@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar



Code, media, and systems with a focus on ethics, simplicity and sustainability. Occasional libre graphics steward in vienna. Illustration scholar. Nightclub pianist without nightclub. he/him.

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freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

State of video on the web, May 2024 (according to caniuse.com data):

H.264: Safe bet, works everywhere

VP9: Now supported in all browsers (!) since this march. It's royalty-free and significantly more efficient than H.264, therefore as soon as unsupported Safari browsers drop away this could be another safe bet around 2025 possibly.

HEVC/H.265: Not royalty-free, not well supported, pragmatically speaking this one might remain a footnote in web video history because ...

AV1: Already great support everywhere, except, you guessed it, Safari. Also royalty-free and again significantly more efficient than everything that came before (including VP9 and HEVC/H.265). If Apple decides to add software decoding in Safari anytime soon, this might find ubiquituous support everywhere in the next years.

freebliss, to random German
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Wirtschaftskammer Wien erfragt in ihrer aktuellen Unternehmerumfrage: "Sind Sie für oder gegen den Bau des Lobautunnels?". Hm, wo genau liegt nochmal die Relevanz und Kompetenz in dieser Frage bei der WKW? Braucht man jetzt wieder wirtschaftliche Laienmeinungen zur Verkehrsplanung weil einem die wissenschaftlichen Verkehrs- und Umweltgutachten nicht schmecken? Seufz.

gwil, to random
@gwil@post.lurk.org avatar

The Willow Sideloading protocol is a new protocol for securely delivering Willow data by whatever means possible. USB keys, email attachments, torrents, and other ad-hoc means make a “sidenet” we can use to deliver eventually consistent data using the infrastructure users already have.


@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@gwil willow sounds really cool (and now even more so)! I read through some of the documentation previously and am tentatively pondering to build something on top of it in the future :)

whiteVHS, to random
@whiteVHS@fosstodon.org avatar

new song is out (only on my page)


some mariokart DS sample, drum and bass madting

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@whiteVHS rad stuff, love it!

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Hey and generative arts crowd o/ there's something happening in Ljubljana next week - May 28/Tuesday to June 2/Sunday: Adela 2024 International Festival of Generative Arts https://wiki.ljudmila.org/Adela_(en) :laptop: :hacker_y: :hacker_e: :hacker_s:

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Words of reason from the ICC. May they ring loud above the rash cries coming out of international politics right now.

"Let us today be clear on one core issue: if we do not demonstrate our willingness to apply the law equally, if it is seen as being applied selectively, we will be creating the conditions for its collapse. In doing so, we will be loosening the remaining bonds that hold us together, the stabilising connections between all communities and individuals, the safety net to which all victims look in times of suffering. This is the true risk we face in this moment.

Now, more than ever, we must collectively demonstrate that international humanitarian law, the foundational baseline for human conduct during conflict, applies to all individuals and applies equally across the situations addressed by my Office and the Court. This is how we will prove, tangibly, that the lives of all human beings have equal value."


sknob, to random
@sknob@mamot.fr avatar


songs have gone live on https://fedivision.party!

You have until Sunday, May 26th, 19:00 UTC to listen and vote for up to 3 of the 72 entries 😅.

Each song has a 4 letter code, and you can vote by sending “vote XXXX YYYY ZZZZ” to the @vote bot account.

And should you want to VOTE FOR ME 😇, vote RUGG (for “rugged scrublands”, that’s right).

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@sknob accidentally read that as "and you should want to vote for me" hahaha :unwanted_ok:

lislegaard, to random
@lislegaard@sonomu.club avatar

today i am among other things thinking about how much i am looking forward to trying out the hyper 8 video system!



@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@lislegaard !! yayyy \o/ working hard on it! :)

poiseunderchaos, to random
@poiseunderchaos@sonomu.club avatar

Video and 3D post-production folks:

If someone wanted to make or purchase a video workstation for post-production work (video effects in particular, possibly 3D work as part of that general workflow) on Linux, is that still a viable thing at present? It seems like it's iffy, but entirely because of OS and driver support problems.

cc: @freebliss

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@poiseunderchaos I'm not really up to speed on any of this, but I suppose these days it should be relatively painless to put something well supported together? Not buying nvidia probably gets one there 80% of the way haha.

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@poiseunderchaos Afaik they're opensourcing their drivers these days? Maybe they're still bad, but at least there's leverage for improvement haha. ;)

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Within the last few months I came back to blender for a few simple modeling/graphics experiments on a few occasions, but each time gave up because either of the two computers I actively use (a high-spec thinkpad from 2011 and a low-spec macbook air from 2016) didn't provide usable performance in the viewport, one way or another. I've given up on any such experiments on the macbook altogether (the hardware just isn't very capable and everything's soldered on in typical apple style planned obsolescence), but had hopes for the thinkpad, knowing that it was really just a driver problem, while the hardware was really capable. Now after spending a few hours trying to find some distro that offers legacy nvidia 390 driver and optimus support, it seems pretty clear that nvidia has killed this line of graphics cards by driver discontinuation end of 2022 and any attainable solution is probably going to be a time-intensive, unreliable hack with built-in rapid decay in one way or another.

It's bizarre how this society just throws away good things like that. ┐(シ)┌

RobertaFidora, to fediverse
@RobertaFidora@mastodon.social avatar

I've asked this before and don't think there was as much up and running at that point, but are there any great existing platforms for hosting (and related puppet vids) that also give the option to embed privately or "unlisted"?

I currently pay a Vimeo subscription to have no ads and privacy settings on certain playlists, but I'd prefer to put those funds into more recording time and the videos themselves. Any suggestions? 🙃

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@RobertaFidora I am working on a project that is going to cover your usecase very well - in fact already is perfectly able to cover it, but for the time being only with a number of gotchas (reason being that the first beta release is only happening this month :)). Maybe keep it bookmarked if you find it generally interesting, in about a year from now it might just be in a state where it comes without any gotchas, if things work out the way I envision :) https://simonrepp.com/hyper8

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@LucaManciniDrummer to leave a late note here: Space (on the server) can be an issue, it's in one own's hands though (full control over video resolution, encoding quality etc.) and it also depends a lot on the video formats (music video vs. feature films ;)) and the provider (some offer (fair-use) unlimited disk storage at quite reasonable prices). Processing power is only of some relevance on the authoring computer (normally not the server) as all encoding happens before deployment anyway. If that computer happens to be specifically slow, more patience is required during encoding, but that's all. :) Well noted on the upload guide part @RobertaFidora, this is indeed something I want to put extra focus on in the long run :) (also for faircamp). It's not an easy endeavour as there are so many unpredictable factors for any given user, but it's super important nonetheless!

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

My new favorite quote from the ffmpeg H.264 video encoding guide: «Use the slowest preset that you have patience for.» (so pretty much "We should really all be using -veryslow ... but we know just how infuriatingly slow it is." xD)

limebar, to random
@limebar@mastodon.social avatar

Just in time for I got my site setup! Huzzah!


Another option if you prefer to support artists a little more pseudo-directly.

It is hot off the press so please let me know of any issues you have.

Thanks for the support! This is made possible entirely by the purchases made in the last few months -- to pay for hosting for the next year!

Was so very easy to do, thanks to @freebliss for Faircamp!

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@limebar yay very cool! Added to the featured sites on the faircamp website!

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar
thisismissem, to random
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

@freebliss there's a bunch of RSS to Mastodon or ActivityPub projects here: https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-activitypub-development/

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@thisismissem yay thanks for sharing!

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@thisismissem It's an interesting idea, making a mental note for myself!

freebliss, (edited ) to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

New release 0.14.0

Notable changes¹: Introducing "Unlisted Releases"² (only visible to those given the private link), Polish translations (thanks Damian Szetela!), Option to disable waveforms³, Prevent almost all layout shifts during page load (thank you @fennifith!), Prevent search engine crawling of non-public pages (thanks @dried for the intel!), More efficient image resizing algorithm and ~25% faster pure-rust image processing, Text direction automatically set based on language

Debian/Arch packages are out already, macOS brew update as well!

In related news, since a few days it's possible to financially support my work on faircamp via Ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/simonrepp) and Liberapay (https://liberapay.com/simonrepp), thanks to everyone who nudged this and those who already donated now and before - much appreciated!

Featured image: Poise Under Chaos's Faircamp (https://faircamp.artweirdomedia.net/ and on the fediverse @poiseunderchaos)

¹ Full changelog: https://codeberg.org/simonrepp/faircamp/src/branch/main/CHANGELOG.md

² Unlisted releases documented at https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/releases.html

³ Disable waveforms documented at https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/manual/theme.html

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@LucaManciniDrummer @fennifith @dried @poiseunderchaos Faircamp update depends on your means of installation but in general just "installing over" the previous version (i.e. no need to uninstall anything). Same for webpage deployment - technically nothing can break if you just "deploy over" what is there (drag and drop via ftp e.g.), but some unused files may remain that consume storage or remain accessible without you wanting that. If you use some syncing protocol like rsync with a --delete flag that also ensures nothing unwanted is there after deploying. If you just use manual ftp without any syncing features in the client, then wiping before redeploying is the cleanest approach. Hope that makes sense (otherwise do let me know :)). Cheers and thanks for the kind words!

poemproducer, to random
@poemproducer@systerserver.town avatar

extrem liebevolles portrait meiner Arbeit in deutsch 😭 von Karl Ludwig im Sommer 2023 aufgenommen und produziert... coole trackauswahl auch spannt mehr also 20 Jahre <3

AGF - "Hören, nochmal Hören" - Die Vokal- und Wortkomponistin Antye Greie-Ripatti


@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

@poemproducer "Damn was kann die mit ihren händen machen!" :D Feines Portrait in der Tat, war spannend zu hören!

freebliss, to random
@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Introducing ...

The Hyper 8 Video System.


Yaaaaaayyyyyyy ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Frequently mocked for its absence in (even mature) applications, but can't happen here anymore ^^ ... behold one of the most annoying dropdown menus I ever implemented: Interface language change at runtime in . \\o///

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Development of the Hyper 8 Video System is actually bootstrapped onto a video publishing project (we're getting a first version of the https://derive.at video archive online, independent from big tech \o/). This week I picked up the first batch of release-ready footage and started using itself for transcoding the final files, so I'm now also iterating on the usability of that whole workflow.

Most recent additions are a more useful dashboard for tracking the background encoding jobs, webm support and overall more robust video metadata handling, and just today I added frame rate parsing and encoding settings (because I needed to convert from 60 to 30 fps).

Next on that front I want to attempt a proof of concept for providing some kind of continuous feedback from the encoding jobs, i.e. just plain redirecting some of ffmpeg's stdout/stderr to the editor - no promises yet though, need to do some exploratory coding first. :D

Official beta release is coming up in ... checks notes ... less than four weeks now! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

Hyper 8 now provides interactive feedback on encoding progress and estimated time remaining \o/ (went from exploratory coding for getting the data from the ffmpeg child process all the way to a polished UI integration today, yay!). I also learnt that ffmpeg offers a -progress option for sending progress data to an arbitrary url, which is pretty rad (although I didn't use that in the end). <25 days to beta! ʕ◜0ᴥ0ʔ

Close crop of a menu, notably on the left there is an orange-colored button that has a processor icon, a left-side text that says 10%, and a right-side text that says -1:07:08 (that is, it's counting down the time)

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

I began versioning today so release procedures for the upcoming beta can be put in place. If you're on Debian or Ubuntu, a first alpha release package (0.12.0) is available now at https://simonrepp.com/hyper8/docs/installation.html

Before you go wild with it, mind the alpha version fine print: "Hyper 8's browser interface performs destructive file operations on your behalf and pending wider testing the program should be handled with caution, on a well back-upped system." With that in mind, have fun! :)

@freebliss@post.lurk.org avatar

And now there's a hyper8 arch/aur package as well \o/ https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hyper8

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