@foone@digipres.club avatar



Hardware / software necromancer, collector of Weird Stuff, maker of Death Generators. (she/they🏳️‍⚧️)

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foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

So I've got a VCR that I can control over serial. If I got a second one, I could stick tapes into them and cross-wire them so that each plays into the other.
I could then set up a program to record from tape 1 onto tape 2, then back from tape 2 to tape 1.
Attach a capture device and I can get video files of each generation.

Then we just watch the generational loss compound.

1000millimeter, to random German
@1000millimeter@chaos.social avatar
@foone@digipres.club avatar

@1000millimeter @tubetime oh yeah I've heard of that! Never gotten the money together to get one.

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

A car stopped in front of a green light and blocked me from continuing, as it was trying to pick up some riders and had completely failed to get out of the lane.

I would have blown my horn at the driver to get them to get the fuck out of the road, but there wasn't one. The car was driverless.

The future is stupid.

NanoRaptor, to random
@NanoRaptor@bitbang.social avatar

Macintosh PowerFriend.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@NanoRaptor I love how often you post something you just made up and my reaction is "If this existed, I would own three and one of them would almost work"

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I just tried to order a pizza and it wanted my credit card expiration date, so I entered "05/28" (example date only)

it then came back with a "your card is expired" error. Uh, no it isn't? that date is still several years in the future.

did... did this site just take my date and assume I mean May of the year AD 28? That is indeed very expired! that's what I get for trying to use Jesus's card.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@ComradeGibbon probably! I just use Everquest as God intended.

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I wonder if anyone has proposed a PNG/EXIF extension to let you embed an image description in an image file. It'd live with the image so as you upload it to different sites, the description stays with it

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@cliffordheath that'd be cool!

cr1901, to random
@cr1901@mastodon.social avatar

#lazyweb I need a used-working NVMe SSD (2280). Anyone have an one they'd be willing to part with for the cost of shipping (plus a convenience fee)? 1TB preferred, but I'm fine with any size.

I'm looking to do all this under $15.

It's fine if it's used because I want to test if my 2017 desktop supports NVMe (and the answer seems to be... possibly... not even Acer seems to be sure).

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@cr1901 I believe I have a spare one back at home but I'll have to check. Could you send me a DM sometime over the weekend to remind me to check it, if no one else is able to give you one?

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@cr1901 cool, that's great to hear! I'm glad it got used

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

the world needs more recreational programming.
like, was this the most optimal or elegant way to code this?

no, but it was the most fun to write.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

cause like, yeah, it's good to know how to write optimal code and how to make it elegant and easy to maintain, sure!

but one thing you have to maintain is your brain. If you're constantly driving your programming brain at maximum speed, maximum awareness of all possible caveats and vulnerabilities, always considering "how will I maintain this code in ten years time?" you're going to burn yourself out.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

You're associating programming with a high-stress high-attention activity. That's going to make programming something that's categorized in your brain as no fun, never relaxing, never something you do just cause it would be interesting... you're going to start dreading it, even just a little. "oh well, let's get this over with."

That's not a good way to think about it in the long run.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

we often say that programming is more an art than a science, but we need to treat it like one too.

Sometimes you need to paint a sunset not because someone paid you to paint a sunset, but because it'd be fun to paint a sunset.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

we need a bob ross of programming

@foone@digipres.club avatar

PBS's The Joy Of Programming

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@dragonarchitect yeah that's the kind of feature you used to see a lot more of in games and such back in the day.

I think Kris Asick of Ancient DOS Games talked about this once, saying some feature feels like it's just there because the programmer thought it would be fun to add.

Like, is the script complete enough without this? Yeah. Does it really need this? Nope. Did it scratch a fun itch to add it? You bet!

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@wolf480pl yeah, but thrilling things are fun because they're done for fun. Your boss isn't making you skydive, usually

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@therieau yeah it's the kind of thing the BBC would do in the 80s

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know, in the 80s people often said things like "in 40 years, everything will have computers in them", and while they weren't wrong, they severely underestimated the situation.
Our computers have computers in them. Those smaller computers often have even smaller computers inside them.

We didn't get a "everything is a computer" future, we got a future with fractal computers. The fuckers have metastasized

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@rasteri I've joked before that the fundamental logic gates (of which all computers are built) are AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and 8051

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know,

@foone@digipres.club avatar

I wondered where this draft went

jk, to random
@jk@mastodon.social avatar

late-90s computer peripherals are all like. appears as a normal 3-button mouse. but the buttons have different icons on them resembling a globe, a star, and an arrow. when you press the left mouse button, instead of clicking, it types the string "www.website" into your computer. pressing the middle button opens the AOL signup page. when you press the right mouse button, it opens up realplayer, and, after 45 seconds of loading, plays a short low-res video of a guy yelling "i'm surfing the web!"

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@nicksilkey @jk I'm gonna have to make that mouse

foone, to random
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I just have to say: Mastodon is better than twitter or X or bluesky or whatever.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

@lukeshu okay so:
The cool crab is a bit of clipart from Print Shop Deluxe. It's just an amusing image. The youtuber Lazy Game Reviews has featured it in several videos, and I've also adopted it as a sort of mascot.

There's really not any sort of meaning behind it. It's just a bit of funny clipart someone at Broderbund someone drew back in 1993

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