
Engineer focused on #Robotics, #ControlSystems, #SystemsSafety, #Manufacturing and #Simulation. #ManufacturingOpen Contributor. #Purdue Engineering alum. Living in #Detroit. He/Him.

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adamjcook, to detroit

Wild weather in right now, pretty much out of nowhere.

Tornado Warning in , so I am told.

Stay safe out there!

molly0xfff, to random avatar

RIP @nova. You were an awesome person, and the world will be worse off without you.


@nova @molly0xfff A tremendously sad day. 😞

RIP, Kris.

quintessence, to random avatar

The person I cherished more than any other, @nova , died unexpectedly late Wednesday in a climbing accident.

I have no words, only despair. The light in my soul is gone.

Joe Beda @jbeda and Nivenly are posting announcements. Others will also.


@quintessence @nova @jbeda I am very sorry for your loss. 😢

Kris was an inspiration.

adamjcook, to detroit

The Dime Building light well in Downtown .

The Dime Building (also known as the Chrysler House) is one of Detroit’s oldest skyscrapers.

23 floors. Completed in 1912.


Some more history (and old postcards and historic drawings/photographs) can be found on Historic Detroit’s website here:


@redcrew No. Not yet!

But my wife really likes their Vegan Benny and so I go over there often to pick one up. 😄


@LK_Sass Thanks!

Not sure about the historic district designation as far as the City of is concerned... I had assumed it already was (but I have only been in Detroit for about a year so I am still playing catch up 😅).

adamjcook, to detroit
adamjcook, to Engineering

This is pretty cool work to follow, as someone in the process of learning and heavily experimenting with parts of @bevy myself. 👇

I will also post more about that soon.

My work is more technical related for applications.

Lots to build on here.

Quoting @lumber:

adamjcook, to tesla

🧵Here is my take on this development… this case should have never made it to judges and juries.

It does make it to judges and juries because of the deliberate disinterest of the US’s theoretical auto safety regulator - the .

We are dealing with extraordinarily complex and highly-opaque system engineering issues here.


Complex issues will surface in the courtroom like , mode confusion and system internals that, frankly, judges and juries are going to be strained to understand and appreciate.

But the , in its infinite wisdom, is just tickled pink to have private litigation deal with ’s vast wrongdoings because the agency can continue to do nothing, which they do well.


The other issue here is that the public has been browbeaten for decades by the NHTSA into a flimsy belief system that humans are “terrible drivers” and now, having lost complete control over roadway safety, are absurdly reaching for vehicle automation to save the day.

It has polluted the mind of the public.

Blame shifting at its finest.

Again, decades worth.


Human drivers and the public are also under the highly-mistaken belief that, just because they are positioned right in front of the steering wheel, they are in total control of all downtown safety outcomes - even if the vehicle has defects.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

But that seems to be true to many.

Powerful psychological forces and conditioning to overcome - and most are inherently ill-equipped for it.

Understandably so.


All of that said, Professor Missy Cummings is set to testify as an expert witness for the plaintiffs - a wise choice.

Professor Cummings is one of the finest minds in the safety-critical systems, Human Factors and automated systems.

Professor Cummings is also an educator and public safety advocate.

And the fact that (and his cult) had previously singled-out and attacked Professor Cummings just underscores her competence.

If there is one thing Musk and his cult fears, it is competence.


The should have arrested ’s wrongdoings in their infancy, nearly a decade ago.

Now people are dead and a brutally-complex engineered system is just wholesale flopped on the back of a jury.

US auto safety regulation, if one wants to pretend it ever existed, is a joke.

End 🧵

lumber, to random

It's been a minute since I've posted, so here's what you've missed...


@lumber So sorry for your loss. 😓

adamjcook, to detroit

’s last free-standing synagogue, one of the most unique buildings in Detroit, just completed a $5.4 million renovation.

Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue.

And the building looks great.

It is absolutely wonderful that these institutions and community staples are doubling down on Detroit’s future.

We need more of this.


And a bit of history from Historic Detroit:

adamjcook, to detroit

is so rich in history.

A modest amount of history has been lost over the years, but I really appreciate the frequent glimpses back in time… however small.

This the examination room at our vet’s office in Downtown Detroit.


@beckalina Ha! Just brought my cat in for the first time today!

It’s a cute operation they got there.

Not a bad walk down Grand River also.

adamjcook, to Michigan

"Fix the damn roads" is one of the most out-of-touch slogans in politics today and I wince every time I hear and see it.

I live in and I cannot even get a damn bus to because the City of Livonia was allowed, inexplicably under Michigan Law, to simply opt-out. 🤷‍♂️


The ”key” demographics of each city that are relevant to this, by the way.


Black or African American alone, percent: 77.9%


Black or African American alone, percent: 4.4%

has made enormous strides in progressive policies lately, but we have yet to seriously address this type of structural .

John, to random avatar


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  • adamjcook,

    @John I did not see this!

    Thank you for sharing.

    coreyjrowe, to random

    I'm canceling plans to meet up with friends today because of this. Don't trust the evening runs.

    This has become normal and it's not okay

    adamjcook, (edited )

    @coreyjrowe It really is unsustainable. Heading to the airport tonight and I already know what to expect.

    Transit is one of the top things holding this city and region back - and it is mind-boggling in the face of everyone wondering why the Metro region and the State of struggles on the population front.

    Frustrating, as you know.

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