Another country has called Xi a 'dictator' and China is not happy with that description

China has lashed out at Germany after its foreign minister called Xi Jinping a “dictator” and summoned Berlin’s ambassador for a dressing down, in the latest flaring of tensions with a western democratic power over how the Chinese leader is described overseas.


When you change the rules so you can hold office longer than permitted in an authoritarian country that is an appropriate label for the dictator.


Yep and other rules


hexbear disagrees


Nobody gives a single fuck though because it’s hex bear


that bunch of larping teens?


The very same!


Then it must be true


hexbears are trolls, they would disagree even if it killed their mother.

RickyRigatoni, avatar


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  • quindraco,

    Very noticeable that they didn’t specify how he wasn’t a dictator, nor what other label would be more appropriate.


    Maybe she should've used the chinese word for dictator.

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    Ah yes, Xi Jinping


    That’s exactly like his name!


    Ah yes, Xi Jinping


    *Winnie the Pooh


    Hexbear users incoming in 3.2.1…


    I use a client that can block instances, so I have all of Hexbear blocked. It radically improves the Lemmy experience.


    Whats the client?

    Teppic avatar

    Kbin allows users to do this (noting kbin isn't a client it's a compatible platform).


    Sync let’s you do it. Also possibly Connect? I forgot the other one, but i think it might be Connect.


    Yes, connect lets you block instances, but it still shows that there was a comment there and lets you show it. It’s handy to see how much you’re blocking.


    Memmy app let’s you do it as well.


    Does it? I can’t find that setting

    Edit: Nevermind, I read this as Mlem

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Tell me your wisdom, duck of the lake.


    I use a Violentmonkey script to do so


    I am using Eternity or Voyager, I will be so happy when instance blocking comes to those.


    Give Memmy a try. I switched to it so I could block entire instances. It’s made my feed so much better!


    Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m on Android, so I can’t use it. On spezit I loved, and supported Infinity, the Infinity fork Eternity is very good. I love having my own colour theme, it’s great for qol, and all the other nice features it has.


    Sync is an outstanding Lemmy client for Android.


    Apologies! I should have mentioned it was for iOS.


    No worries at all

    Buelldozer, avatar

    Connect does instance blocking and I think LiftOff does as well.


    I just.tried Liftoff and i did not see that option

    RedWizard, (edited ) avatar

    Never hear a dissenting opinion. I’ll take, what is an echo chamber for $200.


    Have you ever bothered to read the rules of your instance? If I go on there and say anything negative about your cute dictator I’ll be banned. However, you can freely go on our greedy capitalist instances and praise your teddy bear as much as you want. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I guess your mind can’t comprehend being free.

    RedWizard, avatar

    Do you mean the rule about not being Sinophobic? Is that really a hard rule for you to follow? I like to look at objective reality instead of just barking the same nonsensical shibboleths when the topic of China arises.


    No capitalist apologia / anti-communism

    You would whine even harder if had No communist apologia / anti-capitalism in their rules.

    RedWizard, avatar

    Most anti-communism has no basis in reality and often are myths perpetuated by state agencies. All Anti-Capitalist sentiment is rooted in the material realities of our world and life. To deny socialist historical reality is to deny your own history, and ultimately is an admission of your disingenuous support of the truth.

    Historical Materialism is truth seeking in practice. It requires you to have a fact based, objective view of our past and present.

    Also I don’t know why I would whine, because I’m not using That instance can have whatever rules they want. I wouldn’t block or defederate from them because of it either. But if you are not interested in seeking the truth and objectively observing reality, then I guess you can insolate yourself from it and keep your echos.


    Kill yourself

    RedWizard, avatar

    Did it take you a full week to think of that reply?


    Just because they blocked Hexbear doesn’t mean they block all the opinions they dislike.

    Hexbear is just full of radicals and trolls.


    There’s differing opinions and then there’s just shittalking. When it comes to differing opinions most of Hexbear interactions deliberately (by the admission of their own users) fall under shittalking. They deliberately antagonize and troll anyone with a different opinion because in their mind anyone who doesn’t agree with them should be trolled. You don’t get differing opinions from Hexbear, you get a bastardization of a differing opinion. One that is different only on the basis them telling you you’re wrong, and in most cases even that has to be intuited.

    Nobody should wade through shit to get a few nuggets of gold which is why most people just block Hexbear.


    Thankfully, OP is from an instance that has not federated with Hexbear. Hexbear users won’t be able to see this post.


    But they have posted to .ml which is federated with hexbear. So the poster’s instance needs to be federated no the instance of the community where the post is?


    You need both. For a comment you even need the community instance, the poster instance, and the commenter instance to all be federated


    That’s confusing.


    Basically, everybody needs to agree before access is granted.

    It is the best way to block spammers and trolls.


    Because he was democratically elected in a transparent election. Unlike the current American demented imbecile.


    What are you talking about? He doesn’t hold elected office. Here’s the last time he was re-appointed to his appointed position.


    Even your link to the fucking guardian says he was elected fair and square. Unlike Jim Crow Joe.


    Lol he was elected by the party, not the people, in what amounts to a loyalty test.


    Remember when the people of the USA chose to vote for one of two white supremacists?

    Lol, neither do I, then the feds rigged the election anyway.




    Yeah they don’t tell you much about what’s going on in your police state do they? The feds paid a visit around to all the social media giants and forced them to censor negative news about paedo Joe. This is well known outside your prison state.…/zuckerberg-blames-fbi-for-censoring-…


    When “Don’t let people post pictures of my son’s dick” becomes “China will disappear you if you call Winnie the Pooh a dictator as a citizen of China”.

    We know about it. You’re like a Libertarian acting like they have secret knowledge when they tell you you still have to pay taxes for Universal healthcare.


    Omg you people are insufferable.




    Sounds like the electoral college


    Sounds like you need to take a civics class


    That won’t change the amount of presidents we’ve sworn in that didn’t have a majority of the people’s votes

    RedWizard, avatar

    That’s how parliament works in the UK. Bunch of dictators over there in the Queen’s England.


    In the UK there are multiple political parties.


    And look how well that’s going for them.


    Better than any one or two political party(ies)


    You mean like USA?

    RedWizard, avatar

    Ah yes, because they are all very different and diverse and definitely don’t kowtow to the same political group. A wolf in a different hat is still a wolf.

    Krause, avatar

    from your link:

    “I was reelected as the general secretary of the CPC central committee,” Xi said in opening remarks, before presenting the six other members: Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi.

    ICastFist, avatar

    “I am not a dictator! Anyone who says I am will get jailed!” - Grand Poohbear of China, 2023


    Aww, somebody hurt Winnie the Pooh’s feelings.


    West Taiwan -100000 social credit DAE Xinnie? XD


    Do remember that the same Baerbock said that we (Germany/…) are at war with Russia.


    She’s not exactly known for being a smart person in Germany. Whoever thought she had what it takes to be a diplomat was clearly deluded. She only got the job as foreign minister because of proportional representation.

    bennieandthez, avatar

    You said it queen 😍


    In China, the people directly elect local council (e.g. village or town level) representatives. Those local council members than select who among themselves to send to represent them at the next level above. This continues all the way the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee.

    This sort of organizational structure is more-or-less how political parties in Germany also work; so by that logic the Green party itself would presumably be an undemocratic institution.

    OK, but the CPC can control who is allowed to run in elections, right? Well, Germany banned its communist party: In Germany, any organization (and their members) that wants to abolish the liberal order, capitalism, private property and so on is subject to repression, surveillance and outright bans, and this is enshrined in the constitution. So no fundamental difference there either: In Germany the liberal institutions decide who can and cannot run, and they have decided the commies are out.

    Empirically, the Chinese government enjoys way better approval rating than any Western government, Chinese people believe themselves to be living in a democracy, and the Chinese administration seems way more responsive to the actual needs of the people, what with the poverty reduction and all. How is this possible if they’re so much more undemocratic than Western liberal democracies?


    He’s still an authoritarian cunt.


    Well you have to understand the centralisation is pulling the legs of the economy in China rn

    Laitinlok, (edited )

    Well I think the issue is the people in China haven’t experienced the democracy in US so the comparison would be hard to measure. As funny as it gets the people in the US can laugh at Joe Biden but not those in China that could laugh at president Xi.

    A note accompanying the poll results offers a disclaimer, stating that “in authoritarian countries, positive perceptions might result from different conceptions of democracy, high levels of government satisfaction, or fear of speaking out against the government.”

    Krause, avatar

    I think the issue is the people in China haven’t experienced the democracy in US

    Don’t worry, the Americans haven’t either.


    different conceptions of democracy

    This is kind of my point. Western liberals claim their representative type of democracy is the only correct way to have democracy. But in their version of democracy, economic power allows oligarchs and corporations to own and control the media, there are countless legal (and illegal) ways to influence policy and bribe politicians, and the police and courts routinely suppress anti-capitalist and other emancipatory movements, organizations and individuals.

    Giving lectures about democracy when you’re at the helm of a country that is actually ruled by the capitalist class is hypocritical.


    Well at least you can criticise about it unlike some countries. You can choose who to believe, this degree of freedom is not there.


    In Germany the liberal institutions decide who can and cannot run, and they have decided the commies are out

    Back in 1946, it was decided that antidemocratic parties shouldn’t be part of a democracy. Hence antidemocratic parties are illegal.

    That’s it. You are very much allowed to abolish private property if you wish to do so. You’ll just have to do it in a democratic manner.

    And it just so happens that abolishing private property is very much not a popular idea.

    (No, the current German government can not decide who can run in elections.)


    Dictators were never good at hearing the truth.


    Good old Ski Ski Spring.


    Well that’s good old racism kind of.


    If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, there’s a high probability it is a duck.


    Well, China can go fuck itself, and take Russia and the US with it.


    Best take I’ve seen here. The big countries in the world have way too much power. Problem is, if any one country has this amount of power, it automatically makes it so that other countries will also want to match that level of power.


    Plenty of people would raise their eyebrows on you for mentioning the US, but you would not exactly be wrong. China and Russia are authoritarian. However, the US is a highly flawed democracy with extremely flawed and abusive foreign policy. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has had recent precedence, with US invading Iraq out of trumped up charges. In Putin’s mind, he must have thought “if the Americans did it, why can’t I”? This is why I believe in a multipolar world.

    Legendsofanus, avatar

    From a total noob: what is a multipolar world in political terms?


    Multipolar means there are more than two influential/great power. Personally, I think this is better than the current state of US being the sole superpower, or during the cold war when there was two rival superpowers. However, some people argue that a multipolar world is not more stable (it led to World War I). I’m not an expert myself, but since we’ve got more democracies now than the time before World War I, I would argue that a multipolar world composed of mostly democratic countries might work.

    Dirk, avatar

    If you complain about people calling you a dictator means that you’re fully aware that you are a dictator.


    By that logic there are a whole bunch of Nazis on Lemmy and Hexbear is fighting the good fight.

    polskilumalo, avatar

    Nazis on Lemmy and Hexbear

    I don’t what you’re smoking but that stuff must be highly neurodegenerative and I advise you to stop.


    “Dictator” is such an ugly word. I prefer “Tyrant.” It’s much more damning.

    trailing9, (edited )

    Dictator is the better word because it implies a choice by the people. It’s the reason why Octavian is the first Roman emperor but every ruler wants to be a Caesar.

    In a way, calling Xi a dictator recognizes his legitimization. I am sure that was not intended.




    An absolute ruler. A tyrant; a despot. An ancient Roman magistrate appointed temporarily to deal with an immediate crisis or emergency.


    If it whines like a goose and goose-steps like a… goose… then maybe it’s a goose.

    samus12345, avatar

    If any country knows what a dictator is, it’s Germany.

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