
random Icon


"Random" is the place where all the content from the Fediverse that couldn't be classified into any other magazine ends up. Icon


Be sure to follow the rule before you head out.

Rule: You must post before you leave. Icon


Welcome to the News community!


  1. Be civil___ Attack the argument, not the person. No racism/sexism/bigotry. Good faith argumentation only. Trolling is uncivil and is grounds for removal and/or a community ban. ___

  2. All posts should contain a source (url) that is as reliable and unbiased as possible and must only contain one link.___ Obvious right or left wing sources will be removed at the mods discretion. We have an actively updated blocklist, which you can see here: if you feel like any website is missing, contact the mods. Supporting links can be added in comments or posted seperately but not to the post body. ___

  3. No bots, spam or self-promotion.___ Only approved bots, which follow the guidelines for bots set by the instance, are allowed. ___

  4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.___ Posts which titles don’t match the source won’t be removed, but the autoMod will notify you, and if your title misrepresents the original article, the post will be deleted. If the site changed their headline, the bot might still contact you, just ignore it, we won’t delete your post. ___

  5. Only recent news is allowed.___ Posts must be news from the most recent 30 days. ___

  6. All posts must be news articles.___ No opinion pieces, Listicles, editorials or celebrity gossip is allowed. All posts will be judged on a case-by-case basis. ___

  7. No duplicate posts.___ If a source you used was already posted by someone else, the autoMod will leave a message. Please remove your post if the autoMod is correct. If the post that matches your post is very old, we refer you to rule 5. ___

  8. Misinformation is prohibited.___ Misinformation / propaganda is strictly prohibited. Any comment or post containing or linking to misinformation will be removed. If you feel that your post has been removed in error, credible sources must be provided. ___

  9. No link shorteners.___ The auto mod will contact you if a link shortener is detected, please delete your post if they are right. ___

  10. Don't copy entire article in your post body___ For copyright reasons, you are not allowed to copy an entire article into your post body. This is an instance wide rule, that is strictly enforced in this community. Icon


A community for discussing events around the World


  • Rule 1: posts have the following requirements:

    • Post news articles only
    • Video links are NOT articles and will be removed.
    • Title must match the article headline
    • Not United States Internal News
    • Recent (Past 30 Days)
    • Screenshots/links to other social media sites (Twitter/X/Facebook/Youtube/reddit, etc.) are explicitly forbidden, as are link shorteners.
  • Rule 2: Do not copy the entire article into your post. The key points in 1-2 paragraphs is allowed (even encouraged!), but large segments of articles posted in the body will result in the post being removed. If you have to stop and think “Is this fair use?”, it probably isn’t. Archive links, especially the ones created on link submission, are absolutely allowed but those that avoid paywalls are not.

  • Rule 3: Opinions articles, or Articles based on misinformation/propaganda may be removed. Sources that have a Low or Very Low factual reporting rating or MBFC Credibility Rating may be removed.

  • Rule 4: Posts or comments that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, anti-religious, or ableist will be removed. “Ironic” prejudice is just prejudiced.

  • Posts and comments must abide by the terms of service UPDATED AS OF 10/19

  • Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

  • Rule 6: Memes, spam, other low effort posting, reposts, misinformation, advocating violence, off-topic, trolling, offensive, regarding the moderators or meta in content may be removed at any time.

  • Rule 7: We didn’t USED to need a rule about how many posts one could make in a day, then someone posted NINETEEN articles in a single day. Not comments, FULL ARTICLES. If you’re posting more than say, 10 or so, consider going outside and touching grass. We reserve the right to limit over-posting so a single user does not dominate the front page.

We ask that the users report any comment or post that violate the rules, to use critical thinking when reading, posting or commenting. Users that post off-topic spam, advocate violence, have multiple comments or posts removed, weaponize reports or violate the code of conduct will be banned.

All posts and comments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This means that some content that violates the rules may be allowed, while other content that does not violate the rules may be removed. The moderators retain the right to remove any content and ban users.

Lemmy World Partners

News !news

Politics !politics

World Politics !globalpolitics


For Firefox users, there is media bias / propaganda / fact check plugin.…/media-bias-fact-check/

  • Consider including the article’s link Icon



  1. Be civil and nice.
  2. Try not to excessively repost, as a rule of thumb, wait at least 2 months to do it if you have to. Icon


Welcome to the discussion of US Politics!


  1. Post only links to articles, Title must fairly describe link contents. If your title differs from the site’s, it should only be to add context or be more descriptive. Do not post entire articles in the body or in the comments.
  2. Articles must be relevant to politics. Links must be to quality and original content. Articles should be worth reading. Clickbait, stub articles, and rehosted or stolen content are not allowed. Check your source for Reliability and Bias here.
  3. *Be civil, No violations of TOS.*It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!
  4. *No memes, trolling, or low-effort comments.*Reposts, misinformation, off-topic, trolling, or offensive.
  5. Vote based on comment quality, not agreement. This community aims to foster discussion; please reward people for putting effort into articulating their viewpoint, even if you disagree with it.
  6. No hate speech, slurs, celebrating death, advocating violence, or abusive language. This will result in a ban. Usernames containing racist, or inappropriate slurs will be banned without warning

We ask that the users report any comment or post that violate the rules, to use critical thinking when reading, posting or commenting. Users that post off-topic spam, advocate violence, have multiple comments or posts removed, weaponize reports or violate the code of conduct will be banned.

All posts and comments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This means that some content that violates the rules may be allowed, while other content that does not violate the rules may be removed. The moderators retain the right to remove any content and ban users.

That’s all the rules!

Civic Links

Register To Vote

Citizenship Resource Center

Congressional Awards Program

Federal Government Agencies

Library of Congress Legislative Resources

The White House

U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. Senate

Partnered Communities:


World News

Business News

Military News

Global Politics

Moderate Politics

Progressive Politics

UK Politics

Canadian Politics

Australian Politics

New Zealand Politics Icon


Video game news oriented community. No NanoUFO is not a bot :)


  1. News oriented content (general reviews, previews or retrospectives allowed).
  2. Broad discussion posts (preferably not only about a specific game).
  3. No humor/memes etc…
  4. No affiliate links
  5. No advertising.
  6. No clickbait, editorialized, sensational titles. State the game in question in the title. No all caps.
  7. No self promotion.
  8. No duplicate posts, newer post will be deleted unless there is more discussion in one of the posts.
  9. No politics.


  1. No personal attacks.
  2. Obey instance rules.
  3. No low effort comments(one or two words, emoji etc…)
  4. Please use spoiler tags for spoilers.

My goal is just to have a community where people can go and see what new game news is out for the day and comment on it.

Other communities: gaming gaming pcgaming Icon


Welcome to Lemmy Shitpost. Here you can shitpost to your hearts content.

Anything and everything goes. Memes, Jokes, Vents and Banter. Though we still have to comply with instance rules. So behave!


  1. Be Respectful___ Refrain from using harmful language pertaining to a protected characteristic: e.g. race, gender, sexuality, disability or religion. Refrain from being argumentative when responding or commenting to posts/replies. Personal attacks are not welcome here. …

  1. No Illegal Content___ Content that violates the law. Any post/comment found to be in breach of common law will be removed and given to the authorities if required. That means: -No promoting violence/threats against any individuals -No CSA content or Revenge Porn -No sharing private/personal information (Doxxing) …

  1. No Spam___ Posting the same post, no matter the intent is against the rules. -If you have posted content, please refrain from re-posting said content within this community. -Do not spam posts with intent to harass, annoy, bully, advertise, scam or harm this community. -No posting Scams/Advertisements/Phishing Links/IP Grabbers -No Bots, Bots will be banned from the community. …

  1. No Porn/ExplicitContent ___ -Do not post explicit content. Lemmy.World is not the instance for NSFW content. -Do not post Gore or Shock Content. …

  1. No Enciting Harassment,Brigading, Doxxing or Witch Hunts ___ -Do not Brigade other Communities -No calls to action against other communities/users within Lemmy or outside of Lemmy. -No Witch Hunts against users/communities. -No content that harasses members within or outside of the community. …

  1. NSFW should be behind NSFW tags.___ -Content that is NSFW should be behind NSFW tags. -Content that might be distressing should be kept behind NSFW tags.

If you see content that is a breach of the rules, please flag and report the comment and a moderator will take action where they can.

Also check out:

Partnered Communities:


2.Lemmy Review

3.Mildly Infuriating

4.Lemmy Be Wholesome

5.No Stupid Questions

6.You Should Know

7.Comedy Heaven

8.Credible Defense

9.Ten Forward

10.LinuxMemes (Linux themed memes)

Reach out to

All communities included on the sidebar are to be made in compliance with the instance rules. Striker

Ukraine_UA Icon

Україна Ukraine

Все про Україну

Everything about Ukraine


  • Rules:

-no russian propaganda

-posts allowed only in Ukrainian or English

  • Правила:

-ніякої російської пропаганди

-пости лише українською або англійською мовами

Friendly communities:

Tags Icon


News from around the world!


  • Please only post links to actual news sources, no tabloid sites, etc
  • No NSFW content
  • No hate speech, bigotry, propaganda, etc Icon


This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.

Our Rules

  1. Follow the rules.
  2. Only tech related content.
  3. Be excellent to each another!
  4. Mod approved content bots can post up to 10 articles per day.
  5. Threads asking for personal tech support may be deleted.
  6. Politics threads may be removed.
  7. No memes allowed as posts, OK to post as comments.
  8. Only approved bots from the list below, to ask if your bot can be added please contact us.
  9. Check for duplicates before posting, duplicates may be removed

Approved Bots Icon


News and discussion related to Ukraine

*Sympathy for enemy combatants in any form is prohibited.

*No content depicting extreme violence or gore.


Das Sammelbecken auf feddit für alle Deutschsprechenden aus Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg und die zwei Belgier. Außerdem natürlich alle anderen deutschprechenden Länderteile der Welt.

Für länderspezifische Themen könnt ihr euch in folgenden Communities austauschen:

Eine ausführliche Sidebar findet ihr hier: Infothread: Regeln, Feedback & sonstige Infos

Auch hier gelten die Serverregeln von !

Banner: SirSamuelVimes Icon


Die offizielle Zweigstelle von ich_iel im Fediversum.

Alle Pfosten müssen den Titel ‘ich_iel’ haben, der Unterstrich darf durch ein beliebiges Symbol oder Bildschriftzeichen ersetzt werden. Ihr dürft euch frei entfalten!

📱 Empfohlene Schlaufon-Applikationen für Lassmich

Befreundete Kommunen:


  1. Seid nett zueinanderDiskriminierung anderer Benutzer, Beleidigungen und Provokationen sind verboten.

  2. Pfosten müssen den Titel 'ich_iel' oder 'ich iel' habenNur Pfosten mit dem Titel ‘ich_iel’ oder ‘ich iel’ sind zugelassen. Alle anderen werden automatisch entfernt. Unterstrich oder Abstand dürfen durch ein beliebiges Textsymbol oder bis zu drei beliebige Emojis ersetzt werden.

  3. Keine Hochwähl-Maimais oder (Eigen)werbungAlle Pfosten, die um Hochwählis bitten oder Werbung beinhalten werden entfernt. Hiermit ist auch Eigenwerbung gemeint, z.b. für andere Gemeinschaften.

  4. Keine Bildschirmschüsse von UnterhaltungenAlle Pfosten, die Bildschirmschüsse von Unterhaltungen, wie beispielsweise aus WasistApplikaton oder Zwietracht zeigen, sind nicht erlaubt. Hierzu zählen auch Unterhaltungen mit KIs.

  5. Keine kantigen Beiträge oder Meta-Beiträgeich_iel ist kein kantiges Maimai-Brett. Meta-Beiträge, insbesondere über gelöschte oder gesperrte Beiträge, sind nicht erlaubt.

  6. Keine ÜberfälleWer einen Überfall auf eine andere Gemeinschaft plant, muss diesen zuerst mit den Mods abklären. Brigadieren ist strengstens verboten.

  7. Keine Ü40-MaimaisMaimais, die es bereits in die WasistApplikation-Familienplauderei geschafft haben oder von Rüdiger beim letzten Stammtisch herumgezeigt wurden, sind besser auf /c/ichbin40undlustig aufgehoben.

  8. ich_iel ist eine humoristische PlattformAlle Pfosten auf ich_iel müssen humorvoll gestaltet sein. Humor ist subjektiv, aber ein Pfosten muss zumindest einen humoristischen Anspruch haben. Die Atmosphäre auf ich_iel soll humorvoll und locker gehalten werden.

  9. Keine Polemik, keine Köderbeiträge, keine FalschmeldungenBeiträge, die wegen Polemik negativ auffallen, sind nicht gestattet. Desweiteren sind Pfosten nicht gestattet, die primär Empörung, Aufregung, Wut o.Ä. über ein (insbesonders, aber nicht nur) politisches Thema hervorrufen sollen. Die Verbreitung von Falschmeldungen ist bei uns nicht erlaubt.

Bitte beachtet auch die Regeln von Icon


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).

Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word “Linux” in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.


  • Posts must be relevant to operating systems running the Linux kernel. GNU/Linux or otherwise.
  • No misinformation
  • No NSFW content
  • No hate speech, bigotry, etc

Related Communities

Community icon by Alpár-Etele Méder, licensed under CC BY 3.0


Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.

As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades: Graph of temperature as observed with significant warming, and simulated without added greenhouse gases and other anthropogentic changes, which shows no significant warming

How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:

Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:

Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.


What’s going on Canada?


🍁 Meta* Main* Announcements* Support

🗺️ Provinces / Territories* Alberta* British Columbia* Manitoba* New Brunswick* Newfoundland and Labrador* Northwest Territories* Nova Scotia* Nunavut* Ontario* Prince Edward Island* Quebec* Saskatchewan* Yukon

🏙️ Cities* Calgary (AB)* Edmonton (AB)* Greater Sudbury (ON)* Halifax (NS)* Hamilton (ON)* London (ON)* Mississauga (ON)* Montreal (QC)* Nanaimo (BC)* Oceanside (BC)* Ottawa (ON)* Port Alberni (BC)* Thunder Bay (ON)* Toronto (ON)* Vancouver (BC)* Victoria (BC)* Waterloo (ON)* Winnipeg (MB)

🏒 SportsHockey - List of All Teams: Post on /c/hockey- General Community: /c/Hockey- Calgary Flames- Edmonton Oilers- Montréal Canadiens- Ottawa Senators- Toronto Maple Leafs- Vancouver Canucks- Winnipeg JetsFootball (NFL) - List of All Teams: unknownFootball (CFL) - List of All Teams: unknownBaseball - List of All Teams: unknown- Toronto Blue JaysBasketball - List of All Teams: unknown- Toronto RaptorsSoccer - List of All Teams: unknown- General Community: /c/CanadaSoccer- Toronto FC

💻 Universities* UBC* UWaterloo* SFU* UoGuelph

👒 Lifestylecoming soon

💵 Finance / Shopping* Personal Finance Canada* BAPCSalesCanada* Canadian Investor* Buy Canadian* Quebec Finance* Churning Canada

🗣️ Politics* Canada Politics* NDP

🍁 Other* Canada Politics* Ask a Canadian ___


Reminder that the rules for also apply here:1. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. 2. Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here. 3. No porn. 4. No Ads / Spamming.


What is global news?

Something that happened or was uncovered recently anywhere in the world. It doesn’t have to have global implications. Just has to be informative in some way.

Post guidelines

Title formatPost title should mirror the news source title.

URL formatPost URL should be the original link to the article (even if paywalled) and archived copies left in the body. It allows avoiding duplicate posts when cross-posting.

[Opinion] prefixOpinion (op-ed) articles must use [Opinion] prefix before the title.


  1. English onlyTitle and associated content has to be in English.

  2. No social media postsAvoid all social media posts. Try searching for a source that has a written article or transcription on the subject.

  3. Respectful communicationAll communication has to be respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences.

  4. InclusivityEveryone is welcome here regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

  5. Ad hominem attacksAny kind of personal attacks are expressly forbidden. If you can’t argue your position without attacking a person’s character, you already lost the argument.

  6. Off-topic tangentsStay on topic. Keep it relevant.

  7. Instance rules may applyIf something is not covered by community rules, but are against instance rules, they will be enforced.

Companion communities
  • !legalnews - International and local legal news.
  • !technology - Technology, social media platforms, informational technologies and tech policy.
  • !interestingshare - Interesting articles, projects, and research that doesn’t fit the definition of news.

Icon attribution | Banner attribution

science Icon


This magazine is dedicated to discussions on scientific discoveries, research, and theories across various fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and more.

Whether you are a scientist, a science enthusiast, or simply curious about the world around us, this is the place for you. Here you can share your knowledge, ask questions, and engage in discussions on a wide range of scientific topics.

From the latest breakthroughs to historical discoveries and ongoing research, this category covers a wide range of topics related to science.

Tags Icon


A loosely moderated place to ask open-ended questions

Search asklemmy 🔍

If your post meets the following criteria, it’s welcome here!

  1. Open-ended question
  2. Not offensive: at this point, we do not have the bandwidth to moderate overtly political discussions. Assume best intent and be excellent to each other.
  3. Not regarding using or support for Lemmy: context, see the list of support communities and tools for finding communities below
  4. Not ad nauseam inducing: please make sure it is a question that would be new to most members
  5. An actual topic of discussion

Looking for support?

Looking for a community?

  • Lemmyverse: community search
  • maps old subreddits to fediverse options, marks official as such
  • !lemmy411: a community for finding communities

Icon by @Double_A Icon


Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.

No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer

Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank

Dunk posts in general go in the_dunk_tank, not here

Don’t post low-hanging fruit here after it gets removed from the_dunk_tank

Formerly /r/MMA

Place to talk about the sport of mixed martial arts


  1. Be Civil.
  2. Don't spam.


internet Icon


This magazine is dedicated to discussions on all things related to the world wide web.

Whether you are a web developer, a social media marketer, or simply a user interested in learning more about the internet, this is the place for you.

Here you can share your knowledge, ask for advice, and engage in discussions on topics such as website design, social media, online marketing, e-commerce, and more.

From the latest trends in web development to the ethical considerations of online behavior, this category covers a wide range of topics related to the internet.

Join the conversation and let's explore the vast and ever-changing landscape of the world wide web together!



Improve The News is a free news aggregator and news analysis site developed by a group of researchers at MIT and elsewhere to improve your access to trustworthy news. Many website algorithms push you (for ad revenue) into a filter bubble by reinforcing the narratives you impulse-click on. By understanding other people’s arguments, you understand why they do what they do – and have a better chance of persuading them. What's establishment bias? The establishment view is what all big parties and powers agree on, which varies between countries and over time. For example, the old establishment view that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote was successfully challenged. ITN makes it easy for you to compare the perspectives of the pro-establishment mainstream media with those of smaller establishment-critical news outlets that you won’t find in most other news aggregators. This Magazine/Community is not affiliated with Improve The News and is an unofficial repository of the information posted there. --- LR (left/right): 1 = left leaning, 3 = neutral, 5 = right leaning CP (critical/pro-establishment): 1 = critical, 3 = neutral, 5 = pro Icon


typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!

rule 1) be kind rules:

other cat communities cats Icon


La France et les Français

Nous rejoindre sur Matrix:

🔍 Recherche

FAQ, guides et ressources :


Actualité internationale


Vie Pratique:







  1. Multi-lingual community: posts in other language than French are allowed. 🚀
  2. Tous les francophones sont bienvenus. 🐌
  3. Remember the human : pas d’insultes, pas d’agressivité, pas de harcèlement entre utilisateurs. 🤖
  4. Xénophobie, racisme et autre forme de discrimination sont interdits.🌈
  5. Pas de doublon. Pas de spam. Évitez les paywalls autant que possible.☔
  6. Utilisez la fonction “Report” pour signaler le contenu contrevenant aux règles.🏴
  7. Le contenu doit être en rapport avec la France ou la population française.🇨🇵

Communauté de secours: Icon


Community for AI image generation. Any models are allowed. Creativity is valuable! It is recommended to post the model used for reference, but not a rule.

No explicit violence, gore, or nudity.

This is not a NSFW community although exceptions are sometimes made. Any NSFW posts must be marked as NSFW and may be removed at any moderator’s discretion. Any suggestive imagery may be removed at any time.

Refer to for any NSFW imagery.

No misconduct: Harassment, Abuse or assault, Bullying, Illegal activity, Discrimination, Racism, Trolling, Bigotry.

AI Generated Videos are allowed under the same rules. Photosensitivity warning required for any flashing videos.

To embed images type:

“![](put image url in here)”

Follow all rules.

:::spoiler Related communities: Icon


Welcome to the largest gaming community on Lemmy! Discussion for all kinds of games. Video games, tabletop games, card games etc.

Weekly Threads:

What Are You Playing?

The Weekly Discussion Topic


  1. Submissions have to be related to games
  2. No bigotry or harassment, be civil
  3. No excessive self-promotion
  4. Stay on-topic; no memes, funny videos, giveaways, reposts, or low-effort posts
  5. Mark Spoilers and NSFW
  6. No linking to piracy

More information about the community rules can be found here. Icon


For PC gaming news and discussion. PCGamingWiki


  1. Be Respectful.
  2. No Spam or Porn.
  3. No Advertising.
  4. No Memes.
  5. No Tech Support.
  6. No questions about buying/building computers.
  7. No game suggestions, friend requests, surveys, or begging.
  8. No Let’s Plays, streams, highlight reels/montages, random videos or shorts.
  9. No off-topic posts/comments.
  10. Use the original source, no clickbait titles, no duplicates. (Submissions should be from the original source if possible, unless from paywalled or non-english sources. If the title is clickbait or lacks context you may lightly edit the title.)


News/Interesting Stories/Beautiful Pictures from Europe 🇪🇺

(Current banner: Windmills near Almere, Netherlands, 🇳🇱 ) Feel free to post submissions for banner pictures


(This list is obviously incomplete, but it will get expanded when necessary)

  1. Be nice to each other (e.g. No direct insults against each other);
  2. No racism, antisemitism, dehumanisation of minorities or glorification of National Socialism allowed;
  3. No posts linking to mis-information funded by foreign states or billionaires.

Also check out !yurop Icon


Rumors, happenings, and innovations in the technology sphere. If it’s technological news or discussion of technology, it probably belongs here.

Subcommunities on Beehaw:

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Icon


A Fediverse community for open-ended, thought provoking questions

Rules: (interactive)

  1. Be nice and; have funDoxxing, trolling, sealioning, racism, and toxicity are not welcomed in AskLemmy. Remember what your mother said: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. In addition, the site-wide terms of service also apply here. Please familiarize yourself with them

  1. All posts must end with a '?'This is sort of like Jeopardy. Please phrase all post titles in the form of a proper question ending with ?

  1. No spamPlease do not flood the community with nonsense. Actual suspected spammers will be banned on site. No astroturfing.

  1. NSFW is okay, within reasonJust remember to tag posts with either a content warning or a [NSFW] tag. Overtly sexual posts are not allowed, please direct them to either !asklemmyafterdark or !asklemmynsfw. NSFW comments should be restricted to posts tagged [NSFW].

  1. This is not a support community.It is not a place for ‘how do I?’, type questions. If you have any questions regarding the site itself or would like to report a community, please direct them to Support or email For other questions check our partnered communities list, or use the search function.

Reminder: The terms of service apply here too.

Partnered Communities:

Tech Support

No Stupid Questions

You Should Know



Ask Ouija

Logo design credit goes to: tubbadu Icon


A place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.


  1. Be civil: we’re here to support and learn from one another. Insults won’t be tolerated. Flame wars are frowned upon.
  2. No spam posting.
  3. Posts have to be centered around self-hosting. There are other communities for discussing hardware or home computing. If it’s not obvious why your post topic revolves around selfhosting, please include details to make it clear.
  4. Don’t duplicate the full text of your blog or github here. Just post the link for folks to click.
  5. Submission headline should match the article title (don’t cherry-pick information from the title to fit your agenda).
  6. No trolling.


Any issues on the community? Report it using the report flag.

Questions? DM the mods! Icon


opensource Icon


This magazine is dedicated to discussions on open source software, hardware, and technology.

Whether you are a developer, a tech enthusiast, or simply interested in the philosophy of open source, this is the place for you.

Here you can share your knowledge, ask questions, and engage in discussions on topics such as open source programming languages, operating systems, hardware, and more.

From the benefits and challenges of open source to the latest developments and trends, this category covers a wide range of topics related to open source.



Social Experiment. Become Me. What I see, you see.


⚓ Dedicated to the discussion of digital piracy, including ethical problems and legal advancements.

Rules • Full Version

1. Posts must be related to the discussion of digital piracy

2. Don’t request invites, trade, sell, or self-promote

3. Don’t request or link to specific pirated titles, including DMs

4. Don’t submit low-quality posts, be entitled, or harass others

5. Don’t post questions already answered. Read the wiki

Loot, Pillage, & Plunder

💰 Please help cover server costs. Icon


For sharing interesting videos from around the Web!


  1. Videos only
  2. Follow the global rules as laid out posting and commenting.
  3. Link directly to the video source and not for example an embedded video in an article. Icon


A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.


The rules may be more established as time goes on, but it’s important to have a foundation to work on.

1. Follow the rules of - These rules are the same as’s rules, which can be found here.

2. Include a community title and description in your post title. - A following example of this would be New Communities - A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.

3. Follow the formatting. - The formatting as included below is important for people getting universal links across Lemmy as easily as possible.


Please include this following format in your post:

[link text](/c/

This provides a link that should work across instances, but in some cases it won’t

You should also include either:




Q: Why do I get a 404?

A: At least one user in an instance needs to search for a community before it gets fetched. Searching for the community will bring it into the instance and it will fetch a few of the most recent posts without comments. If a user is subscribed to a community, then all of the future posts and interactions are now in-sync.

Q: When I try to create a post, the circle just spins forever. Why is that?

A: This is a current known issue with large communities. Sometimes it does get posted, but just continues spinning, but sometimes it doesn’t get posted and continues spinning. If it doesn’t actually get posted, the best thing to do is try later. However, only some people seem to be having this problem at the moment.

Image Attribution:

Fahmi, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Icon


From video gaming to card games and stuff in between, if it’s gaming you can probably discuss it here!

Please Note: Gaming memes are permitted to be posted on Meme Mondays, but will otherwise be removed in an effort to allow other discussions to take place.

See also Gaming’s sister community Tabletop Gaming.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Icon


Star Trek memes and shitposts

Come on’n get your jamaharon on! There are no real rules—just don’t break the weather control network. Icon



1… Please mark original photos with [OC] in the title if you’re the photographer

2…Pictures containing a politician from any country or planet are prohibited, this is a community voted on rule.

3… Image must be a photograph, no AI or digital art.

4… No NSFW/Cosplay/Spam/Trolling images.

5… Be civil. No racism or bigotry.

Photo of the Week Rule(s):

1… On Fridays, the most upvoted original, marked [OC], photo posted between Friday and Thursday will be the next week’s banner and featured photo.

2… The weekly photos will be saved for an end of the year run off.

Weeks 2023

Instance-wide rules always apply. Icon

alternativenation : The Fediverse’s largest alternative and indie music community! All things alternative music, from 80s college rock to today’s indie and all the amazing alternative music in between. Welcome home, music nerds!

Some of y’all may remember MTV’s Alternative Nation or 120 Minutes, awesome programs & incredible ways to discover back in the 80s & 90s…

Welcome, to the Fediverse edition!


Share youtube, songwhip, spotify, bandcamp links, music memes, album art, articles, whatever! But avoid links to directly download music (don’t want to get in trouble). Songwhip links always appreciated!

The Golden Rule: Music taste is subjective so don’t be a gatekeeping asshole. There’s no “bad music”, only music you like or don’t like.

We Are A Community: So no racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or spam.

🎵 Let’s get lost in the Fediverse’s record store together! 🎶

Other Lemmy music communities to explore and support:

Where to find ren:

usa Icon


Breaking news from around the world.

News that is American but has an international facet may also be posted here.

Guidelines for submissions:
  • Where possible, post the original source of information.
    • If there is a paywall, you can use alternative sources or provide an,, etc. link in the body.
  • Do not editorialize titles. Preserve the original title when possible; edits for clarity are fine.
  • Do not post ragebait or shock stories. These will be removed.
  • Do not post tabloid or blogspam stories. These will be removed.
  • Social media should be a source of last resort.

These guidelines will be enforced on a know-it-when-I-see-it basis.

For US News, see the US News community.

This community’s icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Icon


Community rules

  1. Be civilNo trolling, bigotry or other insulting / annoying behaviour

  2. No politicsThis is non-politics community. For political memes please go to !politicalmemes

  3. No recent repostsCheck for reposts when posting a meme, you can only repost after 1 month

  4. No botsNo bots without the express approval of the mods or the admins

  5. No Spam/AdsNo advertisements or spam. This is an instance rule and the only way to live.

Sister communities Icon


No such thing. Ask away!

!nostupidquestions is a community dedicated to being helpful and answering each others’ questions on various topics.

The rules for posting and commenting, besides the rules defined here for, are as follows:

Rules (interactive)

Rule 1- All posts must be legitimate questions. All post titles must include a question.All posts must be legitimate questions, and all post titles must include a question. Questions that are joke or trolling questions, memes, song lyrics as title, etc. are not allowed here. See Rule 6 for all exceptions._____________

:::spoiler Rule 2- Your question subject cannot be illegal or NSFW material.

Your question subject cannot be illegal or NSFW material. You will be warned first, banned second.


:::spoiler Rule 3- Do not seek mental, medical and professional help here.

Do not seek mental, medical and professional help here. Breaking this rule will not get you or your post removed, but it will put you at risk, and possibly in danger.


:::spoiler Rule 4- No self promotion or upvote-farming of any kind.

That’s it.


:::spoiler Rule 5- No baiting or sealioning or promoting an agenda.

Questions which, instead of being of an innocuous nature, are specifically intended (based on reports and in the opinion of our crack moderation team) to bait users into ideological wars on charged political topics will be removed and the authors warned - or banned - depending on severity.


:::spoiler Rule 6- Regarding META posts and joke questions.

Provided it is about the community itself, you may post non-question posts using the [META] tag on your post title.

On fridays, you are allowed to post meme and troll questions, on the condition that it’s in text format only, and conforms with our other rules. These posts MUST include the [NSQ Friday] tag in their title.

If you post a serious question on friday and are looking only for legitimate answers, then please include the [Serious] tag on your post. Irrelevant replies will then be removed by moderators.


:::spoiler Rule 7- You can’t intentionally annoy, mock, or harass other members.

If you intentionally annoy, mock, harass, or discriminate against any individual member, you will be removed.

Likewise, if you are a member, sympathiser or a resemblant of a movement that is known to largely hate, mock, discriminate against, and/or want to take lives of a group of people, and you were provably vocal about your hate, then you will be banned on sight.


:::spoiler Rule 8- All comments should try to stay relevant to their parent content.


:::spoiler Rule 9- Reposts from other platforms are not allowed.

Let everyone have their own content.


:::spoiler Rule 10- Majority of bots aren’t allowed to participate here.



Our breathtaking icon was bestowed upon us by @Cevilia!

The greatest banner of all time: by @TheOneWithTheHair! Icon


A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

In this community everyone is welcome to post links and discuss topics related to privacy.

Some Rules

  • Posting a link to a website containing tracking isn’t great, if contents of the website are behind a paywall maybe copy them into the post
  • Don’t promote proprietary software
  • Try to keep things on topic
  • If you have a question, please try searching for previous discussions, maybe it has already been answered
  • Reposts are fine, but should have at least a couple of weeks in between so that the post can reach a new audience
  • Be nice :)

Related communities

Chat rooms

much thanks to @gary_host_laptop for the logo design :)

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • anitta
  • InstantRegret
  • mdbf
  • ngwrru68w68
  • magazineikmin
  • thenastyranch
  • rosin
  • khanakhh
  • osvaldo12
  • Youngstown
  • slotface
  • Durango
  • kavyap
  • DreamBathrooms
  • JUstTest
  • tacticalgear
  • ethstaker
  • modclub
  • cisconetworking
  • tester
  • GTA5RPClips
  • cubers
  • everett
  • megavids
  • provamag3
  • normalnudes
  • Leos
  • lostlight
  • All magazines