@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

"Get over yourself

“Those are the two choices. It's kind of like, one is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart, and really cares about people. And one is old and has been charged with 91 felonies.

"I don't understand why this is even a hard choice."

She’s right.

Video of Hilary Clinton on that awful guys show

@StevenBarnhart@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost ugh I love her and she would have made a great president. Would really love to check out the alternate universe where she won.

@tarheel@mstdn.io avatar


She'd have been such a great President.

I salute you, tireless warrior, for all your replies on this thread.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@tarheel American spirit cigarettes (green): $18.26

Americano black: $5.50

Taking a break from a project at work to dunk on the selfish and dangerous alt left? Priceless

@contrary_k@mastodon.scot avatar

@flexghost What a nice, compassionate genocidal maniac

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@contrary_k 1. Learn the meaning on genocide before the smoothbrain alt left dilutes it
2. Post

@summas@mastodon.social avatar

Get over yourself?...
Let them eat cake I guess.
Pretty breathtaking narcissism there.
This is the neocon darling who abetted the humanitarian disasters in Syria and Libya, and along with the Democrat party, presided over falling life expectancy, the opiod crisis, people opting to die because of skyrocketing healthcare costs, sending our manufacturing capability to China and now saber-rattling for war with same. Maybe she should skip brunch sometime and pay a visit to flyover country

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@summas Ahh. The reply of a spoiled brat who grew up without adversity and won’t get off mom’s couch without someone passing an impossible virtue test.

The most selfish creature in all of nature.

@ckoerner@xoxo.zone avatar

@flexghost Here here! "...what needs to be challenged is the assumption that voting should be seen a form of individual self-expression rather than as an act to be judged on its likely consequences" - Noam Chomsky

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@ckoerner Chomsky wants Ukraine to be ethnically cleansed and given to Russia. Again. Fuck Chomsky.

@Methylcobalamin@mastodon.social avatar



I agree on all counts.

@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar


Fully right, and the second one won by foreign aid in 2016. How I wished it would not have happened… this pathological aberration.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@xs4me2 And proven by a bipartisan congressional committee the left wants to ignore.

@hunkyscotsman@mastodon.social avatar


Compassion and heart... Tell that to the Palestinians.

Effective... No reform or progress on any existential threats to the US.

Caring... To corporate interest.

@TopNotchSwords@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost she is right and this is a terrible approach. Both things can be true. Telling voters to "get over yourself" only servers to alienate them.

@Aphrodite@chaos.social avatar


And she is delivering a hard message in an antiempathetic way, which was her problem eight years ago as well.

This feels like telling a cancer patient to “get over it.”

I’m saying this as a soon to be candidate. I am using empathy and compassion as the foundations of my campaign, highlighting the work the party I’m upping with has done to improve the lives of my neighbours. Browbeating them is the opposite of helpful.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Aphrodite No. It’s not like talking to someone with cancer. That is as bad faith an analogy as I’ve seen on here.

@Blinxeto@mastodon.social avatar
@fiend_unpleasant@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost There is the whole genocide thing to think about. One of them is clearly and enthusiastically (he is a proud zionist afterall) funding and arming a genocide. Oh and not delivering on the student aid thing. Oh oh and the obvious signs of dementia. The hard choice is there is no choice. You get nothing but two crappy sides of the same dysfunctional coin.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@fiend_unpleasant Do they give you NPCs your talking points daily or monthly?

@fiend_unpleasant@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost Name calling is for children. I assume you were brought up better and this is just a momentary failure of decorum because the internet can be a toxic place. You have not denied any of the claims I have levied against the current potus. Genocide is a big voting issue for me. Innocent people being murdered with my tax money is a huge voting issue. If the democrats want to win they have to start putting up good candidates. They have failed to so since Obama.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@fiend_unpleasant because you haven’t made serious claims. Just buzzwords you have no grasp of. I grew up in Syria where there is actual genocide. Never once have I seen a spoiled brat American leftoid give a shit. It’s never been trending.

Go be a hashtag warrior somewhere else. I see through your white knight bullshit

If you deserved decorum you’d have it.

@fiend_unpleasant@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost How have I become undeserving of decorum? You publicly posed something disdainful, quoting probably the worst candidate the Democrats have ever run, and I responded with facts. You don't know me, and frankly if this is how you often carry yourself I'd rather not know you.

That being said I actually have protested the Syrian genocide. I will admit that it had fallen out of my view.

Growing up as part of the diaspora, we Irish know genocide and will never support those who commit it

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@fiend_unpleasant I just looked at your profile. My bad

You are not a serious person. Enjoy your watermelon emojis and empty platitudes. I’ll go ahead and use my money to fund Biden’s reelection as well as all non alt left candidates.

wjmaggos, (edited )
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@flexghost @mckra1g

she's right about voting in a general but can you then admit that the duopoly means corporations only need to also corrupt the Democratic primary system to make any progress slow to a crawl?

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@wjmaggos @mckra1g Do you enter every conversion with “the corporations maaaaaan?” or are you able to engage with a point that’s being made?

@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

@wjmaggos @flexghost

that's a yeahbut answer that doesn't have immediate bearing on the choice before us in November. I've actually run for elected office at a local level. Politics is boring, Sisyphean and unglamorous. However, the work required to cultivate a legitimate third party must begin at the grassroots, hyperlocal level. People who parachute in, flounce and decry a system w/o putting in the effort to change it are dilettantes.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@mckra1g @wjmaggos And it’s barely a yeahbut it’s more of a first year sociology point where they laugh after they say something as if it were a point

@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@mckra1g @flexghost

it's an honest response that argues for doing what you want today but also doesn't dismiss people with serious concerns about a political system that won't fix much before most of us die and the environment becomes irreparable. Politics is compromise. I am saying people should do what you want and only asking that you acknowledge what has happened to the party since FDR, but especially Clinton and the DLC. And you both respond with a personal attack.

@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

@wjmaggos @flexghost I did not issue a personal attack. Any attack is inferred. In this particular instance, however, I would say that a hot dog hollers. You also appear to exhibit both reply guy and sea lioning behavior.

@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@mckra1g @flexghost

saying something is a yeahbut answer isn't personal? Saying you "actually" ran for local office and then adding people who decry a system w/o putting in the effort to change it are dilettantes isn't an implied put down?

PS. I've been involved in campaigns, ran one for a friend and worked for a governor. but he had serious problems with the party establishment when he tried to push basic reforms. I've argued with Rahm about the DCCC involvement in a congressional primary.

@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost those who don’t understand the stakes of this election are mercurial, capricious, deeply unserious people who are operating from a position of privilege. If you were to meet me in person, you’ll know that I’m not prone to hyperbole or histrionics (bc it’s not effective). If Trump gets elected, I believe he’ll be removed by his owners and a more capable, palatable despot will be installed. He’s a placeholder. The toe in the fascist door. That’s why the VP is so crucial.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@mckra1g sew also: hashtag warrior and TikTok PhDs Who rarely read beyond headlines if that. People who Informed their moral compass by TikTok streamers and can change opinions with a slight gust of wind. People who say they are for maligned people yet have no history supporting any group who wasn’t trending

People who have faced little if any real adversity and people who will gladly burn it all down because of a temper tantrum

@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost hear hear. Perfectly stated. For these individuals, politics is a parlor game, a diversion and/or a cynical means to game algos to drive revenue or relevance. It fucking pisses me off.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@mckra1g The biggest culture shock coming to America was how selfish people are. Especially those who claim to be champions of others

@RodgeNichols@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost She LOST to Donald Trump. Do I need to say anymore?

We need a president who has a clear vision and plan to make our country better and won't bow to this awful 2 party system we have. Luckily that candidate is running in the 2024 election: RFK Jr.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@RodgeNichols yes. With context.

Smoothbrain lefties and Russian third party running interference

By your logic I can dismiss Bernie Sanders because he, too, is a loser. Leftoids aren’t gonna like that one, Skyler. Seethe harder.


@flexghost @RodgeNichols

And, you know, an outdated electoral college system that was created at a time when even statewide elections were typically not possible and worked to perpetuate slave state retention of power.

You know, if we are being technical.

@RiaResists@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost I know a couple people who’ve fallen for Russian propaganda about Biden’s age.
Histrionics similar to those of trumpers.
That part is unfortunate.
There is no legitimate reason not to vote or vote 3rd party.
I hate what’s happening in Gaza. And Ukraine.
I don’t think any POTUS could be doing better w any of it.
Biden has done more for WTP than any POTUS in how long?
Many many moons.
Also, good thread to mute people. I get the outrage.
We must be smart-now more than ever

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@RiaResists well said. Look how many brand new accounts. Look their history in awe of the depths of stupidity mixed with misplaced anger. Looks like we need to fight the alt right and the alt left for this one

@RiaResists@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost 💯

@artisanrox@mstdn.social avatar


She's right but she's also abysmally awful and why we have Trump. I'm NOT compromising on her.

She CANNOT sell her viewpoints because she can't make herself relatable to anyone.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@artisanrox she’s not the reason we have Trump. This is bad faith or uninformed. Either way it’s not correct.


@flexghost Nor did we!! when trumplethinskin was elected thx to Comey

@Twitter_expat@mastodon.world avatar

It always puzzled me why a big amount of Americans hate Hillary. The ones who hate her the most are women. Women that don’t tolerate her assertive direct way.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Twitter_expat Because she likes hot sauce. That, and the campaign against her since the 90s lead by the same people who engineered the deep divide we are enjoying now.

@reardon15@mastodon.world avatar

@Twitter_expat @flexghost she’s a smart woman which is probably intimidating

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@reardon15 @Twitter_expat always has been.


@flexghost "compassionate, has a heart", and loves to send weapons to a genocidal tyrannical regime to exterminate their occupied people so they can build more housing for themselves.


@flexghost Nailed it. Finally we have been shown the light by weekend update and the clinton foundation. Where have you geniuses been?

@leean00@discuss.systems avatar

@flexghost Get over your collective selves!

It's not like you deserve better!

Choose between these two geriatric dogs both with a high probability of clearing a room with their old dog farts.

It's not like either party can actually provide a better canidate; or godforbid the country provide us with better parities.

After all! We have a retirement country to run here!

@heavyboots@mastodon.social avatar

@leean00 @flexghost It is perfectly fine to be dissatisfied with the two party system. As long as you go vote for Biden and a continuation of democracy in November. And make anyone who is thinking of “sitting this one out” get off their ass and vote Biden too.

Also, Biden has been surprisingly effective, particularly in the face of the congressional clown show that’s been happening the last couple years. So it’s not even that dissatisfying to vote for him!

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@heavyboots @leean00

Heavyboots with the win

@anclement@mastodon.world avatar

@flexghost she is right.
But she doesn't know how to win over moderates.

It's why she lost in 2016.


@WhiteCatTamer@mastodon.online avatar

@anclement @flexghost I don’t think this is aimed at moderates. It’s aimed at liberals who don’t like Biden but hate Trump and are thinking of not voting.

Biden’s reaching out to Haley voters is aiming for moderates.

@artisanrox@mstdn.social avatar

@WhiteCatTamer @anclement @flexghost

DUDE. This is exactly how she acted in 2016.

She is talking to TRANS PEOPLE, DISABLED PEOPLE, MUSLIM PEOPLE if she's talking to liberals who are thinking of sitting this out.

These peple are VITAL to the Democratic party and she keeps just....thumbing her nose at them.

Stop promoting her. She's horrible. She would have made the best foreign relations actual president, but domestically SHE IS HORRIBLE.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@artisanrox @WhiteCatTamer @anclement you need to come back with those goalposts they aren’t yours

@underpantsgnome@mastodon.social avatar

@WhiteCatTamer @anclement @flexghost

It's not the way to win over progressives either. We need hard proof that this isn't just the latest in a long line of voting for the lesser of two evils.

@WhiteCatTamer@mastodon.online avatar

@underpantsgnome @anclement @flexghost You’re not going to get it because 3rd parties do not have enough upward momentum to make their presidential runs anything more than spoilers, and the Democratic party only wins in this tilted, FPTP system if it is a big tent.

The solution is to build up name and party recognition of 3rd parties in local and state elections, and to primary centrist Democrats in safe seats with left wingers.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@WhiteCatTamer @underpantsgnome @anclement 100% proven they are spoilers. Which is why Russia and the GOP run ghost candidates and 3rd party candidates

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@underpantsgnome @WhiteCatTamer @anclement You can’t win over a spoiled brat having a tantrum and if you do for how long before the next tantrum?

@Sanakism@mastodon.online avatar

@underpantsgnome @WhiteCatTamer @anclement @flexghost of course it's "voting for the lesser of two evils". Voting always is! You look at the options, weigh which one would be the least bad for you and then fucking vote for them like an adult.

Who in their right mind sits there and says "oh, I thought it would be fine to let the greater evil in"?!

The US needs root and branch electoral reform but it ain't getting it without a revolution, and guess which lot are keener on that?

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Sanakism @underpantsgnome @WhiteCatTamer @anclement we had a revolution when we kicked your redcoat nuts in.

@textualdeviance@retro.pizza avatar

@anclement @flexghost She lost because Russian trollfarms told young white guys that the DNC had robbed Bernie of the nom, and the answer was to vote third party. Enough of them believed this bullshit that in the upper Midwest swing states where their percentage of the electorate was high enough, it made the difference.

It wasn't moderates. It was white dudes with mommy issues who were boneheaded enough to believe actual lies.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@textualdeviance @anclement This. The Bernie bros and Jill stein simps wanted to have a temper tantrum and they’re going it again in true Skyler fashion

@Extra_Special_Carbon@mastodon.world avatar

@anclement @flexghost We had low turn out because a significant portion of the US genuinely figured it didn’t make much difference, so they stayed home. This is the message BernieBros were parroting, fed by Russian trolls.

I don’t know that there was a winning strategy at the time. Hillary was the victim of years of right wing conspiracies, and Bernie was never going to win once the general election came around. Few believed Trump was the existential danger he is.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

@Extra_Special_Carbon @anclement And the implementation of Gingrich republicans bent on divide and whatever Limbaugh was

@rlstone4dems@mastodon.social avatar

@flexghost This is Sen. Clinton telling it as it is...

@jadugar63@mastodon.social avatar

Her statements after the lede are more poignant. Trump is an existential threat to people, democracy, and the nation.

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