
Vicious, highly Eclectic Iconoclast, ex-Mensan, Curmudgeon, Malcontent, and Spock's younger human-leaning brother (you wuz warned.)

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Miro_Collas, to Palestine avatar

Gillian Keegan criticises union for ‘inappropriate’ Israel-Palestine motion | Schools | The Guardian

"These proposals will cause significant hurt to members of the Jewish community..."

She clearly cares nothing for the feelings of Palestinians, and those murdered in their thousands. Disgusting!



@Miro_Collas @palestine

<The education secretary said the motion and amendments were “wholly inappropriate and completely ignore the horrific terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on 7 October …>


appassionato, to Israel avatar

Israel has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza, displaced more than 80 percent of the population, destroyed large parts of the territory and imposed a suffocating blockade, bringing the enclave to the verge of famine.

But nearly six months into the war, the United States says it has not determined that Israel has violated international humanitarian law.



@appassionato @palestine

<But nearly six months into the war, the United States says it has not determined that Israel has violated international humanitarian law.>

Seems to me the easy question is then "so we guess the wholesale murders are perfectly legal?"

RickiTarr, to random avatar

Another quiz to take if you're game, this one takes about 5 minutes:



As we see, it's Steak Tartare for you. {laughs}

The mold may be a "girl thing". Guys know that mold is mostly a surface phenomenon, usually not penetrating surfaces. I would not eat, say, fruit skin FROM WHICH mold had been scraped (one never knows if one had got it all), but once that has been removed and the fruit rinsed, the rest should be fine.

On the other hand, any sign the mold had traveled, it's outta there.

One does not risk food poisoning. While food mold is not so often hyper-lethal, mycotoxins are often unrecoverable-from.

People should remember the phrase "even a dog wouldn't eat it."



Then we're in agreement, actually. Bread mold (flavor = taste = smell) tends to travel through bread, with its open architecture, and triggers an avoidant response. I misunderstood the first two mold questions, but had answered them correctly enough.

dgar, to random avatar


You just had to do it, didn't you? You just had to launch off a new division of college studies.

Initially, it's actually profound. Because it's so true: "We" are the ones painting the character in our brains, and how do we know, and how do any two people know how and where their pictures match?

But then we remember, the BOOKS told us what Paul Atreides looked like. One reason why one recognizes that Kyle MacLaughlin was well-cast in the role. Why this 2022 fellow (sorry, not have that grooved yet) is more accurate than Alec Newman.

So now we are returned to to ask how accurately the computer models our imaginations via our language. Let's all go Ph.D. ourselves.


"Dune Surfer", did they write that one?

Crowpine, to random avatar

Is Mastodon censoring Palestinian news? Because I follow every account that post Palestinian news, yet my feed has almost none in it.



There aren't a LOT of people posting about Palestine, that I see. Offhand there is @Shebeencounter

and I post a bit now and then.

If I did not list you [whoever], I apologize -- call out.

I get most of the carnage and noise on X. It blows out all my "empathy VU meters" to the point where I don't repost the blow-by-blows anywhere. I'll post about the UN and countries opposing the crap, and things attacking Israel's and Zionism's existence.


fabio, to Israel avatar


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  • ecsd,

    @fabio @israel @palestine

    All anyone needs do is watch again the clip where Alexei Sayle says this:


    @fabio @israel @palestine

    <A spokesman for the Israel Embassy told The Straits Times that the post had been put up without the necessary approvals and the person responsible has been punished. >

    {laughs} More lies. 1. They put it up deliberately in full hopes it would have the propaganda impact they thought it would. 2. They pretended it was some errant fool who did it, when they were outed. 3. They punished no-one. They just got angry the latest bullshit failed. 4. Note no corrected STATEMENT was issued. For sure not WE WERE LYING, oh no.


    @fabio @israel @palestine

    Sorry, Fabio, but

    <a pariah State in the same bracket as Russia and North Korea - all these nations share the same need for continuous aggression and for rewriting history in order to justify their existence and their present-day violence>

    this is CIA BULLSHIT being parroted directly from mainstream media.

    Neither RU nor NK have made incursions to GAIN TERRITORY. If you open your mouth to say "but Ukraine" then I remind you MINSK: had the West HONORED MINSK, Ukraine would be INTACT by now, but for CRIMEA which VOTED to secede to stop being BOMBED by Ukraine. And what is the LONG LIST OF COUNTRIES NK has attacked? SHOW ME THE """CONTINUOUS AGGRESSION"""???

    You aren't even THINKING about these words and phrases -- you're just repeating them mindlessly.


    ==> The country YOU were thinking of being all militaristic and arrogant IS THE UNITED STATES. See how they've stirred your brains?

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    Some 2 billion tyres are made a year. 78% of microplastics in the ocean come from tyres. Car tyres are made from around 24% synthetic rubber. This “chemical cocktail” of 400 chemicals includes heavy metals like copper, lead and zinc. A reduction of tyre wear particles is as important as reducing exhaust emissions.
    Toxic tyre dust: This source of microplastic pollution could be the worst of all, Euronews Green, 2024



    I am not arguing against the complaint, but I am playing a bit of devil's advocate:

    "That means that every year some 28 septillion of these toxic particles pollute air, soil and water. That’s 28,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000."

    Sound like a lot, doesn't it, but let's take a closer look. The NUMBER is 28 * 10^24, but Avogadro's number (MOL) = .6022 * 10^24, so we have 28/.6022 = 46.49 MOL, and as we recall, 18 grams of WATER yields 1 MOL worth of atoms. ONE TEASPOONFUL.

    That means that every YEAR, some 47 TEASPOONSFULS worth of these toxic particles pollute ... so now it's not nearly as scary. The FACTOR is of course how big the rubber particles are compared to atoms of H2O.

    Moral of the story is, don't try to impress us with big numbers. We were already impressed by how dirty the shit is.


    @wav3ydave @osma @gerrymcgovern

    See the word "FACTOR" in what I wrote.

    If you want to impress people, you don't count "the number of particles". You indicate THE NUMBER OF TONS.

    I was living in Daytona Beach years back. That's on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and you might have thought the air was clean. In the mornings when there was dew, you could wipe a paper towel on your car windshield and come away with CARBON GRIT. Where was that from? TRUCKS and SHIPS. And that was in the 1970s, so we were fucked even then.

    ecsd, to random

    @violetmadder -- you're not keeping up!

    lefthand image the latest.
    immaculate logic for voting 3rd party.

    West has lost his footing and nobody knows who Claudia De La Cruz is. Stein's skids are already greased. No need to mention the three Zionist candidates (more than I just did.)




    I suggested the three "others" merge campaigns in some sense, and support the front candidate. I lost interest in West when he seemed to lose direction and after black commentators started panning him for selling out, Navalny. Daou's shitty marketing had me leave, so I have no idea what's going on with West now. Stein has the history and name recognition. With all four of those people banging the same PROGRESS images, it should be interesting.

    It really is a "risk-free" election for Americans to dump the duopoly. I don't blame Republican voters for hating the shit out of the Democrats -- as //corrupt// as they are. Hating rainbows is always fucked. But I don't believe they are all that happy with Trump either.

    How hard can it god-damned be to get Americans excited about dumping both corrupt parties? Just keep the checks coming is their bottom line. Whacking Russians (D) and Whacking trans people (R) is not all that interesting, TRUTH BE TOLD.

    Below, it's all Stein now.

    oatmeal, to Israel

    should end up in The Hague, with Netanyahu, Biden and the rest

    By amplifying ZAKA's unsubstantiated claims without corroborating evidence from impartial sources, Blinken tacitly lent credibility to an infamously unreliable organization. However, Blinken's and others' willingness to broadcast selectively curated information aligns the U.S. stance with Israeli propaganda efforts to reframe defensive Palestinian resistance as unwarranted aggression. Blinken's actions normalized the marginalization of Palestinian perspectives and enabled the systemic information asymmetry that nurtures the cyclical perpetuation of the Israeli occupation's oppressive status quo in Gaza, which is reaching its worst possible conclusion right before our eyes.

    Bassem: THEY LIED . THEY LIED . THEY STILL DO. They lied so the world can accept the atrocities they are doing now . They lied . Their media said they lied . And the western media didn’t even bother reporting on that . Shame on you @cnn @bbcnews @skynews @msnbc @foxnews @france24 @dwnews

    H/t @ridicol

    See also:

    The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé



    oatmeal, to Canada

    🇨🇦 / Parliament to vote on motion backing Palestinian 🇵🇸 statehood

    […] Canadian legislators are due on Monday to vote on a non-binding motion backing Palestinian statehood that has drawn condemnation from and that could deepen splits inside the ruling Liberal Party.

    […] "Justin Trudeau could take bold steps for peace and justice, but he doesn't have the courage. That's why we brought a motion to force the Liberal government to finally help end this bloodshed," NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said in a statement, saying Palestinians and Israelis both deserve to live in peace.

    […] The motion calls on Canada to "officially recognize the State of Palestine" - a step that no member of the Group of Seven industrialised nations has taken - and suspend all trade in military goods and technology with Israel.



    @oatmeal @israel @palestine

    ""It is regrettable that the Canadian government is taking a step that undermines Israel's right to self-defense against the murderers of Hamas ..."

    Israel has no right to "self-defense", while Hamas was entitled to defend itself against Israeli occupation. If Israel wants to quibble whether Hamas committed war crimes on Oct 7, they can do so if they're willing to discuss all their own war crimes as well.


    secbox, to Neoliberal

    While planning on begrudgingly casting a ballot for Biden this year, it's wild to see so many takes saying, "Yeah, is bad, but OTHER THAN THAT..." as if that's something you can gloss over. That's some real BS.

    And it's not even like Biden will do anything meaningful on the either, the other greatest threat facing our world. His continued subsidies of and giving passes to mega carbon emitters over the past four years is proof of that.

    And don't give me BS about, "bUt He'Ll sTaBIlIzE DeMoCraCy!!!" The previous administration showed where the holes in the US government system were and where safeguards should have been deployed. Instead of working to install those safeguards, he chose to use them as a bargaining chip for a second term.

    Improvements to The Economy(TM) and employment numbers means shit when people have to work 2 or 3 jobs to keep their families off the street.

    I urge all who can to vote for Biden in the hopes that the administration stabilizes the broken country long enough for the next generation, whom we have SORELY wronged, to present a new generation of truly leaders and hope that another term doesn't further entrench the "conservative-lite." I equally urge you to hold him accountable for his misdeeds.



    <While planning on begrudgingly casting a ballot for Biden this year>

    Then just don't.

    <his administration will just continue to suck but [nonsense] and so I exhort people to just vote Biden anyway>

    So, JUST DON'T vote for Biden. "Shit" will happen anyway but your conscience will be clear.


    Really: if you confess you have to "turn up your nose" to "get past voting for Biden", "hold your nose" and vote OTHER as if you actually had a choice (since you do) and if we all did that, we'd be free.

    As I say: don't complain to me which wretched scum GETS elected because you-all voted for one wretched scum or another; I voted for a GOOD person; my choice cannot have hurt anyone. YOURS did.

    Figure it out beforehand and vote OTHER.




    <The difference is that, under one, the country won't turn into a dictatorship.>

    {laughs} You have LESS THAN no evidence to back that up. That is an assertion out of a VACUUM, or worse, assisted by totally ignoring the news. [thus it's easy to predict it's an attitude dispensed by the MSM.]

    The Democrats have a persistent erection wishing to control the flow of information in our country. I suggest you have allowed yourself to be misled by the difference in APPROACH between the two parties, but the net result will be the same. Corporate Fascism.

    I don't know what the name is for your point of view. It clings to the notion that there is some "rescue" pending from within the Democratic Party, "if only we can overcome the right-wing of the party." Quickly: No, you can't, WHY? People keep VOTING for the "right wing of the party", because the only people supported to get elected are those who've in advance sworn loyalty to the right wing of the party. The one-second test: I ask you to think, for ONE SECOND, of THAT ANTIWAR CANDIDATE the Democrat party has ADVANCED to gain public favor. You CAN'T. There IS NO SUCH PERSON. You keep believing there are "two parties", as if EITHER party is going to confront the PLUTOCRATS.

    I invite you to simply IGNORE their warnings about Trump's "imminent dictatorship"; REMEMBER that we live in an information-totalitarian state and that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA are organized to present consistent system-desired outcomes.

    It makes MORE sense to believe that Trump is an AGENT of this system, whose role is to BE that bogeyman, the monster in the closet. NEED I REMIND YOU they said ALL THE SAME THINGS about Trump prior to 2016. What has Donald Trump been doing in the near meantime? Ramping up his MONSTER IN THE CLOSET routine. I'd bet a dime he practices in front of a mirror.

    The only way out of an infinite LOOP is to BREAK THE LOOP. The ONLY people who are RESCUING US in ANY WAY are those who REFUSE TO PERPETUATE THE SYSTEM. So what does THE SYSTEM tell us about doing that?

    WAIT FOUR MORE YEARS. DON'T ROCK THE APPLE CART. SOMEBODY (WE DON'T KNOW WHO) WILL RESCUE YOU OVER THE RAINBOW. Forget that we demand you capitulate AGAIN to "THIS election" in hopes that the election which (may) come in ANOTHER four years will be "THE" magic moment people will FINALLY act.

    No: your PROVE your intent by saying NO, NOW, by saying NO MORE VOTES FOR ZIONIST-supporting candidates EVER AGAIN, that avenue is DEAD BECAUSE WE BOYCOTT IT, WE DON'T WANT SERVANTS OF THE PLUTOCRACY FROM EITHER PARTY and we certainly don't entertain "shit will be fixed at the end of the rainbow" rhetoric.


    Sorry, "WAIT FOUR ///MORE/// YEARS" is WHAT WE HEAR EVERY FOUR MORE YEARS. The future belongs to those who WORK TO ACHIEVE IT.


    Is the nation prepared for a GENERAL STRIKE? No, because it hasn't been ORGANIZED yet and we don't know what we would be demanding, our list of dire needs is so great. What we see is that STOPPING GENOCIDE is a great motivator.

    What people need to be led to see is that our malaise is all of a piece. Can we organize around ONE PRINCIPLE? I think so, I think easily so:

    GET RID OF THE TYRANNY OF MONEY, starting with eliminating the "owning class". Bezos, et. al., do not deserve POWER and EVERYONE KNOWS THIS, so I suggest that's the first thing to stop: the subservience to money, subservience to the rich.

    Step One, in any case, is JAM THOSE who keep you in thrall.

    There is no "threat of dictatorship" UNLESS YOU BELIEVE IT. The answer to that "threat" is: "It's all BULLSHIT. We're AMERICANS and we don't submit to totalitarian-ANYONE." I.e. Just Say No.

    Otherwise, any one man with a gun runs your country BECAUSE YOU LET HIM.

    "Trump says." WHO GIVES A SHIT WHAT TRUMP SAYS? Like that. He's a dictator only in his VERY SMALL MIND, because NOT ONE OTHER AMERICAN WILL SUPPORT HIM TO BE HITLER II. Or they are TO BE KILLED as well!! {laughs}


    I'll say again: they've caught you with the "dire emergency" bullshit -- that they whip out like clockwork EVERY FOUR YEARS.

    One beats that crap by IGNORING it.

    If we have to have a SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION then fuck it, being it on. The people who risked life and property circa 1775 are not other than we. But this time, the new Constitution won't enshrine property ownership.


    Just be self-consistent: if you really want OTHER then VOTE OTHER. Anything else is just an excuse for surrender.




    My counterargument was "we've been there and done that" more than once and failed. ['retreat and regroup.']

    If you do not one day embark on a different path, you will never reach a new destination. The time for Waiting is long past us by now.

    I did read your post. I just disagree. I invite you to prove with anything approching mathematical/logical precision that "IF Trump is elected, THEN we will get a dictatorship." I TOLD you that THAT is a FEAR they are abusing us with and that a bit of reflection is enough to dispel it.

    We're in this new society and a cop hands you a gun and tells you "shoot this person standing next to you or we will shoot you next." Do you comply? We would call people who refused "heroes". Are we no longer capable of Heroism?

    If, if Trump gets elected and declares a dictatorship, nobody stands up and says aloud "well fuck that and fuck you", then Trump deserves to be a dictator [then WE don't deserve to be rescued.]

    I don't have any friends or family. I'm one of those people who can be looked to for action because I cannot be bribed AGAINST it by threats to anyone else but me. Also, at my age and in my state of health and the fact that I am not yet and cannot foresee living on a Caribbean beach sipping Pina Coladas for 'the rest of my life' I do not have that much to lose to risk fighting for the rest of us - the rest of you. I can think of worse ways to go than having picked up a gun or other weapon to confront any next jack-booted thug() demanding I express my devotion to Lord Trump.
    ) including Lord Trump himself.


    So in the end, the only people who will INDEED sacrifice the rest of us to totalitarianism, when the choice to vote OTHER is plainly on the table, are those who tell us



    ONLY "One of two people will be president in 2024."

    Because IF you voted other -- if we ALL voted OTHER -- we would get OTHER. The only """CHOICE""" you've given us is to vote for ONE OF TWO PARTIES WHO WILL DELIVER US INTO FASCISM IF WE LET THEM.

    [The Democrats BTW eagerly sue to keep third parties off the ballot. Not Totalitarian?]

    "I'll cast my vote for the one that will allow a 2028 election." That will be JILL STEIN, CLAUDIA DE LA CRUZ, or perhaps CORNEL WEST.

    I'll put it another and more urgently topical way: I'm NOT going to vote for ANYONE who supports Israel, and FOR FUCK'S SAKE, NOT ANYONE WHO HAS SO FAR OVERSEEN AND ENDORSED THE GENOCIDE OF 40,000 PEOPLE.



    appassionato, to KindActions avatar

    @appassionato @palestine

    Forgive it being 'occult', but if one casts the horoscope for the United States, America is a Cancer with Gemini rising. I've dabbled in astrology, and I know Gemini to be sociopathically cruel. Cancer is Mother, Family. So you have

    A sociopathically cruel mother

    Interesting coincidence, yes?

    ecsd, to random
    ned, to random

    "It’s patently unconstitutional because the Constitution prohibits public officials from discriminating against members of the public based on their personal beliefs. Government officials can’t target people based on who they are."

    • Camilla Taylor, deputy legal director of litigation for Lambda Legal

    StillIRise1963, to random avatar

    "Think about that: SB1249 would put a prescription pad in the hands of psychologists who have no formal science background, have never taken a science-based medical entrance exam like the MCAT, have never sat for the medical boards and have never done a residency or robust clinical training program treating patients that is equal to a physician, NP or PA. Full stop."

    The end of expertise is a real thing.



    Psychiatrists prescribe meds. Psychologists aren't MDs and thus are not permitted to.



    I didn't read the article and I didn't see your prior post that the topic was in contention. I simply related what I knew, and SFAIK it is still the case. As in the UK, they can claim junior doctors can do anything regular doctors can do, but you can't build a rocket if you're not a rocket scientist. So either the article agreed, or it was about stupid human tricks of the age (everyone is an expert on everything now.)



    True or false: up to some point in time (or forever), it required an MD (degree) to prescribe drugs to psychiatric patients?

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