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originalfrozenbanana, in Critically acclaimed Dragon's Dogma 2 hits "mostly negative" on Steam after players raze it for microtransactions

Admittedly, most of the “Mostly Negative” Steam reviews seem to be reacting to the fact they exist at all, without considering whether they’re actually critical to your progress in the game or not (for clarity, they are not).

I didn’t know we were only allowed to write reviews based on things critical to your progress. I didn’t know how many companions you have or what your character looks like weren’t critical. I bet if we searched even a little we’d find a RockPaperShotgun review of “non critical” game features.

What horseshit.


MTX have become normalized and it's fucking depressing to see. So many people defend their existence, truly a sad time for the industry.


I get what they mean. A lot of the MTX seems to be items that you genuinely would find very readily in the game. Paying simply gives you a type of “very easy” mode if you’re for some reason inclined.

It’s a…. Strange decision, as it makes the game look bad. But by all accounts it doesn’t really impact the gameplay of the game. It’s just like giving you the option buy Phoenix Downs in Final Fantasy with real money. You… can. You really don’t need to, 98% of players won’t.

It’s goofy more than anything. I guess I’d rather have it rather than day 1 expansion packs like Mass Effect had.


I love how certain consumers seems to have trained away their gag reflex.


It “stinks”, but I don’t really care if the game is good without interacting with the MTX at all. I just don’t


Your comment made me giggle. Thanks for the fun!

stevedidwhat_infosec, (edited )

Especially ones like Minotaur who just started commenting on Lemmy 3 days ago…

What timing.

Edit: don’t forget that sometimes people post in defederated instances and sometimes app developers for your lemmy app are so behind that shit isn’t even loading for you properly anymore


Not everything has to be a conspiracy, stupid people are created often.


Not stating anything as fact.

Just pointing out what facts were there and my obvious feelings about said fact.

But okay ig you can put me in that boat if you really want.


No you aren’t. You just made it up. I have comments going back months


This app I’m using doesn’t show all the posts or the instances you post in are defederated from my instance.

My bad. I’ll delete the og comment


I am not stupid because I have a differing opinion about video games than you do. Touch grass.


No I didn’t? I’ve had this account for months. I’m even a donor

Not only are you conspiratorial - you’re just wrong.


I again, never said anything about conspiracy, was just pointing out what I was able to see. Like I said in my other comment, I can only see shit you’ve been commenting up to a day ago. So either the app I’m using is busted as fuck, your instance is busted as fuck, or some other option - but I’ve only ever commented on what I was able to see.

Hopefully you understand where I’m coming from here.


I saw this same thing with games like Dead Space 3. They included a cash shop, very likely hard-pushed by some asinine executive. But, you could tell by playing the game, the majority of developers likely tested with that feature off. Was it a fun game? No, but resource starvation was not the reason for that.

Basically it feels like the hands trying to microtransact for singleplayer games are not the same as the ones designing those games to begin with. It still deserves negative attention, just nuance.


You are basically betting on the developers being bad at their jobs and not being able to do what they are clearly trying to do, which is making people but microtransactions.


“They” is far, far, far too encompassing a word. If you’ve worked in any organization such as this, especially these days, they involve so many different companies (yes, more than one studio works on a game now) with so many different teams all under a publishing studio whose head may never have even played any of this genre of game.

So, a developer in one studio is often just trying to make a good RPG in their debug build (and insists no/light fast travel for world-immersion reasons), and only hears over the grapevine “Wait…they took the complaints about no fast-travel and made it a DLC? That sounds terrible, gamers will hate that.” Multiple people across the credits can have varying intentions.


The thing is they made these features as part of the core gameplay then charged for them. It isn’t like you’re paying for a boost or game mode or special companion or something. You’re given the option to earn these features through playing a single player game or pay money and get them faster.

Literally carving out chunks of the base game and offering them up for money as if it is added value. The only value is saving time IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. If your single player game has elements that are so tedious or cumbersome that people will literally PAY MORE MONEY to get them on their terms you purposefully built a worse game than you could have.


I got AC:Odyssey during one of the sale cause I dig Greek mythology, had to get cheat engine and spare me the grind for upgrading gears and ship. Like sure you can just keep picking up randomly dropped Epic/Rare and replacement them when you leveling up(there are even player quest that put in specific spot to give you resource for those upgrades, just so other players can farm it) But I ain’t get any time for that, I just cheat engine in max out resource and upgrade my Legendary gears I found through out the game. And you know what? By the end of the game(and I didn’t find every Legendary, like maybe 60~70% of them) it would take me setting the resource to max twice to fully upgrade all my legendary + epic(with perks I like) gears. It would take probably months of my gaming time should I got it on console and can not use cheat engine.

No, upgrade gear is not required to finish the game. But after this experience I decides to never get another Ubisoft AC game nor any RPG on console or with always online feature(which means all transaction are done and authenticated to prevent cheating. ) I’ve done plenty open world, RPG, Monster Hunters without having to cheat. But the recent single player grinding + selling time saver booster pack make me whip out the cheat engine again. And I only cheat those stupid resource gating game that are designed to pad hours in to your play through.


Jupp. The thing with selling booster is that the company is saying “our game isn’t worth your time so here is a way to skip playing the game”.

Like wtf? I pay money for a game to pay money to skip the game?

I can’t fathom how people are willing to do that.

Like going to the movies, paying for a ticket, giving the cashier like 10bugs extra and the you go home without watching the movie.

If someone would tell you they do this you would think they are fucking crazy.


Yeah, they know they are doing though, they are aiming for those that work 9-5 have life and kids and some spare changes and milk them hard. Like this game would take 200 hours to complete fully with X hundreds of hours of post game content that was designed to make your grind, but you can also pay for this [xp booster, resource pack, legendary set, etc] to make sure you can enjoy the post game content if you don’t have the time to grind the game how it’s “meant to be played”.

In my AC:Odessey example, I think at one point the designer might be doing a heavy zelda influenced where you just pick up stuff enemies dropped and the blacksmiths are there for you to repair items broken as resource dump. (which make sense and very fitting of that era and how resource would work) But once that MTX department put their finger in now you have a derailed system. There is a spread sheet that list the hours required to upgrade a legendary piece to which level, and recommended level to get them(as their starting level is fixed and not like the enemy droppped item that matches your level), I saw the numbers and downloaded the cheat engine table the next hour.


Gamers throw a fit when content is locked behind a paywall because it is somehow unfair. Gamers are currently throwing a fit about content not being locked behind a paywall because that is also somehow unfair. Does that make sense to you?

It seems to me that this publisher heard the complaints about the way microtransactions were being implemented and decided to give people what they were asking for and now they’re getting crucified for it. Gamers got what they wanted. If that wasn’t what they really wanted they should have been asking for something else.


Your attitude towards it is why they exist in the game in the first place. There should be no micro-transactions.

The game is a $70 singleplayer experience. It should have no online requirement, no microtransactions.


I don’t own this game nor have I ever completed a microtransaction in a major title. My spending habits don’t support the concept in any form. You know what my point is and you’re trying to high-horse your way past it. If you want to take a stand refund the game and vote with your wallet. No one wants to hear complaints about the price of cosmetics and getting in game currency quicker. It’s the most first world problem imaginable.


So you agree that it is a problem.


I agree that the way they’ve been implemented in many other titles is annoying so I choose not to engage with them in that form. This implementation doesn’t impact anything so why would you be annoyed by it much less take the time to complain about it?


I dont buy these games, nor do I verbally defend such practices in them. I understand your point, but the real issue is them existing, not the form in which they exist in this case.

The whole "first world problem" is always hilarious when brought up. You can discuss or argue over anything you want, everyone experiences life differently. Just because there's people starving, that doesnt mean you cant talk about capitalist issues either. Its such a shitty dismissal everytime.


You’re free to call it what you wish. Complaining about voluntary purchases in a video game you also don’t need to buy is a vapid pursuit only engaged in by those with an excess of time and money and a lack of real world problems. If you want to waste your time debating the ethics of such a system existing then be my guest but don’t pretend you’re engaging in some lofty moral exercise. You’re just bored and looking for something to occupy your time so you chose to bitch about something inconsequential on the internet.


Yet here you are doing the same thing. Pot calling the kettle black.


Making up something dumb to complain about is not the same as telling you to shut up about said dumb thing but I know you don’t really believe that anyway. You’re just trying to get a smug jab in and that’s the best you can come up with.

warm, (edited )

You are complaining about people complaining, talking down on people to get a feeling of superiority. If you dont like a conversation just move on with your life. Or is it that you have nothing better to do, so you choose to bitch about something inconsequential on the internet?

Upvoting your own comments too :)

I wont engage any further with this, its just gonna go in circles. Have a good one.


I don’t have anything better to do. I happily acknowledge that. My life is going pretty great all things considered, but then I’m not the one pretending to be an oppressed victim fighting a corrupt system via complaints about stuff I don’t need to buy. That’s what you’re doing.

Also, Lemmy defaults to upvoting posts you make. That’s something you should probably know before you criticize people for not going out of their way to downvote themselves. It makes you look kind of dumb to say stuff like that since you could have figured that out for yourself if you thought about it for more than two seconds, which now that I think about it is a pretty good summary of the rest of the things that you’ve said in this conversation.


Uh fast travel and character appearance change? This isn’t some extra health potions. They’ve carved off part of the UI.


Selling character changes when you can’t start a new game without deleting all game data and cache.


You can do both of those easily for in game money.


Why? Is there some kind of real cost to changing appearance or fast travel that it needs to be limited? Or is that there solely so they can sell MTX?

I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 3 right now and you can do both at any time for free. It’s literally a standard UI thing across games with large maps and character creators.


Hey, why even have to buy dyes? The game should give them all to you for free. And supplies can be gathered, you should just get infinite supply packs too


You uhhh… You buy dyes and supplies?

Pay no attention to Asterion in the corner.


From what I heard it costs $2 to change your characters appearance. I watched moist criticals video on it kept crashing.


You can get the items for free by finding them or pay barbers in the villages for it instead. Similar to the first game, the first one was just niche so didn’t have a huge crowd throwing fits instead of reading or even playing the game


It doesn’t. You can do it in game for free very easily. You really should not get all your opinions from YouTubers


“how many companions you have”

??? Renting companions of your level has always been free, they only cost rift crystals if they are higher than you. Killing strong monsters and getting your pawn rented give plenty resources.

The character creation tome is easy to get, idk what to tell you.

If you want to throw horseshit to a wall, not this one please. If you had played the game you wouldn’t have even mentioned half of what you did.


Even if you don’t play mobile games, this is a good read:


You’re not supposed to actually know anything about the game here. This is purely a thread for circlejrrking based off of what YouTubers said


Full price games with microtransactions are negative, end of story. Everybody saying otherwise grew up after they where implemented in every other game so they don’t know better.

They got trained, like animals, to swallow that shit.


I grew up after them. I think they’re fine in certain circumstances. If the game is supposed to have free content updates for weeks and months and whatever else after launch then yeah sure, why not


“They only cost rift crystals if they’re a higher level than you”

Ah yes this is additional value and content that you should pay money for, right? It’s not core gameplay to recruit companions regardless of their level like in almost every fucking game I’ve ever played right?

Imagine licking boot so hard that you actually believe this


Rift crystals are an in game currency, you don’t need to pay money for it! I’ve been recruiting companions 1-4 lvls above me all the time, I’m lvls 30 now, with the in game currency. The higher the pawn is you get less exp so it’s not something that you should do anyway.

Imagine thinking that renting a LVL 200 companion is core gameplay. Geez…

This game is an improvement over the first one in almost all sides, with great content. It’s stupid reading all this takes from people that clearly have not played it, let alone the original.

And before you mention the eternal ferrystone from the original, that came with the expansion, not the release.


It’s ok that I can buy in game currency for my singer player game! It’s fine! It’s good actually! Recruiting high level companions, a THING THEY BUILT INTO THE BASE GAME DELIBERATELY THEN LET YOU PAY EXTRA FOR, using in game currency I can buy isn’t pay2win. Recruiting companions isn’t even core gameplay if they’re strong enough, bro.

It’s ok that Capcom sent reviewers a game without micro transactions that were in retail! That’s fine, it’s fine! The microtransactions were paying for now were expansions before so it’s uh…it’s better, yeah. I actually prefer my $70 USD single player games to have gameplay benefitting microtransactions.

You sound like you’ve swallowed the boot my guy. You’re so far gone you can’t see the way back. Glad you’re enjoying the game, though. Sounds like it was worth it to you.


I’m gonna ignore all that stuff you extrapolated from my strawman.

Anyway, of course I’m enjoying it! I loved the original and this is the same and more. This is a great game with BS corporate microtransactions sprinkled in. I agree that the MTXs are BS, but saying that the game was designed around baiting the player into using them outs you as someone that wouldn’t enjoy the first one nor the intended gameplay, so it’s kinda pointless dosucssing further.

Have fun lying to yourself about the intended mechanics I guess.


Rift crystals are earned by playing just like the first game. Their only purpose is to hire higher level pawns, but you earn them when people pay for your pawn or you complete their quests. It’s part of the interplay of players exchange pawns.

Recent Capcom games have all done this where it’s a great game and right on release they stuff a bunch of micro transactions in for in-game currency but you would have to be an absolute chud to buy any of it because it’s so trivial to earn.

DMCV did the same thing with trying to sell red orbs, the primary upgrade currency, but if you didn’t see people complain about it online, you wouldn’t even notice it in game.

They are ticking a checkbox for the suits.


They are ticking a checkbox for the suits.

Yeah that’s like the whole problem, not a triviality. I’m sure DD2 is fun. Ive watched a lot of it streamed. Seems cool. I’m not gonna buy it because they did this shit, same reason I didn’t buy DMCV and haven’t bought a Capcom game in years. Stop rewarding scummy companies.


Oh, shit, people are calling Dragon’s Dogma 2 “DD2”? This will get very confusing with Darkest Dungeon 2 having released last year.


Eh, people will just forget about it and go back to playing AC within a month, anyway.

Kyatto, avatar

Assetto Corsa?

Kyatto, avatar

“Of course they don’t stop progress… you’ll just be stuck grinding for way way longer with our patented unfun^tm^ systems unless you pay, peasant valued consumer”

doom_and_gloom, (edited ) avatar


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  • originalfrozenbanana,

    I love how in your example “perfect” is not having moneygrubbing microtransactions and the “good” compromise we’re supposed to accept is the microtransactions the chose to put in for no purpose other than money

    doom_and_gloom, (edited ) avatar


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  • originalfrozenbanana,

    Oh no I ate the onion

    FiremanEdsRevenge, (edited ) in You can't take it with you, but you can't leave it for someone else either: Valve says you aren't allowed to bequeath a Steam account in a will

    You can inherit their debt, but you can’t inherit their video games. What a time to be alive.


    You can’t inherit debt in the US.

    Xtallll, avatar

    At least in America, you can’t inherit debt.


    As of yet.


    You don’t inherit debt but they’re paid on the estate before inheritance.

    So you can’t get just debt as inheritance, but debt are only lost for the creditor if the person who died had a negative net worth.


    If there’s any debt collectors who think my parents owe them more than they owe me, I have news for them.


    Exactly. You don’t inherit debt, because you can’t inherit stuff the person was only borrowing.


    There goes my plan of maxing out credit cards on stuff to bequeath.


    My dad did this. Was almost 70k in unsecured debt at the time of his death. I gave most everything away except his fishing stuff. He had so much shit.

    Only one credit card company said “it’s good you are taking over the payments”. Told her I never agreed to that, just informing you of his death, and if they contact me again my Saul level lawyer is going to enjoy that lawsuit. Never heard from them.

    Don’t ever assume the debt of someone else.


    Aw damn, I’m glad you knew better, that’s downright predatory and should be illegal. You know there are people out there now paying their parents’ credit card bills, thinking that that’s just how things are. I hope that when those people find out, they are entitled to getting every penny back with interest.


    Buy physical gold & hide it (and well, not just in the house).

    What are they going to do? Sue your descendants for something they can’t prove?


    If they can prove you got a bunch of gold with a loan and then your descendants suddenly have a bunch of gold, but they can’t prove it’s the same gold, is that enough to make the descendants pay back the loan?

    What if you did it with Monero to make it impossible to prove it’s the same money?


    If you’re gonna do that, give the shit away before you die.


    And check your local inheritance laws. Some places will take pre-death gifts into account depending on how long the time between gift and death is. The UK, as an example, looks at gifts made up to 7 years before a person’s death. It’s messed up.


    In France there is a limit, about 30k every 15 years. It’s not messed up, it’s necessary if we want inheritance taxes to have any weight.

    notgold, avatar

    System is broken that’s for sure

    Kata1yst avatar

    Most debt actually can't be inherited, instead debt collectors get first dibs on inheritance assets until they're made whole or the estate runs out of assets, whichever comes first.

    That doesn't mean that debt collectors won't try to convince family members to pay. Just tell them where they can shove it.

    sky, in Valve Says Counter-Strike 2 for macOS Not Happening Because There Aren't Enough Players on Mac to Justify It

    Apple: only implements a proprietary graphics API

    Also Apple: Why does no one make games for my platform??


    Is this true? Could I not do OpenGL on a Mac?


    OpenGL is a fossil at this point.


    Is it not still maintained and the simplest graphics API available of the big three?

    I learned that OpenGL is no longer maintained on Mac. I understand it’s on a might work but no guarantee status and no help if it breaks.


    The game still needs to support it, and very few things support OpenGL afaik.

    TonyTonyChopper, avatar

    CS 2 isn’t on open gl


    They ship an outdated and unreliable implementation 😅 There are things that use it, but my understanding is you couldn’t use it in the same way you can on other platforms.

    mingistech, avatar

    Luckily it plays on Apple Silicon Macs beautifully through CrossOver. In the MacGaming sub users are getting 100+fps.


    It does, but Valve doesn’t spend money in taking any responsibility over it. Also I presume anticheat might not work properly.

    In any scenario, the translation layer has a performance impact which for any competitive player is something that makes Apple a no-go.

    Aatube avatar

    Actually, they kinda do take responsibility for mac gaming. They helped develop which basically runs Vulkan on Metal. The Linux version uses Vulkan, so in theory it shouldn't be too hard to port, they just didn't.


    Because, again, they don’t want bad press when the translation layer doesn’t play ball with anticheat, or some other tech.

    Aatube avatar

    it's literally just graphics, does nothing with anticheat, look at reshade, unless you use library-modifying addons it won't be picked up by anticheat


    Lol. It most definitely is not.

    Aatube, (edited )
    Aatube avatar

    Elaborate? Are you confusing MoltenVK with wine?

    mingistech, avatar

    That’s funny because my son compared CS2 on my MacBook Pro vs his RTX 3060 PC build we put together last winter and he said how much more responsive the game felt on the Mac.


    That it works is one thing. That it always works as expected is another. Apple doesn’t want to take responsibility for that, and neither does Valve, when there’s not enough paying customers on that platform. It is what it is. Now the Proton layer is one thing, because Valve is selling Steam Decks. They will want that to become a big thing. They’ll go back to selling Steam Boxes (the living room console thing).

    If Apple wants to ride that wave, they could.

    mingistech, avatar

    Yes, CodeWeavers takes responsibility, Crossover is their product. Same company that originally created Proton for Valve. Solid product.


    Wrong. Just fucking wrong. Graphics was solved ages ago. Anticheat for mp has not.

    Aatube avatar

    CS:GO had anticheat and was on Mac for ages. Granted they updated it to Live, but the underlying principles of design are still the same.

    mingistech, avatar

    No you’re wrong. MP works just fine in CS2.

    No need to have a meltdown because Mac users are enjoying the game too. lol.

    Aatube avatar

    Wine was not created by CodeWeavers

    mingistech, avatar

    We were discussing who supports the product. But interestingly CodeWeavers is responsible for over two-thirds of all commits to Wine, and the company also employs Wine’s primary maintainer, Alexandre Julliard, as its CTO.

    DefinitelyNotAPhone, avatar

    Steve Jobs quite openly hated the idea of anyone gaming on a Mac because he felt like it made their products seem more childish or something. It seems like either nobody at Apple has managed to dig that particular brainworm out yet or have just decided that printing iPhone money makes all other concerns irrelevant.


    This is absolutely not true, certainly not at the time of Bungie and how Microsoft made Halo Xbox-exclusive:…/jobs-turned-down-bungie-at-firs…

    troyunrau, in Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series avatar

    I bet this is a falling out with Hasbro execs on royalties. BG3 royalties were a cash cow this year for Hasbro, pushing Wizards (as a division) to be quite profitable, while almost all other divisions in their company lost money.

    So now the agreement is over, and Larian is like: we will own the IP on our next project instead of paying $90M to Hasbro… And fair enough – they’ve shown they can kick ass. Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer. So they’ll kick tires on selling BG4 to another studio.

    BG3 will go down in history as the legendary game before enshittification. Larian will make a few great games that don’t sell as well – before selling out to a whale that dumps money on the owner’s front lawn (see also BioWare). The devs who made BG3 will found indie studios and make cool shit for a decade or two. So the wheel turns.

    0x1C3B00DA avatar

    Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer

    This is probably true, but how can executives be so stupid? Every review I read praised Larian specifically and how the made a huge game with no microtransactions and tons of little loving touches. You have to be willfully ignorant to think it was the IP and not the developer and their work that people were responding to.


    I think it’s probably more a situation where they are not a good fit for each other anymore. The D&D license has value and Hasbro rightly wants to capitalize on that. Larian is a hot commodity right now and they don’t need to borrow the credibility that comes with a big license like D&D. There’s also a timing issue. BG4 is unnecessary when BG3 will continue to sell for years to come. Larian will put out at least a couple more games before BG4 makes sense.

    Larian is in a position where they can make whatever game they want and it will sell like hotcakes. Why the hell would they want to pay enormous royalties again when they can bring the writing in house? Sure, Hasbro could reduce their fee, but they can’t reduce it to the point where it’s worthwhile for both them and Larian.

    If I’m running Larian, there’s no way I’m making another D&D game. The lore is great, but the rule set sucks. There are better systems in the tabletop space and there’s no reason to even be limited to that after you’ve already made the decision to not make D&D. Wizards isn’t exactly a paragon of reliability and stability either so there’s risk there. Not to mention, it was Larian who helped pull Hasbro’s asses out of the fire. They were facing massive backlash from their core customers until a kick ass movie and BG3 made everyone forget about it.

    In short, Larian is riding high and Hasbro is not. There’s a lot more money for Larian doing something else and probably good money for Hasbro licensing to another developer.

    Ferk, avatar

    I think it’s more that executives think the average consumer is stupid and cares too much about IP branding. And I feel they are not completelly wrong. Though I think the OGL fiasco showed the D&D fanbase might be smarter than that …hopefully.

    AngryCommieKender, (edited )

    You have to be willfully ignorant

    At this point I’m convinced that MBA classes are really just training willful ignorance, in favor of “line go up” strategies.


    That is all they teach.

    Jack Welch is seen as MBA-Jesus and they all strive for similar stockholder returns as to what happened under him with GE. If you want a good read, GE under Welch is the OG enshitification story. He took a juggernaut of a company and completely destroyed it for short term shareholder gain.

    Now it’s just a shell of its former self, but those guys at the top sure made alot of money.

    AngryCommieKender, (edited )

    Screw Hitler. If I invent a time machine, Jack Welch will get a tommy gun to the back of the head before he can lay off one worker, or gut a single workers protection.

    Edit: autocorrect got me

    Ferk, avatar

    The thing is that being “willfully ignorant” has served them well, so it makes it the smart move when the goal is “line go up”.

    Give me money and call me stupid, why would I care what a few “smart” people think when millions of “stupid” people give me all I want?


    Don’t think most people read the last part. Pretty good take until then


    Agreed, it was pretty good until then. But the last paragraph is what made it a great take.


    Laughs in Divinity Original Sin 2


    It’s like poetry; it rhymes.

    MeDuViNoX, avatar

    Such is life, but I am saddened by this news.


    Can’t wait for the EA live service BG4


    I hope paizo will jump in and Larian will make a pathfinder game next (it’s the better system anyway)


    This would be very feels good the whole way round.

    Nacktmull, avatar

    Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money

    Laughs in Divinity: Original Sin 2


    Larian already made DoS2 (which is better imo then bg3). In any case I look forward to the next Larian project.


    This. If you like the mechanics of bg3, go play Divinity Original Sin 2. It has a lot of the same enhancements that Larian added to dnd for BG3. Including more comprehensive elemental fields and height mechanics.

    And it has a great modding community.

    The sad part about Larian and BG3 is I was hoping for a definitive edition that gave Karlach her good ending.

    Amir, avatar

    Going with her to the nine hells is her “good” ending.

    Letting her explode is her bad ending.


    Nah, that's her kinda bad ending. They cut the good good ending.
    There is another ending for her involving the upper city(cut at the last minute due to performance issues) and I suspect the purified metal you get at the factory that involves her staying.

    swab148, avatar

    They did say something about releasing more endings (and also mod support) so here’s hoping! 🤞


    I don't think we're going to get the dos2 level of tools, simply because it would become a competitor to wotc's fabulous virtual tabletop microtransaction simulator.

    It's nice to hope though, with you on that.


    I turned her into a mind flayer. She seemed fairly happy.


    DOS2’s fatal flaw for me is that you really can’t have an optimal mixed-damage party because you have spell shield and armor, which each block one of two kinds of damage. If you go all physical, you can just blast through armor and then kill people that way. All magical and you can do the same thing for people with shield. Mixed damage parties just kinda suck by comparison because you’re effectively splitting your damage output.


    If possible, play with mods, there are a few good ones that modify how the armor/magic armor system works in different ways.


    It’s true, you should go either full magic, or full physical within a specific character, however a 2magic/2physical party is great as well since almost all the combat encounters will have a mix of heavy physical armor guys and heavy magic armor guys.

    But really once you learn how the action economy works, as long as you don’t gimp your characters by putting dex on a mage or whatever, you can blow up most encounters regardless of the magic/physical make up of the party.

    And of course you can also go lone-wolf archer and single handedly win all encounters on your own ;)


    Same. It bugs me that people think larian only existed when making BG3. When DoS2 released on steam that game hit overwhelmingly positive in no time and I bought it day one with no idea what it was because the reviews were so good. Larian will be fine because they stick to what they’re great at and they’ve been around a long time.


    I feel like this was part of their plan though. Get the limelight with dnd and show the kind of games that they make to people that wouldn’t have known beforehand. Now their next fully owned game is going to make them absolute bank in both money and good faith I think.


    I really hope they’re going sci-fi. I can only replay the Mass Effect trilogy so many times.

    troyunrau, avatar

    Keep going, I’m almost there


    Can I hug my big muscly girlfriend in that one though?


    You can hug a very thin, very tall, cannibalistic girlfriend though.


    Sounds close enough

    Nacktmull, avatar

    Sebille ftw!


    If that’s what makes reagular game a great game, there are not many great games…


    Such is life. Grim and unfair


    Basically Blizzard’s story.


    How can we take our beloved cash cows and completely destroy them…


    And when both get too close, that's when you release yellow


    Green is clearly the next colour release, to complete the RGB cycle


    But only in Japan.

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    All hail the glow! The glow protects, the glow keeps us safe in its warn red,green and blue bosom.


    And then yellow with bonus pikachu.


    No, next one is obviously the transparent alpha version to complete “RGBA”.


    Their competitors should release in CYMK

    Rikj000, (edited ) in Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game avatar

    My “nExT gEn” update experience:

    1. Get baited to re-play Fallout 4 through the new TV show + Next Gen update
    2. Be disappointed since the graphics aged like milk + Official HD texture DLC sucks
    3. Be disappointed since the update broke nearly all mod support
    4. Roll back to the release before the Next Gen update + Uninstall the Official HD texture DLC
    5. Install 205 mods, and happily play with nearly everything in 4K

    FYI, most mods I installed are from:

    1. Be disappointed since the graphics aged like milk

    That’s kinda spoiled, lol


    People have complained about FO4’s graphics since release. I always thought it was a good looking game. Coming back after the next-gen update I still think it looks good.


    IMO the graphics look great, it’s just that it’s so clearly built on the creation engine. Like, the models and textures and lighting are great, but the animation is just so…creation engine


    It always looked like nearly next generation. Better than New Vegas, but when stacked up against the other releases that year like Witcher 3 and Bloodborne it just felt a but underwhelming.


    I was very let down with them on release. The animations are worse though.


    Brother the company is owned by Microsoft now. You can complain about their product in any way you want. Its sold under Microsoft, you can complain. Again, Microsoft

    5714, (edited )

    I’m not your brother.

    so much about…


    I’m not your buddy, guy


    Y u do dis?

    Sturgist, avatar

    Because lol

    davel, avatar

    It’s an old South Park meme


    How did you roll back to before the game was updated?


    No offense but this is totally 🤡 meme. You just walked deeper and deeper into bullshit and convinced yourself to keep stepping the whole way


    Yeah, but you’ll get a few hours in and uninstall because you stop playing.

    Rikj000, avatar

    Currently at 30ish hours and still enjoying it.

    Reminded me that Bethesda does release some great / huge games.

    Albeit quite bugged at release,
    but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community.

    The Next Gen update is a stupid cash-grab though, and imo should have never happened…

    An official modpack would have been much better.


    Albeit quite bugged at release, but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community

    Except that all of their patches broke all the mods.

    FO4 also was a mediocre fallout game but a decent FPS and base builder

    warm, (edited )

    The world is great to explore. Lots of hidden goofs to uncover, but yeah, you play New Vegas for story.


    I also play FO1 and 2 for the story.

    AClassyGentleman, (edited ) in Nintendo DMCAs Palworld Mod That Makes Everything Pokémon

    One extra thing a lot of articles haven’t pointed out is that the mod was locked behind a patreon paywall. Sticking mods behind paywalls has been a hot subject (to put it gently) in the community for a while now. Not to rush to the defense of the most profitable franchise in the world, but yeah that’s absolutely gonna get you shut down.


    Paywalled mods are debatable themselves. Throwing one of the most protected IPs that’s ever existed in the mix?

    Lmao, yeah. Of course this would happen.

    I’m surprised it hasn’t happened to Palworld directly.


    My guess is Palworld has done their homework on how to be “legally distinct” enough. It’s quite a different gameplay loop, after all and Nintendo can’t copyright “cute little animals that do the manual labour for the humies” otherwise things like Digimon already wouldn’t exist.


    This kinda flies in the face of what I heard the Palworld devs are: a rag-tag handful of nobodies on a budget of $0 making a Steam game in their free time.

    I heard they didn’t even use a version control system because they didn’t know how to use one, they just put a copy of the code repo on a flash drive once a day, and when they ran out of drives, they went to the store to buy more.

    If even a slightly less embellished version of half of what I’ve heard is true, I wager none of these people got anywhere near a lawyer before putting this game out.

    Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    Life has taught me a zillion times over to never buy into the story of the scrappy underdog. 9/10 it’s completely fabricated where it turned out actually no they were a multiberyllionaire oil baron who had everything they needed to succeed 30 times over. Even that other 1/10 times it’s still a massive stretch of the truth where the person in question was more than prepared for what was ahead of them. People naturally embellish their opposition and downplay their capacities; and underdog narratives crank that natural tendency up to 11.

    DebatableRaccoon, (edited )

    You don’t necessarily need a lawyer on-hand to figure out “legally distinct”. Everything that Nintendo has taken down before has blatantly used the name and existing characters in both name and likeness. Even if the core idea when they started the game was “pokemon but with guns” - which I doubt - it’s still a good start in the vein of “inspired by” instead of “ripping off” and I bet Nintendo knows this otherwise Palworld would have been hit just as quickly as the mod was considering this is a company who made themselves infamous for going after youtubers making let’s plays of a basic racing game. They’re famously litigious so they’re going to be watching Pocketpair and Palworld like vultures after their next meal but either Pocketpair are more careful than they’d like the public to believe or their idea is different enough from the get-go that Nintendo will never get anything on them.

    Otome-chan, in Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'
    Otome-chan avatar

    "1000+ planets are dull on purpose"

    No, they're dull because no human team could make 1000 planets worth of interesting content in a single game development cycle.


    Chris Roberts : Hold my beer, for another 50 years.


    Yeah, it’s already stale and expired by now


    You know someone is gonna make a mod that generates random and unique bases from hab complex assets.

    And thats exactly why Bethesda doesnt put the effort in. cause they make the game, then the modders make it good for free… Or it used to be that, now they want to charge for mods and take a cut of the profits for shit they didnt make.

    Otome-chan avatar

    At a scale of 1k planets you're going to have to rely on reused assets and procedural generation. At which point people not into procedural generation say that it's "repetitive". Especially if you only gen once for everyone and not each run lol.

    AI generation of assets and code will theoretically eventually resolve this, but that's quite a ways off. They're not even usable for such with human assistance yet. And if you have ai generating the content, it's not really a human team making that stuff lol.


    I knew one of the planet designers. His favourite part was coastlines.

    He was particularly fond of some fjords he made on the coast of Norway, I think he won an award for them.






    They could at least make the random PoI’s interesting if there was some…randomness to them.

    Like, I walk into a PoI, I already know where the chests are, the locked doors, are, where the stupid fucking corpse in the shower is, etc etc. cause I’ve ran through this PoI 20 times.

    I dont know why at least the locations of chests and locked doors cant be randomized. Make things at least marginally interesting, instead of cookie cuttered to extreme.

    Otome-chan avatar

    You can, but randomizing chests+locked doors is kinda complicated, and the more "interesting" your generations the harder it is to code and the more dev time it takes. And for a AAA game release you can't really do that.

    Key+Lock randomization is something that has been solved, and has been used most notably in procedurally generated zeldalikes. But that's still niche indie territory, and not used for major game releases.


    Couldn’t they just have copied the locations a few times and changed up the doors and chests by hand? Seems like an easy fix.

    Otome-chan avatar

    yes. I haven't played the game so idk the details of what's up. but at 1k+ planet-sized spaces it's hard to have a team go over that by hand. Planets are large. But I have no doubt that bethesda team was probably super lazy as well.


    Hasn’t this game been in development for like 5 years? And they built it on an existing engine that they have tons of experience with. You could have said “they were limited on how much they could randomize POIs because of the old engine” and I would have believed you because that sounds way more plausible than “it’s hard to code, so AAA games can’t do it”. Like what?

    Otome-chan avatar

    The issue with procedural generation is the game has to be built for it from the ground up and in a modular way. AAAs try to make themselves appealing by using novel new high quality assets that aren't modular.

    I haven't played starfield so idk what they ended up doing, but from the sound of it they have pre-made assets/areas that they then place onto pre-generated worlds in a randomized way.

    To make one of these "areas" procedural in itself, they'd then have to code a whole system for that. With AAA/3D the hard part is making modular environments without it looking repetitive or ugly.

    My point isn't so much that it can't be done in a AAA game. But rather that it's risky to do (not all players like it), and you have to structure your development around it. Lots can go wrong, there's stuff you gotta sacrifice to make it work, etc.

    If starfield is on the old bethesda engine then that's even more of a reason. You can't just plug and play an entire procedural generation thing in there without some fairly large overhauls or just gluing on an unrelated system.

    In practice, bethesda probably took the lazy route: using their existing engine without major changes, then just making new assets for it, throwing stuff about a bit randomly, and calling it a day.

    That's the thing about procedural generation is: it's a lot of effort and sucks up a huge part of the game's development and comes at some pretty strict costs (repetitive looking environments/gameplay, reduced novelty, larger programming dev time to make it work). It can be done, but for a cost-cutting AAA studio they're not gonna bother.


    They already have once though. Many of Morrowind’s dungeons were procedurally generated in development then edited a bit after, that was the same engine. Same with Daggerfall altho that was a diff engine.

    Very different game but Amnesia: the Bunker has plenty of procedural generation as well.

    It’s not at all impossible for one of the largest game development studios to have some procedurally generated, essentially dungeon content. Doing a bit more than the exact same place copied and pasted would be a huge undertaking yes, but if they wanted to they could have. There are plenty of 3D rogue-likes out now as well. Returnal is AAA and haa procedurally generated levels, far more complicated than neccesary for Bethesda to do in order to populate planets in their game about planet exploration.

    Otome-chan avatar

    I didn't say it's impossible. Just that it's harder, takes deliberate effort, etc. For AAA games they don't bother with that kind of thing because it's larger expense and larger risk.


    Just to wheel things back onto the road.

    I was never asking for fully procedurally generated dungeons.

    I just said randomize chest locations and door locks. It cant be that hard for a company that has been using the same game engine for almost 22 years to implement a node system to roll a spawn chance for a chest, or a door to be locked or not (with a higher chance of node spawns behind locked doors).

    Hell, they could have even gone the lazy way and just copy and pasted the PoI a few times and manually changed the cosmetics/appearances.

    With space and prefab buildings, they have the ultimate excuse for why every dungeon is identical (at least until you get into the underground caves…), but not every one of them should have the same dead body inthe same location in the same shower, the same succulent on the same shelf. move the body to a different location! Have a chance for a cluster of books to spawn instead of the succulent! Its a prefabricated hab structure, but that doesnt mean they come with such strict instructions as “Only succulent A on this shelf”


    While I agree, I’ve been saying that about NMS for years. Not that we want to be comparing Starfield to NMS, of course.

    makingStuffForFun, in An AI company has been generating porn with gamers' idle GPU time in exchange for Fortnite skins and Roblox gift cards avatar

    Imagine reading that headline 20 years ago.


    God that would sound so dystopian and futuristic…but to be honest, most articles about AI today would sound like that back then. Damn people would freak out about privacy.


    pretty sure they didn’t.


    BOINC came out 21 years ago, so it wouldn’t be that unreasonable.

    NaibofTabr, in I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

    For everyone saying OP should let their kid play Roblox and just ban spending money… just no.

    Roblox exploits child labor for profit and they have terrible scummy business practices. If you have even marginal ethical qualms about child labor and/or capitalistic exploitation of vulnerable people, you should be keeping yourself and your family away from Roblox. In your mind they should be in the same category as multilevel marketing, crypto scams and door-to-door religion peddlers.


    Roblox really is the lowest of the low.


    I actually think it’s fair to call them child predators. They’re exploiting kids for money instead of sexual gratification, but it’s the same power dynamic. Child exploitation is their business model.


    A lot of sexual child exploitation goes down there too, so you don’t even need a roundabout definition of child abuse.

    nilloc, (edited )

    My son just turned 6 and I was thinking of looking at the game (he really likes actual Lego, and his buddies are into Minecraft and Roblox), but another parent at a bday party a few weeks back asked if we played, and then warned my that I needed to keep a close eye on it, because the suggested games algo was pushing really sketch things to his daughter.

    So I started looking and decided the shopping aspect was something I didn’t want to expose him to yet. But these revelations are making me glad we haven’t yet used it and never will.


    Do you have written sources for these? I’d like to educate myself but I can’t stand YouTube videos.


    This guy’s argument would literally be that Mario maker is encouraging child labor because it doesn’t pay kids who make levels in it.

    GalaxyBrain, avatar

    Considering the newest Mario game got a shitload of ideas from Mario maker levels, anyone who was good at mario making enough to be creative with the formula had their labor stolen as RnD for Wonder

    ZeroHora, avatar

    Roblox sells the idea that you can actually make money with it, it has its own economy with job hunting and salaries. Mario Maker is just a community game.

    ICastFist, avatar

    That’s an entirely different thing, because Mario Maker doesn’t lure anyone with the bait of financial gain.


    That’s horrible. These 10 year olds are learning programming and game design skills for nothing. Good thing THAT was nipped in the bud.


    This is addressed directly in the linked videos. Development for Roblox doesn’t translate outside of Roblox.

    ICastFist, avatar

    Nearly everyone knows a bunch of skills “for nothing” or, worse, for fun! Gasp! Shocking, isn’t it?

    Also, did you know that modding is a thing at least since the 90s? You know, people that made modifications to games without expecting any financial return or job opportunities? People must be crazy if they’re putting so much effort just to have fun and share it, amirite?


    I couldn’t stop myself from being sarcastic there, sorry. The utter cynicism struck me so hard I didn’t know where to begin explaining how wrongheaded I think people are being about that. I would for sure prefer Roblox not encourage mtx so much but sheesh man. I don’t think Timmy is trying to make the next Genshin Impact.

    AOCapitulator, avatar

    it would be if the word literally meant figuratively or mario maker psychologically tortured children into spending cash for the privilege


    Intent makes a big difference. The value of Roblox as a platform and as a business is based on the work done by children to develop for it, and it was set up that way on purpose. They created an incentive model to encourage it.

    Nintendo’s value as a company is not based on kids creating Mario Maker levels, nor does Nintendo push kids to do so with the promise of earning money.


    This guy’s video could just as well be about foss development. Nearly every point has a direct parallel.


    Nobody dangles a carrot of earning money in front of potential FOSS developers. Nobody goes into FOSS thinking they’re going to get a big payout.

    FOSS is not pay-to-play. There’s no equivalent to Robux for FOSS developers.

    FOSS developers are consenting adults who volunteer their time for freely distributed software projects, not kids creating content for a video game company that charges them for access and then makes a profit from their work.

    Computerchairgeneral, in Critically acclaimed Dragon's Dogma 2 hits "mostly negative" on Steam after players raze it for microtransactions

    The microtransactions are bad enough, but the fact that none of these were present in the build given to reviewers just makes it worse. I mean people would still be complaining about them, but I don't think the backlash would be as bad if Capcom had made it clear from the start that the game was going to be riddled with microtransactions.

    MrScottyTay, (edited )

    Capcom have been doing this for a while now. It’s very sad. (Edit: weird autocorrects)


    Wouldn’t that mean the reviewers were starved for fast travel, and would have thus complained about it? That seems to be the narrative a lot of people are suggesting - that the DLC makes the game playable.

    Unless I’m misunderstanding and reviewers got infinite fast travel.


    From what I understand, fast travel isn't locked behind microtransactions, despite some claims I've seen. You can buy an item that you can place that lets you teleport back to that point, kind of like fast traveling to a map marker. These items are available in game along with fixed fast travel points between major cities. So the reviewers would have had access to fast travel they just wouldn't have been able to use real money buy them whenever they needed them.


    Not only isn’t it locked behind DLC, it’s incredibly cheap, and unlike a lot of titles will take you to places you haven’t even been yet. I’m talking about the ox carts, of course. Not only that, ferrystones are available for only 10k (money is relatively easy to come by). What exactly does the store have in it that is required, or even kinda necessary for convenience?


    Feels a bit like if they had DLC for ammo in a Resident Evil game. The design of those games is very clearly intended to be around partial ammo starvation, to get you to aim better, choose varying weapons, and sometimes run away. But, I can imagine a small team of publishers deciding “People want ammo? Let’s let them buy it!” It’d be very easy for players to presume the base game has been made worse as a whole, and that opinion will become hard to quantify - unless very nuanced reviewers can just pretend the DLC doesn’t exist.

    0110010001100010, avatar

    I haven’t followed the whole thing as I didn’t have any desire to play the game, but assuming that’s true that’s a seriously shitty move and had to be intentional. Is there not some kind of bait and switch laws that would apply here?


    Any reviews released in the first week of a game should be taken with a grain of salt and any reviews released on or before launch day should be completely discarded.

    With all the 'day one' patches games have, reviewers should be playing the game from launch, on the same version as everyone else. If they have any integrity.


    If they have any integrity


    Sorry, not laughing at you, the idea of game journalism having any integrity. That said, it’s likely an issue with editors pandering to their CEO or other boss, but still.

    flumph, avatar

    Appreciate you giving credit where credit is due. It is 100% corporate greed.

    Kotaku’s editor-in-chief has resigned


    Yup, I wait for user reviews cause the "journalists" all have some bias or sellout.

    conno02, in RPG Maker on the Unity debacle avatar

    its worth noting that this is the twitter account for the RPGMaker forums-- not the official RPGMaker iirc


    And the latest version is Unity based. Also, I'd say the only thing that prevents Enterbrain to do a similar move, is simply that they don't even have nearly the same significance & reach as Unity. RPG Maker always was a niche product, even if it a popular one at that. But you don't really see big commercial game releases that are based on it like you do with Unity.

    We'll have to see how this Unity thing plays out, but if this isn't going to be the engine's downfall, then it will become a new norm for others to follow.

    atocci avatar

    Wasn't Undertale built in RPG Maker?


    No, GameMaker Studio. That engine had it’s own controversy over moving to a subscription model, but nothing as egregious as Unity.


    That’s a shame. I remember messing around with GameMaker back in the day. It was a great way for a total beginner to make something playable.

    itsgroundhogdayagain, in Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

    Half Life 3 is super late

    netwren, (edited )

    Half Life Alyx was sick and demonstrated everything VR could be. I will standby that statement and tolerate the flamers.


    Hard agree. That game is what I hope the future of games is like. Meeting Jeff is one of my favorite moments in gaming.


    I started my second playthrough before even completing my first (due to PC upgrades) and I’m still having a great time.

    Fisch, avatar

    I actually have that in my library because I bought the Index but haven’t played it yet because I wanted to play the first 2 games first. I didn’t play the first game for very long tho because I got stuck at some point early into the game and haven’t felt like continuing yet. You can also really feel the age of that game, controls and that kinda stuff. Not sure if I should just punch through that game or just say fuck it and play Alyx.


    Well you’re in luck because there are VR mods available free for the older Half Life games. Just get the Orange Box or something with all the half life backlog and VR mod them for free.

    Epsilion, avatar

    If by “first game” you mean HL1, you could try playing “Black Mesa” which is a fan remake of the game, in the same engine that powers HL2. It’s not a 1:1 recreation, but it’s close enough (and I feel it improves on some things).

    HL2 is also 3 seperate games (HL2, HL2 Episode 1, HL2 Episode 2), so make sure you have all of those in your library.

    At the very least, I’d suggest playing HL2/EP1/EP2 before Alyx, since those would provide the expected background for Alyx, despite it technically being a prequel-ish thing.


    Half life 1 just got a new big update that makes it much better to play this day and age and fixed a bunch of bugs. Either way you could skip 1. As a kid I never played 1 and went straight into 2, then 2 episodes 1 and 2 with the orange box. I still haven’t finished 1 but with this new update I think I’ll go back to it some point soon now.


    You’ve just added another month to the release date.


    Made the release date ONE MONTH BETTER.


    The release date can be calculated as:

    x = gabe(n)

    Where the function gabe multiplies the number of mentions of the game (signified by n) by months since it’s last mention


    We’re fucked then


    Is it?

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Am not sure there’s a way for them to release HL3 and don’t disappoint huge number of people. Not because they suck at making games but because expectations have grown so so so much they are downright unachievable now.


    The logical end point of that argument is not everyone is going to be happy with everything so why release anything.


    At some point the Late vs Suck balance will tip the scales of So Late That the Customers Lost Interest or Died

    dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

    Bungie announced a new Marathon game


    Which is more inspired by rather than a full on sequel from what I’ve heard.


    I played hl2 as a teen.

    One of my kids just finished episode 2 and asked me when the next one was coming out. I was like “oh bud I got some bad news for ya”.

    It’s generational disappointment at this point.

    morgunkorn, in Fitting gaming into your schedule avatar
    vox, avatar

    he also posts on Reddit, I’d rather like that than fucking Instagram btw

    morgunkorn, avatar

    Yeah I hesitated to post the Instagram url, but the domain forwarded to their Instagram so I put that

    ampersandrew, in Twitch "isn't profitable" admits CEO, in wake of recent layoffs
    ampersandrew avatar

    Maybe a few more ads in the middle of the thing I'm trying to watch, with no way to pause or rewind to catch what I missed, will do the trick.


    When did that start? I used to be on Twitch 4-5 years ago, but never went back since then.

    I don’t remember ads at all back then

    ampersandrew avatar

    Ads used to be run at the streamers' discretion, and they were beaten by adblock. Now adblock doesn't work on Twitch, because they did the smart thing and embedded them into the stream. Also, a few years back, even though streamers have an incentive to run ads, because they benefit from it too, Twitch implemented mandatory thresholds for number of ads that need to be run or else you lose access to some tier of monetization, so most streamers leave it on auto pilot now. It means that whenever the same stream is running on YouTube, I'm watching on YouTube so I don't miss anything.


    hold on, you mean to tell me a platform that exists and is known purely for LIVE streaming content has put ads OVER the livestream interrupting your view? what kind of idiot would have approved such a service killing move?


    Is that you, Andrew?

    ampersandrew avatar

    I didn't pick this username by accident. Do I know you?


    It’s Dave! Hi! 👋 How’s life treating you?

    ampersandrew avatar

    The first Dave that comes to mind would have me on Discord to message me about this, and my gut tells me you're confusing me for someone else. There are lots of Daves and Andrews in the world, after all.


    That guy is a faker. I’m the real Dave! Can I borrow $20?

    snooggums avatar

    Dave's not here, man.


    My adblock blocks the ads, but I still get that stupid purple screen. What really annoys me is that it’s a minute and a half long. Twitch really wants me to disable ad block so I look at an ad on a Livestream for almost two fucking minutes.

    I minimize and do something else until then but that’s asinine.


    As a mod, you can postpone an ad by 5 minutes 3 times. You can’t postpone it by 1 minute, you can’t choose to play them during downtime, you can’t do shit but pray an interesting moment doesn’t happen during the 1 minute.


    I mostly watch YouTube streamers. Once in a while they’ll do a Twitch stream and holy shit it’s night and day. 0 ads on YouTube and 30 second and even sometimes 1 minute unskippable ads constantly interrupting the stream on Twitch. I honestly have no idea how people put up with it. I cancelled cable because I didn’t want to watch ads, I’m not going to a site that does the same.


    Adblockers still work so I’ve never seen ads on twitch

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