Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description

China has lashed out at Germany after its foreign minister called Xi Jinping a “dictator” and summoned Berlin’s ambassador for a dressing down, in the latest flaring of tensions with a western democratic power over how the Chinese leader is described overseas.


Very noticeable that they didn’t specify how he wasn’t a dictator, nor what other label would be more appropriate.


Maybe she should've used the chinese word for dictator.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Ah yes, Xi Jinping


That’s exactly like his name!


Ah yes, Xi Jinping


*Winnie the Pooh


Hexbear users incoming in 3.2.1…


I use a client that can block instances, so I have all of Hexbear blocked. It radically improves the Lemmy experience.


Whats the client?

Teppic avatar

Kbin allows users to do this (noting kbin isn't a client it's a compatible platform).


Sync let’s you do it. Also possibly Connect? I forgot the other one, but i think it might be Connect.


Yes, connect lets you block instances, but it still shows that there was a comment there and lets you show it. It’s handy to see how much you’re blocking.


Memmy app let’s you do it as well.


Does it? I can’t find that setting

Edit: Nevermind, I read this as Mlem

RickyRigatoni, avatar

Tell me your wisdom, duck of the lake.


I use a Violentmonkey script to do so


I am using Eternity or Voyager, I will be so happy when instance blocking comes to those.


Give Memmy a try. I switched to it so I could block entire instances. It’s made my feed so much better!


Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m on Android, so I can’t use it. On spezit I loved, and supported Infinity, the Infinity fork Eternity is very good. I love having my own colour theme, it’s great for qol, and all the other nice features it has.


Sync is an outstanding Lemmy client for Android.


Apologies! I should have mentioned it was for iOS.


No worries at all

Buelldozer, avatar

Connect does instance blocking and I think LiftOff does as well.


I just.tried Liftoff and i did not see that option

RedWizard, (edited ) avatar

Never hear a dissenting opinion. I’ll take, what is an echo chamber for $200.


Have you ever bothered to read the rules of your instance? If I go on there and say anything negative about your cute dictator I’ll be banned. However, you can freely go on our greedy capitalist instances and praise your teddy bear as much as you want. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I guess your mind can’t comprehend being free.

RedWizard, avatar

Do you mean the rule about not being Sinophobic? Is that really a hard rule for you to follow? I like to look at objective reality instead of just barking the same nonsensical shibboleths when the topic of China arises.


No capitalist apologia / anti-communism

You would whine even harder if had No communist apologia / anti-capitalism in their rules.

RedWizard, avatar

Most anti-communism has no basis in reality and often are myths perpetuated by state agencies. All Anti-Capitalist sentiment is rooted in the material realities of our world and life. To deny socialist historical reality is to deny your own history, and ultimately is an admission of your disingenuous support of the truth.

Historical Materialism is truth seeking in practice. It requires you to have a fact based, objective view of our past and present.

Also I don’t know why I would whine, because I’m not using That instance can have whatever rules they want. I wouldn’t block or defederate from them because of it either. But if you are not interested in seeking the truth and objectively observing reality, then I guess you can insolate yourself from it and keep your echos.


Kill yourself

RedWizard, avatar

Did it take you a full week to think of that reply?


Just because they blocked Hexbear doesn’t mean they block all the opinions they dislike.

Hexbear is just full of radicals and trolls.


There’s differing opinions and then there’s just shittalking. When it comes to differing opinions most of Hexbear interactions deliberately (by the admission of their own users) fall under shittalking. They deliberately antagonize and troll anyone with a different opinion because in their mind anyone who doesn’t agree with them should be trolled. You don’t get differing opinions from Hexbear, you get a bastardization of a differing opinion. One that is different only on the basis them telling you you’re wrong, and in most cases even that has to be intuited.

Nobody should wade through shit to get a few nuggets of gold which is why most people just block Hexbear.


Thankfully, OP is from an instance that has not federated with Hexbear. Hexbear users won’t be able to see this post.


But they have posted to .ml which is federated with hexbear. So the poster’s instance needs to be federated no the instance of the community where the post is?


You need both. For a comment you even need the community instance, the poster instance, and the commenter instance to all be federated


That’s confusing.


Basically, everybody needs to agree before access is granted.

It is the best way to block spammers and trolls.


Because he was democratically elected in a transparent election. Unlike the current American demented imbecile.


What are you talking about? He doesn’t hold elected office. Here’s the last time he was re-appointed to his appointed position.


Even your link to the fucking guardian says he was elected fair and square. Unlike Jim Crow Joe.


Lol he was elected by the party, not the people, in what amounts to a loyalty test.


Remember when the people of the USA chose to vote for one of two white supremacists?

Lol, neither do I, then the feds rigged the election anyway.




Yeah they don’t tell you much about what’s going on in your police state do they? The feds paid a visit around to all the social media giants and forced them to censor negative news about paedo Joe. This is well known outside your prison state.…/zuckerberg-blames-fbi-for-censoring-…


When “Don’t let people post pictures of my son’s dick” becomes “China will disappear you if you call Winnie the Pooh a dictator as a citizen of China”.

We know about it. You’re like a Libertarian acting like they have secret knowledge when they tell you you still have to pay taxes for Universal healthcare.


Omg you people are insufferable.




Sounds like the electoral college


Sounds like you need to take a civics class


That won’t change the amount of presidents we’ve sworn in that didn’t have a majority of the people’s votes

RedWizard, avatar

That’s how parliament works in the UK. Bunch of dictators over there in the Queen’s England.


In the UK there are multiple political parties.


And look how well that’s going for them.


Better than any one or two political party(ies)


You mean like USA?

RedWizard, avatar

Ah yes, because they are all very different and diverse and definitely don’t kowtow to the same political group. A wolf in a different hat is still a wolf.

Krause, avatar

from your link:

“I was reelected as the general secretary of the CPC central committee,” Xi said in opening remarks, before presenting the six other members: Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi.

ICastFist, avatar

“I am not a dictator! Anyone who says I am will get jailed!” - Grand Poohbear of China, 2023


Germany is right


You could even say, it is far-right.


We know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two

  • Germany, probably
Ooops avatar

Hitler obviously wasn't a dictator as he was democratically elected by a majority (after competing parties were banned) and then -just out of situational necessity of course- got a lot of extra powers to ignore laws and constitution.

Yeah, I see how that Chinese definition works.

Krause, avatar

Hitler obviously wasn’t a dictator as he was democratically elected by a majority (after competing parties were banned) and then -just out of situational necessity of course- got a lot of extra powers to ignore laws and constitution.

wow, just like zelensky!

history sure is wacky sometimes…


What extra powers did Zelensky give himself then that his predecessor did not have?


The power of staying in nice hotels around the world, racking a lot of cash while sending the poor people of his country to the meat grinder.



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  • Snowpix, avatar

    Hexbear would be seething… if they could read.


    Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing. Stay mad forever 😂


    Jesus, just open KKK on here. Americans are truly the scum of the earth.


    Is this com full of pre-teens?


    So yes.


    动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


    I think this is actually true.


    Well you can fuck right off! The same person *supposedly upset about the KKK just discriminated against 330,000,000 people from every country on Earth in the very next breath. You’re worse than racist.


    Yeah I’m bigoted against genocidal psychopaths. Fuck me right?


    You are the genocidal psychopath. Fuck you indeed.


    Like xi jinpooh right?


    He talked about Americans, not people.


    your fee fees get hurt?


    Famously, one of the worst atrocities of the KKK was posting memes of a chinese dictator

    polskilumalo, avatar

    Haha, racism! I love that one!

    Whatcha gonna do, China? That’s right, nothing.

    What is there to do when you are already the one winning?

    OldPain, (edited )

    I’m an American so I can answer this question sincerely. When you are already the one winning, you work as hard as ever to keep winning. You innovate more. This is the American way. It’s why we’re the most advanced country on the planet, and it’s how we maintain that lead. Building off of the work of previous generations who made and did amazing things. That’s our approach and it works fucking awesome.


    Mocking a single individual is not racism.

    It may be bullying, but that is about it.

    Buelldozer, avatar

    He’s gonna cope…and seethe.


    Mald? What’s that?


    Being so mad and triggered that you begin to bald.




    lucky your not a German ambassador! they would summon you for a “dressing down”


    I love how every single comment making fun Xi the pooh here is getting downvoted lol


    Gee, I wonder which group of users would do something like that…

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Probably the antiracists. You should wonder if you’re on the right side when you are promoting and supporting racism.


    LMAO! Racist? I didn’t know “dictator” was a race! Please, enlighten me.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    The Winnie the Pooh meme about Xi is just racism. I don’t care if you think he’s a dictator.


    The Taiwanese use the meme all the time. Obviously not because it looks like Xi in particular and especially because of fragile censoring, but because they like to be racist against themselves. That must be it.

    Calling Trump a guinea pig is probably also considered racist in lemmygrad.


    and especially because of fragile censoring

    You think these memes are censored? Lol, you live in an authoritarian shithole that brainwashes you with this stupid shit. Use your brain.

    Krause, avatar

    The guy who replied to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your second screenshot seems like one of the far-right wingers. They do not, in any capacity, represent the general population.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Taiwan is where the former Republic of China retreated after being defeated by the People’s Republic of China. The censorship of Xi=Pooh in China isn’t rooted in racism, it’s rooted in the political conflicts between the ROC and PRC. China censors these comparisons because they are used by opponents to attack the government. You don’t have to agree with their methods to understand why they would want to do this. Censoring realistic threats to the ruling government is a common practice in all nations.

    The racist aspect originates from how the meme is used in Western circles where there is a long history of racism towards minorities and the enemies of the US as well as a long history of sinophobia.

    If your understanding of history, racism, and their opinions of Trump are so shallow, maybe lurking Lemmygrad to learn why users from this instance act so aggressively towards racism and war-mongering propaganda would be helpful.


    If being connected to a cartoon is a “realistic threat” then you have a shit government

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Read between the lines.

    Culture has an impact on politics and can be the spark for sudden and violent political upheaval.


    Hilariously ironic, given your namesake

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Again, read between the lines.

    I’m a communist who likes cats and puns. If you can make a compelling argument for how celebrating Mao in the form of a cat pun has a basis in racism and the historical oppression of a people, I’m ready to change it.


    I’ve no need to read between the lines, a dude named mao just told me the ruling government should be worried about cultural sparks for violent political change, and doesn’t see the irony

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Ah, the context of how you meant my username is ironic wasn’t clear.

    Why do you think the CPC takes the influence of culture so seriously? Of course they are aware how culture can influence a revolution.

    Not sure if that was meant as a gotcha? I thought it was obvious given the conversation so I assumed you meant my username was racist. My bad.


    Top tier pearl clutching




    Not racist at all. It’s against one person. Trump’s face is seen on an orange all the time. No one is calling for racism. He just looks like a damn orange.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    There’s a big difference here.

    Is Trump’s skin naturally orange? Is there a long history of oppressing white people in the US and other NATO countries?

    Just because the Winnie the Pooh meme didn’t originate as a racist symbol doesn’t mean that it isn’t used to propagate racism and sinophobia.


    Just because the Winnie the Pooh meme isn't actually racist doesn't mean I'm not going to call it racist in a pathetic attempt to establish a fake moral high ground over people who have arguments I can't counter

    There, I fixed it for you.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Projecting much? Care to explain how it isn’t racist or damaging with an argument other than “nuh-uh”?


    Insulting someone doesn't make it racist just because the other person is a different race from you.

    Also, the meme was started by Chinese people.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    I agree with you on both points, but that is not the argument that I was making. If you need some more context, Here’s just one of the many additional comments I left in this thread explaining my position.

    FYI, citing the fact that the meme originated in China does not negate how it is used by others after the fact. It’s like arguing that when neonazis use the swastika, it’s ok because its actual origins are as an ancient religious symbol. The meanings of things can change and be used for reasons other than their original intention.

    I’m not saying the meme is racist, I’m saying that it’s being used in a racist way here, specifically in the form of Sinophobia.


    I’m not saying the meme is racist

    – You

    The Winnie the Pooh meme about Xi is just racism

    – Also you

    MeowZedong, avatar

    True, but you can also see that I clarified my statement in better detail after initially wording it poorly. You got me, I guess I’ll go rethink my entire worldview now.


    Xi isn’t in the US and his country isn’t part of NATO. Political cartoons are as old as time. They poke fun at the individual, not their descent. By trying to make it more you’re arguing for it to be censored. He has feelings (maybe), but he has gone so far as to attempt to censor the cartoon from his own country. Not because he believes it is racist, but because his opinion is that he doesn’t like it. Streisand Effect of course, it gets used more. I think Xi does remarkably look like Pooh. Do other Asian persons? No. There isn’t an innocence about it. Xi feels bad by it, people use it to make him angry. He is a dictator with lots of power so people use the one tool they have to attempt to fight that power - a fucking cartoon bear.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    I think you misinterpreted part of what I’m saying. The use of the meme in Taiwan and Hong Kong were political dissent, not racism.

    The use of the meme in NATO countries is racist due to their history of racism and because this is one of the tools these governments use to convince you that China is your enemy and you should support military actions against them before their military becomes stronger than that of the US and they lose their monopoly on international power and subsequently their power to bully the rest of the world.

    Before you dismiss this argument by saying it’s just because Xi doesn’t like the meme, where did you get this information? From what I’ve seen the Chinese government has not responded and the reasoning behind the ban is purely speculative. Sure, I believe they banned the comparison as it was the basis of geopolitical dissent, but to claim it’s because a world leader who gets insulted frequently and in worse ways has thin skin is a stretch. He has bigger worries than Westerners tweeting at him.

    If you want a tool to fight the power of dictators, you’d be better served focusing on organizing the citizens of your own country against the powers that work against their interests at home. They point you toward foreign leaders and say “look, they’re worse” so you won’t criticize the shit job your own “representatives” are doing at home.


    The use of the meme in NATO countries is racist due to their history of racism

    This isn’t how that works. And even if it were, then it would be racist everywhere due to everywhere’s history of racism.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Please explain to me how it works then.


    What? Winnie the Pooh is from a British cartoon…Asian people aren’t described as “orange” by racists. I don’t think you know the origin of this meme

    Please illustrate how a British cartoon character is a racist caricature of xi? Is Barack Obama a tiger?

    MeowZedong, avatar

    The origin of the meme is not what I have issue with. The issue is with its use in Western countries and the history of how these countries stoke sinophobia. Criticism rooted in racism spills over into the mistreatment of people from the country that is the source of that racist sentiment in addition to foreigners.

    If you aren’t familiar with the history of racism, go read up on it.


    Seek fresh air, seems you have CO poisoning

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Yes, too much capitalist oppression has poisoned my general tolerance of apologia for this type of garbage.


    So if Obama was depicted as Curious George that’d be cool yeah?


    If only Obama was depicted like that, yes.

    But it is commonly used to depict black people in general.

    While nobody uses Winnie the Pooh to depict Chinese people, only their dictator.


    By racists yes.

    Krause, avatar

    Not racist at all. It’s against one person.

    So depicting Obama as a monkey in a political cartoon wouldn’t be racist?


    That would be racist, because of the whole monkey-black-people existing racial insult. In the same way, it is not racist to depict Xi as Winnie the Pooh since there is no “President Xis look like cartoon bears” racial insult.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Ever heard of the Yellow Peril?


    Pooh lover


    You have to be joking.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Right, because the meme about a Chinese man being a yellow bear isn’t racist.


    It’s not racist

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Dehumanizing people through racism is a well established method the US has historically used when manufacturing consent to go to war among its people. Look at depictions of Germans and Japanese in WWII. Look at depictions of Koreans, the Vietnamese, Afghans, and Iraqis during the invasions of their countries.

    Just because its origins weren’t racist doesn’t mean it hasn’t taken on a racist meaning. Sinophobia is rooted in racism and ignorance.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar


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  • theuberwalrus,

    It’s one guy, not a caricature of Chinese people

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Right, because if you allow racist tropes a little bit of leeway they won’t become normalized and propagate over time.

    How has voting in your bastion of democracy been working out for you? Did you get to vote to go to war? It’s not like your leaders are any less authoritarian.


    I'm allowed to criticize my government without being hauled off to fucking jail, how's that for freedom?


    No you’re not! Even people outside of the US are hauled off to its torture camps for criticising its war crimes and atrocities. Ask Assange.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    The US arrests journalists for not revealing their sources that are damaging towards the US government. I wonder why they want to know those sources so badly? Maybe Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.

    Not from the US? That’s ok!

    Plenty of European countries also have laws on the books to deal with you harassing government officials. I’m not even going to bother going into the topic of how these same governments quiet the dissent of socialists to this day. Turns out, if they feel like your criticism is damaging enough, they CAN haul you off to fucking prison.

    Say it louder and I’m sure that will make it true. YOU ARE FREE!


    The most recent case you can find is from 2006? Jesus, dude. Please, I beg of you, get outside and interact with a person face to face. It has to have been years for you at this point.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    There’s plenty of more recent examples, but I’m not going to go to the effort to dig up more in a conversation where the majority of the replies I get boil down to “nuh-uh, I saw different online stupid tankie.”

    If 2006 is the year that you landed on, I’ll again point you to the two specific names I dropped, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, both of whom experienced this with the US and allies more recently.

    Do you see why I wouldn’t bother putting the effort into finding a better source? The low effort replies and baseless personal attacks are all over this thread. Even the people I gave the benefit of the doubt to while replying didn’t reply in good faith.

    What do you feel like you’ve added to the conversation by trying to personally attack me? Does it feel good to attack someone behind the protection of anonymity? I wonder, if we did meet face-to-face, would you have the courage and strength of character to engage with me in a conversation as a fellow human worthy of respect despite our differences in belief or would you still hide behind weak, uninspiring insults as you have here?


    Brain worms.


    woah wtf you are being ridiculously racist. get the fuck out of here with that racist offensive stereotyping


    He isn’t a man. He is a bear. A fat, dumb bear.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Are you talking about your mom?


    Whoa whoa saying Chinese are yellow isn’t cool. Dat’s racist, with Pooh the color isn’t relevant

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    You bet Clearview AI is doing a good job here!


    the *.ml follows the will of the Supreme Soviet


    It’s definitely part communists, but I think mostly special interest groups, maybe even from China itself.

    polskilumalo, avatar

    You really want to feel special enough to think the Chinese government would even care about this internet backwater? Get real.


    Altering public opinion is definitely on their agenda. I’m not the type of person that screams China bad on everything, but this simply wouldn’t surprise me. Also, nobody is trying to feel special here, except for you.


    Never heard of propaganda? It is like sand.

    It is course and rough, and it gets everywhere.


    What a goddamned loser. Go sell your ignorant cultist bullshit somewhere else. Nobody here is buying it other than mindless idiots


    Here’s a little something for the dictator simps:


    Easy fix: don’t be a dictator.


    How can he stop being something that he’s already not?


    Someone who jails people over depicting them in a mocking way is a dictator.

    Someone who bans historic events and pretends they never happened is a dictator.

    rustyfish, avatar

    He is. Be quiet now.


    they see me rollin’

    in ma tankie

    pulpin’ protestors but they still call me silly commie


    “Dictator” is such an ugly word. I prefer “Tyrant.” It’s much more damning.

    trailing9, (edited )

    Dictator is the better word because it implies a choice by the people. It’s the reason why Octavian is the first Roman emperor but every ruler wants to be a Caesar.

    In a way, calling Xi a dictator recognizes his legitimization. I am sure that was not intended.




    An absolute ruler. A tyrant; a despot. An ancient Roman magistrate appointed temporarily to deal with an immediate crisis or emergency.


    It’d be funny if he called him “Winnie the pooh” when he meets him to explain himself :)


    Winnie so sad lmfao


    No that would be racist.


    The Internet has used it to indirectly refer to him


    I did for a bit too until someone here pointed out the underlying issue. Winnie is yellow in all the images of him Disney made or not. And “yellow” people in Western racism are Asians particularly Chinese people.

    It would be really fucked up for Germany to call Xi any variation of that name IMO.


    This just in: calling a black person Mickey mouse is racist! Can’t call a white person “Snoopy”, that’s racist too. Likening a Chinese person to a character from the Simpsons? Believe it or not, racist.

    T4V0, avatar

    You are aware that they compare him to Winnie due to this image, right?

    Left half of the image is Winnie the Pooh walking beside Tigger, right half is Xi Jinping and Barack Obama walking side by side.

    Calling it out as racism would be an exaggeration.


    No it’s definitely racist—see obama is tigger because they’re calling him a….



    I did for a bit too until someone here pointed out the underlying issue. Winnie is yellow

    That’s one point off your critical thinking score.


    Whoever pointed that out is the racist.

    loutr, avatar

    The meme was created by Chinese bloggers, who used it to mock Xi despite heavy monitoring and censorship. If anything, perpetuating it is a show of support of Chinese dissenters.


    Let’s think about as a way to be less obvious when talking about him

    queermunist, avatar

    You are not a Chinese blogger.

    At this point it’s mostly just crackers who refer to him this way.


    Well you clearly are an authority on racism, you’ve got years of experience.

    queermunist, avatar

    You can’t be racist against whitey lol


    You seem to be enjoying your brain worms. Rock on


    It honestly depends, some VPN companies like to use it to refer him but don’t want to piss off the Ccp so they blocked all their servers.

    queermunist, avatar

    Techbros are never racist.

    Look, I’m sure not every use of the meme is racist - but all racists use the meme. Get it?



    loutr, avatar

    Did you just assume my ethnicity?

    queermunist, avatar

    I assumed your nationality - you don’t live in China lol

    loutr, avatar

    Fair enough

    krolden, avatar


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  • loutr, avatar

    I’m not sure I qualify as a cracker, what with me not being American and having a Chinese father, but what do I know.


    Jacobs or Mcvities?


    I’m Asian. I can bet everything I have that no single Asians would never think so.


    Lol, you guys crack me up.


    Incorrect nice try though


    The german minister of foreign affairs is the women depicted in the post.


    I think they were talking about the ambassador (who may also be a woman, idk) not the foreign minister.


    Very likely. However that is also a women.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Why is that? Is it because you think it’s funny that Winnie the Pooh is yellow and Xi is Chinese? Racism is so funny!!!


    Nah it’s funny because they’re both fat and short dude


    Aww, somebody hurt Winnie the Pooh’s feelings.


    Do remember that the same Baerbock said that we (Germany/…) are at war with Russia.


    She’s not exactly known for being a smart person in Germany. Whoever thought she had what it takes to be a diplomat was clearly deluded. She only got the job as foreign minister because of proportional representation.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    Most dictators haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other executive role like chairman, supreme leader, or president. If Xi doesn’t want to be called a dictator, maybe China should start holding open elections, see how popular the CCP really is.


    You got to choose between Hoe Biden and Donald Trump last time. Get back in your box.

    TheSaneWriter, avatar

    Yeah, our elections suck. They should be more open and should be ranked choice. Likewise, the Electoral College is complete bullshit. Even still, Xi is a dictator and China is not a democracy. Multiple things can be true.


    Huh? China has elections.


    You can choose between voting for wumao Pooh or being kidnapped. Great choice!


    Nazi Germany had elections. North Korea has elections. As long as there's no actual opposition on the ballot, just having elections means nothing.


    China is a democracy, the USA isn’t. Xi is the democratically elected leader of his country and enjoys massive popular support. Your past two presidents are hated by the peasantry. You have no understanding of the world because you live in what you think North Korea is like.

    Your press is censored, your internet is censored, you have a one party state with no democracy and people die from preventable diseases daily. Homelessness and poverty are rampant. Child slavery and child poverty have skyrocketed under the current regime. America is a shithole, circling the drain and your pathetic racist shit in this thread just exemplifies how little you have to come back with.


    Chinese bots are welcome… to burn in a fire


    Xi is the democratically elected leader of his country

    How many people voted for him? How many votes did his opponent get?


    No idea. I couldn’t even tell you that about my own country or the USA, you know that place that’s totally a democracy where they don’t count all the votes and keep the black people from voting with dirty tricks.


    The general population does not vote for the presidency in China, the electors chosen by the CCP do. That is significantly less democratic than the US which is also not a very democratic country when it comes to the presidency.


    Neither do americans get to vote for their president nor the germans for their chancellor.


    the electors chosen by the CCP do

    but americans do get to vote for the electoral college, and germans iirc do get to vote for the bundestag


    They do and the German chancellor is also not as important as the American president.

    Theoretically, the Chinese parliament is also the actual governing body, but with its size and sporadic meetings that’s pretty questionable.

    ghost_of_faso2, avatar

    no one tell this guy how bernie got the popular vote but didnt get to run


    Okay well then just a simple question: when was the election?


    Also no idea. I’m not your Google.


    So how can you know they had an actual democratic election?


    How does anyone know anywhere had a democratic election? I read it in the news. Who told you China was not a democracy?


    Well, when did you read it in the news? That might give us a sense of when this election happened.


    So you claim that China is a democracy based on... having absolutely no knowledge of Chinese politics?


    Based on knowing the fact that China is a democracy.


    Hate to break it to you but China is a dictatorship. They don't even pretend otherwise, the primacy of the Communist Party is literally part of their constitution.


    Do you know how many political parties there are in China?


    Most forced elections haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other description like people’s elections, free elections, or secured elections. Made up words but you get the idea.


    The CCP has higher approval rates than western governments and the vast majority of Chinese believe they are living in a democracy. This is confirmed by western studies; latest one I’ve seen was from Harvard.

    Syldon, avatar

    The CCP does not have confidence in that though, hence the way it runs the elections there.


    I’d say that it has confidence in that, but their elections and government are structured in a different way.

    Syldon, avatar

    Just like Ford sold their cars in any colour you want, so long as it is black.


    If 95% of ford owners were satisfied with their black cars, vs 40% for another manufacturer that provides cars in multiple colors, then ford would be the better manufacturer.


    Belief can be a helpful thing


    Okay but what meaningful influence does the average Chinese person have on who is chosen as Paramount Leader.


    Enough for them to believe that they live in a democracy, it seems (and I don’t say that sarcastically).

    It’s not like people in liberal democracies have more influence. We can’t choose who runs, and each individual’s vote is negligible. I don’t know the specifics of China’s government, but I suspect they value being able to influence local policy and higher official elections via the Communist Party more than a direct vote on its leader – I would too, honestly.


    The same as the average western person… So probably very little.


    don’t make conflations with the USA and other liberal democracies. There are plenty of transparent, effective democracies where popular votes matter massively, and saying because the USA is electorally broken that everywhere is only serves the narrative that true liberal democracy “isn’t possible” i.e., exactly what China and Russia suggest.


    A fair bit, actually. China’s political system is basically a popularity system from bottom to top. At the lowest level, politicians only stay in power if their population is happy. This trickles up to the provincial level, where politicians again only stay in power if their population is happy. At a national level, the national leaders stay in power by building, essentially, large cabinets out of different provincial and regional leaders - thus, their entire position relies on keeping the provinces happy.

    It’s not the perfect system, but Chinese citizens can fairly easily impact local and even provincial policy and, by extension, influence national policy (recently, by repealing the COVID lockdowns with mass protests).

    The CCP isn’t an absolute monarchy or something. At the end of the day, it serves it’s people. The power of the Chinese economy is in its industrial capacity, after all, not in its wealth: the needs of the people need to be addressed to keep the country stable.


    the vast majority of Chinese believe they are living in a democracy.

    So do the vast majority of Americans.


    Open elections when there is only one party in practice are moot


    Tbh, with only two it’s not too much better either.


    Most dictators haven’t gone by that term, preferring instead some other executive role like chairman, supreme leader, or president.

    Don’t forget Führer


    West Taiwan -100000 social credit DAE Xinnie? XD

    Stalins_Spoon, avatar

    How surprising, an American satellite state is following American foreign interests

    ksynwa, avatar

    They willingly let America kneecap them by helping them blow up Nordstream so it’s nothing out of the left field.


    You mean the pipeline that they already banned the oil from?

    ksynwa, (edited ) avatar

    Who banned what?


    You people sound fucking more and more retarded every single day


    ableism is bad



    rustyfish, avatar

    You people become more and more retarded every single day



    Just leave. Go back to your horrible brainwashed echo chamber

    Stalins_Spoon, (edited ) avatar

    Bold words from a user


    Are you generalising the literally biggest instance on the fediverse?

    Stalins_Spoon, (edited ) avatar

    Look at the defed list for starters

    krolden, avatar

    Go back to reddit

    MeowZedong, avatar

    Said like someone who wants to maintain the integrity of their horrible, brainwashed echo chamber.


    Why does everything always smell like shit around me?

    -person with head up thier own ass


    He’s not wrong there are parts in her (Baerbock) timeline that is suspicious. She got trained at this think tank for example.

    Like a lot of other actual German politician.

    Gsus4, avatar

    What is that, is it like an american version of the Confucius institutes?

    Stalins_Spoon, avatar

    The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) told the BBC the CI on its campus was solely educational and that there was “nothing about this straightforward QUT CI’s work that could be identified as Chinese propaganda nor does it threaten academic freedom”.


    Gsus4, avatar…/geopolitics-of-language-how-ch…

    In 2008, Israel’s Tel Aviv University closed an art exhibition on Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that originated in China. The following year, America’s North Carolina State University cancelled a visit of Tibetan spiritual leader the 14th Dalai Lama.

    An Israeli court found that the Tel Aviv University had illegitimately cancelled the Falun Gong exhibition because of Chinese government pressure. In North Carolina, the Confucius Institute’s director warned state officials that the Dalai Lama’s visit could hurt “strong relationships we were developing in China”.

    Since their inception in South Korea’s Seoul in 2004, Confucius Institutes have enrolled up to 9 million students at 525 institutes in 146 countries and regions, as per the Heritage Foundation. In 2018, Politico magazine reported that the Chinese government was pouring in up to $10 billion annually into the initiative.

    It’s an interesting sum for the promotion of one’s language. But it’s not. In the Chinese government’s own words, the initiative is a propaganda arm of the state. Politburo standing member Li Changchun said in 2009 that Confucius Institutes are an “important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up”.

    He further said, “The Confucius Institute is an appealing brand for expanding our culture abroad. It has made an important contribution toward improving our soft power. The ‘Confucius’ brand has a natural attractiveness. Using the excuse of teaching Chinese language, everything looks reasonable and logical.”

    Politico cited a 2010 Chinese state-run People’s Daily article by propaganda minister Liu Yunshan as saying, “With regard to key issues that influence our sovereignty and safety, we should actively carry out international propaganda battles against issuers such as Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, human rights, and Falun Gong. We should do well in establishing and operating overseas cultural centres and Confucius

    Yes (I’m not saying it’s terribly wrong, other countries have their equivalent, but at least own up to what you’re doing)

    Stalins_Spoon, avatar

    I wasn’t aware of this my bad.


    Well, China can go fuck itself, and take Russia and the US with it.


    Best take I’ve seen here. The big countries in the world have way too much power. Problem is, if any one country has this amount of power, it automatically makes it so that other countries will also want to match that level of power.


    Plenty of people would raise their eyebrows on you for mentioning the US, but you would not exactly be wrong. China and Russia are authoritarian. However, the US is a highly flawed democracy with extremely flawed and abusive foreign policy. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has had recent precedence, with US invading Iraq out of trumped up charges. In Putin’s mind, he must have thought “if the Americans did it, why can’t I”? This is why I believe in a multipolar world.

    Legendsofanus, avatar

    From a total noob: what is a multipolar world in political terms?


    Multipolar means there are more than two influential/great power. Personally, I think this is better than the current state of US being the sole superpower, or during the cold war when there was two rival superpowers. However, some people argue that a multipolar world is not more stable (it led to World War I). I’m not an expert myself, but since we’ve got more democracies now than the time before World War I, I would argue that a multipolar world composed of mostly democratic countries might work.

    Krause, avatar

    Rutte and Merkel because … they have been long in office? Low trolling like this is why people disregard lemmygrad.


    This is a weak argument.

    I was not aware that term length was the method by which a dictatorship was determined. (Hint : It is not) In a democratic country, keep the people happy, stay in power. Is that how China works?

    I could speak more on this but I will match your low effort and pause there.

    Krause, avatar

    In a democratic country, keep the people happy, stay in power. Is that how China works?

    Yes it is, here’s a Harvard Ash Center study proving it:…/long-term-survey-reveals-chine……/final_policy_brief_7.6.2020.pdf

    The survey team found that compared to public opinion patterns in the U.S., in China there was very high satisfaction with the central government. In 2016, the last year the survey was conducted, 95.5 percent of respondents were either “relatively satisfied” or “highly satisfied” with Beijing. In contrast to these findings, Gallup reported in January of this year that their latest polling on U.S. citizen satisfaction with the American federal government revealed only 38 percent of respondents were satisfied with the federal government.

    I could speak more on this but I will match your low effort and pause there.

    I’d rather not read any more stupid comments from smug and uninformed liberals like you in my inbox, thanks for the favor.


    Did you keep reading to the part about low level satisfaction with local government. And some thoughts on why. It’s more complicated than you summarise.

    Interesting article nonetheless.

    Krause, avatar

    Did you keep reading to the part about low level satisfaction with local government.

    I did, did you? Or are you just skimming the introductory article for something “negative” to comment on?

    You’re painting a pretty disingenuous picture, the satisfaction levels for local government are lower than for the central government but they’re still pretty good:…/final_policy_brief_7.6.2020.pdf……/final_policy_brief_7.6.2020.pdf…

    Do you believe that 75% or more of Americans believe their local representatives are “Knowledgeable”, “Kind” or that they feel “Satisfied with [the] Eventual Outcome” of their decisions?

    It’s more complicated than you summarise.

    I didn’t summarize anything, I pasted a direct quote from the article you seem to not have read:


    This is clearly troll, but let’s play. Why not.

    Let’s first recall the initial assertion, readers please keep it in mind, (Image asserting dictatorship among western politicians)

    Let’s see what conversational traps the troll uses.

    1. “Proves” China is happy. Let’s assume their proof is valid to save time. Pause, revisit initial point, is it related? Doesn’t seem to be. Alright let’s continue.
    2. Asserts I am liberal? Odd, seems related to nothing. None of the topics seems attached to this assertion. Let’s continue.

    End of post, so let’s revisit, has the responder provided anything of value on the topic (recalling that this is a topic that they initialized). Well, no.

    2/10 troll. Mildly entertaining though. I’m glad they posted, its a good education for people to see common tactics used by time vampires. Have a nice day troll or trollbot.

    Krause, avatar

    The irony of calling me a troll while at the same time dismissing a study you haven’t read to attack my character. Please keep your word and stick to just one low effort reply here, I don’t think anyone needs to read you embarrass yourself any further.

    MeowZedong, avatar

    You were called a liberal because of your support of liberal governments, making it related to the topic. The holier-than-thou tone of your response highlights your lack of education on the relevant topics. Seeing as you think no one else provided any value to the discussion and you knowingly chose to contribute nothing of your own (is coat-tail time vampire an established term?) Let’s try to salvage something out of this thread. Beyond the derisive tone of this first paragraph, everything beyond is provided as a measure toward engaging in a good-faith conversation.

    Why were you called a liberal and why would a communist see this as a fault? To add some clarity before the quote, communists usually apply the term “liberal” to what people in the US refer to as “conservatives” and “liberals.” They are lumped together due to their mutual support of liberalism and neoliberalism. The following quote is from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Section 2.4. It does not fully answer the above question, but it will begin to give some context. Any additional clarification can be gained by reading further into Marxist theory.

    In responding to Bauer, Marx makes one of the most enduring arguments from his early writings, by means of introducing a distinction between political emancipation—essentially the grant of liberal rights and liberties—and human emancipation. Marx’s reply to Bauer is that political emancipation is perfectly compatible with the continued existence of religion, as the contemporary example of the United States demonstrates. However, pushing matters deeper, in an argument reinvented by innumerable critics of liberalism, Marx argues that not only is political emancipation insufficient to bring about human emancipation, it is in some sense also a barrier. Liberal rights and ideas of justice are premised on the idea that each of us needs protection from other human beings who are a threat to our liberty and security. Therefore, liberal rights are rights of separation, designed to protect us from such perceived threats. Freedom on such a view, is freedom from interference. What this view overlooks is the possibility—for Marx, the fact—that real freedom is to be found positively in our relations with other people. It is to be found in human community, not in isolation. Accordingly, insisting on a regime of liberal rights encourages us to view each other in ways that undermine the possibility of the real freedom we may find in human emancipation. Now we should be clear that Marx does not oppose political emancipation, for he sees that liberalism is a great improvement on the systems of feudalism and religious prejudice and discrimination which existed in the Germany of his day. Nevertheless, such politically emancipated liberalism must be transcended on the route to genuine human emancipation. Unfortunately, Marx never tells us what human emancipation is, although it is clear that it is closely related to the ideas of non-alienated labour and meaningful community.


    My comments are simple, direct. I inject nothing and ask questions about statements. If this is offensive, it is inferred without being implied.

    Let’s address your assertions and questions one-by-one without all the fluff.

    1. A subjectively-observed attitude indicates lack of education.
    2. What does time vampire mean.
    3. You acknowledge an aggressive tone and suggest the next paragraph will contain a shift.
    4. You provide a contextual quote.

    My responses.

    1. Disregard, I draw no connection between attitude and education so choose not to engage, defend, or otherwise.
    2. I’ll admit, this is close to a joke/slang term. Colloquially, time vampire is someone who takes your time as a hobby. Related to “bullshit asymmetry” aka, the amount of effort required to debunk bullshit is always greater than the initial bullshit. Giving the bullshitter infinite ammo to destroy the time of a good faith responder. A vampire takes blood, a time vampire would take time. I am sure you can draw the connection from the above info.
    3. No response required. Clear.
    4. This is where the assumptions go wrong, I do not support neoliberalism. I support clarity of discussion. I responded because I found the initial comment to be misleading, unclear, and poorly framed. On liberalism I have no stance due to lack of education on this topic. Your quote is interesting, I’ll have to read more on this.
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