@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar



trans woman, I write good poems, ADHD, autist, type 1 diabetic, love to study languages, dx exocrine pancreatic insufficiency Dec 2022. Runner not currently running because of years being undernourished. Now walking some and feeling better, convinced I will fulfill a promise I made in a poem The Pale Horse

Definitely a fan of Gruyère cheese.
You can never have enough elephants.
I'll close the door behind us, a tiny tap.
It's where museums tuck away the weird.

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IzabelaKaramia, to animals
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Let me introduce Ginza to

She's a somewhat feral tabby cat that hangs around the apartment complex I moved into back in April. She gets food from some other neighbors and tends to hang out around the area of the complex where I live.

It took about 3 months but Friday last week she finally decided I'm trustworthy enough that she came close to get some treats and then rubbed some against my legs and let me pet her.

She's a very good kitty cat.

IzabelaKaramia, to animals
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Let's get started with the picture of Ginza. She's become friends with Dinker Donkers.

littlescraps, to random
@littlescraps@mas.to avatar

is it possible that we feel the trauma of betrayal more than Neurotypicals? Like some us hear more extremely or light hurts our eyes more … cause I am really feeling my betrayals really hard right now (guessing it is mother dying.. that is not allowing me to stuff them). But I don’t get over major betrayal… once you cross that… you will never be let in. Course I don’t let too many in enough to bleed me that bad… but damn my family really fucked me up a lot.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar


I'd say yes. Many factors are involved, that we autistics seem to have stronger emotions, that we think harder about the things we are interested in or are compelled to think about, and that many of us have rejection sensitivity and that amplifies the feelings around something like betrayal and its trauma.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I look to the left and down. Ginza is a loaf leaning slightly to her left. "Psst psst psst?" I ask her. She lifts her head and puts her sharpened eyes towards mine.

I give a slow blink and when I lift that, she softly blinks like how a summery breeze fades and lets a veil like curtain fall. The breeze resumes and lifts that veil.

Hi, I love you, baby.

IzabelaKaramia, to animals
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Don't forget to tell your cat they're a good cat.

#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Awake, slept better last night though I had a long interval of waking up and taking a while to go back asleep.

Ginza's been bouncing around this morning since she ate her breakfast. She's finally settled down enough to where she's loafing on the bed and watching me do Duolingo on the computer.

Today's big project is cooking meals for today and the next few days.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is sleepy.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza had a better day yesterday and only spent a couple of hours in her safety nook. She's such a good and brave kitty.

I slept pretty well though I woke up early.

3.5 days away from leaving this area which is where I have lived all my life. I'm all sorts of terrified.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I also learned that the gentleman who fed Ginza for 5+ years is 90 years old! He doesn't look it and he still walks around quite well. He's very happy that Ginza has retired from the life of a feral cat, he's glad that him doing that gave Ginza a chance to meet up with a crazy woman like me.

Since this is Whiskers Wednesday, I should post this picture again as it shows Ginza's whiskers quite nicely.

IzabelaKaramia, (edited ) to animals
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I've awakened early.

It's Caturday. It's May 11, 2024 and that means it was one year ago today that I first fed Ginza. I had been seeing her around in the weeks prior and earlier prior to the photo, I had taken a bag of garbage to the bin. I spotted her underneath the light blue vehicle and when I went back to my apartment, I put some dry kibble in the plastic dish, brought it out and put it down in the empty parking space. Then backed away until finally she came out.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Errands have been run and when I got back, my blood sugar was in a great spot for me to take a bike ride with the helmet I bought while out.

A little over 10 miles, I'm feeling more and more comfortable on the bicycle and it's really good exercise to help rebuild cardio fitness and leg strength. Time to eat lunch and put calories and nutrients in me so my body can actually rebuild.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Hard to lift myself out of bed today.

Ginza was full of vim and vigor at first wake up although she's now back to napping. But when we first got up I had to pin her down with Dinker Donkers because she wanted to play with my hands. She doesn't go after them with fully extended claws but it's best not to encourage her to swat at my hands when all I want to do is scratch her behind her ears.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is enjoying the early morning sun streaming onto the bed

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Slowly getting moving this morning. Down to the last 2 days here. Feelings tend to veer back and forth all over the place regarding it.

I've got stuff to get done today so I'll be ready to do the final things tomorrow and have myself ready for when my ride to the airport shows up to take Ginza and me there.

This week when I've been waking up and that gets Ginza moving, she gets up from where she sleeps between my legs and comes up to sniff my face. That's different.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I feel close to exhausted and I've had to do a lot more than I realized today. But I think I can be done or nearly all done by noon tomorrow.

Here's Ginza enjoying the afternoon sun.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Yesterday was a really bad day for me. Absolute crash state, I hardly did anything and that still felt much too much.

We'll see how today goes but the smart thing is to do only what's necessary and as little as possible.

Ginza is using her cat tree more and more. I haven't yet seen her sleeping on it anyplace but I feel confident that in time she'll use it more and more and claim it as her territory.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is enjoying the clear skies and morning sunshine coming in the bedroom window.

I don´t have the heart yet to disturb her so I can make the bed.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Now 8 days away from flying across the country with Ginza, the once feral cat who has decided to take up residence in my home and heart.

Fell asleep okay last night, but woke up around 1 AM and never really got back asleep after that. Just sorta drifted until 5 AM when I decided to get up. Brain feels pretty fried with all the extra thinking and stuff I've needed to do. But I will try to coast today through work and then I will be off the next 10 days.

IzabelaKaramia, (edited )
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

When I did wake up around 1 AM, I went "Psst psst psst!" at Ginza who was then sleeping down between my feet. I felt her get up and then start doing her walk where she kneads the blankets along the way. She came up to where my left arm was tucked in under the blankets and she put her head down and started scent marking to say "I love you." I sighed. She settled in there and I heard her sigh as well.

Somehow I pulled it off and have given this once feral cat a home in the world.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I've been awake already almost 2 hours. I've fed Ginza and me our respective breakfasts. She's snoozing on the bed as I type this.

It should be a good weather day if Ginza wants to go outside. She's all recovered from the aftereffects of the vax shots back on Saturday.

Looking at weather forecast into next week, looks like the first sustained cold air of winter will finally arrive and there might be snow along with that.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza was grooming herself up on the bed and noticed that I was taking pictures, so she stuck out her right front paw and tried to grab the camera.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Got off to a real slow start this morning and just now realized I haven't tooted a single thing yet today.

Bright and sunny, but cold and windy. Somehow though it felt necessary for me to bundle up and go for a slow walk that lasted about 15 minutes. To feel both the sun, how pleasant it was, and the cold wind, how sharp it was upon my cheeks.

Before that went to pharmacy to pick up rxes. And some goodies for the indulgent junk food rations to snack upon outside of meals.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is the perfect picture of contented comfort this afternoon.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Finally kinda reaching a functioning brain this Saturday morning. Didn't sleep so well as prior nights. And since it is the weekend, I've felt no need to try to hurry anything along.

Ginza's napping on the bed. I love seeing her sleeping peacefully.

I do need to run errands today, have to pick up an rx that I emptied the bottle on this morning.

Supposed to be quite mild today but cloudy.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

It's a lazy overcast Caturday afternoon. Ginza says it's a good idea to take a nap.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

slowly slowly slowly getting my feet under me, one of those super sluggish mornings

Never felt like I got into the deep and restorative type of sleep and I woke up a few times

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Here's Ginza for this Whiskers Wednesday.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Awake. Fell asleep quickly last night, but woke up near midnight and took a long long time to return to sleep, plus a weird dream borderline nightmare near the end.

Brain is worried about possibility of overload, too many things to keep track of, and worry of that is stirring up uncomfortable memories of going through burnout in 2021 and 22. Maybe some people make full recoveries from a burnout, but I feel that mine left indelible effects.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I cried a little after writing that and thinking about it all. Not all from sadness but just so much emotion, and the happiness I feel towards this kitty cat named Ginza. She and I hadn't even known of each other a year ago at this time.

But when I gained enough trust with this feral cat to have her start visiting every morning at the end of July, she did a lot to help me get up every day, gave me another spirit to try to make friends with.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I finally had a night where I slept deeply without any wakeups more than 8 hours.

Less stressful day yesterday probably helped a lot with letting me sleep.

Ginza seemed in a much happier mood this morning and this time after she finished breakfast, she has come back to where we're sleeping this week and she's settling in for her after breakfast nap. She didn´t do that yesterday.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

One thing that sucks is when you hear a song which has a great groove and sound but when you listen closely to the lyrics, you realize that the song has a horrible message in them.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza was very interested in getting her wet food breakfast this morning. Yesterday was the day of her least favorite can of wet food from the box of 32, so she didn't eat as much of that.

I only slept 8 or 9 hours, but it was a solid and deep 8 or 9 hours.

Now that Ginza has finally satisfied her want for wet food, she's settling down to snooze and dream while she digests the happiness of gravy in the belly.

IzabelaKaramia, (edited )
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Enough of boring toots about squeezing better performance out of an old old computer, here's a picture of Ginza having a good afternoon snooze.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I'm awake. A hard lift out of bed today, wanted to go back to sleep. Slowly doing better as I've put myself together.

Ginza was quite hungry this morning.

I like how the sun is rising earlier now, then get sad how in 2 weeks time I think they jump the clocks forward an hour and darkness returns to my morning getting up routine.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Why that rye look on your face, Miss Sunbaked Ginza Loaf?

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

That was a bad ride on the nightmare train last night. I feel more exhausted than when I went to bed. It will be a long day getting to 4 PM.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is taking an afternoon nap with Dinker Donkers the plushie dinosaur.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I've been awake a while. Right now there's a berserker cat in the apartment zooming about. Not sure what's got Ginza so gassed up and galloping about.

I ate breakfast then showered. Soon I'll eat a second breakfast.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Now that Ginza is no longer in berserker mode, she's resting peacefully and snuggling with her wand toy.

She really loves the wand toy. She was suspicious as all hell towards it when I first introduced it to her and started trying to engage her in play activity. But now she loves it so much she often plays with it on her own or sleeps with it even.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Awake. Slept okay enough last night.

Need to do a load of laundry today.

Sometimes as of late my mind thinks about the nature vs nurture idea and I wonder how much behavior is learned from a toxic cultural framework that rewards greed, violence, and hierarchy.

But even if you could raise people in a framework without those perverse incentives, would there still be some people who engage in those ways of being?

I don't know.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Here's a picture of Ginza for today.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Just got back from errands

I'm doing better today but still don't have much energy.

The weather is wildly warm today. It feels like late April.

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Been so lacking energy I hadn't taken any pictures of Ginza until this one about 10 minutes ago. I love watching her sleep so peacefully.

IzabelaKaramia, to random
@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

I'm awake. Have eaten breakfast and fed Ginza her breakfast.

Would have liked to keep sleeping this morning, but it's Friday. I hope tomorrow I can sleep in til 6 AM. More sleep is always good for me as it stands.

Body feels okay. Brain is still slow and grumpy, but maybe like yesterday it'll slowly wake up and do okay.

I dreamed I was running last night. It was a happy running dream and I'm sure I dreamed that with how it finally seems my body is getting better

@IzabelaKaramia@writing.exchange avatar

Ginza is practicing looking adorable in the hidey hole on her cat tree.

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