@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Why is it that people's reaction to is either cult-level positive or Ted Cruz-level disgust?

I don't think I've heard more than a single person basically say, "Yeah, Rust is ok, but I like X better because Y." ;)

@rml@functional.cafe avatar

@RL_Dane I'm this guy. Rust seems cool, but in the way a sequel C++ is gonna feel cool. Like "oh sure id work in that if there were jobs going around"

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Do you think Rust could replace C++?

@rml@functional.cafe avatar

@RL_Dane eventually, I hope. but C++ just contains decades of investment in the ecosystem, and with boost and other major libraries you can go from relative zero to putting the pieces of a relatively large system together extremely fast. And that's of course how C++ becomes a nightmare, but it works and satisfies investors.

But it does seem like software's heyday is up, and Rust projects certainly aren't raking in the investment the way the C++ world was in țhe late 90s/early 00s

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


It's chilling to see talk of investors in the context of something so technical.

Our world is just so stinking weird at times. XD

@Deuchnord@mamot.fr avatar

@RL_Dane Rust looks cool and has great features for secure memory usage by design, but I didn’t feel comfortable when I tried it. I prefer Python.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I think the paradigm is pretty distant from Python and more traditional languages. I think someone comfortable with may be more comfortable with , but I've already said more than I know ;)

@dpwiz@qoto.org avatar

@RL_Dane @Deuchnord Rust is okay, but but I like Haskell because it is more high-level :ablobdrum:

@MadMike77@chaos.social avatar

@RL_Dane I was a fanboy with 1.1, a fanboy with Version 2.x and now the same with . So I can't say anything from an outside perspective.

What I don't understand is why anyone needs to hate a language. I simply don't write programs in those.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I think the negative reactions are against the rust hype, rather than the language itself, but I'm speaking as someone who isn't particularly familiar with the language itself, nor its community, so I have no judgements about it along those lines.

@hjvt@hachyderm.io avatar

@RL_Dane @MadMike77 a lot of negative reactions to rust I see, are C and C++ programmers convinced they are genius programmers who don't need no rust ta avoid creating CVEs. And that's kinda concerning.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@hjvt @MadMike77

I'm not sure that's all of it, but yeah I get that. :D

@hjvt@hachyderm.io avatar

@RL_Dane @MadMike77 for sure, but the fact that there are people who honestly believe they are unable to write buggy code is concerning.

@Revertron@zhub.link avatar

@RL_Dane Because you either don't understand it, it scares you by all that syntactic garbage, or you understand it's beauty despite all those syntactic obstacles :)

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Well said :)

@ilmai@hachyderm.io avatar

@RL_Dane I like Rust and X, I just don’t feel like being loud about it

@dheadshot@mastodon.social avatar

@RL_Dane Rust isn't great (I don't like the packaging system and as a language it has an awkward bent) but I wouldn't put it on the Ted Cruz level...

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar



You know, I tried to grow a beard a couple years back.
My aunt said I looked like Ted Cruz and I'm pretty sure my electric razor hit Mach 2 going across my face ;)

@alcinnz@floss.social avatar

@RL_Dane I pretty much have that "Yeah, Rust is ok, but I like Haskell better because a few reasons" attitude. But I prefer on why I like Haskell as opposed to why I'm meh about Rust. Those reasons including the garbage collector, & a certain elegance I appreciate.

But if my choices were between C, C++, & Rust I'd take Rust any day! It's got a lot of similar features...


@RL_Dane rust boners stay hard for life

@apgarcia@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane i thought this was an interesting writeup on nim. it talks a little about why the author chose it over rust (and some other languages). https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/9655

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Interesting read, although a wee bit over my head (I really just play around with bash, I never got serious into programming, unfortunately).

I did use Pascal a fair bit in the early 90s, so Nim's style and syntax is pretty appealing to me.

@sotolf has praised Nim a lot, and shared some cool code snippets.


@RL_Dane I don't think I would be so hype about Rust if other languages actually had borrow checking, right now Rust is the only one really trying to make it work

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Pardon my ignorance (not a real dev), what's borrow checking? Is that a form of Garbage Collection?


@RL_Dane Not really. Very simplified explanation: borrow checking is a compile-time feature to detect if you used a pointer after the pointed-to value went out of scope, or detect if you hold more than one mutable pointer to a single value at once.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Ah, interesting.
How does rust's GC work, then?

, with "5" meaning, "I grew up on BASIC and Pascal, did a ton of ksh/bash, am ok-ish at Perl, and at least know how to say hello in Python, but never got very far into serious programming." 😁


@RL_Dane Rust does not have garbage collection

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Ah, ok. So just the compile-time pointer checks.

@alcinnz@floss.social avatar

@RL_Dane @jf Serves a similar role, yes. Moves all the performance overhead to compiletime, & enforcing rules onto developers.

Much of the polarisation over Rust seems to come down to complying with these borrow-checker rules!


@alcinnz @RL_Dane I think that is not true for most popular GC languages, i.e. languages like Java and Go move all the performance overhead to run-time, not compile-time.

@alcinnz@floss.social avatar

@jf @RL_Dane What's not true for most popular GC languages?

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@alcinnz @jf

Compile-time burden of GC, rather than runtime.

@alcinnz@floss.social avatar

@RL_Dane @jf The (partial) move GC burden onto developers as opposed to the computer.

I think it boils down to some devs coming to Rust saying "wow, this is better than a language like C or C++ which lack a GC", whilst others come saying "wow, this is more frustrating than languages like Java or Python which have GC".

@laund@hachyderm.io avatar

@alcinnz @RL_Dane @jf

i came to Rust from Python (statically typechecked python with Pyright) and my thought was "wow this is much less annoying than trying to type python and i still get fancy high level features"

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Makes sense. 👍🏼

@alcinnz @jf


@RL_Dane That's because people with moderate opinions don't usually feel the need to shout them.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I don't remember hearing C++ devs being this vocal and enthusiastic about C++ when it was super popular in the 90s, except as job security X'-D


@RL_Dane Hell, my personal opposition to Rust only exists because of the cult.

I, for one, have no real basis to have a strong opinion on Rust. It seems like it might have good ideas, but it uses LLVM so it's not worth looking into. The centralized package management is a mistake, IMO; Go got the package management model pretty much right.

Saying "I prefer C" has attracted negative attention (and moral judgements!).

My opposition to Rust is entirely a result of the insane undeserved hype.


@RL_Dane ....well, actually, there was also a great deal of hatred when Rust first infected the Linux ecosystem to the point where I had to choose between uninstalling software I liked, or spend literal hours of extra time waiting for them to build.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Just curious, what's the problem with LLVM?


@RL_Dane I dare you to git clone it.

You don't even have to look at the code. Just clone it.

Then feel free to ask again :P

Or, since I'm not an asshole, I can just tell you:

  • The code is some of the worst I've seen
  • It's tens of millions of lines of C++
  • The design is bad [i.e. a reimplementation wouldn't help]
  • It's more a research project than a serious tool meant for production use
  • I ran into infinite loops in their optimizers
  • It takes hours to bootstrap; it should be seconds
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Dang, and it seems to be poised to overtake gcc (corpos love those permissive licenses!)

I didn't know it was that bloated.

Reminds me of a little flyer I saw in my aunt's office in the 90s. It was praising UNIX over OS390 (now z/OS) because while OS390 was bloated with "millions" of lines of code, UNIX was lightweight & nimble with merely a few hundred thousands of SLOC.

Ha. I'm waiting for the day when a text editor weights in at a million SLOC.
I wonder what vim is up to. ;)


@RL_Dane I'd argue a lot of them basically do, if we're doing a comparison to UNIX and OS390.

VS Code uses Electron. Helix is written in Rust, which depends on LLVM, and thus it's impossible to build Helix from a full-source bootstrap without tens of millions of SLOC.

An equivalent comparison for Vim using GCC would probably be only slightly better; Vim built with, say, kencc [there is a port!] would... actually, I dunno how big Vim's source is, but approximately that big.

@alcinnz@floss.social avatar

@pixelherodev @RL_Dane Honestly, I've found LLVM more legible to read than GCC. But I can't say I've had experience using it.


@alcinnz @RL_Dane Sure, but being more readable than GCC is like killing fewer people than a land mine.

Objectively, yes, it's a good thing, but if you have to make that comparison, there's already Problems!


@pixelherodev @RL_Dane You made an important point. The centralization of the package management is a big mistake. I don't hate rust but I don't like anything the centralization.


@RL_Dane Those most polarized are often the loudest? I dunno, I feel like many of the folks I work with directly these days are about using the right tool for the job no matter what it is. I feel like there really is too much out there to obstinately try and write everything in the same language.

@jbowen@mast.hpc.social avatar

@RL_Dane I'm sure they're out there, but just aren't the type to talk about it. Similar to how reviews online often skew toward 5 stars or 1 star. People with a "meh" opinion aren't likely to spend a lot of time talking about it.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


But I don't hear similar things about JS, Java, or C++, even during the apogee of popularity for each of those languages.

It's like most people who really like their languages are still kinda measured in their praise, but are just nuts about .

Of course, that could just mean that really is that good, or maybe simply that it resolves a lot of pain points that current devs are feeling.


@RL_Dane @jbowen Paul Graham wrote about similar phenomena with regard to Lisp: http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@aja @jbowen

Ah, true that.

folks are almost preternaturally enthusiastic about lisp ;)

@jbowen@mast.hpc.social avatar

@RL_Dane @aja In the beginning there was cons. And it was good.

@Corax42@mastodon.social avatar

@RL_Dane @aja @jbowen "Lisp is still #1 for key algorithmic techniques such as recursion and condescension." -- Verity Stob

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


Isn't there a saying that any program written in any other language includes a poorly written and incomplete copy of Common Lisp? 😁

@aja @jbowen

@Corax42@mastodon.social avatar

@RL_Dane @aja @jbowen Oh yes, Greenspun's tenth rule of programming:

"Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@aja @RL_Dane @jbowen I hate to do a drive by comment that seems critical but I have to say I have always HATED that article. Graham has a tendency to be 50% very insightful and 50% profoundly wrong.

Note that more or less NONE of the y-com startups use lisp, and if the claims in that article are true about development speed yada yada you'd think he'd be interested in that...

I'ts more like, he likes lisp, he used it, he assumed some things, he wrote about those things.

This is sort of an aside from the language conversation and more a 'PG is not a reliable narrator' comment :) lisp is very cool, rust seems very cool. But yeah, that article, not a fan.

@jbowen@mast.hpc.social avatar

@ljs @RL_Dane @aja I take most things anyone says about LISP with a grain of salt.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@jbowen @ljs @aja

Sure. I mean, if bash didn't have very obvious limitations, I guess I could be a bash fanboi and say that it's all you'd ever need or whatnot -- because it's what I'm most familiar with, and it's what my bash-molded mind finds most intuitive. ;)

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja there's certainly a human thing of getting productive in something and getting enthused by it.

Bash is one of these warty things that you kind of end up liking despite yourself I think :P

I quite like C despite myself and even C++... but sort of more of a C guy despite its endless and obvious flaws

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

Not a serious programmer disclaimer aside, bash's insistence that nearly everything is a string has some cool advantages and flexibilities, but freedom like that is so much rope to hang yourself with once you cross the thousand SLOC threshold, methink. ;)

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja well everything-as-text is the unix way.

Very flawed but also very useful for forcing interop on things even when they never meant to...

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

I wonder if I would like TCL. People seem to run screaming for the hills whenever it's mentioned, but it takes that very paradigm to its apotheosis (and possibly to the brink of madness XD )

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja I always thought perl was that so god only knows what tcl is like...

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

Not a Perl expert, although I've enjoyed using it.
I think it's less string-oriented than bash/shell. While it only has a couple of hard types ($scalar, @array, and maybe some pointers and stuff), I believe it has soft internal types like int/float/string that get handled seamlessly.

In shell, everything is a string until you force it to be used otherwise. Not sure, but I think TCL is very similar, yet is used for larger apps.

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@jbowen @RL_Dane @aja don't get me wrong, I think lisp has a lot of interesting properties, but also a LOT of this stuff has been noticed by other programming languages and features like first-class/higher level functions, powerful macro systems, etc. have been ported.

Of course you can't match the code as data/data as code levels of lisp given its structure but it also has downsides.

But still a highly admirable language, just not the magical be-all and end-all of programming.

The wise person realises that there is no such language.

And as for the rust fanboyisms, and I speak as somebody who, from the outside in, admires the aims and apparent successes of the language and wants to learn (when there is time...), it just strikes me as absolutely typical new language hype. I saw it with go and even js, yes js, with node's emergence, and python and for a while ruby... just part of the life cycle :)

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

Ah, I remember ruby's popularity. It was teh_magical_language for a while ;)

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja the funny thing is it overtook python as the 'cool' language for ages and python was decried as boring and overly fussy.

Look how it is now :)

Better to just not follow fashions. And so much is oriented to web dev as if other forms of development don't exist.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

I kinda loathe how much the modern web (i.e. bloated crap hellware) and mobile (i.e. spyware-as-a-service) have overtaken all rational forms of development.

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja yes it's awful, electron is a scourge. And I understand why people do it, but it doesn't make me like it any more.

As far as I'm concerned I'm only interested in kernel/systems development. I've worked at every level in the stack, from crappy internal .net software to web to middleware stuff to systems, to kernel and even chatting to hardware guys.

And kernel/systems is the one for me :)

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

That's awesome, and I'm really glad that you're giving your attention to the kernel.

I kinda wish that same level of attention-to-detail could be given to desktop apps, but then of course, we'd probably have a lot fewer desktop apps. ;)

(worth it, maybe? ;)

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja apple do a lot for that I feel, pushing people towards native and making a LOT of tooling to do that and a pretty UI that isn't web-based.

Other big tech companies have gone all-in on using a massively legacy document layout engine for apps and it's just sigh. Plus CSS, a good idea but in actual use the worst thing to deal with ever invented.

Anyway happy down here in the engine room :)

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

MORE COAL!! haha

Yeah, I've noticed that MacOS tends to get a lot more native apps than Linux or maybe even Windows does.

Case in point, the excellent (mostly?) FOSS cross-platform app has a web interface, an electron app for every platform that runs on, and an amazingly good MacOS app (wish I confess I do miss).

Fortunately, there's the excellent python-based sncli which lets me edit my Simplnotes in nvim. Huzzah

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja yeah I live in emacs so that sounds nice :)

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

I'm sure it would respect your $EDITOR variable, although I only ever use .vi., so I'm not sure ;)

Easy fix is to uninstall every editor you don't want. I've had to do that with nano sometimes XD

@ljs@social.kernel.org avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen @aja I have a soft spot for nano, call me crazy :P

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@ljs @jbowen @aja

Hey, pico was my first UNIX editor, so I can't be too mean ;)


@RL_Dane @ljs @jbowen Luxury! I actually had to use ed on a DECWriter (ok, technically that was MTS, not Unix. When we got some Unix stations a couple of years later, they had vi.)

@hjvt@hachyderm.io avatar

@RL_Dane @jbowen I don't think anyone ever liked JS or Java on personal level?

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I dunno. Why are there so many Electron apps, then? Are people just too lazy to learn a "real" language, or do they actually like JS? 🤔


@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


I thought Java was the Bees' Knees when it was new.


@jbowen@mast.hpc.social avatar

@RL_Dane @hjvt
"Write once, run anywhere!"
"Over 3 billion devices!"


@RL_Dane @jbowen
If you make 145 line additions and 129 line removals in one of your core algorithms of 313 lines and all your ~50 tests pass on the first try you just fall in with . It's inevitable at that point. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
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