chikorita157, (edited ) to random avatar

After two days since transitioning from Firefish to Sharkey, the reception is very positive. I guess for the fact there are some new features (besides the ones that Sharkey added) since Misskey 13 (Firefish is still based on the older Misskey 12) and the usage of our sister server at Sakurajima Social took a hit in activity. Also, Sharkey has improved Mastodon compatibility with more clients, so some that didn’t work before will.

The performance is a huge improvement on Sharkey over Firefish. On Firefish, there are users who complain about the performance or the timelines not loading properly. Now that is completely gone and also, it’s interesting how much space Firefish uses, at least 10 GB of storage since we compile from source and it takes a really long time to compile as well

Sure, there is some features that users miss that are in Firefish, but they will come back eventually as some are on the roadmap.

If you are having performance problems with Firefish/, maybe switching over might be a good idea, especially given that the Firefish developers aren’t helpful in resolving these issues and it took them two days to fix a critical vulnerability. Also, the forks based on Misskey 12 just doesn’t scale well as 13 improved on this, which Sharkey, a soft fork is based on.

As always, if you are looking for a well moderated Japanese Media (Anime/Manga/etc) and creatives who create stuff around Japanese media and want the Misskey experience with more features or want to try something else besides Mastodon (especially if you on Mastodon Social), you can join us at

bumble, to random

Lots of delicious features on that just make sense. From an Admin perspective too.

chikorita157, to fediverse avatar

I figured out that you can use the role system in Misskey/Sharkey as a user directory since you can add remote users too. It can make it easy to find new people to follow and even see the timeline of the members that are in that role.

This is a neat feature, which Firefish didn't have.

Example of the list of users in an assign role.

bumble, to fediverse

We are excited to launch a test server on the .

Please use it as a playground if you are curious about Sharkey.

This is a TEST server. DO NOT use it as your main account on the fediverse.

We are using it to help us decide how we move forward with the main iBeSocial brand.


Sharkey, to random

I ​:danceshark:​

jdbuenol, to random


steris, to random

has a bug that causes some menu options to be hidden ... curiously, no one on their matrix chat knows what these options do or how to reveal them

chikorita157, to random avatar

After testing Sharkey on my homelab, it seems that Sakurajima Social running it runs a lot smoother than Firefish (also the local timeline actually loads quickly without erroring out).

While I do have to set up Meilisearch in the near future, things are pretty good, although things from Misskey will look different compared to Firefish.

If any Firefish servers want to take the plunge, I did kept a copy of all the steps that we needed to take in a text document. I can publish it in a blog post if there are those who are interested.

jo, to fediverse

I think the long term solution is to move to completely rewritten Misskey v13 cos FF & Iceshrimp don't have the folks with the necessary DBA skills needed to unfuck the db issues with their forks. But major kudos to the Iceshrimp team for trying to work things out, helping admins out with performance stuff, etc. FF devs demonstrating they're not following that blahaj zone and others have been having scaling issues while on expensive, fast servers, that they have NFI what is happening in the backend, or they're MIA.


irfan, to random

I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with /'s notes export feature. It happens too instantly to my liking. Should take a month at least. Or never.

aliceif, to random

please, sea creature key forks, stop sending my viewport down a page when i click the context menu button on a post (usually to get to the source instance)

and yes all three of them (that i know of) do that and it's a pain, misskey doesn't

irfan, to github

I've reported two issues now for . It really freaking helps having your project repo be on , or even as long as they're on the "standard"/"flagship" instance and not a self-hosted one that requires yet another account creation when most people (that would post issues) would already have an account on github and gitlab dotcom. Also helps (and so satisfying to see) a project having good issue templates so that not only you'd know what to report, but others' issues should also be very easy to read/follow too.



irfan, to fediverse

I really wish there's a draft feature for / (or for it to be more common to have if it's available somewhere) so I can stop using to note down posts I'd like to write about but can't be bothered to do so just yet.

jo, to iOS

I think MissRirica is the best Misskey app on iOS. I use it with my Sharkey accounts at & and can't wait until moves over to Sharkey so I can use it again. It's essentially the PWA in a wrapper and it has support for antennas, the Deck UI, and multiple accounts - all features which I absolutely must have access to.. These options don't exist in Kimis, the app Firefish had planned to fork for its own app. MissRirica used to work with Foundkey & Firefish accounts, but the app devs dropped support of the older version of Misskey that they and Iceshrimp fork from.


chikorita157, to wordpress avatar

Out of curiosity, I tested the Mastodon Autopost plugin on Wordpress with my Sharkey test instance, and well it works with their version of the Mastodon API. I can authorize with it and send a test post. This is something that does not work on Firefish, so at least there is one working autosharing plugin.

Sadly, the one built into Jetpack still doesn't work, probably has to do with their implementation of OAuth.

chikorita157, to fediverse Japanese avatar

At least on Sharkey, posts can now be set to be indexable for Mastodon opt-in full text search.

jo, to fediverse

Sakurajima Social is moving to Sharkey from Firefish. They similarly cite increasing slowness as they scaled, with mention of planning to move away from Iceshrimp. to Sharkey The future is Misskey v13 if you run a *key server that wants to affordably scale.


Sparky, to languagelearning

i may have mistranslated some of while translating it to 'cause I forgot some of the contexts and I am conducting this with very little thinking so if any error occurs please let me know! At the end of the day I'm a human and to err is human.

box464, to fediverse avatar

Sharkey, a Misskey fork, is pushing forward with post imports. Unlike other platforms that have tried this, Sharkey will not federate the imported notes at all, just import them to the account. Assuming all comments, likes, boosts, etc are lost, but I’ll take it.

In addition, it seems to have Instagram and Twitter imports. I’m intrigued! Excited to see some progress on this front.

From: @Marie

sneexy, to random

oh right achievements are a thing
i wonder if its possible to speedrun sharkey

rat, avatar


  earnedAt: "Unlocked at"
      title: "just setting up my shonk"
      description: "Post your first note"
      flavor: "Have a good time with Sharkey!"
      title: "Some notes"
      description: "Post 10 notes"
      title: "A lot of notes"
      description: "Post 100 notes"
      title: "Covered in notes"
      description: "Post 500 notes"
      title: "A mountain of notes"
      description: "Post 1,000 notes"
      title: "Overflowing notes"
      description: "Post 5,000 notes"
      title: "Supernote"
      description: "Post 10,000 notes"
      title: "Need... more... notes..."
      description: "Post 20,000 notes"
      title: "Notes notes notes!"
      description: "Post 30,000 notes"
      title: "Note factory"
      description: "Post 40,000 notes"
      title: "Planet of notes"
      description: "Post 50,000 notes"
      title: "Note quasar"
      description: "Post 60,000 notes"
      title: "Note black hole"
      description: "Post 70,000 notes"
      title: "Note galaxy"
      description: "Post 80,000 notes"
      title: "Note universe"
      description: "Post 90,000 notes"
      description: "Post 100,000 notes"
      flavor: "You sure have a lot to say."
      title: "Beginner I"
      description: "Log in for a total of 3 days"
      flavor: "Starting today, just call me Misskist"
      title: "Beginner II"
      description: "Log in for a total of 7 days"
      flavor: "Feel like you've gotten the hang of things yet?"
      title: "Beginner III"
      description: "Log in for a total of 15 days"
      title: "Misskist I"
      description: "Log in for a total of 30 days"
      title: "Misskist II"
      description: "Log in for a total of 60 days"
      title: "Misskist III"
      description: "Log in for a total of 100 days"
      flavor: "Violent Misskist"
      title: "Regular I"
      description: "Log in for a total of 200 days"
      title: "Regular II"
      description: "Log in for a total of 300 days"
      title: "Regular III"
      description: "Log in for a total of 400 days"
      title: "Expert I"
      description: "Log in for a total of 500 days"
      flavor: "My friends, it has often been said that I like notes"
      title: "Expert II"
      description: "Log in for a total of 600 days"
      title: "Expert III"
      description: "Log in for a total of 700 days"
      title: "Master of Notes I"
      description: "Log in for a total of 800 days"
      title: "Master of Notes II"
      description: "Log in for a total of 900 days"
      title: "Master of Notes III"
      description: "Log in for a total of 1,000 days"
      flavor: "Thank you for using Sharkey!"
      title: "Must... clip..."
      description: "Clip your first note"
      title: "Stargazer"
      description: "Favorite your first note"
      title: "Seeking Stars"
      description: "Have somebody else favorite one of your notes"
      title: "Well-prepared"
      description: "Set up your profile"
      title: "I Am a Cat"
      description: "Mark your account as a cat"
      flavor: "I'll give you a name later."
      title: "Following your first user"
      description: "Follow a user"
      title: "Keep up... keep up..."
      description: "Follow 10 users"
      title: "Lots of friends"
      description: "Follow 50 accounts"
      title: "100 Friends"
      description: "Follow 100 accounts"
      title: "Friend overload"
      description: "Follow 300 accounts"
      title: "First follower"
      description: "Gain 1 follower"
      title: "Follow me!"
      description: "Gain 10 followers"
      title: "Coming in crowds"
      description: "Gain 50 followers"
      title: "Popular"
      description: "Gain 100 followers"
      title: "Please form a single line"
      description: "Gain 300 followers"
      title: "Radio Tower"
      description: "Gain 500 followers"
      title: "Influencer"
      description: "Gain 1,000 followers"
      title: "Achievement Collector"
      description: "Earn 30 achievements"
      title: "Likes Achievements"
      description: "Look at your list of achievements for at least 3 minutes"
      title: "I Love Sharkey"
      description: "Post "I ❤ <a class="hashtag" data-tag="sharkey" href="">#Sharkey</a>""
      flavor: "Sharkey's development team greatly appreciates your support!"
      title: "Treasure Hunt"
      description: "You've found the hidden treasure"
      title: "Short break"
      description: "Keep Sharkey opened for at least 30 minutes"
      title: "No "Miss" in Sharkey"
      description: "Keep Sharkey opened for at least 60 minutes"
      title: "Nevermind"
      description: "Delete a note within a minute of posting it"
      title: "Nocturnal"
      description: "Post a note late at night"
      flavor: "It's about time to go to bed."
      title: "Speaking Clock"
      description: "Post a note at 00:00"
      flavor: "Click Click Click Claaang"
      title: "Self-Reference"
      description: "Quote your own note"
      title: "Flowing Timeline"
      description: "Have the speed of your home timeline exceed 20 npm (notes per minute)"
      title: "Analyst"
      description: "View your instance's charts"
      title: "Hello, world!"
      description: "Output "hello world" in the Scratchpad"
      title: "Multi-Window"
      description: "Have at least 3 windows open at the same time"
      title: "Circular Reference"
      description: "Attempt to create a recursively nested folder in Drive"
      title: "Did you really read that?"
      description: "React on a note that's over 100 characters long within 3 seconds of it being posted"
      title: "Click here"
      description: "You've clicked here"
      title: "Just Plain Lucky"
      description: "Has a chance to be obtained with a probability of 0.005% every 10 seconds"
      title: "God Complex"
      description: "Set your name to "syuilo""
      title: "One Year Anniversary"
      description: "One year has passed since your account was created"
      title: "Two Year Anniversary"
      description: "Two years have passed since your account was created"
      title: "Three Year Anniversary"
      description: "Three years have passed since your account was created"
      title: "Happy Birthday"
      description: "Log in on your birthday"
      title: "Happy New Year!"
      description: "Logged in on the first day of the year"
      flavor: "To another great year on this instance"
      title: "A game in which you click cookies"
      description: "Clicked the cookie"
      flavor: "Wait, are you on the correct website?"
      title: "Brain Diver"
      description: "Post the link to Brain Diver"
      flavor: "Sharkey-Sharkey La-Tu-Ma"
      title: "Test overflow"
      description: "Trigger the notification test repeatedly within an extremely short time"
      title: "Sharkey Elementary Course Diploma"
      description: "Tutorial completed"

cyberboy, to random

Am curious do any users use a physical security key with their account?

I have a yubikey and haven’t added it to my account yet, was curious if it worked alright.

ahriboy, to random

Umm... Is the follow requests list broken on ? I had two follow requests from @digikitty_x86 's deleted alts and they're still there, even trying to accept/reject, turning follow requests off and on.

Uraael, to random

Last post from me this lunchtime before I get distracted by something shiooooooohhhhh....

Unusually, Sharkey comes with Steam/Xbox style Achievements that are won when you reach certain milestones. I'm...unsure what to think about this. I can see how it might help someone brand new acclimatise, but I've a farly ambivalent view of Achievements in Gaming generally. They rarely correspond to things that feel like actual achievements. Some games hand them out like candy: "Achivement! You have played the game for five minutes!"

Some of these here feel similarly...basic. It's just endorphine-triggering reward psycho-manipulation, isnt it?

But then there's...this [bottom of image]: Just Plain Lucky, achieved for apparently achieving a random probability scoring? That's just great. 😆 That tickles my sense of humour, being daft enough that I can be proud of it! Do more of this, please, and less of the "Hooray you can use a mouse!" type.

PS: sometimes you eagerly reach for a screen-shot and then dismay kicks in when you realise how much typing you have to do to explain it for those with sight issues. 🥴 Nevertheless....

b, to random

been trying out on a very nice instance - so far the differences might be too subtle for me to really recognize, but it does work very (maybe a little moreso than firefish) smoothly.



dang i guess there’s now too. is super important fedi software to inspire this many en forks

cyberboy, to random

Oooh I’m liking the update. So far I’m noticing that it merges all the likes from one post into a single combined notification in my notifications tab. I really like that ​:neocat_3c:​

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