@Susan60@aus.social avatar



Lifelong learner, leftie, AuADHD, Bunurong country, Australia. She/her. Won’t boost photos without alt txt (unless I forget!).

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augieray, to random
@augieray@mastodon.social avatar

Take advantage of every opportunity to socialize safely. On a gorgeous (but windy) 80-degree day in Milwaukee, we dined in an empty restaurant next to open window ( 2:30 pm lunch with CO2 at 500), had cocktails in a bar with open garage doors (CO2 450), and enjoyed an electric cello concert outdoors at a bar. There's never zero #COVID19 risk, but I believe I can effectively minimize risks with smart decisions.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar


Years ago someone said that the problem with taking the middle ground is that you get shot at by both sides. 😏

dave, to actuallyautistic
@dave@autisticnomad.social avatar

@actuallyautistic Saw this at the pharmacy and picked it up... curious to see what it says.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@dyani @dave @actuallyautistic

Or the marketing department.

bojacobs, to histodons
@bojacobs@hcommons.social avatar

Chernobyl, 38 years ago today.

Human "bio-robots" had to make homemade lead lined suits to then spend 40 seconds to 2 minutes on the roof of reactor #3 shoveling bits of the reactor core into the hole where reactor #4 used to be. 3,500 people did this task.

@histodons @sts


@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@bojacobs @histodons @sts

How many of those people have died of radiation related causes?

Susan60, to actuallyautistic
@Susan60@aus.social avatar

What do people read?

I was an avid reader of fiction when I was a child. Novels about challenging issues or strange fantasy worlds. In many ways reading was an escape to a safe place, but those books were also places where I could learn about how “people” worked. How they thought, felt & behaved. The diversity in those things.

I loved The Little Princess and The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, because they were about children who were different & how they coped. I loved The Chronicles of Narnia because, although quite dated now, the girls had real adventures alongside their brothers. There was a series of books about witches, good & bad, which I loved but can’t remember the titles or author.

I loved Ivan Southall’s books, where tweens & teens faced dangers, often without the support of adults. (Marsden’s Tomorrow when the War Began is reminiscent of Southall.)

And as an adult, I still like youth & YA fiction, probably for the same reason, because I’m still learning how humans work. I also like adult fiction, but the naivety of youth fiction appeals.

And TBO, I read much more non-fiction than fiction nowadays. Obviously there’s the Autism & ADHD stuff that is currently dominating my reading, but also social commentaries of all sorts, by feminists, sociologists, etc.


@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@feather1952 @actuallyautistic

Ooh yes, liked those too. And yes, I’ve had a few delves into nutrition, fermenting etc.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic
I was burnt out after I finished high school, & barely read a book or newspaper for a year. This has happened a few times. Some sci-fi is incredibly dark & depressing. I think this is why I’ve liked youth & YA. Serious subjects sometimes, but with more hope.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@stevenray @actuallyautistic

As a history student & teacher, I’ve always read lots of NF, & historical fiction appeals too, (not romance!)

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@ginsterbusch @actuallyautistic

Fair enough. For me, it’s more about understanding people. Biographies, history, politics…

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@ginsterbusch @actuallyautistic
My oldest is writing fantasy & I do some proof reading for them. My partner is nuts on fantasy & some sci fi. I got lazy & just read from his collection, but I think I overdosed.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic
😁I haven’t actually read any. I know! My oldest loves Pratchett but my partner is ambivalent. I’ve been meaning to read Good Omens for ages because I loved the tv show. (The fact that I love Tennant & Sheen didn’t hurt. Also loved Staged.)

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

I’ve read quite a bit of fantasy over the years. Wheel of Time, Kate Elliott, Robin Hobbs, David Eddings, Guy Gabriel Kay, Charles de Lint… mostly off my partner’s shelves. It’s on my list!

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@ginsterbusch @actuallyautistic

I guess you could say that history & politics are among my special interests.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

This is the first in the trilogy self published by my oldest. I read the 2nd when I did a grammar edit, but haven’t seen the 3rd yet. 2 & 3 are available as e-books, but I prefer to drop a hard copy into the bath.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

Editing on a computer was a drag. Give me paper & a red pen any day.

I liked it, but I am biased. The non-binary grammar is a little challenging at first, but you get used to it.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @ginsterbusch @actuallyautistic

I will! I promise! Reading this right now.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@Uair @actuallyautistic

Depends on whether she’s merely a love interest. Female characters whose presence is defined solely by their relationship to the males in the story, & not by who they are & what they do/think/feel independently of the men, are an enormous source of aggravation.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@ketmorco @actuallyautistic
Sounds like something I’d give to my nieces. Not that they need any encouragement to break gender traditions. 😁

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

Us I particularly like them. Their work is a bit different from “quest” fantasy.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

Yes… the idea of getting around a corner & seeing something or someone wondrous. I loved the scenes in Narnia tales where the Pevensies transitioned from our world to the other. And Kay’s characters are real people I can imagine & relate to.

VeroniqueB99, to random
@VeroniqueB99@mastodon.social avatar

My problem exactly. You can't teach empathy to a full grown adult...simply by saying 'you should care about others'.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar


I saw a tv show years ago where an asylum seeker, a POC, went & spent a night or a few in the home of a white woman who opposed accepting refugees. She wasn’t openly bigoted or hateful, just very much that it wasn’t our problem & was problematic. She didn’t object to him personally.

Then she went & stayed in his home. She picked up a collection of stories by refugees, detailing their experiences. At the end of one of them, a traumatic tale, she realised that he was the writer. She broke down, & was overwhelmed by grief & guilt about her ignorance & resultant lack of empathy.

The fact that she was open to participating in this program says something about her willingness to try & learn new things, which definitely isn’t typical. But it suggests that a few at least can be won over.

timrichards, (edited ) to melbourne
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

Oh dear, she's started drinking cappuccinos. Exile from the inner-city is the logical next step.

I live in Brunswick East and drink flat whites. Now I’m engaged in a sordid affair

(maybe paywalled) https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/i-live-in-brunswick-east-and-drink-flat-whites-now-i-m-engaged-in-a-sordid-affair-20240424-p5fm9m.html

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

People still drink cappuccinos?

dramypsyd, to actuallyautistic
@dramypsyd@ohai.social avatar

Hello @actuallyautistic friends! My next article is about managing autistic meltdowns: how autistic people can manage our meltdowns safely, and affirming ways our loved ones can support us.) If you're comfortable, please drop quotes here, and indicate how I should refer to you in the piece if I use your quote. You can also drop them on my contact form (resiliencymentalhealth.com/contact/) if you want to share but prefer not to post it on the internet connected to your account.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @dramypsyd @actuallyautistic

That must’ve been doubly frightening.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@pathfinder @dramypsyd @actuallyautistic

Shut down, disassociate…

dyani, to actuallyautistic
@dyani@social.coop avatar

Hmm is this an ND thing?

Ever since I can remember, I have strongly disliked pranks and have been against humor at the expense of someone else (making fun of them).

I know nice NT people also feel this way but I've felt this strongly since a very young age. Anyone else?


@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@alexisbushnell @dyani @actuallyautistic

Some people, especially children, think that being funny is all about being mean.

@Susan60@aus.social avatar

@homelessjun @alexisbushnell @dyani @actuallyautistic
Oooh, I remember the name, but yes, there was so much really nasty “comedy” around.

timrichards, to random
@timrichards@aus.social avatar

The big price rises at cafes and restaurants are helping me save money, because there are red lines I will not cross.

Eg I'm not paying more than $15 for a sandwich or $25 for a pub/cafe main. And I'm definitely not paying double figures for a slice of cake! Jesus.

Pubs and bars are getting a bit cheeky with pricing zero-alcohol beers too. I don't mind $9-$10 for a Heaps Normal, but no way am I paying $12. It's soft drink after all, get real.


@Susan60@aus.social avatar


Oh definitely, but I’ve never had much soft drink. It was always too hard to get something that wasn’t too sweet, although that’s changing now.

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