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Sex Ed Teacher Demonstrates How To Look Interested As Guy Explains Ultimate Frisbee Should Be Olympic Sport

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Canada almost wiped out syphilis. Now rates are skyrocketing — as more women, infants getting infected
“Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories are among the hardest hit regions in recent years, according to federal figures. In recent years the country's syphilis rates were also rising faster than in the United States or Europe”

dmacphee, to ukteachers avatar

New Brunswick's teen pregnancy rate almost twice the national average
Oh and New Brunswick wants opt-out for . That is going to work out really well.

bicmay, to ukteachers avatar

"Bills in the Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and West Virginia legislatures would require public school students to watch a video...which was created by an organization that opposes abortion...The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a professional organization with over 60,000 members, said in an email that the video is anti-abortion misinformation'“designed to manipulate the emotions of viewers.'"

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...Time to go zzzzzzz. Leaving you with one of my favorite songs:

The Beautiful South: Perfect 10

dave, to random

This is a good indicator of how pervasive (and misinformed) the anti-gender identity rhetoric is in Alberta:

My grade 7 daughter started sex ed at school this week. Almost 60 percent of the class opted out.

60 PERCENT!?! In a major Calgary middle school.

I checked out the curriculum that the teacher had sent out. It included:

  • reproduction (the biological science)
  • sex influence in the media
  • abstinence
  • peer pressure/family influences

Only one little segment was about gender identity, mainly related to gender stereotypes.

Well done, Alberta, in creating a dangerous level of ignorance for an entire generation of young people (not to mention the propagation of hate). 🙄

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Iowa Joins Wave of States Trying to Force Schools to Show Kids Anti-Abortion Propaganda

dmacphee, to ukteachers avatar

Alberta teachers, school groups say they weren't consulted on parental rights policy

I almost coughed up a lung when I saw this headline. Any expectation of consulting with teachers, school groups or other knowledgeable professionals by the Alberta Premier is naive. The consultation probably involved less than the 18 people used. Again, this Parental Rights Legislation is just fear mongering over nothing.

ttpphd, to feminism avatar

Sexual Citizens

"People are “Sexual citizens” when they know they have the right to say “yes” and the right to say “no” to sex. They also must recognize that everyone else has the same rights. Sexual citizenship isn’t something we are born with. It is developed through education, and supported by communities."

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Young Women in Prison Don't Have Information on Sex Ed, Reproductive Health

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Where do those dirty thoughts come from and are they telling you what you really, truly want to experience in real life? Demystify your fantasies with this comic from our archive!

Full transcript of comic available at

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"There aren't really any limits on what can constitute a sexual fantasy and, being the creative creatures we are, we'll go through scores of them over our lifetime." Erika continues, throwing her arms wide in the air. GF holds their head in shame and confusion. "But, like... I'm thinking reaaaaaaally raunchy thoughts and desires ALL THE TIME. Does that mean I really WANT to do these things? I... I didn't think I was that kinda person!" "Aw, there's nothing wrong with you, that's all NORMAL." Erika reassures GF. "Having fantasies is healthy, ordinary, and part of what makes you unique and interesting! Sexual or not, your imaginative mind constantly wants to explore and play. THOUGHTS and ACTIONS are two VERY DIFFERENT things!" Now Erika and GF transition to sitting before a roaring campfire. Erika continues, "Our brains just love to go to weird places! We all THINK about doing stuff that we would never actually carry out. Your fantasies don't define who you are as a person or even say what you really, truly want to experience!" GF is holding their hands in front of the fire, looking content. Erika continues, "For a basic example: Have you ever been so captivated looking at a fire that you pictured yourself reaching out and touching it?" Without taking their eyes off the enchanting flames, GF responds, "Who hasn't? It's so beautiful!" "But are you ACTUALLY going to put your hand in fire FOR REALS?" Erika asks.
GF jumps up and away from the campfire, exclaiming, "Oh lord, no, that'd be awful!" Erika concludes her thought with, "Just because it's fun to think about, doesn't mean you really are going to act on it." As Erika dumps a bucket of water over the flames, she says, "Fantasies can let folks fulfill their desires that they can't reasonably act on, which is actually part of the appeal!" "I dunno," GF says while pointing at their forehead. "I feel pretty weirded out by some of the stuff floating around in here..." Putting a hand on GF's shoulder reassuringly, Erika explains, "Hey, even if something really gets stuck in there, don't be too hard on yourself. It's OK to like the weird and scarier stuff! There's nothing wrong with you. We all have been turned on by thinking about illicit subjects before." Erika leads GF to a magically conjured generic blue person who has one foot on the sidewalk and one foot on a lawn with a giant sign that reads, "STAY OFF GRASS". The blue person shivers with pleasure while giggling "OoooOOOooo heheheheh". "Sometimes the fact that something is contrary to your morals or it's taboo is the exact reason why it's so tantalizing to think about!" Erika says, while gesturing at the blue person who is enjoying their transgression. "Those thoughts may be stimulating to you because they're off limits. If it were socially acceptable, it would lose its appeal because there'd be nothing exceptional (and therefore thrilling) about it!"
Erika gestures at her own head, which now has stars and swirls and hearts exploding from the top. "Getting to explore in your head the things that you shouldn't or can't reasonably act on is how imagination WORKS and it's what makes us such fascinating creatures. But if you're overly worried about what's spinning in your juice box or you feel you're in danger of acting on the scarier images or doing anything illegal, there's always outside help available. Seek out a good (sex positive) therapist to figure out where these thoughts are originating from and how to remain in control of your actions." Erika scoops up the fantasy stars and hearts from her head, and while hugging them says, "Overall: embrace your fantasies! Having them is healthy and normal. You're free to think about the most over-the-top fantasies with impunity as long as you're respectful and kind to others in your real life actions." Now back at the cafe table, Erika nudges GF, saying "Enjoy your dirty thoughts, you wonderful perv, you!" GF asks their friend, "Wanna hear something raunchy?", to which the friend replies, "You KNOW I do!"

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'The birds and the bees and everything in between,' traditional Sex-Ed methods in Canada are outdated, study finds

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Got a pair of testicles and know for sure you don't wanna ever reproduce? Our friend Carlos got a vasectomy and he's sharing his hard-won knowledge and terrible ball puns with us in the comic from the archives!

Be our Friend With Benefits on for exclusive comics and posts that aren’t available publicly! Your support directly pays the artists we commission to create these original comics just for our site.

“With both methods, the aim’s the same: cutting, cauterizing, folding, or blocking both Vas Deferens, which effectively stops sperm from ever getting into your ejaculate/cum, making all that future goo you shoot out infertile!” An illustration shows how the Vas deferens are long thin tubes connected between the testes and the area around the prostate gland. “You’ll still make sperm in your testes, but they’ll just get re-absorbed by your body.” Illustration shows the sperm trapped inside the epididymis, unable to bypass the cut in the vas deferens. “The first 15 to 20 ejaculations after surgery will still have live sperm in it, so MAKE SURE you keep using a condom until your doctor checks a sample of your semen and gives it the all-clear.” “A vasectomy won’t change the way your orgasms look or feel and, other than having some minor surgery, you’ll be exactly the same, just unable to get people pregnant.” Illustration shows that while the vas deferens tubes are cut, the prostate gland is still connected to the urethra. “Pretty much anybody with testes can opt to get a vasectomy, but it's still a weighty decision that warrants some good long thinking. it's designed to be permanent, so brew on it before you dive in.” It’s not a good option for anyone who: Might harbor thoughts on producing a biologically related child. Feels pressure from outside sources, like friends, family, loved ones, or monetary strain. Hopes it'll solve their temporary troubles.
Heads up! A vasectomy won't stop you from getting or transmitting STIs so you may still need to wear condoms. but other than that you won't ever really have to think about baby-making again! The panel goes back to Matthew and Carlos chatting over their snacks. Matthew, eating more chips and two-bean salsa, asks, “So, how did it go for you??”. Carlos shrugs. “I blacked out,” he says. “What?!?!”, responds Matthew. The next panel shows a flashback of Carlos sitting on the examining table at the clinic. A healthcare worker puts on gloves and asks, “You ready?”. In response, Carlos pumps a fist and says, “Let’s chop ’em, boys!” Carlos narrates over the panel. “Yeah. I thought I could do it without the anxiety drugs they offered me, but I guess I got more nervous than I thought I would, and before I knew it…” The next panel shows Carlos starting to doze off as he’s asked, “First one done, how you doing?” Carlos starts to say, “Ugh, I’m fine…” before fading out and fainting. Carlos continues to narrate. “I woke up pretty quick and after drinking some juice they finished the job.”
He scratches his chin. “Sleeping that first night was hard. Even though my junk wasn’t in much pain there were some uncomfortable angles that would wake me up. It was easier the next day. I was able to walk around easily… Though I still spent most of the day wrapped in a blanket, laying on the couch and playing Smash.” The comic ends with Carlos and Matthew swinging on a pair of snipped off vas deferens, with the testes as their seats. Carlos winks. “All in all, it’s been smooth sailing! Honestly, I haven’t really noticed much of a vas DEFERENCE.” Matthew boos Carlos’ terrible pun. Notes! There IS more to learn about Vasectomies past the procedure, like how there’s a rare chance (1% ish) your tubes may grow back together within 5 years and that there are only-sometimes successful vasectomy-reversal options out there. Visit to study up! Read more comics on . Artist owned and Patreon supported . This comic was posted on January 22, 2019 and transcribed March 10, 2023, by Dennie Park, who can be found at

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Men on the Mistakes They Could've Avoided With Proper Sex Ed

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Men on the Mistakes They Could've Avoided With Proper Sex Ed

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20 Years of The Walrus: Long-form Stories

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Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self with this comic from our archives!

Check out this and 10 years worth of comics over at

Join us on for exclusive comics and posts that aren't available publicly. Your support directly pays the artists we commission to create these original comics just for our site.

Roughly 1 in 260 scrotum-packing humans will pick up testicular cancer in their lives. While it rarely kills, it is something you’ll want to treat before it gets bad. It usually develops in your twenties to forties and is pretty fixable with a 95% success rate, which bumps up to 98% when caught early. An illustration of the scrotum and its anatomy is shown, including the scrotum, the testes, the epididymis, vas deferens, and relevant blood vessels. Matthew stands next to his volunteer, who poses proudly and is wearing nothing. Matthew gestures down at the person’s scrotum as he says, “It’s in your best interest to get familiar with your own balls and give ‘em a check every month or so.” The volunteer says “Right, so. Walk me through this.” The best time to check your balls is after a bath or shower, so they are all relaxed and zoned out. Hold your cock away and start feeling each ball up separately. Put it between your thumb and fingers and roll it around. An illustration of some hands gently probing and feeling their testicle through the skin of the scrotum. The aim of the (ball) game here is to get used to how your testicles feel normally, so you can tell in the future when something changes. Stuff like hard irregular lumps or shapes on the testicles’ surface or big changes in the size, shape, and consistency of a testicle are things you’re looking for. Like, if you find a strange lump on the ball itself that isn’t free-floating, that’s a red flag.
Stuff to take note of: We all have one ball larger than the other, that’s normal! The bit connected to your ball is called the epididymis and it’s naturally weird and lumpy. A scrotum is packed with blood vessels and tissue, the consistency of which can throw off your inspection game, so just focus on the hard surface of the ball itself. The volunteer continues to feel their testicles. “So, ah, what if we find something not-quite-right?” Matthew answers, “Easy! Take it to your doc. They’ll give it a feel and if they agree something’s off, they’ll send you in for a non-invasive ultrasound.” An illustration of an ultrasound probe being gently pressed against a person’s scrotum by a gloved hand. It’s here that they’ll be able to tell if the abnormality is anything to be worried about. They might then follow up with a blood test. If you’re unlucky and they find something cancerous, chances are you’ll go straight in for an operation to remove the testicle. The volunteer exclaims “Woah, no biopsy? Just straight up remove my ball?!?!!! But… I wanted KIDS!” Matthew responds “Yeah! Biopsies rarely help with testicular cancer and can actually make ‘em grow faster! So usually they opt to just pull the testicle - which ISN’T a problem. You only need one testicle to make enough sperm and testosterone.”
“For severe cases, you might be in for some radiation and chemo, depending on the type of cancer and progression. But you can do it - I believe in you! Just keep talking to your doctors and follow their advice.” An illustration shows silhouetted figures of a person sitting on a medical examination table and a doctor with a clipboard. Matthew and his volunteer stand on a baseball diamond. The volunteer readies their bat at the home plate while Matthew stands at the pitcher’s mound. Matthew goes in the windup position as he prepares to throw a baseball. He winks as he says, “Hopefully I didn’t throw you any curve balls, this is all pretty basic knowledge I think, nothing balls to the walls or super nuts. The important thing is to just keep your eye on the ball(s)!”

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And this just further demonstrates the power of Christian Nationalists in Saskatchewan via “parental rights”. I imagine banning Evolution teaching will rise again in schools under this guise.

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As a Reproductive Scientist who has done outreach in schools in the past and teaches undergrads #ReproSci, I just have to shake my head at governments, particularly Conservative, who just want to hide #SexEd from students. By all means let them learn the torrent of disinformation instead of the facts, learn painfully about STDs or STIs, or keep their pronouns hidden. Parents can “opt out” of it all and keep youth in the dark ages. Pathetic #SaskGov.
#saskatchewan #skpoli

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