metin, to mastodon avatar

Just discovered that most of the people I was following over at Bluesky haven't been active there in months, sometimes many months.

I've got a hunch that Bluesky is not going to be the Twitter successor they hope for. 🤔

There's this platform called Mastodon though… 😉👍

InayaShujaat, to bluesky avatar

The weirdest slur someone used against me on #BlueSky: “you’re cosplaying as a Muslim.”

This was said to me by a NON MUSLIM.

Others jumped in and proceeded to attack me with the slur.

I fucking HATE BlueSky.

mivg, to bluesky German

Okay, ich habe das Bluesky -Addon aktiviert, mich authentifiziert. Und nu? Ich sehe hier gar nichts von .

prabasuyasa, to bluesky Indonesian avatar

Repotnya bluesky kurang intuitif, harusnya bisa milih beragam homepage dan dijadikan satu homepage besar yang bisa kita kustomisasi, dibikin terpecah2 gitu malah bingung. Abis itu nihilnya tranding hashtag yang bikin alur pembicaraan atau topik gajelas alurnya.

Sekarang tl bluesky isinya sepi banget


preslavrachev, to bluesky avatar

Do I know anyone on the #bluesky thing? In case you want to follow me there, be my guests:

box464, to mastodon avatar

It’s good to know Bluesky has the same issue explaining the concept of Unlisted…I mean…Quiet Public…I mean…Discouraged visibility…posts.

trusttrist, to mastodon French avatar
SoupGod228, to bluesky avatar

Tried today, and the more I tried to use it, the more I found myself wanting to come right back and use . Guess I just like it here too much 🤷.

jeff, to bluesky
governa, to bluesky avatar
jsit, to bluesky avatar

“Blacksky is providing a platform to amplify, protect, and moderate Black content so users can safely build community online.

“The mission and purpose of the project is to de-center whiteness as the default and to provide a space for Black folk to discuss the Black everyday in a way that feels affirming.”


timbray, to bluesky avatar

Deep dive on 's architecture and its history. I have lots of opinions and conjectures but let’s let them finish telling their story first:

rbreich, to random avatar

I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about how China might be using TikTok to steal our data and manipulate us...

But why aren't we at least as worried about the U.S. billionaires who own the other apps stealing our data and trying to manipulate us?

leswarden, avatar

@rbreich What they’re basically saying is you can steal and manipulate data from US citizens if the company is US owned.
This bill doesn’t even remotely get to the root of the mega-social-media problem.

molly0xfff, to random avatar

"Infra stack: from AWS to on-prem. AWS was becoming too costly, so moved over to dedicated data centers and bare-metal machines."

That's not something you read every day.

mackuba, to bluesky avatar

One year on 😎

o_simardcasanova, to fediverse avatar

I just realized that being compatible with (and possibly / at a later date) means that it will probably be possible to tag somebody directly in a newsletter post, via their or profile for instance.

I love this idea.

sharan, to Bulgaria avatar

The Balkan web community is still pretty active on Twitter. Some of them tried to go to Bluesky, but it didn't work.

On the other hand, 90% of the community would be banned on Fediverse because of their retrograde, right-wing stances.

And it should stay that way.

#Balkan #Twitter #SocialMedia #Bluesky #Mastodon

mackuba, to bluesky avatar

I made a new custom feed with discussions: (feeds are available to not logged in viewers now) :bsky:, to fediverse

We’ve had a tremendously busy first quarter, too much too fit in a newsletter, so here’s the roundup of what’s been happening these past few months.

Content Classification System

This is the biggest project we have underway: build an opt-in, privacy-preserving CSAM detection and reporting system to help protect the Fediverse. We are halfway through our initial buildout, which will allow server operators to optionally send their media to IFTAS for hash and match detection using the Safer platform from Thorn. No media leaves IFTAS, and if we get a pertinent match we take care of the necessary reporting. This one’s a complex activity, but we are working our way through and hope to have more on this soon.

Moderator Advisory Panel

We’ve set aside funds to pay active moderators a monthly stipend for their guidance and input on our activities, and we are extremely pleased to announce our initial cohort has been onboarded and the first payments went out for March. This group is tasked with reviewing our our products and services, and ensuring a broad range of voices are heard throughout the process. You can review our Moderator Advisory Panel on the About Us page, welcome to everyone who stepped up to help guide this work and thank you for your participation!

FediCheck / CARIAD

FediCheck is our moderation-as-a-service domain federation app, it allows Mastodon servers to sign in and automatically update their domain blocks and retractions from a trusted list. For this iteration we are using our CARIAD list (an aggregation of the most blocked domains) combined with our Do Not Interact list, each domain is reviewed before inclusion, and the service is intended for new administrators to get a kick start on their federation choices while keeping them safe from day 1 harassment.

We’ve onboarded our first batch of beta testers and while we’ve got some kinks to iron out, the service is working well. We’ll keep adding more servers from the initial round of requests, and work our way toward making this a free, public service.

If you’d like to use FediCheck for your server, please register your interest.

Screenshot of the FediCheck app showing a server's current denylistPersonal Digital Safety

We have contracted with Tall Poppy for up to 20 moderators to gain access to a range of personal safety tools, including live support during online harassment and doxxing attacks. We are scheduling the first onboarding and hope to offer this to many more in the coming months.

If you’d like to be notified when we open up to more applicants, let us know using this form.

EU Digital Services Act

Working with the great folks at Tremau, we launched the first of our regulatory guidance materials, this easy-to-read guide to the DSA allows Fediverse administrators to review their exposure to the DSA, and practical guidance on working toward compliance.

Download the DSA Guide for Decentralised Servers.

Composable Moderation

Bluesky logo

We’ve installed and experimented with the Bluesky open source moderation tool Ozone. As part of this activity, we’ve set up a labeller account on Bluesky, we’re not actively moderating anything (yet) but we are looking into if and how we can support labelling on the network. Our Bluesky links:

Moderator Templates

Lillian and Jon have been conducting a survey of moderators to help guide the production of a number of templates for moderation teams, including a moderator agreement and code of conduct. Longer-term this will become a handbook for hands-on moderator activities.

If you’d like to add your insight and feedback, fill out this brief questionnaire.

Charitable Status

IFTAS is now a recognised 501c3 organisation, this means we can accept tax-deductible donations to support our work. Everything we do is free of charge and we need your support to keep the work moving forward!

We have a number of ways for you to support the mission:

If you’re considering making a contribution, your employer may have matching funds available! We are registered with Benevity, check with your company’s giving program to see if you can double your contribution!

Spoiler Alert

We are slowly opening the doors to our collaboration portal “IFTAS Connect”.

We’ve issued invitations to our Needs Assessment participants, and will be opening up more broadly in late April. IFTAS Connect is a community of practice for moderators, community managers and researchers new and old to come together, share what works, seek help, and get guides and resources for their day to day work.

Stay tuned for the official announcement!

IFTAS Connect Groups featureWhat’s Next?

A few of the items on the todo list…

  • Signals sharing – we will soon be convening a group to begin the work of classifying shareable information to strengthen the Fediverse defenses against spam, disinformation and more, using an ISAC-like format. Email us for more info.
  • Additional regulatory guidance for administrators, GDPR, UK’s OSA and more on the list.
  • Moderator wellness and resilience education

Thanks for reading, to stay on top of our activities please join our newsletter.

maegul, (edited ) to ghost avatar

I think the and federations pose interesting questions about what platforms can and should be.

Do we actually want blogs and feeds of blogs folded into a mastodon/microblog social feed?

Do we want to read and comment on blogs on mastodon?

Do we want all the diversity of the fediverse fed into a single platform's UI and hope that it works well?

Are we worried that some choices by our platform or instance admin might hinder this process?

I'm rather skeptical.


maegul, avatar

So, is the promise of a diverse fediverse a pipe-dream? Are the platforms up to the challenge of integrating with all the others? Or are people happy with a single UI?

I think it's "no" to all three. Which means something is being missed here (this is new after all).

A similar conversation happened recently over on . It's a UI issue but at a system level and I'm not sure anyone has good solutions or is even thinking seriously about it.


idoubtit, to bluesky avatar

If only would get their rear in gear and federate, things would be better and Xitter might get buried.

liaizon, to bluesky avatar

Over on trained an LLM on screenshots of various social media interfaces and now has a ATProto labeler ( running at that can block specific social media screenshots...

mackuba, to bluesky avatar
RememberUsAlways, to TikTok avatar

I see no difference between vs vs vs vs
(insert here).

goofy, to bluesky French avatar

Matthew Exon has written

"what bothers me about Bluesky. There is implicitly a censorship regime being implemented here, and it must necessarily be centralised. There must be a single set of decisions affecting everyone in the world. Those decisions are being made by an American company bound by American laws, which in turn are decided by the American people participating in American democracy."



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