@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar



Do you use your powers for good or for awesome?

Senior #DevOps Engineer at a major research institution (views/opinions my own) and a severe #Linux and #opensource enthusiast. Also into #retrocomputing, #fountainpens, #Volkswagen, #music, and #cooking. #fedi22

Hoosier currently living in California.

Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.social/vwbusguy
Firefish: https://easymode.im/@vwbusguy

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

vwbusguy, to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

I am pondering the deep mysteries of life today. Like this bottle that has weird fonts and kerning (not pictured) but more awkwardly gives the caffeine content in mg per fl oz, and how it's "16.9" fl oz instead of the normal 20oz, which I assume is the 500ml European standard size, but it still has corn syrup instead of regular sugar. It almost seems like a counterfeit coke?

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Furthermore, it doesn't list where it was bottled. My wife says she bought it at a local CVS 🤔

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

The "smart label" QR code doesn't go to the coca cola website but:


hannah, to random
@hannah@posts.rat.pictures avatar

If you're a software "engineer" then where's your blue and white stripey cap

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@skaverat @hannah Incredibly true

vwbusguy, to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

The Mute feature of Mastodon is truly a wonderful thing.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@ParadeGrotesque Hah! I don't Block very often, and when I do it's generally for people being abusive in some way rather than simply being annoying and/or impolite. People have bad days. I have bad days. Sometimes a bit of time off is plenty enough to do the trick.

vwbusguy, to mastodon
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Mastodon is more than the Gmbh. The fediverse is bigger than Mastodon. There are already popular community server and client forks of Mastodon. The 501c3 board in the US isn't a bad thing. ActivityPub is a w3c governed spec, and there isn't nearly the same level of scrutiny around w3c's board, because it hasn't been an issue. All that to say, I'm not at all concerned about this.

Joseph_of_Earth, to random
@Joseph_of_Earth@fosstodon.org avatar

The friction in migrating out of Google Photos and Drive is real. Especially when you are considering deleting stuff to get back storage.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@Joseph_of_Earth Nextcloud helps a lot with this, but there's still an odd mental reservation to actually deleting stuff on drive for me even though it's mostly stuff I haven't accessed in years and my nextcloud data is very well backed up. I have a semi-annual routine with Google though since I'm not paying for One and I keep living dangerously close to the limit.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@jaiden @Joseph_of_Earth Nextcloud Maps is a thing. For a while, I was also using it for gpx data from my fitness watches to track my walks and bike rides.

vwbusguy, to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Purely speculating: I wonder if it was cheaper for IBM to just buy Hashicorp than for Red Hat to rip Terraform out of the Openshift installers and replace it back with Ansible.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

I further wonder if Terraform, Vault, etc might get merged into AAP?

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Also, just to be clear since this comes up from time to time, I do not and have never worked for IBM nor Red Hat. Do not quote me on this beyond the context of the hot take of some guy on the internet.

vwbusguy, (edited ) to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Doing datetime evals in always makes me a bit sad that 's built in datetime is so janky.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Getting epoch time from exactly six months ago from now is a simple one liner in due to date from coreutils. No pipes, etc, necessary.

date -d"6 months ago" '+%s'

But you can also use printf builtin with bash if you need something more verbose or want to assign a datetime variable directly.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@knu Story time. One place I worked at had a custom php cms. The function in it for getting the current time made a mysql database call to NOW() to get the current time and called that function constantly. I replaced that with the php built in and performance slightly improved.

rfc2549, to random
@rfc2549@fosstodon.org avatar

Passkeys: A shattered dream | Hacker News

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@rfc2549 All the more reason I'm happy @keepassxc exists.

mrcopilot, to random
@mrcopilot@mstdn.social avatar

I'd rather we handwrite & mail letters back and forth.

The mere discussion of competing incompatible free meeting apps implies such larger societal problems than my remaining lifespan has to address even superficially.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@mrcopilot Given how well Twitter Spaces was, I can only imagine what ring of purgatory you have to be in to enjoy a conference call on X.

thomasfuchs, (edited ) to random
@thomasfuchs@hachyderm.io avatar

lol both Mastodon and Bluesky now have Twitter cofounders on their boards and both have blockchain people as well

(Update: here’s the link to announcement of new US-based nonprofit: https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/04/mastodon-forms-new-u.s.-non-profit/)

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@thomasfuchs For better or (often) worse, American capitalism is always ready to step up in lieu of an impossible German bureaucracy.

vwbusguy, to random
@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

I asked ChatGPT and another AI to generate qbsh scripts and even gave it commands like CALC and PIP to incorporate. It clearly had bash in the crunchbang. When I suggested it wasn't qbsh, it apologized, removed that line and told me it was more using correct syntax and not "bash built-ins" and hallucinated qbsh commands that don't exist like GREP. It was pretty hilarious.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

Close to none of this is true whatsoever. It was partly inspired by #Commodore64, but also by CP/M. And while #qbsh does support basic scripting, it is very much not BASIC compatible with any retro BASIC platform.

qbsh won't teach you to program in #BASIC by using it, even though it is #opensource and written in QBASIC, but to that end, qbsh won't teach you how to code in BASIC any more than #bash will teach you to code in C.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

When I asked for example sources for qbsh scripts, it hallucinated a github repo that doesn't exist.

I do have scripting examples in the actual repo.

But ones thing's clear, the is not better than traditional search engines at pointing users towards resources and otherwise reliable information for my projects.


@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@ChasMusic I read somewhere that ocr in screen readers means sight impaired people hear the text twice if you transcript it, so I switched to a more concise way of doing alt text.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@Mirppc There are a few things that I use that are qb64 specific helpers, but it's definitely possible to adapt most of the qbsh code to work with Quick BASIC 4.5 and compile it for DOS.

I don't have time right now, but I definitely have thought about doing a CBASIC port of it for CP/M.

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@Mirppc The buffer path in io.bas would also need changed for DOS (also true for CP/M). Otherwise, most things should actually work.

asmodai, to IBM
@asmodai@mastodon.social avatar

Holy shit.

Unsure what to think of IBM holding two of the most used configuration management/infrastructure as code tools organisations in their portfolio.

So that really only leaves Pulumi as an indepedent player?


@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@asmodai There's also @systeminit

tobyhede, to random
@tobyhede@hachyderm.io avatar

🧙 This is massive
The Future of MySQL is PostgreSQL:
Today, at Postgres Conference 2024, we introduced a PostgreSQL extension we are developing, which enables MySQL applications to run on PostgreSQL without any code changes by supporting the MySQL wire protocol, SQL syntax, and procedural language.
https://nextgres.com/res/20240419-The-Future-of-MySQL-is-Postgres.pdf (edited)

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@tobyhede Will Postgres get Galera support?

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