avatar

I joined a year ago, and it seems that activity and users are growing everyday. I even feel myself more active and engaged here, on Reddit I'm in lurking mode most of the time.


I kinda feel the same. On reddit I find myself deleting the comments before Id make them most of the time. Most people seem fine here, and I feel a lot more comfortable.

simply_surprise, avatar

I even feel myself more active and engaged here, on Reddit I'm in lurking mode most of the time.

That's my favorite part. It feels like there's more interaction with people here.

madjo avatar

I'm still dipping my toes in. Got a bit confused early on, so now I have 2 accounts, one on and one on, trying both out to see which interface I like best.


Do you use other parts of the fediverse? Or mostly interacting with lemmy communities?

madjo avatar

I'm also on and I have a pixelfed account somewhere :)


Have you found kbin to be a good interface for interacting with mastodon or pixelfed? I think I have a dream of one platform to interact all the other popular fediverse platforms, but maybe that’s not realistic.

madjo avatar

You can use kbin as a mastodon thing too, from what I can see, but I haven't used it for that yet. I'd love it if I could attach my already existing Masto account to kbin, so that I could use kbin as the client for that account. But maybe that's a silly idea.


Ah, neat that it works with mastodon too. I get confused why I need so many different accounts in the fediverse (one for lemmy, one for mastodon, etc.). I would think that since they’re all federated together one single account could comment on all the different platforms. But it seems like you need separate accounts because you need access to separate UIs to interact with each platform.

TeaHands, avatar

You can definitely interact with Lemmy from a Mastodon account, I've seen various people demoing it over the last few days and I've followed a couple of smaller communities here so they show up in my Mastodon feed. That said it's not the best interface for reading long posts.


I've seen people from friendica too, I just wish there was a way to view mastodon and other non Lemmy posts that weren't connected to lemmy directly, as is if I view a mastodon account for example I only see what they've posted to lemmy unless I look from a mastodon account

0x1C3B00DA avatar


I would think that since they’re all federated together one single account could comment on all the different platforms

You should be able to; was designed for that. But the mastodon team decided early on that that kind of interoperability wasn't important to them so they built their own API and the rest of the fediverse has followed to remain compatible

@bruhsoulz @madjo


the first step or two are the hardest cus its so different from traditional social media, i made the mistake of making like 10+ mastodon accs on diff instances cus i didnt know how (or even if i could) follow/subscribe to other instances and have them in my feed xD

TeaHands, avatar

Oh bless you lol

madjo avatar

One thing that sticks out to me is that Lemmy-upvotes show up as "Favourites" on kbin, but upvotes on kbin don't show up on lemmy at all, as far as I can see.

Ignacio avatar

According to its github page, kbin is still in beta stage, and some features are still missing, but it's under active development.


That's because they're different things in the fediverse.

Lemmy upvotes are mapped to ActivityPub upvotes

Kbin upvotes are mapped to ActivityPub boosts (basically a retweet in twitter language)

This also means that Kbin users have to be much more careful with what they "upvote" as that causes the post/comment to be shown to everyone that follows them in the wider fediverse. They are looking to change this if I recall correctly, and there's a lot of communication between the devs of Lemmy and Kbin on how to approach both this issue, and unifying their API system so apps can work for both.

jeena avatar

Ah I was wondering why so many posts have no up/down votes and where those favourites are coming from. Thanks for the explanation!

madjo avatar

I feel indeed that those two should be switched. It makes more sense to have the 'favourites' be boosts instead of the upvotes. I wonder what the downvote is mapped to :)

0x1C3B00DA avatar


This also means that Kbin users have to be much more careful with what they "upvote" as that causes the post/comment to be shown to everyone that follows them in the wider fediverse.

I think kbin is changing its voting system to match lemmy's so this isn't relevant anymore, but kbin users don't have to be much more careful. Kbin users should use kbin the way that makes sense and fediverse developers should handle how protocol things are interpreted.

For years, there have been mandates for users to change their behavior to deal with weird interoperability issues between software (mostly in how mastodon handles things from other software). The way to solve these issues is for the various fediverse vendors to work on proper interoperability not force users through weird hoops.

@bruhsoulz @madjo


Fair. I don't pretend to be an expert on Kbin or anything, just what I read in a different thread.


I dropped kbin when I saw that they were using some Google infrastructure and scripts. I think it's a good opportunity to degoogle as well.

Wilshire, avatar

There's A LOT less spam posts and reused joke comments.


Like a breath of fresh air. People are just talking now instead of regurgitating the same old tired tropes for maximum upvote points.

hrimfaxi_work, avatar

So far so good! I think I'm on the early upswing part of the learning curve. I was just allowed into the instance I wanted to be a part of, and I'm hoping to carve some fuck around time out of work over the next couple of days to figure the bits out that feel somewhat awkward to me still.


Fantastic! Best software ever!


My experience has been great! I’m trying to open up and contribute more to help this place grow. I made accounts on and While initially it was hard trying to find people and communities to follow, I think I’ve got the hang of it and am finding new content every day! There were some good posts on Reddit that helped me find lists of Mastodon users and Lemmy communities. By the end of the month I’ll be telling all my friends to hop on and helping them with the migration.


It's going well! One thing I've really liked so far is the "tight-knit group" sort of feeling. Not really sure the best way to explain it, but it's like the difference between working at a place where there are only 9 other employees, versus working at a corporation. It feels like you truly have the chance to be a part of something awesome, rather than just being a drop in the bucket.


oh for sure, especially in like the way smaller instances in fediverse projects, theres instances of akkoma where it doesnt feel like a social media site (which an instances is technically is) but more like a groupchat/blog thing (in the style of internet way back in the day) where getting familiar with the others is easy as hell and almost natural, wholesome 101


I'll stay around and see how much it grows, still missing a bunch of communities that I like, but it seems to be getting busier every day.

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